Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1139: Decision-making and multi-party development Ⅱ

When the third act comes, all the lords can't stay away.

That was the real test and a new drastic change in the Endless Continent.

Chen Rui in the previous life died in the third act and had no chance to see the future.

In his opinion, if the lords cannot unite, they will inevitably suffer disaster.

So this incident became a psychological shadow for Chen Rui.

After resurrecting his life, he not only has to strive for the top, but also tries to reverse his tragic fate!

This matter is his core goal.

At this time, Chen Rui was standing at the construction site, looking at the portal not far ahead with a deep and cold expression.

Garona stood beside him, as if she were a little bird.

"My lord, you have been watching here for more than two hours."

"Should we rush to the next inspection location first?"

"About the pass built in Leihou Canyon."

Today, Garona is not only his woman, but also a personal "secretary" who coordinates and handles many chores for him. Whether it is internal affairs, logistics or military management, Garona receives and processes first-hand information.

After summarizing and screening, she would report the situation to Chen Rui.

Every lord has a different philosophy, and there are very few lords who like to micromanage everything and act as housekeepers.

When their status and foundation reach a certain level, most lords will naturally become a hands-off shopkeeper. In this regard, even Zong Shen is no exception.

Judging from Garona's performance, Chen Rui is even more decentralized than Zong.

Of course, under Garona, there must be many node hero-level talents responsible for handling various matters.

This is also the final ruling form of most lords.

In the next big stage, when the strength is accumulated enough to build a country, the ruling nodes will become even larger.

Hearing Garona's words, Chen Rui shook his head gently and hugged her slender waist.

You must know that Garona is an ancient hero he recruited from the ruins through a specific altar.

And he has regained some of his strength.

Although Garona is a green-skinned orc, her appearance is not rough, and she even has an exotic beauty.

Her figure is also top-notch hot, but her skin is pale green.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Chen Rui can accept it.

Garona was Chen Rui's dream lover in his previous life. After having her in this life, he felt very satisfied.

Therefore, he devoted a lot of care to Garona, and gave her priority to use various resources and equipment.

Nowadays, Garona's strength has recovered quickly due to the accumulation of massive resources. Coupled with the experience she has accumulated, she is perfectly qualified for the position of chief hero.

Her status is comparable to that of Mariel under Zong Shen, or even higher.

With the loyalty system as a guarantee, Chen Rui didn't even think about the separation of powers.

It is no exaggeration to say that Garona is the number one leader in Chen Rui's territory besides him.

"Wait until these places are deployed."

"I might use that thing and go on a long trip."

"It should take a month or two to get back."

"The development of the territory will then depend on you."

Chen Rui rubbed the tight skin of Garona's waist and whispered softly.

"My lord, are you going to Avalon to find the one you always talk about?"

Garona obviously knew a lot about him, and she quickly understood Chen Rui's schedule.

These days, Chen Rui often talks about Zong Shen's name.

Whether it was the end of a defensive challenge or the settlement of ranking rewards, he would always shout the word "Zong Shen".

There are some indescribable expectations, but also surprises at Zong Shen's strong performance.

After a certain bedtime affair, Chen Rui once told Garona about the third act.

Even if he relives his life, Chen Rui still doesn't have much confidence to survive it.

He needed to find the key to changing the situation, and Zong Shen's appearance gave him hope.

Because there was no such guy among the famous strong men in the previous life.

This means that Zong Shen and himself are both variables in this life. For him, the desire for cooperation is greater than the motivation for competition.

So after Garona dispelled his idea, he just smiled.

"Yeah, I'm going to meet that guy."

"After all, he is the well-deserved first lord."

"I hope he has enough amazing strength and doesn't fall behind in the changes after the arrival of the second and third batch of lords."

Chen Rui said pointedly.

At present, the second and third batch of lords have not yet arrived.

There will be many rule adjustments and variables in the future.

If the strong ones among the first batch of lords cannot maintain their advantage, they will easily be overtaken by the latter two batches of lords.

He knows the inside story. The initial development conditions and rules of each batch of lords are different.

When the third batch of lords finally arrives, many of them can even directly inherit the indigenous power. They will arrive in a more peculiar way and obtain their initial identity, status and resources.

The three batches of lords are like three different types of sample people.

The first batch of lords were the largest in number, and they basically started from scratch.

Each subsequent batch of lords was given a different position.

That's why there is a time gap between them coming one after another.

This move is to maintain relative fairness.

The first batch of lords with the largest number of people came first, and passed the test and selection, as well as the accumulation of time.

By the time the second and third batch of lords arrived, the first batch of lords who could survive until then had already accumulated sufficient strength.

However, there are many secrets that Chen Rui still cannot explain clearly.

Although after the defensive challenge, the lord system's rules on banning were relaxed a lot.

But many details about the second act and beyond are still not freely discussed.

Even hints are restricted, and can only be expressed in an extremely obscure way by cutting off the beginning and ending.

He is going to the Kingdom of Avalon to meet Zong Shen in person!

And from the western region of the Kingdom of Kugit to the eastern region of the Kingdom of Avalon, one needs to cross a long area. Even if he takes out the hidden tools, the journey will take one or two months.

Before setting off, he would first communicate through private messages with friends he had left previously.

Zong Shen rarely looks at the [Private Chat] channel, but every one or two days, he still takes a look at his friends' messages.

Because there are too many spam messages in [Private Chat], but adding friends is different.

Moreover, when contacting his brother Zongze, the related [Channel] list will appear simultaneously.

No matter what, Chen Rui was determined to meet Zong Shen.

Moreover, in his memory of his previous life, there was a clue about a very large ruins in the eastern region of the Kingdom of Avalon.

That ruins are related to the ancient Elf King.

You must know that in the last era, most of Avalon was the territory of the elves.

Otherwise, the great city of Azshara wouldn't be there.

So don’t look at the fact that the elves are all staying in the Silver Moon Forest now.

But now is the present, and the past is the past. If you want to excavate the remains of the elves, you have to go to the Kingdom of Avalon.

However, Chen Rui didn't know much about the clues about the ruins, only some rough information.

But in his opinion, if Zong Shen and he joined forces, it would not be difficult to find and develop the super large ruins.

And this can be regarded as a meeting gift.

This is a world where information is king. Being able to provide the specific location coordinates of a very large ruins is undoubtedly a very valuable gift.

When they met for the first time, Chen Rui planned to bring his best men with him.

He was not going to be idle along the way, and planned to explore a few more small ruins, and then go to a few giant cities, and cut off some of the opportunities from the aboriginal people that he knew about at the beginning.

Seeing that her lord had made up his mind, Garona nodded sensibly.

"Don't worry, sir, I will manage the territory well."

"Everything will develop in an orderly manner according to the plan you left."

Chen Rui heard this and kissed Garona gently on the lips.

"Then you have to stay with me these days..."

At the same time, in the mountains of Rhodok Kingdom.

Zongze, who has transformed into the spirit of arcane magic, is suspended in mid-air.

Below is a mountain canyon, where he discovered large ruins.

Suspected to be related to ancient orcs.

In fact, this place is not too far from the area where Chen Rui is located. In the last era, it was an area where orcs were active.

It's just that the orcs in the two areas belong to different clan branches.

And this super-large ruins seems to be the place where the king worshiped among the three major sacrificial sites of the ancient orcs.

This canyon is actually a gap where the rock wall of the ruins burst out under the vicissitudes of life.

It is also a gap in ancient prohibitions.

Zongze's men are digging in the canyon.

There are at least thousands of farmers scattered around the outskirts, responsible for transporting the excavated gravel and soil to farther places for dumping, and there are also many magic machines that are busy with construction.

There are many strong orc warriors under his command, who are now transformed into digging workers, and their efficiency is even more amazing. After several days of digging.

The entire canyon was dug out, and parts of the solid rock formations were shattered, revealing the ruins hidden beneath.

The inexplicable flickering light shield is protecting it.

Zongze didn't care about this. He had already obtained the token that opened the ruins' forbidden magic circle.

Being able to find this place means that he has almost all the clues to the entire ruins.

After several days of servitude, the excavation work is now nearing completion.

After knowing what was going on, Zongze slowly fell back to the ground.

When transformed into an arcane spirit, it is like an elemental body, with the entire body glowing with pale purple light.

There is also huge and pure arcane magic power flowing.

In this state, he is an excellent arcane spellcaster, and can easily rely on the power of arcane spells to inflict various elemental damage on his spell attacks.

At the same time, it can also roam the void within a hundred kilometers.

It can be said that the Arcane Spirit has brought him considerable convenience.

After landing, Zongze transformed and returned to his original form.

In terms of being a good person, the two brothers are evenly matched.

The elder brother Zong Shen can transform into demons, holy spirits, and evil objects, while the younger brother Zong Ze can transform into the essence of elemental bodies.

However, there is still a big difference between the two.

Zong Shen's transformation is an explosive transformation with a short duration but a large increase in strength.

Zongze's incarnation of the arcane spirit can be maintained for a long time, and the increase in strength is relatively balanced.

Theoretically, he could even remain in the state of an arcane spirit.

In the elemental state, he can obtain a very high percentage of physical damage saving throw effect.

There is no need to eat, just the affinity of elemental magic can easily replenish the consumption.

When casting a spell, the magic value is almost endless.

Moreover, all arcane magics below level five can be cast instantly.

The talent of the Arcane Spirit exceeds that of the Arcane Scroll Master, and is considered the ceiling-level talent of this system.

Moreover, the potential for future growth is huge. If there is a chance to find more relics about the Arcane Heart, he will still have room for further growth in the future.

As soon as Zongze landed, the beautiful beast-eared girl and mage girl came over to greet him.

Sitting lazily on the large wicker chair, Zongze enjoyed the massage service.

The excavation of the ruins in the canyon ahead was about to come to an end. He took out a ruby ​​ring and started playing with it.

This ring was found when he was digging out bird eggs at the beginning of his advent.

It is associated with a favorability task,

The item name is [Earl Bliss’s beloved ring].

As long as you take this ring to the giant city of Beluda, which is more than 2,000 kilometers away, you can gain the earl's friendship.

Don't underestimate Bliss, who is just a count, but his family is extremely powerful.

This made Earl Bliss the ruler of the giant city.

In fact, the title itself has little to do with the identity of the person in charge.

This aspect is all about family power.

As long as the family power is strong enough, even a baron can control a huge city.

Zongze's arrangement is very simple. He plans to go to the giant city of Beluda immediately after finishing this super-large ruins. Something is not quite right in the Rodok Kingdom recently.

Several noble families in the western region united and openly challenged the King of Rhodok.

The contemporary King of Rhodok has only been crowned for more than ten years and is still relatively young.

In the era of kingship, after the new king is crowned, it will take a long time to get through all the nobles in the territory.

If there is a contradiction in the distribution of interests, there will be hidden dangers.

The alliance of nobles in the west rose up because of the conflicts when the new king was crowned.

Zongze didn't know the specific things. He was just lucky, but he couldn't compare with his brother Zong Shen in terms of information acquisition. Moreover, this kid was more Buddhist and developed steadily.

He only knew that the structure in the western part of the Rhodok Kingdom was going to be in chaos.

The Western Noble Alliance accounts for about a quarter of the kingdom's total power.

Moreover, the northern nobles are also preparing to make a move recently. They have united with the Gaoling tribe of the Kingdom of Vigia.

This time of year is perfect for going to the giant city to enjoy the autumn breeze.

With this ring, Zongze plans to establish a good relationship with the earl first.

Then see if there are any benefits to be gained.

And after arriving in Jucheng, it will be easier to inquire about news.

Most of his current news was obtained from passing traveling merchants and nearby cities, towns and villages.

Fortunately, the territory is rich in resources and has many ruins. You can safely develop the surrounding areas in a short period of time and then consider the general situation of the kingdom.

So Zongze has been lying flat all the way until now!

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