Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1075: Castle and Municipal Officials

Zong Shen, who was wearing a brand new jacket, pulled Sally through the streets.

Groans of hunger can be heard almost everywhere.

Only occasionally do you see a few decent guys.

Many closed shops were smashed and looted.

There are often emaciated mothers walking weakly along the streets with hungry children in their arms.

The more you see this cruel scene, the more you become numb.

At this moment, Zong Shen just wanted to solve the problem of Seakabang City as soon as possible.

Only with thunderous momentum can we stabilize order, gradually release food, and restore local commerce and agriculture.

Only then can it be resurrected from its increasingly decaying death.

The city must get up and running as soon as possible. Shutdown is equal to death.

Only functioning cities can feed the population.

Previously, Zong Shen conveyed through the hungry people that "the news that the savior has appeared and gathered in the square at midnight" also spread quickly in the city. Along the way, he had seen many groups of hungry people rushing from different directions to the largest square in the city of Aseka - —

——Gather and wait in the Glory Citizen Square.

In the territory, Hao Yin and others also embarked on a journey to purchase food.

Mariel has sent people to deliver enough food to feed 50,000 people.

As long as Haoyin's side doesn't lose control, Seakabang City will receive the first batch of food tomorrow at the fastest possible speed.

At present, the hungry people left in the city are truly pitiful people.

Those who had a choice have long since left here.

The population loss in the city is no longer something that happens in a day or two.

Death is only part of the reason for population decline. Group relocation and the accompanying refugees are the real cause.

In any case, since Zong has encountered this problem, he will not allow the situation to continue to deteriorate.

Half an hour later, the three of them arrived at the central area.

The streets here are wider and the buildings are taller and more solid.

But even so, it is still difficult to escape the fate of decline.

Baron Indy's castle is located in the center of the city, also surrounded by gardens covered with lawns and green plants.

It's just that the area is slightly smaller than Baron Bezos's castle.

The garden is isolated from the outside by a pale yellow stone wall.

Most of the decorative creepers planted along the wall have long since withered.

A thick layer of rotten leaves fell on the road lined with square stone strips.

Not far away is the dome-covered town hall.

The two-winged soaring flag representing the city of Seakabang was placed above it and was already damaged.

On the surrounding dome towers, ashen-faced sentries leaned feebly against the walls.

Zong Shen deliberately chose to walk. Along the way, he found that the closer he got to the center of the city, the fewer hungry people on the roadside.

There are no pedestrians, no business travelers, and there is no bustling bustle in the past.

This is the heart of the city, but it is also the first place to die in Seakabang.

Zong Shen walked in front, and Safuli followed behind with little Nari in her arms.

Coming to the streets outside the central garden, there are still guards patrolling here.

Although the establishment of the Bangcheng Army has shrunk significantly, some soldiers still chose to persevere.

These soldiers were in fair condition and slightly depressed, but at least they were not troubled by hunger.

Every street was decorated with layers of barricades and roadblocks, which looked heavily guarded.

When the three of them approached, the garrison team patrolling nearby immediately came over.

The leader of the team held out his chest, temporarily put aside his depressed expression, and shouted in a serious tone.

"He who comes is stopped!"

"Please state your identity and intentions."

"This is the castle of Baron Indy Nickles, protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Avalon!"

"The Seaka garrison has the right to enforce coercive measures against trespassers!"

The garrison and the city defense are slightly different.

Although they are both state armies in terms of organization, their functions are completely different.

The former are smaller in number and belong to the internal guard, mainly protecting the rights of the rulers and the nobles in power.

The latter are more numerous and belong to the external defense establishment. Their responsibilities include public security, city defense, patrolling, and garrison within their jurisdiction, all of which rely on the city defense army.

In the wave of disbandment in the past few months, the city defense army was the most affected.

Basically, more than 80% of the soldiers have left the team and become wandering soldiers.

Except for a few who stayed in the city, most of them were hired as private soldiers by wealthy businessmen and knights and nobles.

Half of the garrison disbanded and fled, and the rest could barely maintain patrols in the central area.

The food supply was directly provided by the Baron's Castle, which was also the main reason why the remaining soldiers did not collapse and escape immediately.

After all, there are not many places that can take care of food.

Zong Shen lifted his hood and looked directly at the team leader in front of him.

[Seaka Garrison Captain: Drew Bowen lv22]

The overall combat power is equivalent to that of a third-level Avalon swordsman.

It's not enough in front of Zong Shen.

But he didn't intend to use force because there was no need.

These warriors will become one of the forces maintaining order in the city in the future.

He can also reduce the number of troops mobilized by part of the territory.

So he took out the magic flag given to him by Baron Bezos from the storage compartment (Record Chapter 368).

The flag bears Bosspon's sigil and magical imprint.

Its name is [Bosbon's Magic Flag (Purple)].

After taking out the flag, Zong Shen unfolded it calmly and then said seriously.

"I am the envoy sent by Lord Bezos Chebman, Consul of Bosbon."

"Lord Bezos learned about Seaka's situation and sent me here to discuss support matters."

"This flag is a token, and its information is imprinted in the kingdom's atlas!"

Zong Shen raised the flag in his hand as he spoke.

This kind of state and city flag carries the special magical imprint of the region.

The aboriginal forces in the Kingdom of Avalon have their own way of screening.

Zong Shen has already understood these situations, so he is very skillful in raising the banner now.

In fact, Zong Shen can definitely activate [Wandering Walk] to flash in.

But this completely deviated from the original intention. He needed a reasonable and legal identity to contact the family members of Baron Yindi in the castle.

After all, in the next stage, he will arrange for his subordinates to disguise themselves as Indy Nichols.

Contact with family members will also be indispensable by then.

This move can also be regarded as opening up possible loopholes in advance.

As much as possible, the subsequent pretenders can perfectly enter the baron's castle and gain legitimate fans.

The garrison captain named Drew Bowen was slightly startled. He looked at the flag and finally performed a simple courtesy.

"Please wait here and allow me to report to the commander."

After speaking, he gestured to the team members, and the entire team was divided into two.

The five warriors left with him, while the rest stayed where they were and stared at Zong Shen.

Seeing the performance of these garrison troops, he nodded secretly.

The disaster that hit the city of Seakabang was not without its challenges.

Under such circumstances, the guys who can still persevere are mostly those who have a tough temperament and are loyal to their duties.

And these people will also become the cornerstone of the city's redevelopment.

Soon, two sergeants riding prairie horses came over.

After they saw the flag, they took out a magic disk and swiped it at the flag.

After confirming that the magic brand was correct, they respectfully invited Zong Shen and Safuri, who was holding little Nari, into the castle garden.

The servant establishment in the castle is basically intact.

The old butler personally welcomed them into the castle with a carriage.

During this period, Zong Shen chatted with him for a few words and learned that there was no one in charge of the castle.

Only a few former second-level municipal officials set up a temporary government affairs hall on the first floor of the castle.

It’s just that the symbolic meaning of this Government Affairs Office is greater than the actual meaning.

No one in the city would listen to them.

Although Baron Indy Nicholls has issued an order of appointment, it is still of no use.

However, the city's city hall has been disbanded for many days, and the only one qualified to receive foreign visitors is the Provisional Government Affairs Office.

All in all, Seakabang is a mess right now.

If it weren't for the hungry people's lack of force, the garrison would not have been completely disbanded.

I'm afraid those hungry people have already launched an attack on the Baron's castle.

The roadblocks and horse barriers at the street entrances in the central city were placed to withstand the impact.

In fact, some time ago, thousands of hungry people actually launched an attack.

But the results speak for themselves. The next day there were thousands more corpses in the suburbs.

There is a huge gap in combat effectiveness between the regular army and civilians.

A farmer's individual attributes are usually in the single digits, and residents who have experienced professional training and training for many years are only around a dozen points, but these attributes are completely incomparable with professional warriors.

Zong Shen discovered this situation a long time ago.

He believed that this was a deliberate suppression of the indigenous people by the lord system in order to prevent possible unrest caused by class disparity and backward productivity.

But if you think about it carefully, this situation is actually just a separation between extraordinary power and ordinary people.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the castle, and the servants who had not yet been dismissed made the inside and outside of the castle tidy and refreshing.

Being able to barely maintain the dignity that a ruling aristocrat should have.

Even though this dignity seems ridiculous in the face of the collapse and decay of the entire city, it also represents the city's final struggle.

The municipal officials who had already received the news were eagerly waiting at the door.

The messenger from the neighboring city is no less than a boy delivering treasures.

The three people left the carriage under the reception of the butler, and were then surrounded by municipal officials into the castle hall.

The person in charge of reception was a guy with a mustache and a gentleman's hat.

The name is Domhnall Aiden.

Beside Domhnall were an old man wearing leather armor and a young man holding a heron quill.

Their names are Carlos Curtis and Saul Bravo.

Zong Shen took a cursory glance at the information on these guys.

It was discovered that Domhnnar is a hero with rare talents, and Kuros and Thor also have excellent talents.

Moreover, these three guys are still the "eliminates" who have been left behind.

It is conceivable that when the city's political institutions were still intact, there should be more outstanding heroic talents.

There are several official tables placed in the hall on the first floor of the castle.

It was filled with letters asking for help from various villages, as well as requests for help reports before the main part of the city was disbanded.

The cashmere carpet on the floor had become filthy.

There was also a large pool of dried ink.

There are maps studded with letter pins hanging on the wall, giving it a sense of desperate haste.

Their efforts are doomed to be in vain, and the crux lies with Baron Indy Nickles.

If you don't deal with him, any efforts will be meaningless and self-deception.

Domhnall, Kroos and Sol greeted Zong Shen and Safuri warmly.

The former was responsible for wiping out three clean tables and chairs, while the latter two went to make tea with the servants.

"Conditions are limited..."

"I hope the respected envoy will not be offended!"

Domhnall said apologetically, the mustache on his lips trembling as he spoke.

Zong Shen and Safuli just smiled and greeted each other, sitting on the chairs he had packed out.

Little Nari, who was sleeping soundly, had also woken up and was placed on another chair by Safuri.

Soon, hot black tea was brought in.

As for snacks, there are no more.

There is no shortage of ordinary food in the castle, but those precious ingredients have long been exhausted.

After being busy for a while, three internal affairs officials stood in front of Zong Shen.

They gave Zong Shen enough respect and didn't even sit down, keeping their posture very low.

"Dear Ambassador, is your country really ready to support us?"

Domhnall rubbed his hands and asked the question they were most concerned about with an expectant look on his face.

To this, Zong Shen did not answer immediately. He picked up the black tea and blew on the hot air. After taking a sip, he slowly spoke.

"You should have heard of Mr. Bezos's love."

"He has an excellent reputation among the nobles of the great city of Lentax."

"So you don't need to doubt this."

His words reassured the three of Domhnall a lot.

"Then next, should we discuss the arrangements for support supplies?"

The city of Seakabang is now riddled with holes.

Municipal officials with a little bit of means have left here long ago.

Domhnall and the others were in an awkward position.

They have compassion.

But he had neither the resources to mobilize nor the connections to follow orders.

I can only watch the situation worsen.

Even if the three of them save part of their family rations and use it to feed the hungry, it will not help.

So they were very excited to hear that there was help.

As long as this batch of aid passes through their hands, it can be distributed to the hungry people!

The corrupt officials who previously intercepted food supplies have long since left.

Baron Yin Di disappeared all day long and became synonymous with the corruption of those in power.

Now is the best chance for the three of them to fulfill their duties as alderman.

The straight-line distance between Bospan and Seakabang is about more than 1,000 kilometers.

If the carriage and baggage are on the road, it will only take about 4 to 7 days to arrive!

Looking at the excited three people, Zong Shen poured out a basin of cold water.

He shook his head and said in an indifferent tone.

"The situation in Seakabang City is terrible."

"We found that there was a complete lack of order here."

"There are bad rumors about Lord Yin Di everywhere."

"I don't intend to emphasize this point, but Mr. Bezos has explained it."

"The recovery of Seakabang must have the full support of Baron Yindi."

"If Lord Yin Di does not show his determination to regroup, assistance will not be carried out!"

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