Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1023: World Speaker, Quick Inheritance

The battle between the two sides lasted less than ten minutes.

Zong Shen suffered the most casualties among soldiers since his arrival.

But this is normal. There are too many opponents. Thousands of lords plus the warriors they bring, the total number is four to five million.

Moreover, this portal enclosure is just an enclave that has just been built, not the main territory area.

You must know that any defense will have a saturation limit.

To put it bluntly, in the absence of high-power and large-scale group attacks, even if Zong Shen faced four to five million fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered, he would have to kill them for a while, let alone thousands of pigs. A lord with ulterior motives.

Furthermore, even if more than 95% of the hundreds of thousands of warriors are warriors below the third level, the remaining 5% of middle- and high-level warriors can total tens of thousands.

This is still a conservative estimate made by Zong Shen in a short period of time. Judging from the intensity of the counterattack just now, the real data should be much higher than what he estimated.

Therefore, Zong Shen destroyed more than 300 defense towers and more than a thousand soldiers in exchange for this round of victory, which was considered a bloody gain.

If you think about it carefully, he was able to win not only because his own side's average individual strength was superior, but also because the opponent's large group of people in Urala had a numerical advantage but fought separately, unable to form a powerful offensive. ,

Even if Zong Shen expands further, he can still see the situation clearly.

Of course, if he was determined to fight to the death, there would be no problem in annihilating this wave of lords, but that would not be in line with the strategy.

The situation on the field is different from that of the defensive challenge. Although it is less against many, the situation is far different.

First of all, in the defensive challenge, Zong Shen has a territory as big as an iron barrel, and a [Red Gold Barrier Shield] with a solid value of up to 10 million points to protect the overall situation. The enemies are also divided into four forces, and they are dozens of kilometers away from the territory. In the buffer area, he can use powerful means of destruction unscrupulously.

As for the current situation on site, it is completely different. The temporary position lacks buildings and shields for global protection.

Hundreds of thousands of people attack simultaneously, even if the proportion of long-range warriors is only one-third, the attack frequency is 100,000~150,000+ per wave.

Faced with such a high-density attack, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will not be able to resist without injury.

Therefore, in this hasty battle, both sides were in a hurry. The other side lacked strong tactical command, and our own side did not have a stable defensive position.

Coupled with the small battlefield area, if he uses [Arcane Crystal Shards], it will inevitably affect the enclosure.

As for other card-level methods, to be honest, it's not worth wasting them here.

Most of the trump cards in his hand can easily reverse the situation, but the value of each trump card cannot be compared to thousands or even tens of thousands of soldiers.

When sacrifices are inevitable, choosing the lesser option is a wise choice.

In any case, overall, this wave has been a profitable game, and the outcome will be unpredictable if it continues.

Zong Shen aspires to become an overlord, but he does not want to be the most thorny and villain among the lords, let alone encounter resistance from all the lords.

This is why he specifically told Mariel before the war started to retreat to the territory immediately if something went wrong.

The reason why he chose to take action was more to further establish his authority.

Previously, most of his majesty came from banner announcements triggered by various challenges and events.

Most lords lack a true understanding of his strength.

Only the notoriety gained from killing can deter Xiao Xiao.

Therefore, he had to kill this wave!

If left unchecked, there are only two subsequent choices and outcomes.

The first is when Zong Shen insists and refuses to give in, and the other party launches an attack and swarms over him.

The second is that Zong Shen gives in and re-encloses the swallowed portal before spitting it out.

In addition, as time goes by, more and more lords will rush here to investigate the situation, so Zong Shen must make a name for himself to avoid a second or third wave in the future!

In this round, he focused on killing the thorny ones among hundreds of lords, and even asked Little Heizi to capture Stephen York alive, in order to kill the evil leader and spread his reputation.

I would rather be a big devil that everyone fears, than a weak and bullied virgin face.

Zong Shen maintained his fierce demon form, and the purple wings behind him slowly flapped.

If he hadn't taken into account the portal enclosure and his own casualties, it would have been only a matter of time before he killed everyone present.

Most of the remaining lords at the scene chose to surrender, while a small number simply fled.

He did not pursue him. In fact, in just a short while, his image as a great devil was recorded using the picture taking function in [Channel] and sent to the [World Channel] and the [Regional Channel] he belonged to.

In just over ten minutes, Zong Shen killed nearly 150,000 people. Who would dare to believe it?

There were thick plasma and body fluids everywhere, as well as broken limbs.

The strong smell of blood and entrails emanated, making this place look like a slaughterhouse.

Before the demonic state ended, Zong Shen flew everywhere with Xiao Heizi, asking all the lords to put down their weapons and walk into the enclosure, otherwise they would be killed without mercy.

And he can accurately locate the location of each lord. Under such circumstances, these lords can only obey orders.

They walked into the portal enclosure alone and were immediately surrounded by the surviving wolf cavalry. They were tied up with hemp rope and placed under centralized surveillance.

Although there are still two to three hundred thousand warriors in Urala outside, these lords are the core.

All the accompanying soldiers must obey the orders of their respective lords. As long as Zong Shen temporarily controls these lords, the soldiers outside will have nothing to fear!

After all, it is still very difficult to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a short period of time, but it is relatively easy to kill only two or three thousand people.

When Zong Shen's demon state ended, the territory also had more than 3,000 lord captives.

And his evil reputation also began to spread among the lords, and the image of the demon incarnation and the photos of the killings at the scene were also quickly circulated in various regional [channels] and [world channels].

A good reputation never goes out, but a bad reputation spreads thousands of miles. The spread of fame this time is more efficient than previous banners. Everyone took this opportunity to see Zong Shen's lethality more intuitively!

As long as the deterrent force is strong enough, no one will dare to take risks easily.

Of course, he also has to make a name for himself in time and announce a suitable plan to declare that he does not exclusively occupy this place. Other lords can obtain the right to hunt monsters by paying certain resources and dinars, and Zong Shen and his territories will provide Certain logistical support, medical support and other services.

In this way, he will not arouse the hostility of the whole people.

As long as there is a reasonable plan, the accumulated malice of the lord can be greatly vented.

Paying money to fight monsters is much better than not having to fight them at all.

It took more than half an hour, and all the lords who declared their surrender became Zong Shen's prisoners.

Not many lords escaped, and they were no longer in trouble. They retreated more than ten kilometers away, constantly telling the newly arrived lords about Zong Shen's cruelty and terror.

Zong Shen could finally breathe a little relieved.

And at this time, Colby, the second legendary strongman in the territory, finally arrived.

He went directly through the transmission channel of the directional transmission tower and led more wolf cavalry to support.

At present, the [Desolate Wolf Tribe Heritage Base Camp (Special)] in the territory has also been completed.

Even if there is no recruitment roll in the future, you can still get a steady stream of Wild Wolf Clan warriors.

He fell back to the ground, letting Xiao Heizi, Yingjiang, and Feihu hover in the sky to stay alert.

All the injured were sent back to the territory to receive treatment from the Holy Light Priest team and the [Gift Treatment Center (Special)].

Now the territory also has a series of complete treatment mechanisms.

Leave broken limbs or major body injuries to the [Gift Treatment Center (Special)] for recovery with the help of strong healing effects.

For minor or minor injuries, take [Moon Spring], and then let the Holy Light Priest use Holy Light treatment with a 10-minute cooldown to recover. Joan of Arc's passive recovery aura effect also plays a big role.

So there is not much of a problem with logistical treatment.

After the turmoil over the portal enclosure comes to an end, Zong Shen still has a lot to do.

He did not immediately demand compensation from the captured lords, but took out a small trumpet.

This thing is the prop he obtained in the crypt challenge——

——[World Speaker (Special)]

It can give Zong Shen a special opportunity to speak to the world.

The relevant propaganda content will appear simultaneously in the form of a banner in front of all lords in the world for 30 seconds, which is comparable to the effect of a golden banner announcement.

Zong Shen chose to use it and entered on the speech:

[Hello everyone, I am Zong Shen, the lord who triggered the group dungeon in the east of the Kingdom of Avalon. This place has been completely occupied by me. When the countdown ends, you can pay me a dinar or equivalent resources in exchange for participating in the dungeon. You will have the opportunity to hunt monsters while enjoying the logistical services provided by us. The price will be discussed as appropriate. However, any lord who dares to attack our territory during this period will be regarded as a provocation to me and the Guide Legion. Don’t make a mistake! 】

After completing the input, when he confirmed the release, a golden banner suddenly flashed.

Everyone can see the content above, even if they close their eyes or sleep.

Many of the fighting lords were briefly distracted by this.

The appearance of this banner message was tantamount to Zong Shen declaring his sovereignty to the lords of the entire continent, instead of unilaterally occupying it like before. Many lords did not know that this place was Zong Shen's territory until they arrived at the scene.

Now that it is fully disclosed, at least 99% of the cases of mistaken entry can be avoided. Coupled with the notoriety that has just been spread, it should be enough to completely deter those sneaky guys.

The order was given when he fell, and the surviving soldiers acted quickly to bring back all the body parts and recyclable equipment outside.

In this way, several mountains of corpses gathered together, which he put into his big bag.

Zong Shen left these body parts for other purposes, but considering that the process might be unsightly, he recycled them first and then disposed of them.

Notoriety is earned, but being too anti-human is not okay.

Zong Shen has his own plan for grasping his reputation.

In addition, shortly after he activated the [World Speaker (Special)] message, he also received a special reminder.

[The proportion of lords who were intimidated (image deterrence) reached over 65% during the same period]

[Unlocking privileges: Quick inheritance]

[Quick inheritance: Kill the lord or provide the name and number of the dead lord, and you can quickly inherit the corresponding territory and remaining materials and props. Surviving warriors, farmers, technical citizens, ordinary citizens, and heroic talents will all be in their current status. Convert to recruitment volume]

[Note: Inheriting more than 100 lord targets in batches requires a 24-hour waiting period, during which the relevant territories and inheritance rights will be frozen]

"Very good, this wave is more than just a return of capital."

"After killing thousands of lords, I thought I would only be able to inherit a hundred and eighty at most."

"After all, the lords now socialize. Once we know that a nearby lord has died, someone will immediately take over."

"Now you can inherit directly and quickly, you only need to wait 24 hours."

"There are thousands of lords. Even if each lord's territory only has one or two hundred citizens on average, after one inheritance, he can get hundreds of thousands of people and corresponding ruling heroes!"

Zong Shen's eyes lit up, and his face couldn't help but reveal joy.

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the [Quick Inheritance] privilege.

[Quick inheritance activation]

[The current number of territories that are eligible for inheritance is: 1017]

[Whether to perform quick inheritance]


[(Click to enter the name and number of the Death Lord for query)]

Does this need to be chosen?

Zong Shen directly confirmed [Yes] with his mind.

[Quick inheritance starts]

[Waiting period: 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

[Please wait patiently. After the inheritance is completed, all materials will be stored in the territory storage box. The overflow will be stored in a temporary storage box that will last for 48 hours. Please empty it in time]

The prompt appeared and Zong Shen was in a good mood.

This time, the battle losses were recouped a hundred times or a thousand times.

And the rewards don’t stop there.

The more than 3,000 lords he held captive will also become his lambs.

As a punishment for offending him, death penalty can be avoided, but living penalty cannot be escaped.

Of course, with so many people, Zong Shen would not torture them one by one, but if they want to solve this matter, their pockets will have to be reduced.

He was covered in armor, but he took off his helmet, revealing his true appearance, and walked up to the crowd with his head held high.

More than 3,000 prisoners were all squatting on the ground with their hands tied, looking like a midday playground gathering of middle school students.

All it takes is a set of nationally broadcast gymnastics.

Before Zong Shen arrived, these guys were still discussing, and they actually all had ways to escape.

But there was a giant dragon above him and Colby who had just arrived beside him.

Not long ago, Colby showed his hand and cut a tens of meters long ravine on the ground with just one knife.

This move also made the lords once again restrained and did not dare to act rashly, and they also saw the strength and heritage of Zong Shen's subordinates!

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