The one-way fare for the cable car is 5 dinars, which is extremely cheap for Zong Shen.

But if calculated based on the wages and prices at the village level and the city level, it is still a bit expensive.

I still remember that when Baron Bezos recruited miscellaneous maids in the village of Citano, the monthly salary was 20 dinars, which was only 240 dinars a year, plus 20 days of family leave.

In other words, if the baron's miscellaneous maid was asked to ride the cable car, it would cost her nearly a week's wages.

If not in Jucheng, the maid's salary would be much higher.

Normally, the salary can reach 50 to 70 dinars per month, which is several times higher than the salary standard at the state and city level.

If you consider saving money, the cheapest ways to travel within the city are mule carts and ox carts.

As long as you pay 1 dinar, you can ride the same distance in a one-way cable car.

Therefore, most wealthy families in the city have horses on their backs.

Dry feed for raising horses is in short supply.

Precisely because the giant city is so large, each neighborhood has formed a system.

It may even take weeks to travel from the south to the north of the third circle of the city.

Transportation determines traffic efficiency, and those efficient methods are definitely not within the grasp of ordinary citizens.

Therefore, the price of the cable car is actually not too expensive. No one wants to waste so much time just to get around the city, because time is money.

In fact, the Giant City Cable Car can only be regarded as an intermediate mode of transportation in the city.

There are many types that are less efficient than it, and there are also many types that are more efficient than it.

For example, magic shuttles, small airships, flying monsters with quasi-flying licenses, etc.

Sitting on the cable car, there were three people, one dragon and several big-nosed dwarfs opposite, staring at each other with big eyes.

The cable car is pulled in both directions by the magic noose and rollers above. It is essentially a pulley set driven by magic energy.

The maximum speed is 20 kilometers per hour.

Zong Shen's one-way trip is about 8 kilometers and takes about 20 minutes.

They can only transfer when they reach the next cable car stone tower node.

A total of five such transfers are required to reach the outer edge of the second circle.

"Sir, why do you keep staring at our three brothers?"

A dwarf sitting opposite Xiao Heizi couldn't help but question.

In fact, the only one looking at them was Xiao Heizi.

Zong Shen, Yin Lina and Tasia were all enjoying the scenery outside leisurely.


Xiao Heizi, who had transformed into a human form, let out a muffled groan and sprayed out two streams of sulfur smoke from his nose.

At the same time, a trace of pressure belonging to the real dragon was released.


The three dwarfs screamed and crowded in fear at the window of the cable car.

"Shut up or I'll let it eat you all."

The noisy dwarf affected Zong Shen's interest in watching the scenery, and he grinned and threatened again.

Xiao Heizi also showed his teeth in cooperation with his master.

The three dwarfs were stunned, and finally they all fainted.

Zong Shen turned around and rolled his eyes at Xiao Heizi, who shrugged.

"Sorry, Master."

"These little ones are so cowardly."

Xiao Heizi said without sincerity.

"You are a real dragon, they are just dwarfs who will not grow up."

"Scaring them doesn't reflect your bravery."

Zong Shen lectured again, saying that he didn’t want this guy to cause trouble in Jucheng.

Xiao Heizi quickly sat upright, nodded and agreed.

Mr. Zong attaches great importance to this trip to the giant city.

He came with a mission and expectations.

Safuri had already arrived at the giant city first.

But she couldn't meet Zong Shen freely in the city.

Need to keep dealing with those damn church elders.

Therefore, Zong Shen must understand the current situation and situation of Jucheng.

How could such a huge and beautiful city be destroyed so easily in chaos?

To be honest, Zong Shen had a desire to conquer and possess the city under the cable car.

If a person has never enjoyed power, he may not feel that it is wonderful.

But after enjoying power, this beauty becomes addictive and irresistible.

Conquest and Ambition only have 0 and 1 times.

They are like raging weeds that can never be eradicated and become more tenacious.

After the small episode, the journey became much duller.

The three dwarfs didn't wake up until the cable car reached the next stone tower node.

I don’t know if he was just faking it or if he really fainted.

What was certain was that all three of them were breathing.

Everyone changed to the next route and got on the cable car again, which was another journey of about six kilometers.

It takes about 18 minutes. In total, the time required for five cable cars is at least two hours.

The scenery in the third circle of the city below is very similar.

There are always a few places in the criss-crossed streets that seem similar to each other.

The reason is because the city is too big.

Every neighborhood is like a small settlement, in order to buy daily necessities without going far.

There are all kinds of small shops in the neighborhood.

Every day, there are a large number of traveling merchants and freight trucks delivering various goods to different shops in different neighborhoods.

People in cities need to consume massive amounts of sugar, salt, flour, alcohol and various daily necessities every day.

The daily amount of feces can pile up like a mountain.

Most of the excrement in the residence is collected by dung collection trucks that are dispatched in the early morning and transported to several manure workshops and saltpeter plants outside the city. During the day, there are also scattered dung pickers scattered throughout the city like industrious ants.

They pick up excrement and sell it to those workshops as well.

The giant city of Lentax is not a hot place, the hottest time is only around 25℃.

So the saltpeter plant is not for making ice, but the magic ice used by the nobles.

Just like the frost raven in Zong Shen's territory, if you get some water and spray some cold air, it will turn into ice cubes.

The saltpeter here will be transported to the alchemy workshop in the city, where specific magic materials will be added to create teleported magic gunpowder. It is also one of the basic raw materials for all magic high-explosives in the Endless Continent.

Speaking of which, it would definitely be a good choice if selling ice cubes in hot areas.

However, the hotter the place, the scarcer the water elemental magic. This is related to the environment and the sparseness of the elemental magic.

Zong Shen was thinking about the city's layout and lifestyle while looking at the scenery below.

After many transfers, they stood at the highest point of the cable car stone tower.

The towering towers of the second circle can already be seen ahead.

You can even vaguely see the edge of the first circle wall.

It is worth mentioning that the towers in the second circle are actually taller than those in the third circle.

Zong Shen had observed it before and used the strategy module to obtain data.

The accurate data of the height of the tower in the third circle is 125 to 135 meters.

The heights of different tower sections are slightly different.

The height of the tower in the second circle reaches 165 meters to 180 meters.

The thickness has been increased from 35 meters to 50 meters, which is really tall and thick!

Speaking of which, isn't this the layout of tight internal defense and loose external defense?

This layout highlights the class divisions within the city.

Ordinary people and poor people live in the third circle, while wealthy businessmen and minor nobles live in the second circle.

The great nobles live in the first circle.

As for the ruling class, they must live in the castle in the core area.

Maybe there is a manor in the first circle.

This is the simple and unpretentious life of the nobles of the Endless Continent.

Compared with the third circle, which covers the largest area.

The first and second circles are like the real core of the city.

It is also the essence of the giant city of Lentax.

The third circle is more like the result of years of population growth and expansion.

After all, most of the human kingdoms and giant cities in the Endless Continent have a history of thousands or even thousands of years.

"Come on, we have to get off the tower right here."

Zong Shen looked at it for a while and suddenly felt emotional.

But we had to keep on going, otherwise it would be dark.

He took everyone in a hanging basket from the transfer platform at the top of the tower back to the ground.

Speaking of which, more than two hours have passed since entering the city.

Three people and one dragon spent a total of 100 dinars and nearly two hours on the cable car.

Only then did we get close to the outer edge of the second circle.

It would take a few kilometers to reach the city gate.

To be honest, if Zong Shen wasn't worried about being too ostentatious, he would have just launched a flash forward.

After returning to the ground in a gondola, he hired a two-horse carriage for a hundred dinars.

Unless it was a draft horse, an ordinary single carriage might not be able to carry them.

Speaking of which, the three draft horses bought before entering the city have become disposable consumables.

This cost him more than two thousand dinars.

Things in the giant city are more expensive, and the draft horses are working horses, which are more expensive than ordinary riding horses, but not as good as mixed-breed war horses.

Anyway, if someone is not short of money, then he should contribute to the economy of the giant city of Lentax.

The carriage walked for more than ten or twenty minutes before arriving at the city gate of the second circle.

This is one of the 32 city gate entrances in the entire second circle.

What left Zong Shen speechless the most was that entering the second circle actually required city fees.

It's not expensive, it only costs 1 dinar per person, which is just a penny.

But thinking about it can make people feel unhappy.

The carriage stopped outside the city gate. The money was quite profitable.

After the three people and one dragon entered the second circle, they did not feel much relaxed.

The buildings here are more regular than those in the third circle.

Most of them are stone houses, generally four to six stories high.

The exterior walls were painted with white paste and mortar, making them look more beautiful and decent.

The streets are paved with stones, sand, and some kind of adhesive.

It can withstand the crushing traffic of load-bearing carriages and mule carts.

There are also white stone street lamps on the main street, one every ten meters.

Some shops will also have a magic light hitting the outer wall.

Here, these simple magic energy technology products are relatively popular.

Unlike Bangcheng, the night lighting in the city is mainly based on braziers and torches.

This is also a point that shows the difference.

In addition, the pedestrians in the second circle also had better-looking faces and neatly dressed clothes. There were almost no hungry people with good looks.

Although the supply of materials in the giant city of Lentax is quite abundant.

But there are still many hungry people and beggars in the third circle.

There are also a lot of black street rats.

In contrast, the second circle is much more stable.

This also proves Zong Shen’s conjecture about the division of circles and class gaps in the giant city.

After entering the second circle, he did not rush to continue on his way, but took out the [Communication Crystal] and dialed the crystal number of the bard Ingram.

All I saw was that the crystal was glowing with light, but no one cared about it.

The vision of citizens in giant cities is much higher than that of villages and cities.

All kinds of weird magical creations are common.

The flash lasted for more than a minute but no one answered.

Zong Shen put down the crystal in confusion, waited for a moment and then dialed the number again.

Meanwhile, in the second circle, there is a street decorated with pink lights.

This is a street of prostitutes (anti-harmony) in Lentax, called Fen Yunying.

In the basement of a certain brothel (anti-harmony), England was in ragged clothes, with traces of whipping all over his body. He was tied to a cross stake and looked dying.

His clothes and pants were piled in a corner.

The [communication crystal] among them is shining brightly.

A purple halo illuminated the dim basement.

He was awakened by this light from his semi-conscious state, and opened his eyes in confusion.

His face was covered in blood, and even the ground below his head was covered in blood.

Most of the blood has solidified into scab, which is dark, black and smelly.

From time to time, rats crawled across the wall and nibbled at the wounds on England's legs.


"Zong...Zong Shen..."

He murmured weakly, his tied hands shaking weakly.

It didn't take long for the [communication crystal] to go out.

The purple light no longer existed, and the basement returned to darkness once again.

A tear fell from England's eyes.

I can't tell whether it's despair or regret.

After the second call failed, Zong Shen frowned.

In this case, either England lost the crystal somewhere.

Either that guy died during the agreed period of time.

Either scenario is likely.

Zong Shen didn't think too much and calmly prepared the strategy module for advice.

"Please tell me England's current condition and location?"

There is no difficulty in this problem in theory.

So soon golden subtitles emerged.

(England was tricked while visiting a brothel (anti-harmony). He is now being held in the basement of the Red Charm House on Pink Yunying Street. His life is in danger and he is in urgent need of rescue.)

Zong Shen's brows furrowed. He really didn't expect that this guy would still go to the spring pavilion with Ya Xing.

And he was plotted for it.

To be honest, England's qualifications are only purple rare. Even if he adds a rare profession [bard], it is nothing more than that for Zong Shen today.

At first, he was still eager to take him under his wing, but now that the gap between the two parties has widened, he no longer has such high recruitment value.

While he was thinking, the scene of England singing a hymn and calling him a friend suddenly appeared in his mind, which made him make up his mind.

"Forget it, it's just a sex shop, there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Just move quickly!"

Thinking of this, he was ready to take action immediately.

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