Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1122: Allegiance and waiting in the alley

The sudden invitation made the two sisters startled.

They swallowed their food and made eye contact with each other.

The lord's invitation was a choice for the indigenous people.

From the moment the formal invitation was sent out, they got some kind of inspiration.

This is the call and call from the lord system.

If they choose to refuse, they will instantly forget that piece of information.

This is why Zong Shen firmly believes that lords are "dogs" with authority in the Endless Continent.

The arrival of the new generation of lords is itself a forced reshuffle.

Through various privilege blessings and trials and eliminations, a group of strong people can always be quickly selected.

Today's increasingly decadent mainland indigenous people must have failed to meet the requirements of the lord system in some respects.

In other words, the current indigenous people themselves are the descendants of the "eliminates".

Of course, they are indigenous after all, and the lord system has not completely blocked the indigenous people's opportunities for hegemony.

The lord needs privileges because the lord comes from another world and is in a state of poverty.

This requires making good use of the resources of the past, including those recruitment scrolls, which are the warriors and power left over from the ancient bygone era.

The two sisters hesitated for a moment. They might not be able to understand the concepts of lords and subjects.

But he can understand that the status of a subject is definitely much better than that of a slave.

And the Karan sisters actually don’t have many choices.

They were bought by Zong Shen, and they were helpless in the huge city of Lentax.

Although it is geographically close to the eastern part of the Kingdom of Avalon.

But the east is also a large area, not to mention that the Zerikan Clan Kingdom is not on the east coast.

Instead, it is on a large island further east.

Even if Zong Shen agrees to the sisters leaving, it will be difficult for them to return to their hometown.

The strength of the fifth level is pretty good, but it is still unable to cope with the crazy slave catching team.

Zong sat quietly in his place and did not interrupt their decision-making process.

He turned to look outside the terrace. The auction below had already gone on for two more rounds.

Currently there are more than 20 third-level female swordsmen from the Nord Kingdom being auctioned.

These swordswomen are not "clean" goods, and are not as rare as the Zerekan women.

So the starting price was relatively cheap, and they all stood naked on the stage.

There isn't even a cage, and even the rune collar around his neck looks even cruder.

They lowered their heads and covered three points on their bodies, and their anklets and bracelets made "clanging" sounds from time to time.

Nord women are tall and look a bit like the Slavs on Earth.

The skin of the body is very white, but the limbs and face are slightly dark.

This is the essential difference between female warriors and waiters. They can both fight with swords.

Many female swordsmen still have scars on their bodies.

This also makes their prices greatly reduced.

But it still attracted the attention of many small and medium-sized adventurers and mercenary teams.

This kind of female slave with third-level strength can be bought back and taken care of, or can be used as cannon fodder in battle.

In addition, the strength of the third level is not too weak, at least at a medium level.

You must know that the garrison in the city is mainly the second and third level troops.

Zong Shen has no interest in this. In fact, if it is not troublesome, he can take it back and improve the population ratio of warriors in the territory.

Ever since the new rules were updated after the defensive challenge, he has been more concerned about the life-long affairs of his subjects.

Combat power is just a piece of data, while reproductive ability is the real future of a territory.

Of course, all problems can be solved in a short period of time through various recruitment and robbery methods.

But this does not prevent Zong from paying attention to the gender ratio in the territory.

The world is so big, and women can’t get enough sleep.

His eyes turned back to the two Karan sisters sitting next to them.

After nearly ten minutes of consideration, the Zerikan sisters finally made a decision.

I saw my sister Bebeka nodding slightly towards my sister Silier.

The latter immediately knew what was going on and looked at Zong Shen seriously.

"We are willing!"

Then, the two women stood up and came to him, kneeling on one knee and placing their palms against their foreheads.

“#@¥¥#@%¥ # %…”

Immediately afterwards, the two girls chatted in ancient Eastern dialect.

The strategy module was translated under his instruction.

The general meaning is still the same as swearing allegiance.

After saying the words of allegiance, the two sisters suddenly raised their heads and made a cupping gesture with their palms.


Silier said softly.

Zong Shen knew that this was also part of the oath-taking process, so he took out a blue high-quality short knife from the storage compartment and handed it to her.

After getting the short knife, Silier made a light scratch on the center of her thumb without hesitation.

Then Bebeca did the same.

The two sisters squeezed out a drop of blood and pressed it on their foreheads, and nodded to Zong Shen again.

As a lord, Zong Shen does not need to speak, he only needs to nod his head.

After completing this process of swearing allegiance, the two Karan sisters officially joined the territory and became the twin sisters and heroic talents under Zong Shen.

The initial loyalty points of the two sisters are neither high nor low, respectively 68 points and 66 points.

The taller one is her older sister Silier, who has a slightly gentler personality.

The lower one is the sister Bebeka who has a cold temperament.

This is harmless, since the loyalty of sixties and seventies is only that much anyway.

It will have to be adjusted slowly in the future.

Now that they have joined the territory, the sisters are their own.

Zong Shen brought some lion war swords with him, which were of a good level.

Swords have their own similarities, let's start with the two sisters being initially armed.

As for armor, he carries several sets of elven light armor and war helmets.

These are all standard equipment obtained from the ruins.

In addition, the two sisters still had no clothes, so Zong Shen could only take out his own underwear and let them make do with it.

I saw Silier and Bebeka not shying away from suspicion.

With their backs to Zong Shen, they took off their light robes and put on new cotton and linen underwear.

Modify slightly where the dimensions don't fit.

Then he wore [Elf Light Armor] and held [Lion War Sword].

It seems to have become more presentable.

Wearing war helmets and veils, the striking clan tattoos on the two women's faces were obscured.

It's just that the two girls don't have shoes yet, so they can wait until they leave to buy them.

If you have money in your pocket, you don't have to worry about not being able to buy anything in the giant city of Lentax.

After a simple change of clothes, Zong Shen had no intention of staying any longer.

Nord Ax Warriors are being auctioned below, all recent prisoners of war from the Nord Kingdom.

Speaking of which, King Ragnar still owed him a favor, and he didn't know when he would have the chance to take it back.

He was actually more interested in the Salander Sultanate than the Nordic Kingdom, which was at the beginning of the war.

Zong Shen has several related relic items on hand, all of which are related.

He stood up and left the private room, and the two Karan sisters followed him consciously.

Back on the street, he suddenly stopped.

I didn't look back, I didn't look around, I just felt something in my heart.

The next second, the strategy module marked a golden circle in Zong Shen's mind.

The location of this golden circle is at the back.

Zong still didn't look back, and after a slight pause, he continued to move forward.

Start looking for those dark, lightless corners along the way.

Not far behind him, [Halfling Scout: Da Majia] was following him in a high-level stealth state.

Da Majia watched Zong Shen lead two female slaves into a dark and uninhabited alley.

I couldn't help but feel doubtful.

To be honest, he was prepared to quickly attack and kill them in the street and then escape.

After all, he is a legendary scout. If this guy wants to leave, not many people in the giant city of Lentax can stop him.

The security forces were even ignored by him.

This is just a street on the second circle, not a marquis castle or manor in the forest.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the auction house, the other party not only did not leave in a car immediately, but also walked into the alley carelessly.

"It's really weird."

"Did he notice it?"

Da Majia muttered in her heart.

But he only paused for a moment before following closely behind.

Not just any cat or dog can become a legend.

The halfling Dar Magar suffered a lot for this.

You must know that halflings are naturally weak and are often discriminated against.

To make it this far, he has taken countless lives at his hands.

And all legendary strong men must have firm faith and confidence.

Therefore, Da Majia is extremely confident, especially in a "rural" place like the giant city of Lentax.

He didn't think there were many masters in the imperial city where he came from.

In addition, Prince Carter personally issued the order.

He had sworn a blood oath and could not go against any of Carter Pendragon's decisions.

Therefore, even though he had doubts in his heart, Da Majia still chose to follow up.

Of course, he slowed down his pace and at the same time activated the enhanced stealth skill of [Body in Shadow].

This skill allows him to achieve the seventh-level stealth effect in the next ten minutes.

This level of stealth can hide 99% of detection magic and props.

But what he didn't know was that Zong Shen relied not on detection magic, but on a small plug-in that he couldn't understand.

The alley was dark and emitted a strange stench.

It was the smell of urine, sweat and rot mixed together.

Many poor people who paid the city entrance fee and stayed in the second circle without leaving slept in such alleys at night.

However, wherever Zong Shen and his two daughters went, all the poor people were expelled.

Everyone was dissatisfied, but no one dared to say anything.

The wisdom of survival in the city taught these poor people the principle of "trouble comes from the mouth".

Only Zong himself understood that doing this was for their own good.

Otherwise, if we really take action, the aftermath alone will kill these poor people.

The attack of the legendary strong man in the city can definitely be described as devastating.

Because the surrounding buildings basically only have a few thousand solid points.

After all, this is not the core area. Most of the houses are made of stone and wood. Not all houses in the city are reinforced with runes.

It's not too outrageous for Zong Shen to cut down a surrounding building with one strike.

If he goes all out, the giant city of Lentax will definitely be severely damaged like the cities on Earth that were invaded by Godzilla.

This is the legendary powerhouse, the one who is second to none in every giant city.

Not long ago, Zong Shen had already experienced his destructive power when he attacked the Fantasy Dice Casino.

Walking into the empty space deep in the alley, almost all the poor people living nearby have been cleared away along the way.

But there must still be people in nearby houses.

Zong Shen, however, could not guide them one by one.

After he was ready to start the fight, he first lured the opponent to greet him in an empty space.

After making a big noise, those guys will naturally know how to escape.

"You leave through the back alley."

"Be careful not to take off the veil."

"I will come find you after the battle."

Zong Shen turned around and warned that in his field of vision, the stalker marked by the golden circle had not yet arrived.

Apparently the poor people he drove away alerted his stalkers.

When the two women heard his words, they had completely different reactions.

Karan Sirier chose to obey.

But Karan Bebeka drew out the [Lion War Sword] and looked eager to try.

However, under the signal from Zong Shen's eyes, the two women left here.

On the spot, someone from Zong took out [Moon Wolf Fang (Legend II)] and waited quietly.

Without additional prompts from the strategy module, he could guess who sent the stalker.

It just so happened that he was also preparing to settle the score with the other party.

Zong Shen remembered the halfling with a cold temperament when he was at Walda Miles Restaurant.

After waiting for about two minutes, the figure in the golden circle mark left the alleyway and entered the empty space.

When Da Majia saw that his target was waiting there nonchalantly, his whole body immediately tensed up.

All the above situations prove that the other party is indeed waiting for me on purpose.

In his opinion, anyone who would do this is either a fool or a strong person.

The latter is far more likely than the former.

But he still did not choose to expose his body and prepared to observe again.

It is not strange even if the other party is vaguely aware of him.

Mold lake induction is nothing.

[Halfling: Da Majia] is still very confident in his seventh-level stealth.

He was ready to test it out when he found a suitable opportunity.

If the idea sticks, retreat immediately.

Although Prince Carter has a small belly, he is not that extremely extreme guy.

While Da Majia was thinking about countermeasures.

Zong Shen, who was standing in the empty field, was tired of waiting.

He is not afraid of a fight, and he will not foolishly attack the scout first.

But this situation of fighting but not fighting and retreating really made him feel a little impatient.

With the instigation of power, the [Moon Wolf Fang (Level II Heritage)] in his hand lit up like a silver moon, and a sharp sound of breaking wind was emitted by waving it casually a few times.

"What the hell."

"Why don't you do it yet?"


"A loyal dog."

Before the scout attacks, he can easily escape from the scene with his various movement abilities.

So Zong Shen has been waiting for the opponent to launch an attack.

Of course, he can also take the initiative, such as using [Wandering Walk] and the lock-on strategy to catch the opponent off guard. However, legendary strongmen have ways to save their lives, either by turning into smoke or blending into the shadows, so it is difficult to kill them instantly.

If you can lure the other party to take action first, that is definitely the best!

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