This magic core is more suitable to stay in the territory.

It will come in handy when you get the golem technology in the future.

No matter how bad it is, it can be used as a "battery" for the magic power of the earth element. It is no longer considered a "cold bench" material.

He raised his hand and threw the [Elemental Demonic Core of the Rock Golem (orange)] back to where it was.

Zong Shen directly decompressed the "compressed package" of the fifth material.

After getting tired of watching the process of light particle reorganization, the originally strange sight became ordinary.

When the "compressed package" completely disappeared, it was replaced by two brown horns about thirty centimeters long. The curved horns had threads extending in circles.

It looks more like a sheep's horn than a cow's horn with a smooth surface.

He leaned over and picked up one of the horns, and frowned as soon as he picked it up.

There is no other reason, but the texture of this horn is relatively thick and solid, and it feels like an iron tool made of steel.

"Ancient Savage..."

"What a weird new species."

Zong Shen whispered to himself, and couldn't help but think of the images of "Bigfoot" and "Hairy Savage" on Earth.

This horn is one of the orange legendary materials [Ancient Savage Warrior's Horn (Orange)].

Just when he was about to look at the material information attentively, he suddenly found a circle of green hair tissue remaining at the base of the horn.

Most of these materials were dismembered and divided among the lords after killing the monsters.

The lord's dissection techniques are usually crude, and there are often messy tissue residues.

But it was seeing this circle of green hair that made Zong Shen basically understand the form of the savages in the Endless Continent.

After all, he has killed many monsters and experienced many battles. At the same time, he also learned a lot of information and knowledge with the help of the strategy module.

In terms of knowledge accumulation, the principle that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes is also applicable.

Being more informed will always bring about some changes.

Such as far beyond ordinary people's vision, more flexible thinking and powerful brain supplement ability.

"Now, let me see the value of this horn."

"By the way, let's study more about the savage monsters."

Thinking of this, Zong Shen raised the corners of his mouth and looked down at the horn in his hand.

Relevant information quickly emerged.

[Ancient Savage Warrior’s Horn (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[The horns on the head of the fifth-level ancient savage warrior have no elemental properties, but they are extremely sharp]

[Suitable for making and transforming into short-edged weapons, with additional armor-breaking effect]

[Currently cannot be used directly]

(Monster material that is hard and has a certain toughness

It can be polished into short knives or short thorns. The sharpness of the material is between fifth-order and sixth-order alloy materials.

During a collision, the sharpness can suddenly increase, and part of the body material will be lost at the same time, resulting in a more obvious armor-breaking effect)

It's a pretty good material and very distinctive.

After being made into a weapon, you can gain the blessing of armor-breaking effect at the cost of a small loss of durability.

"Nice gadget, but that's all."

"It's not really a rare material."

Zong Shen shook his head slightly and threw the [Ancient Savage Warrior's Horn (orange)] back.

Then he asked the strategy module in his mind.

"Tell me a brief introduction to monsters like the ancient savages."

(An upright, advanced primate monster that may inhabit the mountains and forests of the Endless Continent.

Usually more than two meters tall, with thick hair all over the body, and able to walk upright

The hair has various color changes depending on the habitat and environment.

The ancient savages had a long lifespan and left a large number of legends and records of their experiences everywhere.


Their physical fitness is extremely strong, even surpassing that of the strong orcs of the same level.

You can fight ferocious beasts and monsters with your bare hands without any magic power.

The overall combat power is considered above average among all creatures of the same level.

Savages do not have the consciousness of living in groups. Every three years, a female savage will emit a strong body odor, attracting male savages within a hundred kilometers to mate.

Because savages are strong and have a long lifespan, unless they die in battle, they can live for thousands of years. They can leave records for more than ten generations of humans around their habitats, so they are also called ancient savages.

In fact, the history of the savages is similar to the history of the birth of native humans in the Endless Continent. It cannot be said to be truly ancient.

Moreover, savages have violent tempers and are difficult to tame and communicate with. Their overall numbers are small and their range of activities is scattered. There were once great bachelors and magisters among humans who became interested in savages and tried to capture and study them.

However, it was difficult to achieve results. The savages encountered were either too violent and died in battle, or they died suddenly as soon as they were restrained, and the blood in their bodies was stimulated and turned into weird meat balls.

Over time, humans gave up research on savages

As small creatures, other intelligent races have no interest in studying them.

So the origin of the savages has become a mystery

Of course, the great guide, naturally knows the answer to this secret

In fact, the so-called ancient wild people and the Vrykul were both created by the Titans.

And the Vrykul are the ancestors of the indigenous people of the Endless Continent.

The biggest difference between the two is that the Vrykul are a success, while the ancient savages are a failure.

As for the situation of turning into a flesh ball after being restrained, that is the curse of flesh and blood caused by the ancient god)

After reading the origins of the ancient savages, Zong Shen looked enlightened.

Weird little knowledge has been added again.

It seems that this ancient savage is still distantly related to the native human race of the Endless Continent.

Each savage has a lifespan longer than that of the dragons on the mainland and has a powerful body.

As primates, they should have a certain amount of intelligence and near-human activities.

Unfortunately, the savages do not have a complete social structure and usually live in a "lone wolf" mode.

They only meet when mating.

Coupled with the curse of disgusting people's flesh and blood, the ancient savages do not have the conditions to capture and tame them on a large scale.

Otherwise, it would be a good choice to capture a group of savages as laborers.

Without delving further into the ancient savages' problem, Zong Shen immediately decompressed the sixth material "compressed package".

The gorgeous but not dazzling light particles reorganized into a pale green skin.

This skin is thinner and thinner than [Folbolg Tracker Skin (Orange)], and its processing techniques are also more sophisticated.

[In view of the general environment,

The size is like an irregular square hijab, with no scales or hair tissue on the surface.

The leather is smooth and has no pores, but there are a few black tattoos and scars running through it, which looks a little scary.

"Is this the forest troll's skin?"

Zong Shen picked it up with one finger with great interest.

That's right, this skin is [Forest Troll Prophet's Heart Skin (Orange)].

He is no stranger to the troll tribe. In the Azshara mine, there were trolls among the ethnic groups that were part of the resistance coalition.

Of course, there are many types of trolls.

Forest trolls are just one of them. They have light green skin and live in forests with abundant vegetation.

As for the shape and appearance characteristics, they are similar to other types of trolls.

This kind of guy who can reach a normal height of 4 to 6 meters has a lot of wisdom and tribal clan civilization passed down from generation to generation. The smart ones among them can even learn the languages ​​​​of other ethnic groups.

During this period of great development of the human kingdom for thousands of years, some human caravans or forces have established an alliance with the troll clan. Tall and ferocious troll mercenaries and guards can be seen in many places.

Trolls are closer to lawful evil than chaotic evil goblins.

The existence of clan civilization allows them to suppress evil thoughts and wildness.

"It seems that there is at least one clan of forest trolls living in the large area."

"Trolls are also a group suitable for taming and enslaving."

Zong Shen didn't even look at the material information of the forest troll skin, and threw it back to its original position with a flick of his finger.

It's not like he has never seen troll skin before. It is nothing more than a blessing of toughness, suitable for making armor, and has extra control resistance. The skin of forest trolls is pretty much the same. At most, it is biased towards poison and wood properties.

Silently remember this clue and consider it as a backup option for the time being. It will be too late to ask for details when you are ready to attack in the future.

Without further ado, Zong Shen prepared to speed up the process and eat these "appetizers" as soon as possible.

He glanced at the seventh, eighth, and ninth "compressed packages" and chose to unzip them at the same time.

The materials corresponding to these three "compressed packages" are the last three orange legendary materials.

After that, there are golden epic-level materials, which are the final items and the "main meal" among the monster materials.

I saw three compressed packages turned into light particles at the same moment, and then quickly reorganized and restored into monster materials of different sizes.

It includes a snake tail that is three meters long and has a diameter as large as a bucket at its thickest part, a black and gray feather the size of a cattail fan, and a huge rib bone that reminds Zong Shen of a dinosaur fossil.

Every material looks different.

There is a layer of fine purple scales on the surface of the snake's tail, and there are spots that look like eye-catching ones.

The feather blades on both sides of the black and gray feathers can spontaneously exude the edge of the wind blade, constantly cutting the surrounding ground. Judging from the size of the feathers, this wild owl beast should be a raptor not much smaller than Yingjiang. Warcraft.

As for that huge rib, every few seconds the surface would light up with purple magic patterns, which not only had the aura of demonic power, but also had a sense of decadence and lifelessness.

These three monster materials respectively correspond to [Tail of the Three-Headed Serpent of the Fog Swamp (orange)], [Feather of the Raging Wild Owl Beast (orange)], and [Ribs of the Eredar Demon Follower (orange)].

Zong Shen started from the tail of the snake and looked at it in order.

[Tail of the Three-Headed Snake in the Foggy Swamp (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[The tail left by the three-headed snake that lives in the scale mist swamp has the property of inducing the magic power of the water element, and also has a small amount of toxin corrosion properties]

[Suitable for flesh and blood smelting to become the base material of the staff]

[Currently can be used directly, with certain active/passive effects]

[Active effect: Fog (waving the long tail can emit a fog 150 meters ahead, setting off a thick fog to cover the area ahead, with a small amount of toxin effect, cooling time of 3 minutes, the fog exists for 15 minutes, and will change with the wind) Dissipate quickly due to the situation, cooling time is 30 minutes)]

[Passive effect: Mist (possessing the tail of the three-headed snake in the fog swamp can weaken the interference of fog magic with a level not exceeding level five and the corresponding natural dense fog)]

[After eating, a total of 13,500 points of hunger and satiety can be restored in proportion, and a buff effect lasting for 40 minutes can be obtained to improve the perception of water elemental magic and poison resistance]

(Three-headed snake, as the name suggests, is a big snake with three heads.

The Scale Mist Swamp where it inhabits is also a strange place, where a large number of hydra snakes live.

Including two-headed snakes, three-headed snakes, five-headed snakes, seven-headed snakes and the most powerful Hydra

There is an ancient treasure hidden beneath the mire where these scaled mist snakes live.

Maybe you can take a trip when you have free time)

[Feather of the Raging Wild Owl Beast (Orange)]

[Orange: Legendary]

[The feathers of the fifth-level furious wild owl beast are filled with powerful wind elemental magic power]

[Can be made into a magic sword or wind magic item]

[Currently can be used directly, with some active and passive effects]

[Active effect: Wind Cut (stimulates the elemental magic power of the wind spirit and emits a sharp wind blade with a length of 8 meters, which can cut a distance of 100 meters in front, causing 650 points of damage, and the cooling time is 35 minutes)]

[Passive effect: Wind sharp (can independently activate the magic power of the wind spirit element to produce a passive cutting effect 10 centimeters away from the blade)]

(One of the five most precious feathers on the Raging Wild Moonkin

The essence of wind element magic is condensed, which can be regarded as a relatively precious magic material.

Through this feather, it may be able to bring you a clue to the wild owl beast's lair)

[Ribs of the Eredar Demon Follower (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[The ribs of Eredar believers who worship demons are suitable for grinding into powder and used to make special potions]

[Currently cannot be used directly]

(It is not a very high-quality material and can be used as the main material of the special potion pseudo-magic potion.

After taking this medicine, it can disguise the devil's breath and have a certain confusing effect.

At the same time, it causes its own attacks to deal a certain proportion of chaos damage. After the aboriginals take it, their attacks will appear like sacrificial fire)

The three materials have distinct characteristics, and they all come from different types of monsters.

It also contains several key clues.

For example, there are ancient treasures hidden under the habitat of the Scaled Mist Snake Clan, the lair of the wild owl beast, and the so-called "Eredar" who believe in demons.

It's a pity that his short-term schedule has already been arranged.

However, these clues can be sorted out and graded according to difficulty.

The adventure team will be responsible for choosing the right ones, and he will go to the more difficult ones in person later.

What Zong Shen is more curious about is the Scaled Mist Snake Clan. The powerful leader of the Hydra monster is definitely at the level of a giant monster without even thinking about it.

This kind of monster that can dominate a party basically has legendary level combat power.

Both taming and killing contain great value.

Coupled with the treasures buried under the mire, it successfully stimulated Zong Shen's desire for treasure hunting!

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