Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1062: Inherited Materials Review Completed

Judging from the information in the guide notes.

The [Stain of Depravity] attached to the feathers of the Burning Angel is obviously more difficult to remove than the [Stain of Evil] on the Heart of the Holy Spirit.

Because Zong Shen still had to remember that the original [Evil Stain] only needed sixth-level holy water to complete its purification.

But the current [Depravity] requires a seventh-level or higher saint to purify it.

In addition, the effects of contact with demonic power are completely different.

[Evil Stain] and the power of demons will dissolve. Although the dissolution process is not fast, Zong Shen also fiddled with it several times before completely dissolving and absorbing the [Evil Stain] and transforming it into an alternative protector. shield.

But [The Stain of Corruption] is not so easy to solve.

After being exposed to the power of the devil, it actually emitted poison.

There are almost no signs of dissolution on the surface.

If you try to use demonic power to solve the problem, you will probably have to try at least a thousand times.

The toxins released during this period alone would be enough for someone to drink a pot.

The safest and most reliable way is to find a way to get a pot of high-grade holy water from the Holy Temple of the Kingdom of God.

Of course, Zong Shen can also try to use the reaction of the devil's power or the power of holy light when it comes into contact with the [Corruption] to gain certain benefits.

For example, the preparation speed, and then sealing it in a container.

Isn't this the same as making a homemade poison gas bomb?

It also uses the power of holy light to contact the [Corruption] to stimulate blazing holy fire to attack the enemy.

In addition, you can also try using various elemental magic powers to see if there will be other reactions.

You must know that [Evil Scale] has strong resistance to physical attacks.

Then the [Scale of Corruption] that is even more difficult to remove must have other tricks.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen pinched the root of the feather and gently rubbed it like a bamboo dragonfly.

"The power of the Six-Winged Sunburning Angel is one-fifth, but I don't know how strong it is."

"But it's obviously much stronger than the Holy Spirit Warriors and the like."

He whispered to himself, and then put away the feathers. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities to study it in the future, so he is not in a hurry.

Now there is only one last item left.

Zong Shen opened his palm, and there was a folded silk roll on it.

Through the pure white silk roll, you can vaguely see the secret text drawn inside.

With a pinch of two fingers and a slight shake, the thin silk roll unfolded.

He took a cursory glance and found that the secret text drawn above was another unknown text.

The shape actually looks a bit like ancient Chinese seal script.

The strokes are quite elegant and elegant, but the font shapes are different.

But it doesn't matter, the strategy module is the best translator.

As long as the relevant information of the text exists in the information database of the lord system, the strategy module can achieve real-time translation.

[I will not get married unless I get rid of the foreign beast]

[If you don’t avenge the destruction of the city, you will never return home]

[I will not punish the evil beast, and I will not pay my salary]

【When there is a sword to help me】

[Dangyang Sword Bureau: Zhao Qingnian]

Zong Shen frowned. He had already guessed the origin of this silk scroll without any further prompting.

That is the mysterious and ancient Eastern Continent!

Combined with related items obtained previously.

It was not difficult for Zong Shen to guess that the Eastern Continent gave birth to an ancient civilization with an Eastern pedigree.

Moreover, there had been unharmonious exchanges between there and the Endless Continent.

Now it seems that the problem is far more serious than Zong Shen imagined.

Perhaps a protracted war broke out between the two continents.

However, the war should have broken out several eras ago in the Endless Continent. It was definitely not something that happened in the past tens of thousands of years. It had a far-reaching history.

Then let's make a bold guess, maybe there was no large natural disaster sea area blocking the distance between the Endless Continent and the Eastern Continent.

Both parties can achieve intercommunication through specific mobile means.

Even fight against each other.

But in recent eras, the two continents were suddenly closed off.

In particular, the Endless Continent has become an independent training ground for lords.

Of course, the above is just speculation, and he does not know the specific historical origins and years.

According to the rule that the Endless Continent changes every ten or twenty thousand years, the civilization of this continent has been restarted countless times.

The scale of ten to twenty thousand years is considered a long time for a single living individual.

But for the evolution of living things, it is simply not worth mentioning.

There are a lot of ancient creatures on the earth, with tens of millions of years of evolution.

Not to mention the long-lived starry sky immortal species like Zong Shen.

With a life span of millions of years, as long as he doesn't die in an accident or is beaten to death, he can sit back and watch the continent change hundreds of times.

He curled his lips and stopped thinking about this problem.

Instead, he lowered his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the silk scroll itself.

This silk scroll is so well preserved that there is no trace of damage or decay.

If it were said to be just an ordinary silk roll, Zong Shen would definitely not believe it.

All doubts will be answered by golden subtitles.

[Ancient Secret Silk Scroll (Unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[Ancient silk scroll recording secret texts]

(Go to Dangyang Sword Bureau with a silk scroll in hand, you may get unexpected gains)

Both the system information and the tips of the strategy module are very simple.

The concept of Eastern Continent was not even mentioned.

But judging from the current situation, perhaps the barrier and blockade between the two continents will be lifted in their generation of lords.

Because there are already many clues confirming the existence of the Eastern Continent.

Even among the current indigenous people of the human race, some have heard of the legends of the Eastern Continent.

This is a sign, which means that the lord system has released some information.

"The Eastern Continent, regardless of the currently known civilization and power system, is obviously closer to the genealogy of Chinese civilization on earth."

"This is undoubtedly a great advantage for Chinese lords."

"It's enough to eliminate the initial influence of the Endless Continent being a European-style magical continent."

Zong Shen's expression was slightly serious, and he was vaguely aware of the potential layout of the lord system.

Now that he has arrived, he has already understood that all the omens hint at the future trend.

It's not a meaningless incident.

Any information that can be obtained by the lord system must have a purpose behind it.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling that this question was a bit difficult.

Thinking about how to start the layout in the Eastern Continent.

The topic of great voyages cannot be avoided.

He must send ships out to sea and take the initiative to break through the restrictions of the natural disaster sea area in order to have a chance to reach the Eastern Continent as soon as possible.

But without the means to build super long-distance transmission, this journey is destined to be difficult.

Maybe he could consider sending a clone to accompany him, so that through the mind link, he could simultaneously observe the journey.

We can't wait any longer.

At present, he has accumulated enough means for a large navigation expedition.

Including the ghost ship summoned by "Captain Chang'an's Horn of Courage" and the Flying Henanese.

As well as [Rong·Water Drop] and several other water-based emblems.

They can all have the effect of suppressing natural disasters and weakening the impact of meteorological disasters.

As long as you can endure the long voyage, you can sail out of the natural disaster waters.

But the journey is not destined to be a day's work. Even if the ghost ship has various speed bonuses, a one-way trip to the Eastern Continent will take at least years of sailing time.

After all, it is a super sea area that can easily reach millions of nautical miles.

Therefore, Zong Shen planned to make preparations on both sides. On the one hand, he would master the means of ultra-long-distance transmission as soon as possible.

The other side tried its best to find ways to increase the speed and shorten the voyage.

Putting away the [Secret Silk Scroll], Zong Shen came to the [Temporary Storage Box] and began to sort out the massive recruitment scrolls and architectural drawings.

Affected by the [Quick Inheritance] privilege.

Population and buildings are converted into corresponding recruitment rolls by default.

This greatly facilitated Zong Shen's reception and reduced the workload by at least 90%.

He only needs to count the levels and quantities of the recruitment rolls and architectural drawings, and leave the rest of the work to Mariel and the others.

Recruit as many people as the territory needs.

If you need heroes, recruit heroes, if you need warriors, recruit warriors, and so on, it's flexible and convenient!

In terms of warriors, a total of 208,986 warrior recruitment vouchers of all levels were received.

In total, among these 1,015 inherited territories, each territory contributed an average of more than 239 recruitment scrolls.

This involves many individual cases, some territories have more soldiers, and some have fewer soldiers.

And that doesn’t include those who died in the battle.

In addition, there are 3079 unfinished recruitment scrolls in the supplies, which is a small addition. After all, most lords use the recruitment scrolls on the spot after receiving them.

Among this batch of recruitment rolls, there are 97,292 first- and second-level self-trained soldier recruitment rolls, and 52,931 standard soldier recruitment rolls, totaling 130,223.

There are 33,722 Level 3 self-trained soldier recruitment papers, and 21,729 Level 3 standard soldier recruitment papers, for a total of 55,451 recruitment papers.

There are 8,725 recruitment papers for the fourth-level self-trained soldiers, and 12,137 recruitment papers for the fourth-level standard soldiers, for a total of 20,862 recruitment papers.

There are 1,036 recruitment papers for level 5 self-trained soldiers and 1,368 recruitment papers for level 5 standard soldiers, for a total of 2,404 recruitment papers.

There are 39 recruitment volumes for level 6 self-trained soldiers and 7 recruitment volumes for level 6 standard soldiers, for a total of 46 recruitment volumes.

As for the seventh level, there are zero duck eggs, not a single one.

In fact, starting from the fifth level, the quantity ratio decreases exponentially.

On average, there are only two fifth-level warriors in each inherited territory, including self-trained warriors.

Even if we count the soldiers who died in battle, there are only three to five level 5 warriors per capita at most.

You must know that it has been more than a month now, but the number of fifth-level warriors is still small.

There are even fewer sixth-level warriors, with only more than forty out of more than a thousand lords.

This is normal, after all, level six and level seven are at the epic level of combat power.

These recruitment rolls can allow the lord to add more than 200,000 warriors.

The most important thing is that these recruitment rolls retain the original level of the warriors, not the fixed LV10. Many of them are veterans who have been upgraded by strengthening beads.

Overall, it is far more cost-effective than a new recruitment volume.

In addition to warrior recruitment rolls, there are also a lot of farmer recruitment rolls.

Zong Shen saw a total of 239,721 farmer recruitment scrolls in a separate compressed package!

This includes farmers of all qualifications.

There are even single-digit epic-level talented farmers at the highest, which are considered super farmers.

You must know that Zong Shen himself does not have an epic-level talent farmer, and the three fat ones do not count, because the three fat men can be rolled up by themselves.

Regarding the use of farmer recruitment rolls, it is still the responsibility of professional internal affairs heroes.

Accordingly, Mariel and the others will make a proper arrangement.

Finally, there is the hero-level talent recruitment roll.

This time he actually got 9072 hero-level talent recruitment certificates.

Most of them are heroes with blank slates and advanced qualifications.

There are very few excellent, rare, and legendary items, accounting for less than 8% in total.

There is only one hero with epic qualifications.

After all, the number of samples is large, and there are always one or two lords who have had bad luck and obtained good talents.

These hero recruitment rolls were also handed over to Mariel and others for processing.

Zong Shen is only responsible for collecting compressed packages and recording the approximate quantity.

Next are various building recruitment volumes.

Because there are so many types, it actually occupies hundreds of compressed packages.

Among them, the single categories with the largest number are straw huts and folk houses.

Next is the [First-order Elemental Arrow Tower], with the total number reaching tens of thousands.

There are a lot of defense towers on the second, third, and fourth levels.

These defensive arrow towers are enough to turn the territory into a tower defense capital.

In addition, there are more than 3,000 [markets], including many second- and third-level high-end markets.

In terms of magic buildings and high-level buildings, they basically stop at level five.

There are not even buildings above the fifth level.

There are quite a few good fourth- and fifth-level buildings among them.

Moreover, it is a unique building that does not exist in the territory.

For example, high-end workshops, schools, reading rooms, etc., there is no need to go into details here.

When the time comes, they will be built together with similar buildings in the territory.

Further enriching the scale of the territory's functional buildings.

As long as the shortcomings in talent are supplemented and these buildings are matched, a preliminary manufacturing system can basically be established.

The dream of self-sufficiency is just around the corner.

Finally, there are still some bits and pieces of compressed packages left in the [temporary storage box].

Zong Shen didn't bother to check and left it to his heroes to deal with.

In short, the harvest from this batch of inheritance is enough to smoothly build the territory to a state-level city.

There will be almost no shortage of resources during this period.

He can build the city wall directly on the city plan, and can move it again if it expands in the future.

After checking the inheritance materials, Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

[Quantum Fusion Core] gives him abundant energy.

He was not going to waste time, but directly activated [Wandering Walk] and left the place.

The next moment, the tallest sentry tower of the Lord's Fortress appeared.

He took out a huge bull horn from the storage compartment with his backhand.

Then he took a deep breath and blew the horn loudly.



The melodious sound of horns echoed over the territory.

Blow according to one short and one long signal.

Soon, the same echoes of horns were heard from all directions in the territory.

This is one of the means of emergency gathering, and eight horn towers are set up in the territory.

You can hear and respond to the sound, and eventually the entire territory can hear the call of the horn.

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