Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1158: Ashley’s Value, Alternatives

As expected, the guy who is obsessed with carving is the legendary strongman guarding the core area.

He is also the creator of the stone demon sculptures on the third underground floor.

As a [Magic Sculptor], Ashley Boya is not a legendary strongman known for his fighting.

His core ability is to create magic sculptures, which can be classified into the category of auxiliary professions.

This guy's combat effectiveness is basically reflected by the magic sculptures around him, and his individual force value is actually not high.

But this is the opponent's home court, and there are at least a hundred stone demon statues scattered throughout the third floor.

There are at least ten magic statues in the hall where the core area is located, standing quietly beside the wall.

In addition, the sixth-level warriors and spellcasters of that team can also cooperate with Ashley to prevent Zong Shen's clone from approaching the core pillar of the magic circle.

It is not easy to destroy that big pillar quickly.

And this is also a hurdle that Zong Shen cannot avoid.

Quietly peeping at the core hall not far away, the clone squinted his eyes, and golden subtitles suddenly appeared in his mind, making Zong Shen aware of everything.

[Magic Sculptor: Ashley Yabo LV39]

[Legendary low level]

[Race: Endless Continent/Kingdom of Avalon/Human Race]

[Puncture damage: 797~813]

[Chopping damage: 473~476]

[Magic damage: 910~913]

[HP: 67279/68000]

[Magic value: 34757/35000]

[Armor value: 65+6 (linen robe)]

[Magic resistance: 80+6 (linen robe) +15% elemental magic damage reduction (Ashley's Spell)]

[Concentration status: calmness +3, all attributes +20, carving success rate +5%, fatigue -2]

[Detailed attributes: (click to view)]

It can be seen that Ashley Boya's main attack type should be magic, preferring the spell casting system.

Additionally, his piercing damage is pretty decent.

The overall health value is not too high. Compared with the original 450,000 health points of [Kurojin Clan Chief: The Indulgent Mogroga Kurojin], the difference is almost ten times.

You must know that Mogroga Black Ribbon is a legendary strongman template created by the Lord System based on the real dark orc prototype in the dark world of Draenor. The overall attributes are very referenceable.

After such comparison, Ashley Boya’s panel does not look outstanding!

The health value, double resistance and attack are not high.

However, ethnic and class differences must also be taken into consideration here.

You must know that the dark orcs in the world of Draenor are strengthened orcs that have been eroded by dark forces.

The strong physical characteristics of the green-skinned orcs are greatly amplified by the alienation of darkness.

Some clues to this can be seen from the attributes displayed by the four dark orc clan leaders during the defensive challenge.

In addition, Mogroga Black Rib's rating has reached the legendary mid-level, which is one level higher than Ashley Boya, so it is understandable that there is such a big gap.

After quickly mastering the panel information, Zong Shen immediately opened the detailed attributes of [Magic Sculptor: Ashley Boya] to view.

After his thought appeared, the golden attribute panel that emerged in his mind also changed.

Ashley's detailed attributes were updated as if the page was refreshed.

[Strength: 372+20 (focused state)]

[Agility: 139+20 (focused state)]

[Wisdom: 937+20 (focused state)]

[Charm: 72+20 (focused state)]

[Active skills: Proficiency in earth magic from levels I to VI (proficient in 79 types of earth magic from levels I to III and 33 types of earth magic from levels IV to VI)

Level 7 natural disaster-level magic·Shaking Earthquakes (concentrated chanting for 643 seconds, consuming 12,500 magic points, can specify a range of 30 kilometers, and an area with a diameter of no more than one kilometer will enter a state of shaking mountains, lasting 35 seconds, during which an effect equivalent to a magnitude 10 earthquake will be produced, accompanied by random ground cracks, causing 650 + 0.5 times magic damage per second to targets within the range. This damage is doubled to buildings. At the same time, this skill It will change the terrain to a certain extent, and the cooling time is 1440 hours)

Rock Armor LV37 (No need to chant, consumes 450 magic points, condenses a layer of rock armor around the body that does not affect movement, increases double resistance by 55 points, lasts for 4 hours, and has a cooling time of 30 hours. This skill is effective against a single target. cannot be superimposed)

Stone Barrier LV35 (chanting for 4 seconds, consuming 800 magic points, condensing the magic power of earth elements into a stone barrier standing in front of you, the maximum length of the barrier is 30 meters, the width is 2 meters, and the height is 8 meters, it can be semi-permanent It exists, with 35,000 solid points and 150 double resistance points. It can be dispelled and restored by casting spells. The skill cooldown time is 15 minutes)]

[Passive skill: Magic Sculpture Carver·Spiritual Sculpting Method (the magic sculpture carving method inherited from the previous era, can give the magic sculpture a certain spirituality, increase the carving success rate by 15%, and 1% when the carving is successful) The probability will increase the finished magic sculpture by an additional level)

Careful carving (100% success rate when carving level III and below magic sculptures, 70% success rate when carving level IV magic sculptures, 35% success rate when carving level V magic sculptures, carving Ⅵ magic element has 10% success rate)

Mastery of Magic Sculpture·Master Level (Master the carving drawings of 17 different types of magic elements)

Magic Carver·Enhancement Method (After successful carving, there is a 10% probability that the finished magic sculpture will gain 15%~20% attribute improvement)

Magic Sculptor·Demon Spirit Fusion (can integrate the magic sculptures carved by one's own hands into oneself, and gain a 50% increase in magic properties, and can fuse up to three objects at the same time. This skill requires more than 1,000 hours between triggers)

Shape-for-shape (when the health value is reduced below the dying line, you can swap places with the magic sculptures carved by yourself within 10 kilometers. This skill can only be triggered once every 180 hours. The swap cannot break through the space barrier. Shackles, but not affected by space interference and magic surge)]

(A magic sculpture carver who has received ancient inheritance. As the last generation descendant of the Boya stonemason family, Ashley was also the only survivor of the Boya family during the scarlet liquidation of the Imperial City.

In order to avoid the pursuit of King Guser, he traveled to many places. During this period, he received part of the inheritance of the great master of magic sculpture in the ancient era in a mountain ruins, and learned a variety of carving techniques until he was taken in by Marquis Henry.

His attributes are not outstanding, but his actual combat power is not weak at all. In the more than 20 years since he defected to Marquis Henry, he has carved thousands of magic sculptures. With superb skills, he is far from becoming a magic sculpture sculptor. Only one step away from being a great master in the field

In order to avoid being discovered by the hidden dragon spies under King Guser

Ashley Boyar chose to work for Marquis Henry, accepted his asylum, and lived on the three underground floors of the Marquis's castle all year round.

While carving the magic statue while forgetting about myself, he was guarding the center of the castle's magic array for Marquis Henry.

Now King Guser is in danger and has long since lost power. The great purge of that year has been forgotten by everyone. Ashley is immersed in the world of carving magic sculptures and cannot extricate himself, and the hatred in his heart is suppressed to the deepest level.

He hasn't seen the light of day for a long time, and his name has almost been forgotten by his former friends.

The suggestion in this guide is to conquer him

Because the magic sculpture carver is a fairly niche craftsman profession, there are even fewer who can obtain the ancient inheritance and have legendary low-level strength)

It only took more than ten seconds for Zong Shen to read Ashley Boya's attribute information.

This guy is a rare talent.

The carving of magic sculptures is a profession that transforms decay into magic from scratch.

His carvings did not involve mechanical engineering.

This is also the essential difference between magic sculptures and puppets, constructs, golems and other similar products.

The former imparts spirituality through carving, while the latter is mostly related to mechanical engineering and magic power.

In other words, as long as Zong Shen takes Ashley Boya under his command, it means that the territory has an army of magic sculptures!

Of course, the carving of the magic sculpture takes time, but there is always hope for a long-term success.

In addition, this guy also has the spellcasting ability of an earth mage.

In the [Active Skills] column, a large number of earth magic skills have been omitted.

Seeing him, Zong Shen knew what magic productivity was.

In particular, the skill called [Stone Barrier] is simply a magic skill for infrastructure construction. Not only does it have a short cooldown time, but the condensed barrier will always exist as long as it is not dissolved.

The blanks used as city wall fortifications couldn't be better.

Seeing this, Zong Shen immediately fell in love with this magic sculpture sculptor.

As for the so-called "Purge of the Imperial City" and the feud between the Boya family and the old King Guser, Zong Shen didn't care about it.

Not to mention that the old King Guser has long been dismissed, and the few royalists are unable to contribute due to the constraints of many forces. Even if the old king is still in power, Zong Shen is not in vain.

Since the other party is a talented person, then naturally he has to find a way to recruit him under his command!

In this case, we can't kill him directly.

Zong Shen, who was controlling the clone, raised his eyebrows.

Immediately analyzed the situation at the scene.

In addition to Ashley Boya in the core area, the configuration of the sixth-level team is also very clear.

This team is a standard elite team of the Kingdom of Avalon.

There are four Avalon level 6 dragon roar swordsmen, four level 6 dragon roar rangers, and four Avalon level 6 dragon roar spear dancers in the team.

There are also three sixth-level spellcasters.

One of them is from the Holy Light system, and the remaining two are from the Dragon Language system.

Sixth-level spellcasters are also called archmages.

The strength is generally comparable to that of a high-level epic level.

The Dragon Roaring Swordsman and the Dragon Roaring Spear Dancer are both melee soldiers and are typical front-row units.

Their position in the team is to cover their teammates and deal with enemies in melee combat.

If Zong Shen's clone with naked skills rashly steps forward, he will inevitably fight with these sixth-level melee soldiers, and the result of being entangled will be fatal.

Dragon Roar Ranger, Dragon Whisperer Archmage and Holy Light Archmage will not miss the opportunity to cast spells calmly.

Coupled with the attack launched by Ashley himself, who has mastered a large amount of earth element magic, the clone's blood volume exceeding 10,000 may not be able to withstand it for long.

Not to mention that there are many magic sculptures being deployed nearby.

So being tough is the last resort.

Even if Clone No. 1 can unexpectedly break through the defense line of the sixth-order soldier team and reach Ashley himself, it may not be able to win a quick victory.

Because that guy still has a lot of life-saving abilities.

In addition, earth elemental magic is famous for its characteristics such as terrain change and defense enhancement.

Just building a few barriers and stone walls can delay a lot of time!

The most important thing is that as long as Zong Shen chooses to take action, the other party will definitely issue a warning.

Zong Shen prepared multiple plans before taking action.

At this time, after a comprehensive analysis of the on-site situation, the rigid plan was naturally eliminated.

Then the original alternative assault plan became the best choice.

As for conquering Ashley, there is no rush. Destroying the central magic pillar first is the top priority.

Ashley has been living in seclusion here for more than 20 years, so he will definitely not move easily in the future. In addition, his identity is sensitive. Although the great purge of the royal family has ended long ago, no one can say whether there will be anything. Hidden danger.

After defeating the prince and capturing the giant city, Zong Shen just asked Marquis Henry for help.

After thinking for a moment, he took action immediately without any further delay.

I saw clone number one taking out a bracelet from the storage jewelry.

There is a mysterious aura flowing on it, full of the feeling of the ups and downs of time.

This bracelet is the jewelry component [Time Traveler Bracelet III (Blood Rose)] in the [Time Traveler Suit], which is a higher level existence than the red suit.

Set exchange from the mysterious merchant Alpha.

It comes with three active abilities and one passive ability.

The active skills are:

Time Shallow Return LV30 (with a radius of one kilometer as the area limit, after activation, the timeline can be reversed for ten seconds and returned to the time ten seconds ago, the cooling time is 24 hours)

Time acceleration LV50 (a short-term acceleration of time in a small range, which can be accelerated up to 2 to 10 times depending on the strength of the body, the acceleration action time process does not exceed 10 seconds at most, and the cooling time is 1 minute)

Time deceleration LV50 (a short-term deceleration time lapse in a small range, the deceleration can be up to 2 to 10 times depending on the strength of the body, the deceleration action time process does not exceed 10 seconds at most, and the cooling time is 1 minute)

The last is the passive skill: Gift of Time (for every ordinary/elite/captain/leader/overlord level monster killed, the gift time can be increased by 1/5/25/125/600 seconds respectively, and a maximum of 43200 seconds of gift time can be accumulated. You can choose to enter the realm of gifted time at any time. The ratio of the time flow rate in this realm to the normal time flow rate in the outside world is 10,000 to 1)

This bracelet is usually worn by Zong Shen himself.

In order for the clone to successfully complete the plan, he did not hesitate to use this thing.

As a control skill involving time rules, it is just right to use it in this situation.

[Time Shallow Rewind] can be reversed for 10 seconds, which can greatly increase the clone's fault tolerance rate, but the cooling time is as high as 24 hours.

[Time Acceleration] can accelerate oneself 2 to 10 times in a short period of time, which is a gain effect at the time law level.

[Time Slowing] Needless to say, it is a time-law debuff effect on the enemy.

The law of time is the basic rule of the world, and its control effect is extremely strong!

As for the last passive ability [Gift of Time], it is even more of a trump card!

The avatars in the previous article only dug the back wall, and with the real-time reminder and silent text of the strategy module, there was no need to alarm the guards. After all, the main body of the castle was never damaged from the beginning to the end.

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