
Zong Shen stood nearby and saw the change in Penny's expression.

What surprised her so much.

And it seemed like she had seen black gloves before.

"What's wrong Penny?"

He took the initiative to ask.

Penny slowly raised her head and then took off her black gloves.

"Sir, I once saw a book in a library in the city."

"That book contains a story about the Fool."

As soon as these words came out, Zong Shen felt interesting.

"You mean there is a book that records the Fool's affairs?"

"Yes, it was mentioned above that the Master of Fools created the Black Gloves."

"As long as you wear black gloves, you can pluck the magic strings even if you don't have the talent to cast spells."

"A powerful fool can dismantle all methods."

"The flexible magic is like a toy in their hands."

Penny respectfully handed [The Fool's Black Gloves (lower demigod level)] back to Zong Shen.

Listening to her answer, Zong Shen took the black gloves and put them on again.

"What's the name of that book?"

He was more curious about why the books in the Endless Continent recorded the Fool.

After all, according to the background suggested by the guide, fools in a certain world specifically refer to those dull people who have no talent for casting spells.

It can be seen that in the world of the Fool, the former spell caster was definitely an extremely powerful existence.

Just because he has no talent for casting spells, he will be given the contemptuous title of "Fool".

But later on, the Fool obviously made a comeback.

The ability of the black gloves is powerful enough. As long as you study it carefully and master it skillfully, you can restrain most of the known magic.

So the title Fool is more of a self-mockery.

Moreover, this group of guys with rather mysterious origins are obviously not natives of the Endless Continent.

This matter can be verified later.

Hearing Zong Shen ask this, Penny looked thoughtful.

She lowered her head slightly and racked her brains to remember.

I was still young when I saw that book, but I vaguely remember that the book was very big and very old.

It contains many interesting stories for her at that time.

While Penny was trying to remember, Zong Shen was not idle either.

He simultaneously asked about the strategy module in his mind.

"Please tell me what the book Penny is talking about is called?"

The golden writing quickly emerged, but the answer was not satisfactory.

(No relevant information was found, and it cannot be ruled out that it is a change other than the "script")

Raising his eyebrows, Zong Shen's expression instantly became strange.

He can understand that he can't find relevant information.

Because after this period of personal experience, he had long discovered that the amount of information in the strategy module was not omnipotent.

Its information comes from the lord system and cannot be separated from this framework.

It is precisely because the Lord System covers endless continents that it seems to know everything.

However, this is not the case.

There is still a lot of information in the current Endless Continent that is outside the framework of the Lord System.

In addition, there is a lot of information that appears in stages, just like loading DLC.

Before the lord system is loaded, the strategy module cannot obtain this part of the information.

But even though the strategy module has limitations, its role is still irreplaceable for Zong Shen.

And now, he has discovered a new blind spot.

That's the "script".

In fact, this was not the first time he had seen this concept.

He has always believed that the lord system has a dynamic script that will evolve and progress in real time according to the development speed of the lords.

For example, when he got the [Lifespan Fruit (orange)] before.

The notes in the strategy module mentioned relevant information.

The information prompted at that time was as follows:

(When life becomes a bargaining chip, it will have supreme value

As a rare item, its value cannot be measured simply by its legendary quality. Lifespan fruits of any quality level are rare and can be encountered but not sought.

If you have the opportunity to give this fruit to King Guther, you will be able to break the curse of the era and personally unlock the shackles of the new era. The pattern of the Kingdom of Avalon will be rewritten, and 23% of the evolution of the era will change. )

The focus is on that last paragraph.

"The pattern will be rewritten, and 23% of parts will change during the change of era."

The change can be accurate to a percentage, which means that there is indeed a script somewhere.

In addition, similar information appeared on the mission he received when he rescued King Ragnar Lodbrok.

[Mission: Help the king escape]

[Requirement: Help Ragnar Lodbrok, the King of Nords, escape from danger]

[Reward: 3 million to 5 million dinars, a certain number of soldiers, a certain territory, and the friendship of the King of Nord. The specific reward will be determined after the task is submitted]

[Successful completion of this task, the pattern of the Kingdom of Nord will be rewritten, and 17% of the evolution of the era will change]

King Ragnar, who was plotted and attacked by the queen, almost died in the wilderness.

After the legendary guard around him was pushed away, he almost capsized in the ditch.

But Zong Shen's appearance changed everything.

In the corresponding task prompt, it is also clearly mentioned [Successful completion of this task, the pattern of the Kingdom of Nord will be rewritten, and 17% of the evolution of the era will change].

Previously, [Lifespan Fruit (orange)] was mentioned in the strategy information.

But that time it was directly reflected in the mission information.

This also proves the existence of the script.

That mission was to save the king, and no one among the lords at the time could do it.

So the task specifications themselves are actually not low.

Mission rewards also fluctuate, except for millions of dinars in money.

The focus is on rewards for several territories and soldiers.

Until now, Zong Shen has not cashed in.

But as long as he thought about it along this line of thinking for a moment, he had an idea.

Nowadays, the contradictions and suppression of the indigenous people all have traces of the intervention of the lord system.

In retrospect, saving King Ragnar did change the future direction of the Nord Kingdom.

Originally, if Ragnar was assassinated or under house arrest, civil war would still break out, but on the days when the king was lost.

Nord will most likely split, and many free neutral nobles will make other choices.

Even if the Lodbrok family subsequently introduced a new king, they would not be able to win over the nobles as quickly as they did now.

Then the strength gap between the Trivasin family and the Lodbrok royal family will be further shortened.

But Zong Shen's appearance changed everything.

Nothing happened to King Ragnar. Instead, he took the lead in rectifying the forces that were dependent on the royal family.

Two-thirds versus one-third, it’s clear which side has the advantage.

It's just that the area of ​​the Nord Kingdom is too large.

Even if one side has the advantage, the war between the two sides will not end overnight.

With precedents, changes outside the so-called "script" are not difficult to understand.

It seems that there are still many unknown things that have happened in the Endless Continent.

Just as Zong Shen was thinking about it, Penny's memories came to fruition.

"Master, I remembered."

"That book seems to be called "On the Convergence of the Celestial Spheres."

"At that time, it was stored in the ancient books room of the library!"

"It was a big book, taller than even my younger self."

"I was reading with the help of a servant."

Penny was obviously deeply impressed by the mysterious book outside of that "script".

Hearing what she said, Zong Shen nodded to express his understanding, and then he immediately asked.

"Is that book still in the library?"

The question made Penny frown.

She shook her head uncertainly.

"I'm sorry...my lord...I'm not sure."

"Part of the memory about that book is very clear, but part of it is very vague."

"I didn't go to the library again for many years."

Penny also felt confused, and something was wrong.

Because when I think about it carefully, that memory seems weird.

She could recall images of herself reading as a child in her mind.

But the details of that book could not be seen at all in that memory picture.

Even what happens next is uncertain.

This memory itself has some abnormal properties.

Narrowing his eyes, Zong Shen sighed quietly in his heart.

His intuition told him that this matter was of great significance.

It seemed that after he opened the ice shell cage and subdued Marquis Henry, he would have to go to the library.

It was located close to the core area of ​​the second circle, so it was not affected by the battle.

Since the strategy module couldn't ask anything, he could choose to investigate on his own.

"I see."

"Now you can recall what else is recorded in that book."

"Well, you can write it down."

Having said this, Zong Shen took out the paper and pen from the storage compartment.

He was very interested in the content of that book.

From the moment Penny put on the black gloves, spontaneously opened the [Eye of Magic Sense], and said the words "tick the string of magic", it is not difficult to see that the book should have recorded more detailed contents.

After taking the paper and pen, Penny sat back down and recalled her memories attentively.

Zong Shen exhaled and suppressed all kinds of chaotic thoughts.

That book is not simple, not only outside the script, but also records the Fool.

And the title of the book, "Theory on the Convergence of the Celestial Spheres," seems to imply something.

After adjusting his thoughts, he returned his attention to checking the rewards of the platinum banner.

The next reward item is the magic mecha again.

It's called [Level 6 Magic Iron Guard (Gold)].

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is protective and combat type.

It is not an auxiliary type like the previous [Mana Miner].

Considering the special nature of the miner, it cannot be ruled out that this Iron Guard is also a customized version of the magic mecha.

Of course, it might not be!

Thinking of this, he simply took out a [Level 6 Magic Iron Guard (Gold)] as a sample for observation.

A huge metal body ten meters high appeared on the ice shell.

This thing is much bigger than a miner!

The height of nearly three stories made Zong Shen need to look up at it.

The gray-black steel armor glowed faintly in the sunlight.

Looks very solid.

It is worth mentioning that this mecha also requires humans to operate it.

The cockpit is located on the chest and is protected by a magic shield.

I circled around this big guy twice.

Zong Shen saw many strange structures on its body.

The steel armor on both the arms and body can be turned outwards.

There is also a support shaft, which looks like it can turn the steel armor on the body into a shield.

After unfolding everything, this is a shield mountain.

Other than that, I didn’t find any fancy branding.

There isn't even a nameplate.

It turned out to be a "three-no product".

The mecha as a whole has a silly, dark and thick feel.

From the outside, they all look like thick steel armor.

The drive system is two sets of wide, flat-bottomed mechanical legs.

There are also support rods on both sides that can be retracted and retracted at any time.

When Zong Shen charged some magic energy into the mecha.

You will see driving options.

After making your selection, a rope will hang down from the cockpit.

Zong Shen did not cling to the rope, but directly jumped from the spot.

He jumped up effortlessly.

With two thousand points of agility attribute, his jumping ability is comparable to that of a flea.

After entering the cockpit, Zong Shen searched around carefully and determined that this was a magic mecha without any inscriptions. He didn't even know where it was produced.

Made it mysterious.

However, after this inspection, the Iron Guard's defensive capabilities deserve recognition.

The gray-black steel armor has good defensive capabilities.

Zong Shen knew it just by touching it.

[Level 6 Magic Iron Guard (Gold)]

[Epic Magic Mecha]

[Blunt damage: 692~722]

[Sturdiness value: 255000]

[Armor value: 315]

[Magic Resistance: 275]

[Maximum full load capacity: 497 tons]

[Self-weight: 1210 tons]

[Maximum traffic speed without load: 5 kilometers/hour]

[Maximum traffic speed with full load: 3 kilometers/hour]

[Maximum wading depth: 7.15 meters]

[Mana consumption per second: 0.945]

[Magic energy reserve: 107/350000]

[Overall durability: 12500]

[Drive device: epic magic core, Type VI Big Mac chassis, blackened rune armor forging process, epic dual-core magic shield device, enchanted plating·resistance enhancement, enchanted plating·metal self-healing

[Active skill: Station defense (the magic iron guard enters the defense state, lasts for 10 minutes, the magic energy consumption is increased by 50%, the movement speed is reduced by 30%, the double resistance is increased by 50%, the solid value is increased by 100,000 points, and the cooling time is 3 minutes) )

Iron Guard Guard (The Iron Guard unfolds the steel plates all over its body to form a shield. The solid value is converted into shield defense value, which additionally weakens the physical long-range damage suffered by 15% and the magic damage suffered by 10%. This skill has no cooldown and can be activated at any time. or cancel)

Strengthen the shield (generates a powerful shield with additional resistance. The shield has a solid value of 250,000 points and a basic double resistance of 230 points. Each activation will consume 35,000 magic points at one time, due to the existence of the double shield core. , up to two shields can be superimposed and activated at the same time, and the activation cooling time of a single shield is 45 minutes)

Landslide crushing (the iron guard rolls 150 meters forward, causing 5.0 times bludgeoning damage to all targets along the way, cooling time is 6 hours)

[Passive skill: Shield Mountain Connection (allows multiple magic iron guards to connect, so that the solid value is accumulated and additional bonuses are added)]

...(End of chapter)

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