The baron's bedroom is very spacious and has an independent study room, bathroom and small living room.

The room was temporarily cleaned and sprayed with fragrant floral water.

Prior to this, Baron Indy Nicholls had not spent the night in the castle for nearly a year.

Mrs. Navi invited Zong Shen and Safuri to take a nap in the living room, while she herself sat on the bedside and held Baron Yin Di's hand with a very complicated expression.

It can be seen that she still has some feelings for her real husband.

It's just that in these relationships, there is mostly guilt and very little love.

If she loved Baron Yin Di enough, she would not have chosen to betray him in the first place.

As for Count Acre Nicholls, Mrs. Neville hated him because of her love. After being tortured and beaten, she no longer had any charming thoughts in her heart, only endless hatred.

She is a woman with very complicated emotional experiences, and even Mrs. Neville herself cannot describe her feelings.

Not paying attention to the Baron and his wife's affairs, Zong Shen and Safuli sat quietly in the living room.

He was waiting for a reply from the people under his command. Two hours ago, his men had already set off from the territory to Seakabang City, carrying enough food to feed 50,000 people.

There is still an hour or two before the agreed time at zero o'clock, so there is no need to be too anxious.

The Fantasy Dice Casino has been destroyed and Baron Indy Nickles has been brought back. From now on, it will be Zong Shen’s turn to play freely.

It is not difficult for him to appease the hungry people, as long as he can get food.

This is a basic need that hungry people urgently need to meet.

He would provide the first grain in the square.

In addition to the rations that can feed 50,000 people, Zong Shen is also preparing to take out part of the food reserves of Fantasy Dice Casino.

These foods are just a wedge, the real highlight is the large batch of food that Hao Yin will personally purchase and escort tomorrow morning.

In the following days, those men who went to other giant cities will return one after another.

So don't worry too much about anything.

A replacement for Baron Indy Nichols has also been arranged.

Mariel chose a domestic hero whose height and weight were similar to Baron Indy.

He is rushing to Seakabang City with the team.

They will drop down on the outskirts and contact the lord.

Waited for about half an hour.

The communication crystal hanging on Zong Shen's chest lit up, and he knew it just by glancing at the number.

After the call was connected, two superimposed respectful greetings came from the other side.

"Lord, here are James McGee and Philip Caret, your most loyal subordinates!"

“I pay my highest respect to you and wish you good health forever!”

The heroes who came this time were all guys that Zong Shen was not very familiar with.

It was a rare opportunity to talk to the lord, so you can imagine how excited I was.

As the population of the territory continues to increase, Zong Shen seems to have become a divine dragon in the hearts of many territorial residents.

Many of the people in the territory had only seen him a few times from a distance, but rarely had the opportunity to talk to him in person.

"Well, the glory be with you."

After giving a simple answer, Zong Shenbian began to discuss the rendezvous with them.

They agreed to meet on the outskirts of the city and then disguise themselves.

Philip Carret came to deliver food, and James McGee was the baron pretender chosen by Mariel.

He took it voluntarily

After all, Indy Nickles is the legitimate ruler of Seakabang City.

Although his reputation has become like the stinking mud in the ditch, the prodigal son will never return his money in return.

A villain can instantly become a Buddha as long as he puts down his butcher knife, let alone Baron Indy.

If a good person does an evil thing, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

If a wicked person does a good deed, his future will be bright.

The way things are, it's a travesty.

Therefore, Zong Shen needs to establish an image of a prodigal son who can correct his mistakes and turn around.

Use a contrast to restore Baron Yindy's momentum.

It is better to provide help in times of need than to add icing on the cake.

The hungry people have no choice at all. In such a situation, they will not let go of any life-saving straw.

Even if the snow originally fell because of Baron Yin Di, there is nothing more important than the actual food in your mouth.

The plan is like this, but the specific implementation will depend on the situation.

Anyway, the decision-making power rests with Zong Shen.

After finalizing the location, he directly activated [Wandering Walk] and left the Baron's Castle, arriving at the agreed-upon location in the suburbs.

Nari, a hungry little girl adopted by Sally, was temporarily left in the castle.

The little guy has no fighting ability and is not suitable to be taken out to show off.

The two heroes rode a commander-level griffon and landed on the wasteland outside the city.

There were not many hungry people around anymore, and the rumors of a savior spread by Zong Shen had attracted the attention of most of the refugees inside and outside the city.

The square in Seakabang City was already crowded with hungry people.

The square was designed to accommodate gatherings of up to 50,000 to 60,000 people.

But now, there are at least 100,000 people crowded here.

It's like a school playground that's rated to accommodate a few thousand people. If it's really forced to fit in, tens of thousands of people can be squeezed into it.

You must know that the billions of people on the earth are all piled up together, just like the Himalayas.

Humans don't actually take up space.

There is only a stampede safety line in the area.

Within a certain range, when the population density exceeds a threshold, it is easy to cause stampede accidents.

The flow of people gathered into a huge wave, and everyone was shoulder to shoulder, surging like a real ocean wave.

Individuals appear extremely small in this crowd.

The square at this time is in such a state.

But there are still many refugees who have not received the news. After all, they only have half a day.

Being able to spread from dozens of people to more than 100,000 people is considered an exponential spread efficiency.

This also has to eliminate some hungry people who don't believe the rumors.

There are always people who are always vigilant, or who have already despaired of the world.

I don’t want to believe that there is a so-called savior in the world.

This situation is also normal, human nature comes in all shapes and sizes.

It is difficult to fit all human nature into a specific template.

In the suburbs, Zong Shen handed over a meal of food for 50,000 people from Philip Carret's storage compartment.

Then he took out a copy of [Faceless Deceiver's Slippery Cells (Gold)] on the spot and handed it to James McGee. This guy was mentally prepared and swallowed it without saying a word.

The smooth cells resemble snail meat.

But this guy didn't even blink.

After eating, he kept saying "bah, bah, bah, bah, bah".

Soon the cells began to take effect as Jameis McGee's face began to distort.

Just like a ball of wax melted in high temperature, even the child's color and hair color can be changed freely like a dragon.

"Well, sir, this feels very strange..."

James McGee's soft and deformed mouth opened and closed slightly, and his voice became unclear.

At this time, he needs to be given a goal to change his form.

So Zong Shen glanced at Safuli, who raised her hand and sang softly.

Not long after, a mirror-like ice cube appeared in front of her.

The figure and appearance of Baron Yin Di emerged from it.

Moreover, the figure in the ice mirror is lifelike and can turn its body on its own.

You must know that neither Safuli nor Zong Shen have ever seen Indy Nichols when she was awake.

But this is the power of the spell. The frost element and a little bit of psychic interference are enough for James McGee to see the image used to mimic it.

After having a clear goal of mimicry, the mud-like face of James McGee began to slowly change

Hair color, pores, scars, and even every detail of wrinkles are almost the same.

The only things that cannot be changed are blood, fingerprints and other details.

Of course, genes are also different, but Endless Continent does not have genetic technology.

Methods such as blood testing are easy to solve, as long as the blood is collected from the real owner.

The process of mimicry took seven or eight minutes to end.

When James McGee's face settled back into place, he became another Baron Indy.

Fortunately, Philip Carret, who was in charge of delivering food, had been sent away by Zong Shen first, otherwise the guy would have been frightened.

Zong Shen is quite satisfied with the results of the mimicry.

The mimicry effect of the smooth muscle cells makes James McGee and Baron Indy Nickles nine points similar.

What is lacking is mainly temperament.

Both temperament and habits need to be cultivated slowly over time.

As long as the appearance is similar, Zong Shen's request can be met.

Then, he took out a suit that the baron wore daily and handed it to James.

Zong Shen and Safuli turned around, leaving him some privacy.

James changed his clothes in the dark.

As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. After putting on the baron's clothes, his temperament immediately caught up with him.

There was also a hint of the baron's power when he walked.

After all, fine Chinese clothes are much better than the coarse linen clothes in the territory.

"How is it, Lord Territory?"

James McGee is also a weirdo. Not only does he not resist changing his appearance and body shape, but he also seems quite satisfied.

Zong Shen nodded and looked at him seriously.

To be honest, as long as there are no flaws in his memory and habits, this guy can really become a replacement for Baron Indy Nichols.

After all, he is just a puppet in front of the stage. He only needs to brush his face from time to time.

Any orders from Seakabang City will be planned by the territorial headquarters.

Moreover, this guy's loyalty level is as high as 93 points, which is considered a relatively high limit.

Zong Shen estimated that letting him take charge of the city and maintain the baron's life would definitely increase his loyalty.

You must know that even if he is just playing for fun, the baron's living standard is better than that of the heroic talents in the territory.

So from this aspect, this guy is quite smart.

As for his original appearance, he was not outstanding, even far inferior to Baron Yin Di.

No wonder Jameis McGee chose to voluntarily disguise himself.

This is equivalent to changing his life.

After getting ready, Zong Shen took off the [Communication Crystal] and dialed the number represented by Yingjiang.

The vibration lasted for more than ten seconds, and he chose to hang up.

Then after waiting for another half minute, a loud chirping came from the distant air.

A huge black shadow fell from the sky at night, like a ball of black cotton.

The wings stirred up strong winds on the ground, sending dust and rubble flying everywhere.

It landed steadily on the open space in front of Zong Shen, and the four-clawed pestle left a deep ravine on the ground.

"Come on, let's go!"

Zong Shen picked up Sally and said hello to James McGee.

As the leader of the griffon, not everyone can ride it.

Other heroic talents in the territory can only ride ordinary griffins.

So James seemed a little nervous.

However, he still came to Yingjiang very quickly and climbed up along the hard feathers on the side and rear.


He raised his neck, let out a cry, and flapped his wings.

Under Zong Shen's guidance, he flew towards the city square.

The defensive measures outside Seakabang City are nothing but empty shells.

The towering towers and garrisons were deserted.

After the city defenders were disbanded on a large scale, everything was taken away.

It became a temporary residence for some hungry people.

Logically speaking, after a ferocious beast like Yingjiang enters the city, it will be attacked by ground towers unless the distance is increased.

The aboriginals do not have defensive arrow towers, but they have defensive magic towers and city-defending giant crossbows that can shoot thousands of meters in the air. They are fully capable of building a defense system.

And most cities, even if they don't build city walls, have multiple magic energy shield nodes inside.

Defenses can be built urgently during wartime.

Magic energy shields are not a rare thing among the aborigines.

Even the Fantasy Dice Casino has a small shield.

Now, Eagle Sauce can fly freely in the sky of Seakabang City.

The city below posed no threat to him.

Zong Shen has the strategy module positioning, and Yingjiang follows his command.

With precise navigation, they quickly arrived at their destination, the city square of Seakabang City!

Looking down from the sky, there are many torches and fires glowing below.

Zong Shen let Yingjiang fall down and float in the air about a hundred meters above the ground.

The dragon-veined gryphon, which is more than ten meters long, is the best floating stage.

The sudden huge thing quickly attracted the attention of the hungry people below.

The sound gathered by more than 100,000 people can be called a tsunami.

Fortunately, Zong Shen was prepared. He took out two [Magic Power Amplifiers (Blue)] from the storage compartment.

Mariel accidentally found this thing for sale in the [market].

It seems that a certain lord obtained independent drawings of such items.

The listing price was not expensive, just over two hundred dinars, so Mariel bought it all.

Seven or eight loudspeakers are just enough for territory use.

Zong Shen also brought two with him.

He asked Sally to sit still while he climbed onto Yingjiang's head with the fake Baron Yindi.

Its body is huge, its head is big enough for two people to stand, and there is still a lot of free space.

After standing still, Zong Shen raised the trumpet and shouted the first sentence.

"Hungry people of Seaka, your savior has come!"

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