The Shadow Dragon Guard is an intelligence organization loyal to Jonathan Pendragon.

They have received strict training and basically have the strength of fifth-level and sixth-level scouts.

All Shadow Dragon Guards only obey the orders of Grand Duke Jonathan and perform various exploration missions.

It can be said to be the secret army under the Grand Duke.

The Shadow Dragon Guards are few in number and their training costs are high.

It was created in exact imitation of the Arthurian Hermit of the Crow.

At that time, the Black Crow Hermit's spies were spread across the entire continent, responsible for infiltrating enemy countries, intelligence reconnaissance, assassination and destruction, etc., and assisted King Arthur in laying the foundation of the kingdom for future generations.

But thousands of years ago, when King Arthur passed away, the Black Crow Hermit disappeared overnight.

Later, after the new king of Pendragon was crowned, a similar intelligence organization would always be formed.

There used to be an organization called "Hidden Dragon" under the command of the old King Guser, but in the past few years after the old king lost power, it was dismembered and divided by various grand dukes.

Based on the members of the "Hidden Dragon", Archduke Jonathan developed the Shadow Dragon Guard, Archduke Chloé developed the Redbud Guard, and a more low-key Archduke Radhe founded the Blood Guard.

These three major organizations inherited the foundation of the "Hidden Dragon" and had a series of privileges under their respective Grand Dukes.

They will sneak into any city in the kingdom under the instructions of the Grand Duke.

Regarding the situation in the central and eastern part of the Kingdom of Avalon, this is the area where Grand Duke Jonathan and Grand Duke Chloé are fighting for each other. Both sides have arranged their sentries in giant cities in this vast area and even in strategically located states.

The giant city of Lentax is no exception.

According to the strategy module, there are four Shadow Dragon Guard spies lurking in the city.

It has dozens of informants and dozens of secret outposts that resemble "safe houses."

The Dabos Gladiator Twins and the Fire Mage Doris Hall are now rushing to one of the secret safe houses.

Through [information derivation] and real-time feedback from the strategy module, Zong Shen has a perfect grasp of the three people's itinerary.

He quickly left the first circle with Xiao Heizi, found a relatively hidden alleyway, and started to use [Wandering Walk] to quickly travel.

The time difference is his biggest advantage. If he gains an extra minute now, he will be able to deal with it more calmly.

Just as the master and servant were on their way.

The three legendary strongmen from the giant city of Dabos were also rushing towards the safe house.

In order not to reveal their identities, they did not take any transportation.

The Shadow Dragon Guard, who was originally responsible for the connection, had no time to take care of it due to the urgent information that the transmission node was closed.

They must convey this news to Archduke Jonathan as soon as possible.

The Shadow Dragon Guard's ultra-long-distance communication method in the city requires a relatively cumbersome startup process.

After all, the distance from the giant city of Lentax to the imperial city of San Sebastian is very long.

If you want to achieve long-distance communication on this distance scale, you have to use special high-level magical objects, and then you have to use those magic communication devices that are cumbersome to operate.

The former is very precious and is by no means a common commodity.

For example, the communication mirror used by Prince Carter is a high-level magical object.

You can easily contact the Duke in the Imperial City.

However, as the Shadow Dragon Guard is an intelligence organization scattered across various places, it is naturally impossible for them to arrange a high-level rare item.

They use a set of long-distance magic energy communication equipment similar to a crystal communication tower.

It needs to be set up and activated in advance, and the communication is very unstable. Communication across hundreds of thousands of kilometers even requires luck, so the Shadow Dragon Guard in the city must call continuously within half an hour.

Wait until the connection is successful before passing the information to the Imperial City!

This is already a relatively efficient communication method under the current distance scale.

Information transfer takes precedence over connections.

Moreover, due to the sudden closure of the teleportation node, the Dabos Gladiator Twins and the Fire Mage came to the giant city early, which was a change caused by changes in the itinerary along the way.

Therefore, the three of them could only go to the safe house to contact the Shadow Dragon Guard in person.

The prince who should have taken this matter seriously failed to receive the news in time.

This eventually led to this embarrassing situation.

To be honest, Prince Carter's temperament is not good, and he often thinks out of his mind.

Serving such a master is also a kind of torture.

Basically, it was an ending where the subordinates worked hard to get things done, but the prince himself didn't care.

In order to avoid suspicion, Grand Duke Jonathan could not use the communication mirror to contact him at all times.

This caused the prince to look a little aloof.

Just as the Dabos Gladiator Twins and Doris Hall were rushing towards their destination.

Suddenly an invisible force enveloped the three of them in the street.

A sudden sense of space movement appeared, and the next moment, the three of them appeared in a green pasture.

The surrounding terrain is extremely flat, and it looks like it should be some kind of grassland.

There is also a mountain range extending into the distance to the north.

The air is extremely fresh, and you can still hear the vibrating wings of crickets in the grass.

The meadow beneath my feet is soft and springy.

The three of them understood that they were no longer in the giant city of Lentax.

Looking up, a cotton-like white cloud slowly floated by.

The only drawback is that there is no sun in the sky!

In the Endless Continent, the sun is an independent dimensional world.

This secret is not known to everyone, but as legendary powerhouses, the three of them still know about it.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, shining on the entire continent at the same time.

But here, there is no trace of the sun in the sky.

All light sources come from the sky dome.

The entire ceiling is like a lampshade, emitting even and soft light.

"You two, something doesn't seem right here..."

Under the cover of her pocket, the petite Doris spoke first.

She raised the fiery red orb in her hand and instantly activated a magic shield.

The crimson shield flowed like an inverted glass bowl, completely covering the three of them.

After successfully casting the spell, Doris came to a new conclusion.

"The elemental magic power is operating normally, but the free magic power is relatively thin."

"This is most likely a demiplane or an independent small world space."

Spellcasters pursue the truth and read a lot of books in addition to meditation.

Therefore, most senior spellcasters also have the status of bachelors in the city.

Doris was very knowledgeable and quickly analyzed a conclusion based on the surrounding situation.

Hearing her words, Bridger Sorenson, the more grumpy brother of the Gladiator Twins, frowned immediately. He raised his right foot, accumulated strength and then stamped it down.



The ground shook momentarily, as if a heavy pile driver was hammering the ground.

A shock wave of dust visible to the naked eye swayed from the landing point near Bridger's feet.

His stomping right foot sank toward the ground, and a crack as thick as an arm burst out, extending along the point of output. Just such a stomp had an earthquake-like effect.


"Not a demiplane."

"The elements are distributed evenly here."

"Those demiplanes tend to have a single element that is more prominent."

Bridger Sorensen looked at the cracks with an extremely penetrating gaze, as if he wanted to see through the structure of the earth's crust.

At this time, the elder brother of the gladiatorial twins also noticed something was wrong.

He stretched out a strong arm, constantly fanning the air in front of his nose and sniffing.

This is his personal gift, possessing a sense of smell comparable to that of a Zerikan hunter.

"The air is very clear, and there is not much smell from living things."

"Only some weak insects exist here."

"It should be a small world space, and it is still the kind that was just born."

His conclusion was endorsed by Bridger and Doris.

Things are very wrong here, and there is an atmosphere of conspiracy and weirdness everywhere.

The so-called "small world space" is also a strange space that evolved naturally. Different from the well-known demiplane, small world space is even rarer.

Moreover, this kind of space can be taken in independently and made into a special storage space by high-level magic jewelry craftsmen, which is also called a "small world".

Small world storage jewelry is priceless, because the space contained in it can not only accommodate living creatures, but also has the complete rules of a certain dimensional world, allowing trees to be planted and creatures to be cultivated.

It’s a real small world!

But they still couldn't figure out why they suddenly appeared in a small world.

Moreover, the power of the ingestion just now was different from that of the normal small world, and was countless times stronger.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary small world space to take away three legendary powerhouses instantly.

But this damn place did it.

"This should not be a small space evolved from normal natural nodes."

"After all, the place where we were taken away was the streets of the giant city."

"So someone must be planning to lock us up here!"

Our brother Ole Sorensen, who has a calm personality, analyzed calmly.

The three of them were alert to their surroundings at the same time and did not dare to slack off!

"Yes, we fell into a trap."

"The other party didn't show up, maybe he was secretly observing our flaws."

Doris looked around, the invisible sense of peeping making her scalp tingle.

Years of meditative thinking and super-high intelligence attributes have given her the ability to possess something similar to super-sensory abilities.

Extremely keen intuition can discern those hidden peeks.

"Then we can't stay here any longer!"

"Brother, let's break down the barrier of this small world! Let's go straight out!"

The veins on Bridger Sorensen's forehead popped out, and he took out a huge hammer from his storage bracelet with his backhand. This sledgehammer was bigger than Zong Shen's original explosive hammer.

The hammer surfaces at both ends are comparable to a strong man's chest, and the total length reaches two meters and sixty-seven meters.

The handle of the hammer is densely covered with runes and embedded with elemental orbs and gems.

There are even raised nail heads on the surface of the hammer, which glow with a dull color under the light.

No one wants to take a hit like that.

After he took out the weapon, his brother Ole Sorensen shook his head and patted the wolf tooth necklace on his chest.

I saw the wolf fangs on the necklace suddenly flying out, looking around him.

Subsequently, these wolf fangs continued to change in combination and were spliced ​​into a tooth-shaped short spear about one and a half meters long.

Doris held the magic ball in both hands and glanced at the two brothers.

The three of them had a tacit understanding in the blink of an eye.

"Ten meters of space ahead."

"Sixty seconds later, I will release a high-level single-body magical fire dragon shuttle."

"When the magic is successfully stirred up and the space barrier appears, Bridger and Ole will attack at the same time!"

Doris pointed to a place ten meters away in front of everyone and said.

She would use a single high-level spell to open the way, stir up the barrier, and then let the two brothers attack together.

Unlike physical attacks, elemental magic is more likely to stir up space barriers.

This is a very reasonable tactical arrangement.

The three of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Doris held the magic beads in both hands and closed her eyes, and an ethereal chant sounded.

The magic power of the fire element gathered quickly, and the magic model of the fire dragon shuttle was also taking shape bit by bit.

A feeling of heat appeared, and the prototype of the fire dragon gradually became solid.

The temperature is also gradually rising!

Sixty seconds later, the spell model was completely constructed.

A fire dragon that was more than ten meters long and comparable in stature to a young red dragon appeared.


This fire dragon is quite agile. It is said to be a single magic, but it is more like a summoning spell of some kind of elemental body.

It raised its neck and let out a clear roar.

Countless sparks spurted out from his throat.

There is a hint of dragon power in it.

The next second, Doris stretched out her pretty hand and pointed, and the roaring fire dragon crashed towards the target.

The distance of ten meters is not far, and the fire dragon just stretched out and reached its destination.


Obviously it only hit empty space, but there was a crisp impact sound.

The scorching flames spread out like volcanic flames.

Invisible barriers appear, which are the spatial barriers here.

Just when the fire dragon was taking shape, the Dabos Gladiator Twins had already rushed over with their own weapons in hand.

They moved quickly, like a strong wind.

Both the short wolf-tooth spear and the giant sledgehammer are filled with the light of accumulated energy.

When the fire dragon blasted through the space barrier, the two brothers jumped up at the same time, passed through the raging flames, and hit the barrier hard with the weapons in their hands.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

Invisible ripples ripple instantly,


A crisp sound appeared, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared in the space barrier.

When the two brothers landed, the cracks in the barrier spread instantly.



It was as if a pane of glass had broken.

A large hole opened in the barrier ahead, revealing a gray void and a vaguely visible street scene.

The three of them were overjoyed and quickly tried to pass through the hole.


As soon as they touched the edge, they were bounced away by an invisible barrier.

Then he watched the barrier change from transparent to translucent.

"Damn it, why are there barriers!"

As the elements dissipated, the barriers disappeared and the space returned to its original state.

The three of them were extremely surprised. They had obviously broken the barrier, but why did a new one suddenly appear? This does not conform to the laws of small world space!

At this moment, Zong Shen was standing on the street, holding a small glass-like orb in his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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