After all, the cultivation period of the Ancient Guardian alone takes three days.

This is because it is watered by moon spring water.

If it were replaced with Luna Spring water, the cultivation time might be even shorter.

However, there is nothing wrong with planting the seeds as soon as possible and taking shape as soon as possible.

After planting this one, there will be two ancient guardians in the territory.

Zong Shen first collected all the [Moon God Spring] produced in the past few hours.

Then, walk out of the small courtyard.

He still has many things to arrange.

Luna and the two wolf cavalry were still on their way back with dozens of cattle and sheep seized from the bandit camp.

Madeline and Rensa Shatterclaw were also on their way back with the five villagers and ten cattle they had recruited from Citano Village.

It takes eight or nine hours to walk for dozens of kilometers.

Zong Shen estimated that Luna and the others would be able to return around eight o'clock.

As for Lunza and the others, since they set off later, they probably won’t be able to leave until around ten o’clock.

After eight o'clock at night, it will be the time when the beasts are boiling.

Their troops are insufficient and they may not be able to protect the cattle and sheep.

Zong Shen thought of this and named the five wolf cavalry who were patrolling at home this afternoon.

They were ordered to carry out a twenty-kilometer trek to the east.

They found two groups of people and guarded them on the spot.

The starting points and times of the two sides are different, and the traveling positions must be different, but the destination is the same, and the goal is large and eye-catching.

As long as the wolf cavalry moves in the general direction, it can always be found.

The five wolf cavalry took the order and rode the giant wolf towards the east, gradually disappearing into the night.

"Vereesa, I leave this ancient guardian seed to you. You are responsible for planting it in her."

Zong Shen called out to Vereesa who was talking to the two ranger sisters.

He handed the ancient guardian to her, and at the same time extracted 600 ml of old moon spring water and put it into an empty bucket.

Let her plant this ancient guardian seed on the right side of the courtyard.

Exactly one left and one right.

As for why it is not irrigated by Luna Spring, it is simply because it is not cost-effective.

Watering with spring water can only increase the cultivation time, but cannot improve the attributes of the guardian.

Ancient guardians, as tree spirits, can also be upgraded by killing monsters.

In addition, although it can move, it does not move very fast and can only be used as a passive defender.

In comparison, only by trading [Moon God Spring] in the market can we maximize our profits.

Isn’t it just three days?

It only takes another day and a half for the other ancient guardian tree to be successfully cultivated.

Zong Shen can afford to wait for this little time.

Not far away, the 40-meter [First-order City Wall] has been built. It looks very abrupt without being connected into one piece.

This is a big project that requires a lot of resources and effort.

But after having the city wall, it is equivalent to creating a relatively closed and safe environment.

And this is a step that must be taken sooner or later.

On the other side of the small courtyard, eight [1st-level thatched sheds] are under construction.

Those kobolds gathered in a remote corner outside the small courtyard, looking a little out of place.

As crypt creatures, there is something wrong with them living alongside humans.

These sheds will serve as their temporary homes.

When Zong Shen digs the mine, he will send them there and build the mine area into an enclave. Of course, there are still many problems that need to be solved.

Zong Shen thought for a while and then sat down at the door of the small courtyard.

He began to look at the items he had seen previously found in Zhang Song's relics.

[Second-Level Crossbowman Training Manual]

[One of the necessary items for building any second-level crossbow camp]

(For those of you who don’t have the crossbow camp construction diagram, just take a look now)

[Bakery Construction Drawings]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Requirements: Wood × 100, stone × 80, iron × 25, copper × 5, primary element crystal × 5, primary fire rune × 1]

[Area: 100 square meters]

[Sturdiness value: 1500]

[Building Armor: 20]

[The harvested wheat can be processed and baked to obtain various types of bread that can replenish more hunger and fullness. These breads can also be used to trade with the indigenous people]

[Construction time: 6h24m]

(As for the current one-third of an acre, don’t count on it for the time being)

[Elementary Magic Energy Core Manufacturing Drawings]

[Requirements: Iron × 50, Copper × 10, Mithril × 3, Primary Element Crystal × 5]

[Manufacturing time: 20 minutes]

[The primary magic energy core is the necessary power core for various primary magic energy products. When driving, primary magic energy crystals need to be provided for energy supply]

(Technology changes life, electric ones are not as good as magic ones)

Zong Shen didn't care about him. He had to learn all these drawings first.

Seeing the bakery, Zong Shen remembered that he opened the treasure box in the gangster's tent today and found exactly three [Elementary Farm Construction Drawings (10×10)].

Primary farm is a complete building without spending materials.

Can increase crop growth speed by 30%.

Zong Shen placed these three pieces of primary farmland next to the previous one.

It forms a field shape.

The 400 square meters of farmland is more than half an acre.

He still called the two female farmers who were in charge of the farmland before and told them to sow seeds tomorrow.

However, there were not enough wheat seeds, so Zong Shen planned to go to the [market] to buy them later.

Now, it's just a matter of waiting until the new farmers and the cattle and sheep return.

Because of the [Vitality Totem], Zong Shen's fatigue is rapidly fading while he is in the territory, and his physical strength is gradually recovering.

As the territory continues to build, it will eventually get better and better.

He stepped to the stove.

He took out a piece of unprocessed wolf meat.

The color of the meat is no longer fresh, but rather dull.

Because he found that it would also slowly deteriorate in the storage compartment, but the speed would be slower than that in the outside world.

There was so much meat that the camp could not eat it all in a short time.

Therefore, he planned to use all the meat stored in the storage box to make barbecue.

Barbecued meats need to be stored longer than fresh meats.

Sacrifice as much as sacrifice. Today is already the third night of landing.

汜 minus bx wx . Co 汜. The novice period protection time will end at noon tomorrow.

Food is still a hot commodity in [the market].

Zong Shen was going to sell some of the meat he had hoarded.

He turned on the stove and started grilling meat, and the quantity was immediately filled.

Bake 60 servings again.

After doing this, he went to the nearby [Market] and took out the resources in exchange for the three [Holy Water of the Moon] that were on sale when he left in the afternoon.

Obtained 750 parts of wood and 750 parts of hemp.

Mihe Mi. Now that the market has been upgraded to level 2, five units of products can be listed for sale at the same time. Zong Shen once again used 40 ml of Lunar Spring as a unit and listed five units of [Holy Water of the Moon] for sale, and each unit was exchanged for 250 wood and 250 hemp.

He is preparing materials for building the city wall.

As soon as he completed the sale, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol coming from behind him!

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