Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1080: Fighting towards the Fantasy Dice Casino I

Chapter 1082: Heading towards the Fantasy Dice Casino I [Please subscribe]

In other words, the reason why Kamo is obsessed with mechanical engineering and alchemy has a lot to do with his own talent.

In addition, Kamo Niklos also possesses a purple rare talent.

It's just that he hasn't received training since he was a child, so the four major attributes are very low.

It is barely equivalent to the enhanced peasant state of the three fat men before they were promoted to heroes.

And the [Hero Talent Skills] he comes with are also quite good.

The levels of the three hero skills are one blue and two purple respectively, and the overall level is biased towards the internal affairs auxiliary system.

The golden subtitles appeared in Zong Shen's consciousness, and he took another look.

[Strengthened cognition (blue): Have stronger learning ability and cognitive expansion acceptance]

[Hands-on ability (purple): Manufacturing-related work can be reduced by 30% in time]

[Wisdom Enhancement (Purple): Every time you upgrade by 1 level, in addition to the fixed free attribute points, you will also gain an additional 1 point of wisdom attribute]

So this guy has extremely high training value.

They can be trained as future great craftsmen of the territory.

Let him take charge of Dasir Hobang City, where he can develop industry and trade on a large scale at any time in the future.

Of course, due to the influence of the location, Zong Shen must occupy a quota of a [thousand-kilometer-level directional transmission tower] and establish a stable transmission channel to ensure the long-term peace and stability of Dasirho City.

In the future, the city may not only fall into turbulent disputes in the kingdom, but may also be robbed by the lords. Therefore, Zong Shen must plant the flag as soon as possible, declare the sovereignty of the city, and frighten those indifferent lords.

In any case, we can put the matter of Dasir Hobang City on hold for now.

Let’s wait until he finishes his trip to the giant city of Lentax,

Anyway, the key element of Camo Nicholls has been taken care of.

At this stage, it would be better for him to concentrate on settling the city of Seakabang.

As long as it goes through drastic reforms and the early food resources.

In another two to three months at most, this place will be able to initially return to normal.

The sun sets and night gradually falls.

Zong Shen stood up and took away the [Construct Iron Golem (Gold)] under Kamo's reluctant eyes.

"Okay, you and Mrs. Neville stay in the castle and don't go anywhere."

"Night is coming. I will bring Baron Edie back. You'd better not tell him the truth."

"Because, behind the trap he has fallen into now, there is also Akele Nicholls..."

"Even if I take back his rights, if he knows the truth, he will definitely go to Akler and fight for his life."

"You have sworn allegiance to me and you should understand what my identity means."

He said to Kamo Niklos in a calm tone.

The latter bowed respectfully and accepted the arrangement calmly.

"Don't worry."

"The pain caused by my troubled life experience is far less than the loneliness I have experienced over the years."

"These are nothing compared to your promises."

Kamo Nicholls replied calmly, his attitude was in line with Zong Shen's prediction.

Then, he took Kamo's arm and activated [Wandering Walk] and returned to the fourth floor of the castle.

Sally and Mrs. Neville were chatting on the terrace, and the atmosphere seemed calm and sad.

Seeing Zong Shen and others coming back, the two women greeted their children and lovers respectively.

Zong Shen gave Safuri a big hug, fully feeling the texture of her elastic body.

Camo Nicholls gently pushed Mrs. Navig away. His attitude towards his mother was still cold.

After releasing their embrace, Zong Shen and Safuli looked at the silent mother and son of Mrs. Navi.

"Remember, don't go anywhere tonight."

"Ask the butler to lock the castle door."

"The garrison moved into the castle gardens and took up the commanding heights."

He reminded seriously.

Kamo just nodded respectfully without any questions.

But Mrs. Neville didn't know why.

She just knew that Zong Shen wanted to get Sakabang City, but she didn't know the specific plan.

"Excuse me, will the castle be affected?"

Mrs. Navi asked cautiously.

In this regard, Zong Shen did not comment and just answered casually.

"Not necessarily, but there will definitely be chaos in Bangcheng tonight..."

"Okay, let's go."

"The psychic interference of the three Domhnalls and the maids will be lifted in two hours."

"How you want to explain it is up to you."

Zong Shen waved his hand, put his arm around Safuri's slender waist, activated [Wandering Walk] and left the castle.

The next moment, he appeared somewhere in the city five kilometers away.

Immediately afterwards, he launched several flashes in the direction of the suburbs.

It will not stop until [Wandering Walk] enters the cooling state of this round.

And he had already crossed a distance of more than 20 kilometers from the center of the city to the suburbs.

According to the guidance of the strategy module, the casino called Fantasy Dice is in this direction.

There were still about two or three kilometers to go. Looking up at the nightfall, Zong Shen decided to walk forward.

The outskirts of Bangcheng were originally densely populated with farms, orchards and pastures.

As the outer circle of the city, they are responsible for part of the agricultural and animal husbandry supply.

But now, walking on the roadside, the surroundings are already desolate.

There is no grass growing in the fields, only withered straw.

The fruit trees in the orchard were first stripped of their young leaves, and then the bark, all stripped bare.

Not to mention the pasture, it has long become an empty circle.

When famine strikes, livestock are the first to suffer.

The reason is simple: animals eat more than people.

Horses, mules, and cattle are all fed with peas and soybeans.

As long as the animals are killed, this part of the ration can be saved.

Moreover, livestock can provide meat and are also high-quality food sources themselves.

Therefore, these animals were killed first, and then the hungry people began to pull out wheat seedlings and gnaw the bark of trees.

Eventually, the outskirts of the city became a wasteland.

Recolonization requires a lot of effort.

Maybe Zong Shen could use a new method, such as letting his men replace Baron Edie, and at the same time using his identity as a foreign businessman to exchange grain for legal land deeds.

Anyway, he was originally going to support a batch of food to Seakabang City.

This move is enough to conceal the truth and occupy the land according to the procedures and methods of the indigenous people.

At least it's an extra layer of insurance.

Since Zong Shen is planning to use this affiliation mode to occupy the state city, on the surface, he must naturally follow the rules of the aborigines.

"The land has lost its value."

“Even if it gets regrouped, it will take a lot of time and effort to restore it.”

Safuli took Zong Shen's arm and expressed her opinion.

She believed that the city of Seakabang had little value in occupying it.

The land here itself is not very fertile, there are not many nearby trade routes, and even the water source is not abundant.

Water consumption is maintained by relying on a grassland runoff river and drilling wells around Bangcheng.

Coupled with the current desolate situation, it seems even more meaningless.

Zong Shen shook his head.

He also once thought about taking back all the remaining more than 200,000 people in Seaka in one fell swoop.

But as a result, the construction period of the territory will be extended again.

Housing construction has not yet been completed for the recently added population, and with more than 200,000 people added, the construction period of the territory will continue to be affected.

And even if you bring it back to the territory, there won't be that much cultivated land for planting in a short period of time.

There is a difference between cultivated land and wasteland.

Although the fields outside Seakabang City have been abandoned for several months, they can soon be restored to their original state as long as the soil is loosened and watered again.

Even if he brought all these people back to the territory, he would still have to solve the food problem.

In other words, even if there is only an empty shell left in the huge city of Seakabang, it is still valuable.

The city's houses, shops, towers, streets and castles can be reused.

And this kind of remote control will not last long.

When the development of the territory enters a new stage, he will openly take back the city of Seakabang.

Regarding this, it depends on the situation.

Including the dynamics of surrounding lords and the situation in aboriginal areas.

At that time, you can flexibly change your strategy to cope with the unpredictable future.

Of course, before reviving Seakabang City, he would quickly absorb the talents in the city into his territory.

Including the newly formed city hall and city defense corps officials.

In short, he only needs to obtain Seakabang City in name, and his future execution strategy will depend on the situation.

"It still has value."

"This is true even if the wilderness is defeated."

Zong Shen said simply, without giving too many reasons.

Safuli is a smart woman, and she can hear the attitude in Zong Shen's words.

After understanding the importance he attached to Seakabang City, he no longer questioned anything.

I walked silently for more than half an hour, and there were many rag tents built with bicycle frames along the way.

Hungry people in twos and threes lit bonfires, and from time to time someone could be heard shouting words such as "savior", "square" and "eat enough food".

The method Zong Shen deployed in the afternoon is spreading at an extremely fast speed in this hungry city.

Moving along the suburban road, they saw the dome manor surrounded by high walls.

It was dark all around, all the hungry people had been driven away, and only the lights there were bright.

"Here we are, that's Fantasy Dice."

"There are towers and sentries stationed on all four sides."

"There are patrols that move around regularly. The place is heavily guarded, like an isolated island outside the city."

Zong Shen and Safuli stood there, looking at the Dream Dice Casino seven or eight hundred meters away.

"It's only at the state level, so the strength of these sentries and patrollers won't be too strong."

"Let's go straight in."

Safuri looked at the fire in the distance, her eyes twinkling slightly.

But Zong Shen shook his head.

"No, you stay here."

“Behind the dream dice stands a count.”

"There are even city defense equipment prepared internally. Single-target kills can pose a threat to epic heroes."

"There is no need to put you in danger, I will go in personally."

Zong Shen's tone was unquestionable.

Taking advantage of the information advantage of the strategy module, he had already figured out the internal defenses.

Fantasy Dice Casino has 12 guard towers and 72 [mercenary shooters] equivalent to fourth-level rangers.

There are 47 third- and fourth-level [Henance Knights], and there are 129 [Casino Thugs] who are equivalent to second-level soldiers.

In addition, there are 9 second-level [Elemental Spellcasters] and two third-level [Wandering Monks].

The strongest person is the person in charge of the casino, [Speechless Illusionist Ze Lamo], with a level of LV32. His strength level has reached the epic level. His single combat power should be better than that of ordinary sixth-level soldiers.

Roughly between level six and level seven.

You must know that the general level determination of soldiers and wild monsters is different.

The sixth level, including standard equipment, barely reaches the threshold of the epic level.

This refers to infantry and conventional marksman units.

The single combat power of knights of the same level is usually stronger.

As for the spell caster, including group attack magic, the actual combat power is even greater.

Therefore, levels can only be used to initially measure strength, and cannot roughly indicate everything.

But no matter what, this strength is considered very powerful at the state level.

You must know that in a normal city, most of the city defenders are mainly first-level militiamen and second-level light troops.

Supplemented by third-level troops at the squad leader level and fourth-level troops at the squadron leader level.

Coupled with a few officials and generals who have reached the fifth level of strength, the garrison system of a state city can be formed.

Large cities may have sixth-level soldiers, but the number is definitely not large.

In addition to the illusionist, the dealers and waiters inside are also not simple.

They have received special training and roughly possess second to third level assassin combat power.

Not to mention the personnel guards for the moment, these guys also set up a lot of fourth- to fifth-level city defense equipment, arranged magic shields, and interference nodes.

For example, the [Level 5 Avalon Dragon Fang Giant Crossbow] is famous for its super armor-breaking effect. This thing is said to be able to tear even dragon scales and specializes in armor-breaking effects.

It is a standard munitions control device.

There are also [Level 3 Avalon Scatter Crossbow] and [Level 4 Avalon Penetrating Crossbow].

These crossbows can kill and injure epic level warriors.

The city defense equipment itself has over-level damage, but the cost is consumption and preparation time.

Therefore, Zong Shen would feel hindered by bringing Safuli with him.

With his own strength, he can completely defeat the Fantasy Dice Casino.

After all, he is a strong man with legendary mid-level strength.

And single-player attack is also his best fighting style.

"I understand, sir."

"I'll wait here for your return."

Safuri nodded obediently, then leaned forward and gave him a moist kiss.

Zong Shen smiled, put on his face-covered battle helmet, took out the [Demon-Slaying Blade of Azzinoth (gold)] and [Moon Wolf Fang (Level II Heritage)] and walked towards the Fantasy Dice Casino.

There was an interference node there, and he couldn't flash past it directly.

This also shows how tight the other party's defenses are.

Safuri looked at his retreating back and quickly hid herself in the darkness.

She is not a girl who is ignorant of the world. In fact, she has even more combat experience than Zong Shen.

It's just that the focus is different, and the individual's combat power is also different.

Soon, the screams of patrolling guards began to be heard in the distance.

Then came the "ding-dang-dang-dang" alarm bell.

It seemed that Zong Shen had no intention of hiding it at all, he was going to use the roughest and most direct means to get in!

When the strength advantage reaches a certain level, there is no need for any plan!

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