Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1212: Value and Population Control

In the third-level treasure chests [Black Iron], [Bronze], and [Silver].

The reason why there is a certain proportion of trap treasure chests is entirely because a large part of these treasure chests come from "wild treasure chests" picked up from ruin exploration.

This kind of "wild treasure chest" does have a certain probability of encountering a trap.

Those high-level treasure chests generally come from rewards from various challenges, so there will be no trap treasure chests.

There will be a total of 36 [Golden Treasure Chests] in the future, and they are guaranteed to be able to unlock a fifth-level orange legendary equipment.

Higher-level recruitment rolls, resource boxes and construction blueprints can also be issued.

It has a higher probability than the [Silver Treasure Chest] of being able to unlock [Special] and [Unknown] level items.

Orange equipment is currently a common equipment for the backbone heroes in the territory.

The attributes of various gains are still very powerful.

As long as the hero is a combat hero with good talent and a high level, after equipped with a full set of orange equipment, he can basically reach the epic first-level combat power.

Moreover, the price of this kind of equipment is relatively high in the [market], and the total number of items for sale is not large.

It can be regarded as a watershed in the current [market] equipment field.

There are still a lot of purple rare-level equipment listed for sale.

The orange legendary equipment is the equipment that the current T2~T1 level lords are focusing on pursuing. They are basically digested by themselves, or given priority to the local [Legion] for internal sales.

The amount that will be listed for sale in the [market] will naturally show a cliff-like plummet.

Therefore, the value of [Golden Treasure Chest] is still very high.

Further up are those [Platinum Treasure Chests].

There are 85 treasure chests in stock.

It's hard to imagine how this kid saved so much.

The number is astonishing!

There are even more than the [Golden Treasure Chest] at the lower level.

In fact, the [Golden Treasure Chest] mainly comes from the settlement rewards of defensive challenges.

Of course, the result of the privilege blessing of [One More Time] is indispensable.

It is equivalent to him getting double the settlement of treasure chests.

After several stacking increases, only now can I save so many [Platinum Treasure Chests].

As a higher-level existence than the [Golden Treasure Chest], it can guarantee the availability of golden epic-level equipment.

The value of this type of equipment needs no elaboration. Even based on Zong Shen's current progress, it is still not outdated.

Many golden epic-level magical objects often have a hint of the power of world rules.

For example, Zong Shen’s previous [Time Stop Orb (gold)], as well as the [Demon Slayer Blade of Azzinoth (gold)] which is still one of the main weapons, and the [Demon Mirror (gold)] that can summon mirror clones )].

In the [Market], golden epic-level equipment is in short supply and has a price but no market.

There are very few people willing to put it up for sale.

Even if it is listed for sale, it will basically be at an extremely high price.

Based on the base of two to three billion surviving lords, not many people can obtain golden epic equipment.

Lords who own multiple pieces of golden epic-level equipment are even rarer.

This is reality, and it is also the current situation of the number of lords and equipment at each level.

If the equipment is compared to a car on earth.

Then the white ordinary grade is a bicycle.

The green premium class is Yadi electric vehicle.

The blue excellent class is Wuling's sacred car.

Purple rarities are a variety of common family cars.

As for the orange legendary level, it is the level below the BBA million level.

The golden epic level is the level of Porsche, RS, and AMG.

Among the lords with such a large base, there must be some who have good equipment.

Either from luck or from strength.

But these are certainly not mainstream.

Just like luxury cars seem to be everywhere on the street, but it is impossible for everyone to have a luxury car.

However, the relationship between the popularity of equipment and its level will gradually increase over time.

Not to mention the golden epic level when it first arrived, there were not many lords even with green elite level equipment.

Even Zong Shen was no exception. His equipment at that time was mainly purple and rare.

The first golden epic magic item obtained was [Time Stop Orb (gold)].

The first golden piece of equipment is the [Silver Lion's Ring (gold)], and the weapon is the repaired and upgraded [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (gold)].

The rules for obtaining high-end equipment are roughly the same.

Even now, if a certain lord can get a piece of golden epic equipment, the harvest will be no less important than getting a valuable luxury car on earth.

As for Zong Shen, he will always be an exception.

He is always ahead of the curve.

After all, the scale of development here has long been different.

It is precisely because there is such a huge gap in wealth, resources and population size.

Only in this way can his progress be unprecedented, far beyond the imagination of ordinary lords.

Therefore, to sum up, the preciousness of [Platinum Treasure Chest] is beyond doubt.

As for the higher level, there is the [Hard Diamond Treasure Chest].

It is possible to get brilliance-level items with a minimum guarantee, but based on Zong Shen’s previous experience in unboxing.

The items found in treasure chests of this level are generally between the quality of Glory Level I to Level IV.

The value is very high and it is definitely a "high-end product" in the treasure chest.

If golden epic equipment is compared to a luxury car.

Then the brilliance-level items are luxury houses of different grades depending on the level.

If these 25 [Diamond Treasure Chests] were opened all at once, it would bring him a lot of gains.

Finally, the most high-end treasure chest that Zong Shen currently has is the [Dark Gold Treasure Chest].

I only got two of these in total.

It is estimated that it should be able to produce items above level IV of brilliance level.

It was truly high-end in the treasure chest, but Zong Shen still felt a little dissatisfied.

He is even more eager to obtain demigod-level items.

Only the kind of power that can shake the rules can make him excited.

In this regard, he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Because treasure chests are random.

If you're lucky enough, you might be able to get super-level rewards.

It was this feature of the treasure chest that gave him hope.

Of course, supporting this theory depends on continued research on luck and box opening probability.

Based on Zong Shen's experience in opening boxes and the current inventory of treasure boxes, it shouldn't be difficult to do a little research on the probability of opening boxes.

So far, Zong Shen’s unboxing experience has been all on his own.

The strategy module is vague on details about the treasure chests.

There are two possibilities here.

The first is that the output pattern of treasure chests is relatively random.

It's just that there are different lower and upper limits for output depending on the level of the treasure chest.

Just like the rules Zong Shen summed up in the unboxing before.

Through the level of the treasure chest, you can roughly know what level of items will be opened.

This situation is the most favorable support for the first possibility, and it can also explain why the strategy module cannot query the probability table of opening the box.

The second situation is that the output pattern of the treasure chest is absolutely random.

This situation is more interesting.

Take the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] as an example. It is a green, high-quality equipment produced as "standard".

Then the production probability of items from green excellent level to white ordinary level here should be the highest.

There is a probability that the gray damaged level below and the purple, orange, gold, and even radiant light and demigods above can be produced, but the probability is extremely low, probably much lower than the probability of winning the lottery grand prize on earth. .

If the probability pattern of the treasure chest is the former, then there will be an upper limit threshold for the "investment" gain brought by luck in accumulating treasure chests.

But if the probability pattern of the treasure chest is the latter, the "investment" in the impact of luck on the production probability still has great potential to be explored.

While others are still simply unboxing.

Zong Shen has regarded the treasure chest as an "asset" that can appreciate in value.

Study their rules and try to find the most profitable and reasonable way to open the boxes.

But no matter what, these treasure boxes are an important part of his huge wealth.

Zong Shen already had a rough plan in mind for the use of these treasure boxes.

Temporarily suppress the obsessive desire to unbox.

He focused on the next reward item.

This reward is also "standard" for both platinum banners.

That is [Hero Emblem (Gold)].

The two banners awarded him a total of 12 coats of arms.

This means that he can transform twelve talents with golden epic qualifications into heroic units.

This thing was quite precious to Zong Shen during the initial reward period.

But now, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

The confidants around him have basically completed the transformation into heroic talents.

It is easier for highly qualified non-heroic subjects to advance on their own through labor and combat.

In fact, Zong Shen had already done a series of research after discovering San Pang, the king of scrolls.

Territory citizens with medium and low qualifications have the opportunity to improve their qualifications by one or two levels through work, study and training.

There is even a chance for a double promotion like a three-fat player.

The so-called double promotion is the simultaneous improvement of qualifications and types.

The number of highly qualified citizens is not large, but the above rules also apply.

In addition, there is another point, that is, positions and appointments.

Any citizen who is appointed or granted a position by the lord has a chance to become a hero-level talent after a period of time.

These conclusions are drawn by observing the changes in qualifications of the territorial population.

Therefore, the role of [Hero Emblem] is reflected in the early stage of arrival, when there is a shortage of manpower, to increase the number of heroic talents as much as possible.

After all, governance and all aspects of affairs need to be handled by heroic talents.

However, after the population of the territory reaches a certain base, the demand for [Heroic Crest] will not be so urgent. With so many ways to obtain hero-level talents here, there will be no shortage of leadership and management talents.

Under such circumstances, the rewards of these crests can only be said to be better than nothing.

Counting the original inventory of each level of [Heroic Crest] obtained.

Zong Shen plans to set up a talent incentive prize pool in the territory.

Let Howie, Mariel and their subordinate managers regularly and quantitatively select outstanding citizens, award them with the [Hero Crest] of the appropriate level in public, turn them into heroes, and assign them to appropriate positions. and duties.

This move can also be regarded as providing an additional upward path for the residents.

After the human ban was lifted, the activity of the citizens was unprecedentedly high.

But the difficulty of control has also doubled.

Nowadays, it is much more difficult to win over the loyalty of the people in the territory than it was before the defensive challenge.

Take Zong Shen’s territory as an example.

After the defensive challenge, the population obtained from Seakabang City will fall into a stagflation state after its loyalty reaches 85 points, and it is difficult to increase quickly in batches.

Rather, it requires a long period of steady operation and development to accumulate bit by bit.

A poorly managed lord can easily cause the loyalty of his subjects to decrease instead of increase.

There might even be a mutiny.

This is a completely new group state.

Mutiny will be triggered when more than 70% of the territory's citizens have a loyalty level below 60 points.

This part of the population will break away from the restrictions of loyalty and will spontaneously form groups to plunder the territory.

Of course, it's not easy for this to happen.

And the occurrence of such changes is normal.

You must know that the loyalty system is one of the privileges given to the lord to establish a foothold in this endless continent as soon as possible.

It can be understood as support for novices.

This also applies to the suppression of human nature in the early days of the territorial people.

But this support will not be permanent.

As the lord develops and changes in size, the people cannot remain in a state of confusion.

Changes in the loyalty system and the territorial citizens themselves are inevitable.

Even Zong Shen has reason to suspect that when the lords develop enough to establish a country, even semi-digitization and loyalty themselves will be cancelled.

Just like today's major aboriginal kingdoms, they have returned to their normal form.

If Mitani Shuying hadn't been beaten to death by Zong Shen, he would have successfully survived the defensive challenge.

The way that guy treats his people, I'm afraid it will cause a mutiny in a minute.

It is precisely because of this that Zong Shen has been optimizing the model of collecting citizens in advance.

Try to change your thinking.

From treating the people as mere tools in the early days of the advent, now we will seriously consider their food, clothing, housing, transportation, subjective initiative, and the issue of their upward path.

Even the Freedman Reform was an idea born out of this perspective.

You must know that most of the lords at that time did not have such awareness.

The situation of [mutiny] was only recently exposed by the lords, and there was no announcement before.

It should be a situation that accompanies the "unlocking of human nature".

Just a few days ago, it caused an uproar on [World Channel].

Although Zong Shen doesn't like water [channels], there are always people reporting this kind of hot news to him in real time.

This made him realize that only if he truly treated the people as individuals and provided them with a certain degree of dignity and adequate living security, would the people be willing to contribute to the construction of the territory, and even contribute everything they had.

For a lord, this is the real nectar.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen couldn't help but become obsessed with thoughts, and felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

Being a good lord is actually not easy!

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