With Zong Shen and Xiao Heizi, the master and servant can basically walk sideways in the giant city of Lentax.

As for England, just pretend this guy doesn't exist.

He has not yet joined the territory, and his habits look no different from other aborigines in the city.

With England as a foil, many of Zong's and Xiao Heizi's actions would not appear abrupt.

This can be regarded as a function that has no effect.

Speaking of which, Zong Shen also has a high-grade harp in his hand that he wants to give to England.

But now is not a good opportunity, wait until this kid joins the territory.

The Bountiful Street Market is not far from the hostel where they are currently staying.

It's only about a dozen kilometers away.

They stopped the carriage and it only took thirty or forty minutes to arrive.

After staying in the giant city of Lentax for a day or two, Zong Shen became more and more accustomed to this slow way of traveling, mainly because there were no mandatory mission goals and there was no need to rush.

There is no one in the city who can make Zong Shen feel a sense of crisis or urgency.

This makes moving around very comfortable, almost like traveling and shopping.

Of course, all this is also related to his own strong strength.

The legendary powerhouse is already at the top of the pyramid in the giant city.

I can’t say it’s rare, but it’s definitely not a bad street.

Based on Zong Shen's current actions, the probability of provoking a legendary powerhouse is very low.

Under the legend, someone like Zong can be said to be walking sideways.

"Zong Shen!"

"The more I look at you, the less I can see through you."

"When you invited me to join your 'territory', I was disdainful."

"I'm thinking: 'Look, he calls it a territory. There are no taverns, no women's wards, no business hotels, and everything is dark. The only advantage is that the open space is relatively fresh.' Yes, this is what I was thinking at the time. true thoughts.”

"But now I see the changes in you, and this friendly and reliable partner, Xiao Hei."

"Believe me, dear friend."

"I will seriously consider your invitation this time."

England said seriously, at the time he actually looked down upon Zong Shen's territory.

At that time, the territory was similar to a remote settlement.

Hearing what he said, Zong Shen grinned.

"I'm glad to have your approval."

There was a teasing tone in his words, but England didn't hear it.

Xiao Heizi hooked his shoulder.

"Damn England, you're going to be in for a real surprise soon!"

"The backcountry in your impression has disappeared!"

Engham, who was hugged tightly around his neck, was unable to struggle at all.

"I know, I know!"

"Let me go!"

"I'm about to die!"

There was a pleasant atmosphere in the carriage.

A lord Guabi, an evil black dragon, and a dissolute bard.

No one could have imagined that the three of them could live in such harmony.

"Jingle Bell!"

The crisp copper bell rang.

A heavy carriage with two horses stopped at the east entrance of the "Fenghuo" neighborhood market.

As a large market occupying an entire city block.

There are four gates here according to the directions.

There are crisscrossing main roads that divide the market into four areas.

The road is extremely wide and can accommodate four carriages traveling side by side.

In addition to this crossroad, there are many branch roads that can be used by horse-drawn carriages.

The entire market occupies a large area and the atmosphere is very lively and noisy.

The air was filled with the smell of chlorophyll from vegetables and the fishy smell of raw meat.

Everywhere you can see shirtless human butchers with thick hair standing in front of the meat stalls and spitting.

Mules with two large baskets hanging beside them left the market carrying loads of vegetables, fresh meat and grain.

This level of everyday shopping can be found throughout the Bountiful neighborhood and beyond.

The four areas in the market are vegetables and fruits, various grains, meat, and fish.

Yes, fish is also the main selling category here.

Although the giant city of Lentax is not close to the sea, there are many large lakes and rivers nearby.

In addition, business groups from the giant cities on the eastern coast have long been stationed here to sell seafood.

According to the information provided by Safuri, it is not uncommon for the "Fish Island" run by mysterious pretenders from the east to appear in the market in the Fenghuo District.

However, the "Fish Island" is very large, much larger than the previous caravan stations from the east.

The two areas at the east gate are vegetables, fruits and meat.

They are divided by crossroads and appear busy and crowded.

It's easy to get to the fish area, just follow the crossroads to the fork.

Smelling the pungent smell of meat in the air, England pinched his nose and couldn't help complaining.

"Zong Shen, why don't we go have some fun?"

"Do you have to come to the market?"

"Look at our feet, there are all poultry droppings and stinking dirty blood!"

This level of stench is nothing. The smell in the chest and abdomen of a monster killed alive is much worse than here.

Killing not only tempered Zong Shen's nerves, but also freed him from the pretentiousness and mysophobia of ordinary people.

As for Little Heizi, it doesn't matter. His favorite food is the sour rotten catfish buried in the mud of the rotting swamp. This stinky smell is nothing compared to its own strong taste.

"I didn't ask you to come."

"You came here yourself!"

"Otherwise, I will give you tens of thousands of dinars, just like my two wives."

"You can amuse yourself."

He shrugged and answered concisely.

There was no concealment in the words.

England also knew about the relationship between Tasia, Yin Lina and him.

He didn't dare to make a mistake, and he couldn't make a mistake, because both women were very strong, and the bard could fly to the other side of the street with just a move of his fingers.

Hearing about the "pocket money" of tens of thousands of dinars, England's intestines almost turned green with regret.

He didn't dare to go to Pink Yunying Street again, but there were still many exciting and exciting places in the second circle that were suitable for recreation.

Tens of thousands of dinars are enough for him to live happily and play with those top-quality goods.

This guy's character is like this. In fact, most bards can't control their lower bodies.

It is better to play with girls in the city than to provoke those ignorant girls.

Almost all bards carry emotional debts.

There are enough scandals to write several tomes.

Zong Shen said it didn't matter. After all, after being included in the loyalty system in the future, this guy wouldn't have much chance to wander around. Then he would find a wife for him and let this guy live a good life in the territory.

The position of the bard is relatively complex. He can not only assist in combat, but also create epic poems with his pen.

That kind of epic novel, a bit like poetry, but also like a story.

The territory needs such a "recorder of epic events".

That's right, Zong Shen had a very bad idea, which was to let England record the rise of the territory and future hegemony, leaving a souvenir for the future.

Regardless of whether he can climb to the top, this record will be passed down to future generations.

Perhaps a few years later, a new generation of lords accidentally dug up this record and learned that a powerful overlord named Zong Shen once roamed this land.

Everyone is driven by the pursuit of the wealth left by overlord Zong Shen.

If this happens, even if it fails, it doesn’t seem so regretful!

Of course, he may not fail.

If someone from Zong succeeds, he will overcome all the difficulties in the future and become the most powerful lord.

So this record still has great commemorative significance.

So he had already arranged England's work in the territory.

Don't underestimate the significance of this matter. Now it's time for him to plan his future.

Success as king and defeat as bandits is the end, but he still wants to leave something behind for future generations.

He didn't tell Ingram about this idea for the time being, and would wait until this guy joined the territory.

While walking in the market, Zong Shen asked about the selling prices in the market.

Fresh meat and dried meat are completely different prices.

The latter is more expensive than the former.

Of course the former tastes better than the latter.

But Endless Continent is still a pragmatic world.

The productivity here is not as high as expected, but it is not much stronger either.

Dried meat needs to be salted, dehydrated and then dried in a ventilated place under direct sunlight.

A pound of dried meat will shrink by 40% to 60% in weight.

And you have to use extra salt.

These are all costs!

Aboriginal people buy a piece of dried meat which can be stored for a long time and can be used in many ways.

It can be sliced ​​and lightly grilled before being sandwiched in bread.

You can also cut it into small pieces and cook it into oatmeal to add salt and protein.

As for fresh meat, the biggest problem with this stuff is that the shelf life is too short!

Unless there is a special ice cellar at home, or there are frost magic props and frost spell casters waiting on you.

Otherwise, a piece of fresh meat cannot be stored for two days without getting a lot of squirming protein!

Accompanied by the "aroma" produced as the protein breaks down.

Being a world of swords and magic, the flies here are also extremely tenacious.

So fresh meat is cheap, while dried meat is more expensive.

However, there is still a lot of fresh meat on the market.

I bought it the same day and cooked it the same day, and it still tastes great.

As for why butchers don't dry all meat before selling it.

Firstly, there is a demand for fresh meat, and secondly, drying it takes more effort and time.

Those merchants who sell dried meat in large quantities have special drying yards.

After asking about the price, Zong Shen had an idea.

Here you can buy a huge amount of dried meat for a million dinars.

By the way, he asked about the prices of fruits and vegetables.

The giant city of Lentax has many fancy vegetables and fruits.

Many of them are varieties that Zong Shen has never seen before.

The price is slightly lower than fresh meat, but some of them are even more expensive than meat.

It is said to taste great when cooked.

Zong Shen also bought some and was ready to taste it.

Compared with the giant city with ample food supply, the territory is really a remote place!

Although the logistics hero will search for seeds in the [market] every day to enrich the farming types in the territory as much as possible.

But farming takes time to develop, especially now when preparing for large-scale planting.

If Zong Shen wants to eat the vegetables grown in the territory, he may have to wait for a while!

As they walked, the two of them arrived at a crossroads in the market.

In the front right is the grain area, which contains various refined and crude grains. Big bags of flour are piled on the field.

To the front left is the fish area, and there is a fishy smell in the air.

The vendor built a pool directly, filled with ridiculously large freshwater fish.

It looks a bit like the big-headed fish on Earth, but it is much larger. It seems to weigh 180 kilograms.

This amount is nothing to the aborigines with slightly higher attributes.

Looking at these big fish, Zong Shen thought of the dried fish steaks he saw in the aboriginal villages.

Didn't stop too much at these stalls.

His goal is clear, that is to find the "Fish Island" stall.

This area is very large, with both private stalls and large business groups.

There are a wide variety of signboards written in common languages.

Looking around, you can't find the "Island of Fishes" at all.

But it doesn't matter, someone in Zong has a strategy module.

He decisively mobilized his strategy and conducted navigation.

Golden subtitles appear, and relevant marks and arrows will guide him.

The current "Fish Island" business point.

There are hundreds of magic bubbles here, as well as a pool as big as a pond.

There were even several tents set up within the station area.

Looking at all the stalls in the market, this one is unique in scale and grandeur.

Since their arrival a few days ago, all the stalls that used to be here have been driven out.

In one of the tents, a young man wearing a standard armor and a serious face was bowing to report the situation to a middle-aged man wearing a businessman's uniform.

"Lord Marquis, the Marquis's instructions are as follows."

"I request everyone in our department to prepare in advance for the competitive meeting in four days."

"The second prince will appear in person at that time."

"The spies in the city discovered some unusual signs."

"Perhaps that represents the second prince's hidden backhand."

Hear reports from young people.

The middle-aged man named Marquis Skinner nodded gently.

"Mobilize the elite troops of the Swordfish Regiment."

"And the Three Paintfish Squadron."

"Let them be prepared to cooperate with Marquis Henry!"

"This is a mission personally assigned by Her Royal Highness Anna, and there must be no room for failure!"

"It is related to the strategic layout of the entire eastern part of the kingdom!"

His words were orders, and the young sergeant immediately saluted.

He put on a cloak that could disguise his body, and then walked out of the tent disguised as a fishmonger.

The thick fur tent blocked out the noise from the outside world.

The incense in the house eliminated the fishy smell.

Marquis Skinner frowned and looked at the paperwork on the table in front of him.

They had just arrived in Magtan City not long ago and didn't know much about many things.

No one can say for certain that this was not a hoax by Marquis Henry.

But Princess Anna will never let go of any opportunity to capture her brother.

For her, as long as she can capture Carter, she can use this as a condition to negotiate with Archduke Jonathan behind him!

Maybe he can win the support of Archduke Jonathan in one fell swoop.

After all, seizing the king is essentially for the distribution of future interests of the kingdom!

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