Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1216: Caressing the magic power and breaking through the barriers

Compared with the powerful effect of [The Fool's Black Gloves (lower demigod level)].

These side effects are simply not worth mentioning.

Anyway, Zong Shen's original spellcasting talent was not very high.

He only has a moderate talent for sensing thunder elements.

He rarely uses magic to fight on his own.

Either use a spell scroll, or use a magical item with magical skills.

Most of the time, Zong Shen uses his own magic power to quickly activate scrolls or magic circles.

So it doesn't really matter whether he has spellcasting talent or not.

Recalling that when he first arrived, he was obsessed with both magic and martial arts.

But later he understood a truth, that is, one force can defeat a hundred tricks.

There is a quite classic idiom in China, which is called "the great truth leads to simplicity".

It means that great principles are often simple and plain.

After peeling away the complicated and complicated appearances, you can get a glimpse of the most essential truth of things.

The truth contained in this idiom also applies to Endless Continent.

When your strength reaches a certain stage, you can initially come into contact with the rules.

And the rules are all the ultimate expression of some kind of power.

So it doesn't matter whether it's a spell caster or a miracle.

At a certain stage, they all reach the same goal through different paths.

Moreover, [The Fool's Black Gloves (Low Demigod Level)] is a hand armor equipment.

As long as he takes it off, he can restore his original magic talent.

The effects of this side effect are not irreversible.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen chose to equip it.

The [Red Knight Gloves V (red)] that was originally on my hand took off automatically.

This thing is still the part of the Red Knight suit that he exchanged from the mysterious businessman Alpha.

The main bonus direction is the increase in health.

The accompanying capabilities are:

[Life Increase LV10] can increase the upper limit of health by 20%, and the duration is 5 minutes.

[Life Transmission LV10], you can designate an ally within 100 meters of you, and perform life transmission at 100 points per second, lasting up to 10 seconds.

There is also a special passive skill.

It's called [Life Extraction LV10], and its effect is similar to the [Strength Extraction LV10] that comes with Zong Shen's [Power Demon Ring (Red)].

It's just that the latter obtains additional power attributes by killing enemies of different levels.

And [Life Extraction LV10] can increase the health value by killing the target.

Depending on the level, killing [Normal], [Elite], [Captain], [Commander], and [Overlord] level targets can obtain 1/5/25/125/600 extraction points respectively, while 1500 points The extraction value can permanently increase his maximum health by 10 points.

Relying on this effect, Zong Shen has recently increased his health by 1,800 points.

If it weren't for the fact that its kill target level range only reaches the orange overlord level, Zong Shen's kill benefits would be even higher. After all, the enemies he has dealt with recently are basically high-level enemies, starting from the epic level to the demigod level. capped.

These high-level opponents have exceeded the limit that [Life Extraction LV10] can extract.

However, this ability is still very useful.

When Zong Shen bullies large groups of "weak" enemies in the future, he can choose to wear [Red Knight Gloves V (red)], so that he can get extraction value as long as he kills enemies below level six.

For lords, equipment that meets the requirements can be replaced at any time.

Therefore, Zong Shen planned to keep [Red Knight Gloves V (red)] as a backup.

I usually wear [The Fool's Black Gloves (lower demigod level)] to get extra attribute gains.

After he put on the black gloves, he was immediately affected by various effects.

In an instant, his talent for perceiving the magic power of the thunder element was suppressed.

It was replaced by a more peculiar feeling.

It only takes a moment of thought for his vision to change.

The fluctuations of magic power can be seen in the field of vision.

Different elemental magic appears as lines of different colors.

They were densely packed and almost occupied Zong Shen's entire field of vision, like the ups and downs of an electrocardiogram.

It seems to contain some kind of mystery and mystery.

At this moment, the most magical lines near the giant city of Lentax are ice elemental magic.

This is the "sequelae" caused by the projection of the Raven God of Disaster.

Over time, the distribution of elemental magic here will regain balance.

Moreover, Zong Shen, wearing black gloves, could not only see the magical power in the lines, but also touch them himself.

Yes, just caressing.

Zong Shen slowly raised his arm and stretched out a finger.

Like plucking the strings of a piano, it stirred up a line of wind spirit elemental magic power.

Watch it gradually transform under the teasing of the black gloves.

Affected by this, the magic power of other surrounding wind elements also changed in some way.

This change requires observation and summary.

It can be seen that the magic of linearization seems to intuitively reveal some hidden rules.

It's like humans convert numbers into base symbols, and then compile them into a virtual network of 0s and 1s.

[The Fool's Black Gloves (lower demigod level)] seems to allow the wearer to see the recompiled magic power.

The Fool can explore the laws and changes of magic power.

Let the originally intangible magic power become something with clear laws.

Even if you don't have the talent to sense elemental magic, you can still delve into a series of effects brought about by magic.

At this moment, Zong Shen understood what the strategy module had said about the black gloves.

(When you decide to accept the black gloves, you will become a member of the Fool. However, if you want the black gloves to play a sufficient role, you need to have the spiritual will like an ascetic. It is like a key, opening the Endless learning ladder)

Looking back now, this sentence is not an exaggeration in the slightest.

Zong Shen, wearing black gloves, seemed to have opened a new door.

It's just that if you want to find out the rules, it takes a long time to study and accumulate.

His intuition told him that those magic lines contained great secrets.

If you can delve a little into getting started, I'm afraid you will benefit a lot.

But it is absolutely impossible to achieve this in a short time.

However, he could choose to familiarize himself with the practical abilities of the black gloves as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Penny Lancaster, who was sitting obediently behind to keep warm.

While he was studying the black gloves and [Mana Miner], Penny was also quietly sizing him up.

After joining the territory, Penny also received some mysterious information.

This information lets her know the existence and significance of the Chosen Son, and at the same time gives her a new mission.

Rely on a qualified lord and create a new era together.

If this lord reaches the highest level, their followers will also receive supreme honor.

While shocked by the news, she also developed a strong curiosity about Zong Shen himself.

Therefore, when Zong Shen looked at her, Penny happened to be staring at Zong Shen as well.

The moment their eyes met, Penny lowered her head in panic.


"Sir...please give me your orders!"

Zong Shen shouted softly, and Penny responded hurriedly.

"You cast a spell, anything will do."

He immediately ordered.

After hearing this, Penny breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't dare to neglect and quickly took out a short staff made of mithril from her storage jewelry.

Holding the staff tightly with both hands at the top and bottom, she began to sing softly.

As she chanted, her spiritual power gradually came out of her body.

In Zong Shen's [Eye of Demonic Sense], those mental powers are like hooks.

The several magical lines that were originally running smoothly were quickly woven into a three-dimensional spell model under the control of these hooks.

Looking at the light green lines, it should be natural elemental magic.

The magic lines are drawn very quickly, and the spell model is completed in almost less than two seconds.

This is also normal. As a hero, Penny Lancaster has four talent entries.

They are:

[Pure Body (Gold): Immune to mental temptation and pollution]

[Three series of advanced spellcasting talents (orange): master the advanced spellcasting talents of water, nature and holy light at the same time]

[Loyalty (Orange): Establish loyalty or cultivate favorability, and raise it to above 90 points, and the relevant values ​​will be locked]

[Eager to learn (purple): The efficiency of reading and learning is increased by 50%, and there is a lower probability of comprehending additional magic during meditation]

Among them, the [Three Series Advanced Spellcasting Talent (Orange)] allows her to master water, nature, and holy light magic at the same time, and she has the opportunity to practice to the level of a seventh-level magician.

So there is no doubt about Penny's spellcasting ability.

Seeing the vivid spell composition in front of him, Zong Shen suddenly realized something.

Then when the spell model was about to be completed, he stretched out his hand and pinched one end of the magic line, and just pulled it gently, and the woven spell model suddenly fell apart.


A small exclamation came from the side.

Zong Shen's eyes regained their brightness and exited the [Eye of Magic Sense] state.

He looked at Penny, who had a surprised face.


"The spell model suddenly collapsed!"

Zong Shen nodded, didn't say anything more, and just asked calmly.

"What magic were you preparing to cast just now?"

"It's...it's the third-level green thorn piercing..."

Penny said in a daze.

Zong Shen nodded slightly and turned away with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Keep resting."

He looked down at the black gloves in his hands.

His expression became profound.

"I see."

"I roughly understand the relationship between the Fool and magic."

After practice, he overturned his previous views.

The application potential of [The Fool's Black Gloves (lower demigod level)] is much higher than [Rong·Water Drop (lower demigod level)].

It’s just that this potential needs to be tapped gradually.

Compared with the simplicity, roughness and directness of [Rong·Water Drop].

Zong Shen needs to put some thought into fully developing the Black Glove's abilities.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the extension of magic lines, a whole new discipline can even be opened up.

Therefore, he is also considering whether to hand it over to high-level spellcasters in the territory for experiments when it is no longer in use, and summarize and record each attempt.

In this way, he can quickly obtain experience and experimental samples.

But it’s not too late to put this matter aside for now.

Anyway, he has the thing in hand, and it is up to him how to use it.

After thinking for a moment, he came to his senses again.

All rewards given by the first platinum banner have been reviewed.

Next he focused on the rewards of the second platinum banner.

In addition to the same rewards, the second banner still has many surprises.

And the first thing he saw made him feel particularly happy.

It was a construction drawing, and it was Wonder (low) level!

The most important thing is that this is not a incomplete spectacle.

Although it is a low-level spectacle, it is much better than a incomplete spectacle.

Just a thought, and the next moment, he had an architectural drawing in his hand.

The drawings look bland and devoid of any detail.

But the light emitted from the surface proves that its level is not low.

After a brief gaze, the attribute list and golden subtitles appear.

[Strong Drill Barrier·Wonderful (Low Position)]

[Quality: Wonder (low)]

[Occupy area: 12.56 square meters]

[Height: 900 meters]

[Strength value: 150000 points]

[Magic energy reserve: 0/6500000]

[Maximum coverage: 180 kilometers/radius]

[Each point of magic energy can be converted into 12 points of solid diamond barrier strength]

[Barrier Armor: 395]

[Barrier magic resistance: 370]

[There is only one core pillar of the Strong Diamond Barrier, please stand it at a suitable location in the territory]

[Active effect: Hard Drill Barrier (activate/disable, after activation, it can support a giant barrier shield with a maximum coverage radius of 180 kilometers with the core pillar as the center, and can go 100 meters underground for protection)

Barrier shielding (turning on this effect can shield the outside world from prying eyes and cannot be penetrated by detection magic below the eighth level. The skill effect can last up to 6 hours, and the cooling time is 8 hours)

Expanding Explosion Barrier (after activation, the remaining magic energy and barrier strength will be consumed instantly. The diamond barrier will spread and explode towards the periphery. The surrounding enemies will equally share the damage equal to the remaining strength of the barrier. This effect will be activated every time. It will permanently damage the wonder itself, thereby reducing some attribute effects, please use with caution)

Climate adjustment (you can actively choose barriers to isolate climate conditions, including wind, rain, snow, fog, thunder, heat, etc.)]

[Passive effect: Elemental weakening (the elemental magic damage taken by the barrier will be weakened by a fixed 25%)

Puncture is weakened (the long-range/short-range puncture damage taken by the barrier will be weakened by a fixed 25%)

Shield breaking feedback (when the barrier is subject to local defense breaking and targeted penetration effects, damage equal to the loss of solid value will be released for concussive detonation)

Efficient charging (when the caster manually charges with his own magic value, the energy conversion ratio increases to 1:1.2, and when using magic crystals and related energy supply devices, the conversion ratio increases to 1:1.5)

Silent energy saving (when the barrier is silent after activation, only 35 solid points are consumed per second)

Intelligent control (the barrier can independently determine the passing authority of the residents, and can also set the neutral passing status to allow neutral targets to pass the barrier)]

[The strong barrier only isolates external attacks, not internal attacks]

(hard, too hard)

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