Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1032: The promise to Mariel, the second prince who reneged on his promise

"I didn't expect that these [Beholder Demons] are actually 'hybrid', and that [Eternal Demon Tribe] is an extra-dimensional race that popped up from nowhere."

"According to the notes in the strategy module, the [Eternal Demon Clan] and the [Demon Clan] should be in a hostile state, otherwise the [Dark Demon Eye], which is a bloodline mutant, will not be hostile."

Zong Shen thought in his mind that the strategy module contained a lot of information and briefly introduced the origin of [Eye of the Dark Demon].

Incidentally, it revealed the situation about the different-dimensional ethnic groups in the Endless Continent in the last era.

To the natives, the dimensional world is no secret.

All forces of a slightly larger scale are aware of it.

And before the blood-burning demon invaded, the Endless Continent was not in a closed state.

From time to time, dimensional cracks appear, connecting to an unknown world in the void.

Looking back at the current situation, the Endless Continent is completely closed, and the Lord System controls everything, making it extremely difficult to find dimensional cracks.

However, Zong Shen judged based on the origin of the [Yin Shi Arcane Crystal Shard] on hand that the continental closure this time should be "tailor-made" by the lord system for their group of lords.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about these questions.

Whether it is the [Eye of the Dark Devil] or the Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance, they are essentially "materials" left over from the last era. Naturally, he wants to master as many powerful units as possible.

Therefore, he is bound to win the five shadow realms of the Shadow Poison Assassin League!

After the recruitment was successfully completed, Zong Shen had no need to stay where he was.

He slowly raised his right arm, beckoning the nineteen [Black Puppet Operators], four [Shadow Viewers] and six [Dark Demon Eyes] to return towards the portal enclosure.

The sky is gradually brightening, and the faint blue light is dispersing the dark night.

The enclosure not far away was as bright as day, with bonfires lit everywhere, and from time to time you could see searchlight beams from the magic machines.

When Zong Shen returned to the portal enclosure with the newly recruited high-level scouts/assassins, he happened to see Mariel standing next to a city wall repair site supervising the work.

The third fat man, who has long been promoted to a hero-level talent, is leading hundreds of full-time cooks, carrying basins of food through the transmission channel. This is the food uniformly provided by the territory.

For overtime teams in the portal enclosure, breakfast will be provided with priority.

Since the defensive challenge ended, the people under his command have become more "human".

They complain when they are tired from work, ask for food when they are hungry, work overtime continuously and even go on temporary strike.

The higher the loyalty of the territorial citizens, the higher their enthusiasm for working under the same conditions.

It is much more troublesome to control than before.

Fortunately, there are many heroic talents under Zong Shen who are qualified to handle these tedious tasks.

Zuo Yin and Colby have returned to the territory to rest.

Mariel is responsible for coordinating the restorative construction of the portal enclosure.

Haoyin took a few deputies to deal with the soldiers and resources delivered by the captured lords.

He will make detailed statistics and arrange these soldiers appropriately.

The tens of thousands of warriors have far exceeded the territory's original warrior population. How to train in formations and arrange housing are big problems.

In addition, the sudden increase in population has caused the food consumption in the territory to increase several times.

Regular food can only be supplied for another 4 to 7 days at most, and everyone will have to eat dry military rations from now on.

This is because they conquered Dinan Village and confiscated a lot of food.

However, the subsequent food problem is easy to solve. A large amount of food can be purchased from the [market] or the aboriginal city. Anyway, Zong Shen is not short of dinars and various resources.

As for the farming in the territory, it will take at least another month to get back on track.

During this period, the territory's food supply could only be solved by purchasing or plundering.

The development of farming is difficult to achieve overnight, even if farmland has a large number of bonuses and the birth of natural magic.

It is a trend to cultivate large areas of farmland to achieve self-sufficiency as much as possible, but it cannot be solved by just shouting slogans. There are many problems involved.

In fact, one of the most important reasons for the current food pressure in the territory is that the population of the territory has grown too fast, and there are tens of thousands more mouths to eat at once. Even in smaller cities, this is not a small amount. burden.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Fortunately, Zong Shen has always been prepared.

It is necessary to maintain the initial development of farming and maintain the violent growth of population.

Focus on exploration and plunder as a supplement to further improve the territory's heritage.

No matter which world you are in, plunder is the fastest way to accumulate.

Without food, population, and resources, it is just robbery and plunder. As long as the fist is strong enough and the sword is sharp enough, all living beings will be my lambs.

Zong Shen stood there, looking thoughtfully at the portal enclosure where the morning light had not yet dawned.

After a night of construction, no trace of the conflict that broke out last night remained.

Only the faint smell of blood still lingering in the air proved the cruelty before.

The farmers who had worked overtime all night stopped what they were doing and squatted together in small groups to eat breakfast. The atmosphere was quite warm.

Mariel also took a portion and sat on a pile of wood to eat.

Zong Shen stepped towards her, and the accompanying scouts/assassins entered a stealth state like ghosts.

Sensing Zong Shen's arrival, Mariel raised her head and glanced, then stood up quickly. She was about to salute but was stopped.

"We are not pedantic nobles of the kingdom, so we don't need so many etiquettes."

"Especially on an occasion like this."

He waved his hand. In a world where individual force can suppress everything, there is no need to rigidly copy the "spiritual capitalist" customs of aboriginal nobles.

Although in essence Zong Shen gathers the people and develops the territory for himself, this is a competition for survival after all, unlike the nobles who simply exploit the middle and lower classes for enjoyment.

After hearing his words, Mariel immediately stood up straight without any hesitation.

There are no rigid aristocratic butlers here, and no one will be picky about etiquette. The people's salutes are completely spontaneous.

"Sir, the restoration and construction of the enclosure is currently in normal condition."

"More than 90% of the damaged walls have been repaired, and some defensible towers have also been repaired."

"A total of 392 defense towers below level three were permanently damaged."

"In addition, the wood resource reserves in the territory have been reduced by 30%, and the stone resources have also been consumed by 20%."

"It is mainly used for the construction of residences required by the newly arrived residents, as well as the daily construction consumption in the past few days."

Mariel put down the food, frowned, and began to perform her duties as an internal affairs officer.

In response, Zong Shen just nodded.

He looked at the girl in front of him and suddenly recalled the scene when they first met.

At that time, Mariel was captured by the gangster Carlisle and was about to demand a ransom from Master Mars.

As the first heroic talent Zong Shen found among the aborigines, he "kidnapped" Mariel without hesitation.

Of course, this girl Mariel was not willing to be a village woman all her life.

Human beings' adaptability and learning abilities should never be underestimated. In just over a month, Mariel has become much more mature than before.

She looked back at Zong Shen's slightly appreciative eyes, with a blush on her cheeks.

The competence and maturity that belonged to the chief officer quickly faded away, and she regained her appearance as a little daughter.

After all, she was just a sixteen-year-old girl.

Moreover, she already had feelings for Zong Shen, and her utmost loyalty and previous close contact had firmly locked the love in the little girl's heart.

"Come to me."

Zong Shen raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a wicked smile.

Mariel's whole body tensed up when she heard his call, as if there was magic in his words.

Her mind instantly became chaotic, but her body made the decision on her behalf.

She stepped closer to Zong Shen, her body gradually becoming hot and soft.

Zong Shen raised his hand and hooked Mariel's head, and the soft hair was blown back by the breeze.

He kissed her without hesitation.

Feeling the heat coming from her face and lips, Mariel was shy at first, and then she didn't care about anything else and responded enthusiastically.

In fact, the matter between Zong Shen and Mariel was not a secret in the territory.

The strong are destined to be passionate, this is the instinct of living things.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Mariel's face turned red.

The area within a radius of thirty meters was cleared inexplicably.

Whether it is a farmer eating breakfast or a hero-level person responsible for command and supervision.

Everyone left here with a tacit understanding, creating a relatively private space.

At least let the Lord and the Chief of Internal Affairs have some quiet words.

Among all the women Zong Shen had, the only one he had not yet touched was Mariel.

Compared to Vereesa who took the initiative to distance herself due to her own reasons, Mariel was actually the one who was most "snubbed".

She expressed her feelings to Zong Shen a long time ago, but unfortunately she has not been able to get the response she wanted.

In fact, her thoughts are very simple.

She likes Zong Shen, so she wants to be Zong Shen's woman.

Even if it's just one.

But Zong Shen rarely responded to her, and rarely even showed intimacy to her in public.

What bad thoughts can a young girl have?

Therefore, Zong Shen's behavior at this moment made her feel flattered.


She leaned against Zong Shen's arms and let out a cry, wishing that this moment could last forever.

"Mariel...I really want to be your woman..."

After a moment of hesitation, she chose to express her attitude again and wanted an answer at the same time.

Zong Shen rubbed his head, his expression full of pity.

How could he not like this girl who had followed him and admired him since soon after her arrival?

It’s just that Mariel is too young. At sixteen, she is still a minor on earth.

Although there are many girls who get married and have children at the age of fourteen or five in the Endless Continent, his old habitual thinking still makes him feel an inexplicable sense of guilt.

But from Mariel's perspective, his concerns were obviously too selfish.

Because all the concepts Mariel accepted came from the Endless Continent.

Here she has reached the marriageable age and can find a suitable husband to marry.

"Two years, two more years."

"I'll marry you."

Feeling the thoughts of the girl in his arms, Zong Shen decided to give her a promise.

Staying together is a long time, and two years is not too long.

What's more, the Endless Continent is still a world where there is no shortage of means of immortality.

Mariel buried her head on Zong Shen's chest and nodded gently.

She doesn't want much, and such a clear commitment is enough.

She could afford to wait for two years.

And she’s also looking forward to the territory in two years’ time.

Zong Shen hugged her, which was a relief. The two of them were at ease where no one was disturbing them.

At the same time, in the giant city of Lentax.

In the outer city, Black Tail Street, it is located in the secret room beneath the Sleepless Night Tavern.

In the hand of Raven Saint Safuri is an open letter printed with the calamity frost raven mark.

Her expression was stern and she looked worried.

Several black-robed bishops around him were pacing back and forth, looking a little anxious.

One of the bishops, wearing a red eyepatch, looked at Sally anxiously.

"Is the news accurate?"

"The second prince actually changed his mind?"

(The foreshadowing is in Chapter 567, if you forget, you can come back to it)

"Doesn't he want the support of the church?"

The one-eyed bishop spoke urgently, as if he could not believe it.

Sally sighed softly, raised her hand and handed over the crumpled letter.

"This is a personal letter from Archbishop Byron, with the bishop's seal on it."

"The news should be true."

"The second prince, Carter Pendragon, changed his plan. He does not want the church to occupy the giant city of Lentax."

"According to the ear reports arranged by the church, the second prince seems to be interested in the daughter of the local consul Henry Lancaster..."

The one-eyed bishop took the letter and scanned it quickly, his expression gradually becoming angry.

"Damn Pendragon bitch!"

"These inbred imbeciles!"

"The despicable royal family of Avalon, they have long forgotten the glory of King Arthur!"

"God will definitely let him endure the disaster!"

"How dare he break his word? What did the three archbishops say?"

At this time, several other black-robed bishops also came closer and started cursing.

Safuri shook her head, her expression was indifferent, and she didn't seem to have any mood swings.

"Carter Pendragon promised the Archbishop to replace the Great City of Lentax that was supposed to be traded to the Church with the Great City of The Hague."

Her words again ushered in heated discussions among the bishops.

"The giant city of The Hague?"

"The ruling family there has long been loyal to the third princess, Anna Pendragon."

"Within the Kingdom of Avalon, several giant cities in the East China Sea are completely under the control of the three princesses."

"Damn Carter must be unkind!"

Facing the excited black-robed bishops, Safuri was unable to refute.

The forces of the church simply cannot compete with the forces of the kingdom, even the second prince of Avalon can hold them in check.

After all, the Calamity Raven Church can only be regarded as a second- or third-rate force in the Endless Continent!

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