Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1221: Overwhelming the Church, the Dilemma of the Kingdom of Virginia

[Lord Survival: Strategy starting from the dilapidated courtyard] []

Chapter 1,221: Overwhelming the Church, the Dilemma of the Kingdom of Virginia [Please subscribe]

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Zong Shen clapped his hands and stood up.

"Come on, Penny."

"It's time to save the giant city of Lentax."

His eyes gradually became dark, and he reached out and took Penny's wrist.

The next moment, he activated his latest mastery of [Fantasy God Flash] and disappeared.

Different from the original [Wandering Walk], there will be a spatial singularity.

The spatial displacement of [Fantasy God Flash] is obviously much smoother.

But their vision suddenly changed, and they appeared below the ice shell cage.

On the ground, under the hard ice are the completely frozen ruins of the third circle.

The huge cracks in the ground are like scars that are difficult to heal and look particularly eye-catching.

Even if the ice melts, it will take a lot of effort to restore the crack.

During the time he was looking at the items.

Hamis, the Dark Nightmare of Hell, had already brought the [Jade of Raven Divine Will (Special)] to gather the apostles of the Calamity Raven Church and the two cardinals who had exploded with the help of the ritual.

At the same time, drive away all the lords wandering in the third circle.

They even dispatched the Heretic Knights of Giant Power to pursue the caravans and farmers who escaped from the city.

Therefore, the periphery of the ice shell looks particularly deserted at this time.

Meters-thick ice raised the ground.

But it was hard to conceal the desolation.

Looking around, you can see everything.

The shivering cold wind carried the chill and kept rippling.

Recovery from such a large-scale climate change cannot be accomplished overnight.

Even if the coverage of the Frost Law is lifted, it will take as short as two weeks and as long as more than a month if you want to recover naturally.

After all, the frost covers a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Zong Shen silently observed the surrounding situation.

After a while, the snorting nightmare Hamis ran up to him with four hooves burning on fire.

"Master, under the command of [Raven Divine Will Jade (Special)]."

"These stupid churchgoers are willing to pledge their allegiance to you."

As a force that cannot be ignored in the continent.

The church is undoubtedly a very special force.

They use faith as a medium to subtly change the thinking of believers through chanting, praying, brainwashing and other methods.

The miracles that appear from time to time and the sacrifices that provide feedback can strengthen believers' worship of divine power.

In such cases, divine authority is everything.

In other words, the [Jade of Raven Divine Will (Special)] is a key that can quickly control the church.

And nine times out of ten, it is also a "gift" prepared by Alpha.

He didn't think too much about conspiracy theories, because the current situation was that he really needed manpower and force.

Especially the force that can suppress the entire city.

The Calamity Raven Church is a ready-made tool man.

"Go and call all the bishops, deacons, elders and officers of the major apostolic orders."

"I want them to pledge their allegiance to me and join the Territory."

"Well... for God's sake."

Zong Shen gave the order to Hamis decisively, and did not forget to add one sentence at the end.

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[Lord Survival: Strategy starting from the dilapidated courtyard] []

"I obey your will, great master!"

After Nightmare Hamis witnessed the powerful strength of his Hard God Projection, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

From the original indifferent attitude, he suddenly turned into a flatterer who only followed him.

Strength is the greatest guarantee of loyalty.

Zong Shen was convinced of this.

There's no doubting the Nightmare's speed of movement.

Under such circumstances, it only took more than ten minutes to complete the gathering of personnel.

Hundreds of deacons, elders, bishops, and officers of the Apostolic Corps within the Calamity Raven Church were summoned.

They wear different styles of clothing and armor, with the divine emblem representing the Frost Raven of Disaster painted on their chests.

Everyone was silent.

Zong Shen wore black gloves and lifted the huge [Jade of Raven Divine Will (Special)] with one arm.

Under the sun, the round and round sacred jade glowed with a faint aura.

Looks extremely spiritual.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on this divine jade.

"In the name of God."

"I want you to be loyal to me!"

Zong Shen said loudly, and as soon as he finished speaking, vast divine pressure surged out.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became grim.

The backbone of these churches have no words.

But after a moment of silence, the two red-robed bishops standing at the front slowly knelt down on one knee.

Then there are the elders and church deacons.

At the end were the officers of the Apostles wearing plate armor.

"Honor God above, I pledge my allegiance to you."

"The Great Spokesperson of God"

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By. "

As the guys knelt down, prompts appeared line by line to join the territory.

After completing the corresponding recruitment process, everyone is included in the framework of the loyalty system.

However, their initial loyalty is not high, generally between 65 and 70 points.

And the two red-robed bishops only had a pitiful 60 points.

Fortunately, the ratio is not high, and it will not trigger the "mutiny" effect.

It seems that the intimidation of Shenyu can only make these guys surrender on the surface.

But for Zong Shen, being able to do this was enough.

Anyway, he only regards the church as a temporary and excessive tool.

There was no time to hold a large-scale recruitment ceremony.

Someone Zong waved his hand.

"Break the ice shell!"

"God allows us to conquer Lentax!"

He pointed at the towering ice shell behind him and gave the order.

All the church members suddenly looked enthusiastic.

"For God!"

Above the endless void.

Inside the palace in a pale golden prism.

A mirror like water waves floated in front of Alpha.

Inside, the scene of Zong Shen subduing the backbone of the Calamity Raven Church was displayed.

"Quack, quack!"

"What a noisy human being!"

The Calamity Frost Raven standing on his shoulder also saw this scene and couldn't help but open its beak and said.

I saw a picture of a small mortal using his divine power to deceive his followers.

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[Lord Survival: Strategy starting from the dilapidated courtyard] []

It still left him with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Hehehe... interesting!"

But Alpha laughed and reached out to touch the feathers of the fat raven on his shoulder.

This scene amused him.

Through the bond established through this series of processes, he was finally able to barely monitor the lower realm.

"The power of the divine jade can last for three months in the local dimension."

"My followers will no longer be at his mercy."

The fat raven chirped.

Compared to Alpha's appreciation for Zong Shen, it was completely uninterested in Zong Shen.

"Don't worry."

"Three months is enough time."

"With his trajectory, he will be able to suppress your followers by then."

Alpha still had a smile on his face and answered calmly.

"Master God, we have to wait and see."

The fat raven pecked its wings lightly, not shying away from its disdain for Zong Shen in his words.

"Beta seems to be taking action too."

"She put her chips on the ocean, and I have to say it was a very smart choice."

"But the Endless Continent is not an ordinary place."

"That dimensional world is divided into two parts: east and west."

"To the west is the Endless Continent, and to the east along the Infinite Sea is a continent that believes in the Eastern Divine Court. There is a solid isolation between the two sides."

"Occupying the ocean means blocking the expansion path after the continent's struggle for hegemony."

"It seems that she still hasn't given up on wooing Zong Shen."

At their level, there has long been no conflict of will.

Everything is to attract potential stocks.

Accumulate strength for the divine war.


"Those slippery alien gods born in the water seem to have a plan."

"Interesting, isn't it?"

"Under the control of the supreme manager, no one dares to directly interfere with it."

"But there are endless little tricks in the dark."

The fat raven flapped its wings and flew up, standing on Alpha's head and picking up the flower vine crown decorated on his forehead.

Alpha chose to ignore his little move.

The relationship between the two parties is amazing.

They are both superiors and subordinates, pets and owners, and good friends at the same time.

"Yeah, it's interesting."

“I discovered the joy of being an observer.”

"It's just that while we are observing, is there some mysterious existence in the unknown space that is higher and further away, and is it also observing us?"

He murmured, his expression gradually becoming deeper.

The northern land of the Endless Continent.

Kingdom of Virginia.

When eternal night completely enveloped the north of the Great Wall of Despair.

Urgent letters sent by King Yarogluk Grace to all the major kingdoms were sent to the hands of each royal family through special channels.

The Seven Kingdoms had a pact in their ancient founding days.

At that time, the seven mainland overlords promised to work together to deal with the crisis in the north.

But the sea has changed, and the years have changed.

No one can guarantee how far this promise will be implemented.

The overlord who once dominated the continent has long since disappeared into the clouds.

How many descendants of the royal family can firmly abide by the rules set by their ancestors?

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[Lord Survival: Strategy starting from the dilapidated courtyard] []

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Chapter 1,221: Overwhelming the Church, the Dilemma of the Kingdom of Virginia [Please subscribe]

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What then?

The six kingdoms that received the letter had different reactions.

There were disagreements within the Lodbrok family of the Kingdom of Nord over whether to provide support.

Now the war within the kingdom has just begun, and the Trivasin family has a high will to resist.

The battle between the two sides was intense.

It is undoubtedly impossible for the royal family to send a large number of elite legions across the border to support the North.

So intellectually, ignoring the letter seemed like the best option.

But they could not withstand the persistence of the conservative faction within the clan.

Some old people always remember the teachings left by their ancestors.

He expressed concern about the situation in the north, fearing that it would really be a sign of the end of the world.

Under such circumstances, King Ragnar decided to mobilize men from various places to form two legions to support.

These two legions are not worth mentioning to the long Great Wall of Despair, but at least they have played a role.

The letter sent to the Pendragon royal family of the Kingdom of Avalon was directly burned to ashes.

Now there are factions within Avalon that support the new king, and no one is willing to bother with this kind of thing.

The old King Guser is dying, maybe in a month, maybe in a year, he will be completely screwed.

Under such circumstances, who would care about the crisis in the far north?

As for the teachings of their ancestors, they have even forgotten them.

The long years slowly reduced their awe and respect for their ancestors.

As for other kingdoms in the mainland, they have their own opinions.

The Rhodok Kingdom sent ten elite legions, and the Kugit Empire sent seven legions.

The Sultanate of Salander also dispatched seven legions.

The Kingdom of Swadia sent the most elite support.

Not only did they mobilize a total of twenty legions, but they also summoned the Kingdom Knights and foreign troops.

Among them, the alien soldiers are mainly composed of tauren warriors.

At the same time, the King of Swadia also stated that he would dispatch a large number of defensive equipment to the Great Wall of Despair.

Support of this scale may seem huge, but in fact it is a drop in the bucket.

The defense line of the Great Wall of Despair is simply too long.

At least hundreds of millions of defenders are needed to fill the battle positions.

The support from the major kingdoms is far from being able to keep up with the defense needs.

Under such circumstances, King Yarogluk became furious.

The day after signs of crisis appeared, Finance Minister Finn Lister suddenly left the imperial city.

Based on the reports from his spies, Finn decisively returned to the territory of the Lister family.

Ignoring the war order issued by the kingdom, they even started to mobilize manpower.

Prepare to build a vast war fortress using the Liszt family's sphere of influence as the dividing line.

Under such circumstances, the royal family was in an embarrassing state.

Liszt is an out-and-out wealthy financial family.

Nicknamed the Golden Bear of the North.

Their influence on the Kingdom of Vaegia far exceeds the influence of the Trivasin family on the Kingdom of Nord.

Now I adopt a cold attitude of no announcement, no contact, and no response.

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[Lord Survival: Strategy starting from the dilapidated courtyard] []

It is clear that he wants to draw a line with the royal family.

The key is that the Grace Royal Family is sandwiched between the Great Wall of Despair and the Lister Family.

In this situation, if there is a hasty attack on the Liszt family.

Once the White Walkers really appear, the Grace royal family will be attacked from both sides.

As for the Liszt family, which has money and location advantages, the royal family will be the first to hold on if the sky falls.

At the same time, they did not announce their intention to split, and just maintained their uncooperative state.

This made King Yarogluk extremely angry.

Fortunately, although the area north of the Great Wall was shrouded in darkness, the monitoring towers inside and outside reported abnormal conditions at the same time.

But the real crisis has yet to break out.

Yarogluk could only continue to send elite reconnaissance teams to the north.

Although there are very few teams that can come back safely, it is still much better than sitting still and waiting for death!

The situation is that the White Walkers have resurrected and gathered throughout the North.

Their number is as vast as the sea, and any group of them is a terrifying size that can't be seen to the end.

The strange ghosts that had been dormant in the frozen soil for millennia and tens of thousands of years have come to life one after another.

Among them are some ancient giant monsters with huge bodies and ferocious appearances.

This is the plight of the Kingdom of Vaegia!

Just when King Yarogluk was angry and worried about this, a mysterious white light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Then the whole person was in a sluggish state, as if he had received some mysterious message.

At the same time, all the lords also entered a state of global pause at the same time.

Their will appears in the mysterious space.

There are also lines of prompts from the lord system that appear simultaneously.

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