"The White Rose Caravan has a small station in the giant city of Lentax."

"But that's about it."

"Their business is very big, and auctions will be held in many giant cities in the central and even eastern parts of the kingdom."

Earl Leith explained patiently.

The giant city level only has influence in a certain area.

Those cross-city super caravans control more than one giant city.

Hearing his words, Zong Shen nodded gently.

"Oh I see."

"Then what is the name of this magic book in the White Rose Auction?"

He then asked his next question.

Lace Kazan had a thoughtful look on his face, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he came up with an answer.

"Let's call it the 'Secret Book of Fire Magic from the Searing Realm'."

"That's right...that's the name!"

Now Zong Shen knew what was going on.

It seems that contemporary aborigines may not know the name and experience of Bertus.

This Fire Book is most likely the product of some kind of relic.

The era of civilization caused by the change of era is very serious. Maybe some people still study the ancient past era.

But most of the aborigines don't know much more about the ancient era than the average lords.

"Okay, go and do your work."

After waving his hand, Zong Shen asked the earl to leave the study.

He doesn't need to explain much to the tool man.

Moreover, Earl Lais had joined the territory and became an official territorial citizen. He was bound by the loyalty framework. It was only natural that Zong Shen sent him.

After receiving the order, Earl Leith bowed and quickly walked out of the study.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to close the rune door in the study room.

Zong Shen knew that [Bertus' Fire Book (Glory Level II)] had a lot of background.

But exploring the secrets is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

So he silently wrote down this matter and put the book into the storage compartment with his backhand.

Be prepared to wait until you have time to research.

He has more important things to deal with in the next few days, and that is about the changes in Prince Carter and the giant city of Lentax, as well as the changes that may follow.

After putting away the Fire Book, Zong Shen took out a fancy long-brimmed ranger hat.

It's fancy because this ranger hat is decorated with lots of colorful feathers.

And its name proves it.

Speaking of which, this hat is quite exaggerated and gorgeous, with quite an artistic flair.

Holding the hat, Zong Shen checked its properties.

[Apollo Bird's Feather Cap (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Head protection: 40]

[Durability: 779/800]

[Demand agility: 85]

[Required power: 35]

[Active skill: Ji Xing LV30 (increases movement speed by 100%, gain ratio is 30% in flying state, lasts for 15 minutes, cooling time is 4 hours)

Summon a LV30 Cyclops (Summons a LV30 Cyclops as a mount. The Cyclone has extremely high mobility and jumping ability, can last for 30 minutes, and has a cooldown time of 8 hours)]

[Passive skill: Confusion (when you are still, you will enter a state of confusion, and your body will automatically blend with the surrounding environment)]

(This is a lightweight feather cap made of polar bird feathers, suitable for use by rangers)

This hat is really ordinary. Apart from its exaggerated shape, it doesn't have any outstanding advantages. It can be regarded as a very ordinary piece of legendary equipment.

Zong Shen planned to take it back and give it to Madeline or Mapel.

After quickly deciding on the ownership of [Aragon Bird's Feather Cap (orange)].

He then took out the next item!

This is a cup, about the same size as those common trophies.

The body of the cup is engraved with strange patterns, and the material is some kind of dark red stone.

Because its texture is not clear and its surface is rough.

The cup holder is a black spar that does not emit any light, making it look particularly dark.

Zong Shen stared at the grooves on the surface and felt that they were not magic runes.

This is not the point. The most important thing is that after taking out this weird stone cup, Zong Shen smelled the faint smell of blood. This bloody smell emanated from the cup, but the cup was empty.

Such a strange situation made Zong Shen instinctively aware of the extraordinary nature of this object.

What's more, the quality level of this thing has been judged as [Special].

All [Special] and [Unknown] items are likely to have a great origin.

So this stone cup is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Just when he reached out and held the stone cup in his hand, he was about to examine it intently.

The demon blood in his body began to stir, but this feeling of movement was not too strong.

Before Zong Shen could figure it out, the bloodline belonging to the Holy Spirit also became restless.

But it soon returned to calm.

This wasn't the end yet, the blood in Zong Shen's body suddenly became hot.

He could feel every drop of blood rushing through his blood vessels. This was because the blood temperature in his body exceeded his own body temperature.

When the change reached this stage, Zong Shen no longer dared to hold it in his hand, and quickly raised his hand and dropped the stone cup on the table.

When the stone cup was taken away, all the abnormalities disappeared.

"Hey guys, what the hell is this?"

Zong Shen saw a red handprint on the handle of the stone cup.

It was the mark left by his grasp just now.

This handprint is very obvious, like a mark produced by burning.

And there are still wisps of smoke, slowly dissipating as time goes by.

Speaking of which, this thing is really evil.

He didn't feel any obvious energy flowing from it.

This proves that the power contained in this stone cup is by no means a common elemental system.

There may be other, less common power rules and systems involved.

It seems that not everyone can feel this abnormality.

At least Lys Kazan most likely wouldn't be able to feel it, otherwise he would definitely not store such a weird thing in his treasure house.

Putting aside this issue, in terms of appearance and material alone, this stone cup still seems to be of great collectible value, especially the lines on the surface, which may seem chaotic, but in fact there are other patterns hidden in it.

It's not like runes, it's more like a specific path, but the carvings are more complicated.

In any case, Zong Shen did not intend to touch it personally until he found out the details of the stone cup.

All abnormalities in the stone cup occur after being touched. As long as you keep a safe distance, there should be no problem.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and began to look at the dark red stone cup seriously.

Golden subtitles and a systematic list of attributes emerge.

[Bloodthirsty Holy Grail (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[A holy grail that longs for blood. It is very picky about blood. If it can satisfy its desire, it can get corresponding feedback]

[Effect: Blood-thirsty holy power (by instilling the best blood that meets the requirements, you can choose one of the three returns from [Blood Pattern Power], [Blood Puppet Loyal Servant], [Blood Sanctuary])

Blood induction (can produce induction effect on blood that meets the requirements)]

[Current thirst for blood progress: 0/100]

[The power of blood streaks: After use, you can obtain a permanent gain effect of +10 for all attributes. At the same time, a blood streak of no more than one centimeter in length will appear on the body. An individual can have up to 999 blood streaks]

[Blood Puppet Loyal Servant: A loyal servant with sixth-level combat power and a constant level of LV50]

[Blood asylum: Each blood asylum can restore 10% of one's own blood volume and injuries at any time, and has a strong healing effect. An individual can store up to 10 asylum effects]

(The Holy Grail passed down from the ancient vampire forces has the power of blood feedback. It only needs to touch the blood that meets the requirements to automatically fill the thirsty blood progress. When the progress reaches 100 points, you can get one of three feedbacks. , and the progress will be cleared at the same time

Moreover, the Holy Grail is picky about food. The blood on the same individual will lose its filling effect within a period of time after reaching a certain level of blood thirst.

Make good use of the characteristics of the Holy Grail, work hard to find high-level blood in future battles, accumulate enough feedback, and gain the power of the vampires)


"Do you mean vampires?"

Zong Shen murmured to himself.

This Holy Grail is indeed very famous, it can actually "drink blood"!

And as long as the drink is full, the holder can get certain feedback.

Each of those three feedback options is of great value.

Especially [Power of Blood Pattern], it can actually increase all attributes by 10 points!

This means a single increase of 40 attribute points.

And an individual can carry up to 999 blood patterns.

In other words, even if Zong Shen clears all his attributes, as long as he can stack 999 blood lines, all his four major attributes can be reduced to 9999 points.

As for the [Blood Puppet Loyal Servant], it doesn't have much appeal to him. It's just a sixth-level puppet servant. It's not as beneficial as the attribute improvement.

After all, there are too many ways to obtain warriors.

Various types of recruitment rolls emerge in endlessly.

Whether you explore ruins or open treasure chests, you can get a lot of recruitment coupons.

There is no need to waste precious feedback opportunities on summoning [Blood Puppet Loyal Servant].

As for the last feedback option [Blood Asylum], it is also very powerful. It is an ability that can be used to save lives, and it also has a strong healing effect.

It can be stacked up to 10 times, which means there is a chance to restore 100% of health, including healing and recovery of broken limb injuries.

This is a truly life-saving effect!

However, the greater the feedback reward, the more difficult it is to fill the thirsty progress!

And it seems that this [Holy Grail of Blood Thirst (Special)] is very picky.

Ordinary blood may not be able to meet its needs.

Coupled with the ability of [Blood Sense], it is no wonder that Zong Shen had a strange sense of movement when he touched it just now.

In addition to the blood of the devil and the Holy Spirit, even the ordinary blood in his body seems to be able to react to the Holy Grail, which may mean that his blood can be used to "feed" the Holy Grail.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen took off his chain gloves and various power-boosting jewelry and equipment.

It wasn't until his attributes had dropped a lot that he took out a whiteboard-grade knife and carefully made a cut on the back of his hand.

Now his skin has built-in defense, but this knife still cut off hundreds of points of his health.

The blood condensed into beads and flowed out. He raised his hand and reached out to the Holy Grail, causing the blood to drip on it.


Blood drops dripped into the cup and were absorbed almost instantly.

Then the second drop, the third drop, the fourth drop...

After more than a dozen drops of blood, the wound on the back of Zong Shen's hand healed.

The blood that had been dripping before was like a mud cow entering the sea, all of it was absorbed by the [Holy Grail of Blood Thirst (Special)].

Zong Shen took a focused look at the [Blood Thirst Progress].

I found that the current state was still [0/100], and the dozen or so drops of blood just now did not even satisfy 1% of the progress.

I don’t know if the quality of the blood is too poor or the amount of blood is too small.

Because what he just dripped out was just ordinary blood from his body, not the power of the devil or the Holy Spirit.

But in the final analysis, he is also a legend, and his body has already undergone unpredictable changes.

The leap in life made his blood energy level fall out of the range of ordinary people.

But now it seems that it is still not enough to feed the Holy Grail, unless he is willing to bleed a lot.

For Zong Shen, this is not a problem. It is already semi-digitized anyway. After bloodletting, the blood in the body does not need to be nursed back and it can be restored with the recovery of health.

“Where can I find high-quality blood?”

He thought about it and suddenly patted his head.

"Isn't there a ready-made one right now?"

Thinking of this, Zong Shen took out the [Communication Crystal] and contacted Xiao Heizi.

At this time, Little Heizi was on the carriage from the second circle to the first circle. He had been ordered to pick up the two Karan sisters, England, Kitty Girl and Tasia.

It is estimated that it will take at least half an hour to arrive at Earl Leith's manor.

So Zong Shen could only give up the idea of ​​letting him come to donate blood.

He picked up the whiteboard dagger and began to make cuts on his arms, performing the process of bleeding.

About twenty minutes later, Zong Shen sighed.

After he drained about one or two hundred drops of blood, the [Blood Thirst Progress] finally reached 1 point.

"I didn't expect my blood quality to be so poor!"

"It should just barely meet the requirements for swallowing the Holy Grail."

After the [Blood Thirst Progress] was increased, a small part of the lines on the Holy Grail was filled with red.

It seems that as long as everything is filled, it means that the [Blood Thirst Progress] is full.

Zong Shen had been struggling for a long time just now, cutting, bleeding, recovering, cutting again, bleeding again...

According to this situation, if he wanted to feed the Holy Grail by himself, it would take at least half a day.

And this is without considering whether the Holy Grail will be "boring".

You must know that if you feed too much blood from the same individual, there will be a cooling time for the filling progress.

So the best way is to find a way to get some high-quality rare blood.

And it is best if they are from different individuals, so that the Holy Grail can be fed as quickly as possible and corresponding feedback can be obtained multiple times.

Just as Zong Shen was thinking, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.


"Master, I'm here!"

Xiao Heizi's voice came from outside the house.

Zong Shen was so overjoyed that he stood up and walked to the door himself, opening the rune door for it!

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