Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1238: Empty the giant city in progress

The space in the small dimensional world comes from the territorial area when defending challenges.

In the Endless Continent, the area in the lord's knowledge is a square area of ​​200 kilometers × 200 kilometers.

This was also the rule that existed at the First Advent.

Therefore, the regional space range contained in [Dimensional Seed (Special)] also refers to this standard.

40,000 square kilometers of land is relatively sufficient to temporarily accommodate a population of 20 million.

It is just estimated that it will definitely pose severe challenges to the fragile ecology in the small dimension.

For example, the trees in the northern mountain forests will most likely be cut down.

After all, daily life is inseparable from the consumption of wood.

In addition to the flat grassland areas, fully recreated mines and Azshara underground passages can also share part of the population pressure.

The small dimensional world perfectly reproduces the topography of the area where Zong Shen's territory is located.

At the same time, the ruins were preserved, but the clues and valuable items within the ruins were not preserved.

If Zong Shen can obtain high-level space treasures in the future, as long as he integrates them, the [Dimension Seed (Special)] will also grow, and the space within it can be expanded again.

Compared to [Pascal Contract's Big Pocket (Gold)].

The space within [Dimensional Seed (Special)] is growing and regular.

An ecological circle has been formed in the dimensional world, and light and rain will fall regularly.

The rhythm of day and night is no different from the outside world.

With sufficient supplies stored in the large bag, thousands of people can live for a period of time.

But if you don't come out for a long time, it will be no different than going to jail.

In addition, the space rules in the big pocket are incomplete, and it is full of dead silence and desolation.

Zong Shen also once let hero-level subjects with MAX loyalty possess [Pascal Contract's Big Pocket (Gold)], and he personally entered the space of the Big Pocket to experience it.

It looks like a large building inside, big and empty, so it doesn't have much connotation.

The surrounding borders are square and square, like towering barriers, completely sealing off this space.

So staying in there is like going to jail, but there's nothing wrong with it.

But the small dimensional world is different.

There is almost no sensory difference between being in it and staying in the outside world.

Except for the lack of sun, moon and stars in the sky, there is really not much difference elsewhere.

The edge of the small dimensional world is a translucent membrane.

It can be understood as a simplified version of the dimensional barrier.

Beyond the diaphragm is the endless void.

The soil is fertile, the vegetation is lush, and you can even farm there.

Zong Shen originally had the idea of ​​building the small dimensional world into a pocket territory.

After all, this thing can be taken anywhere, and the space inside is extremely expandable and valuable for construction.

To sum up, if you can establish a territory in a small dimensional world, it can also play an unexpected role.

The most important thing is that there are resources in the small dimension.

The Azshara mining area has been perfectly replicated, and it can produce all kinds of ores with only the investment of manpower and material resources.

He has already made clear and definite arrangements on how to develop the small dimensional world.

Before fully developing it, it would be a good use of it to temporarily store the population.

Anyway, the ecology can be restored and the land can be leveled again.

Otherwise, it will not be easy to quickly digest a population of more than 20 million.

The same is true even with Jackdaw Valley as a transit center.

With the sudden influx of tens of millions of people, even a giant city-level territory would find it difficult to cope with it in a short period of time.

With the cleared [Dimension Seeds (Special)], Zong Shen found Penny Lancaster who was dispatching people to collect supplies.

At this time, the giant city of Lentax was moving like a mouse.

Supplies in the city were moved out of various warehouses and buildings.

They are gathered nearby in the squares of various streets.

Then go through a rough classification.

It is subdivided according to categories such as food, living supplies, weapons and equipment, ores, jewelry, magic materials, etc.

The workload is not small, and the manpower required is naturally not that small.

Fortunately, after Penny's coordination, the current huge city of Lentax is in short supply of manpower.

The amount of supplies accumulated in the city is astronomical.

Even if there are thousands of [Pascal Contract's Big Bags (Gold)], don't even think about carrying them away at once.

The food here can even feed 30 million people for three months.

There were even piles of dinar currency of various denominations.

Many of them even rolled down the ditch and into the sewer, but no one took care of them.

Billions and tens of billions of dinars were piled up in small mountains in various squares.

After getting used to it, there is nothing strange about this thing.

We have lost the attraction and mystery that wealth should have for people.

This was the first time that Penny took charge of the overall situation on her own.

But she learned quickly.

Coupled with the assistance with privileged effects, she was finally able to complete the task assigned to her by Zong Shen.

After seeing Zong Shen, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"grown ups."

"Currently, about 30% of the supplies in the city have been gathered."

“The remaining supplies are still being assembled.”

"Among them, according to your request, the treasury of those wealthy merchants and nobles will be collected first."

"Including the treasure trove of the Lancaster family has also been opened for you."

"This part of the wealth and treasures have been concentrated in the garden space of the Marquis Castle. You can store and inspect them at any time."

Penny Lancaster was wrapped in a coat made of the fur of a northern white bear.

Every time he said a word, he would emit a puff of white air.

After dozens of large passages were dug out of the ice shell cage, the cold inside eased.

Large bonfires were lit around the square where supplies were temporarily stored.

The powder of fire magic gems is added regardless of the cost to maintain the stability of combustion.

Under such circumstances, in areas with active crowds, the ice on the ground has a tendency to gradually melt.

It was a little slippery when I stepped on it, and there was a heavy moisture in the air.

The icy and snowy environment is really uncomfortable.

At least that's how it works for humans.

This is why the Kingdom of Virginia in the north has always been a bitter and cold place in people's minds.

The people living there are indeed a little more tolerant than the humans in the southern countries.

Throughout the civilization process of various intelligent ethnic groups.

Environmental and geographical isolation are important factors causing differences in civilization and living habits.

After several years of development with no communication.

There might even be different branches of civilization emerging.

This is the impact of environment and climate on the evolution of civilization.

Humans are a hypocritical race.

Neither too cold nor too hot is suitable for life.

But if this concept is turned into survival, then human beings are extremely patient and adaptable creatures.

From the hot Gobi Desert in the south to the frigid permafrost of the highlands in the north, almost every corner of the endless continent has human footprints.

Except for those large settlements such as giant cities and state cities.

There are also many villages, temporary camps and residential buildings dotted in the wilderness.

After sighing at the tenacity of human beings, Zong Shen nodded gently to Penny.

"I see."

"Continue to accelerate the progress and complete the collection of supplies."

"I don't need you to make a detailed list, but try to collect it as thoroughly as possible."

"By the way, before that you first connect to the primary spiritual virtual network."

"I have a message to send you about the valuable secret treasure troves in the three circles of Rentax."

Zong Shen cares about efficiency.

Because I have been delayed here for nearly two days.

Most of the various tedious tasks were barely completed.

The remaining material collection and population transfer are extremely time-consuming projects.

Under such circumstances, progress must be accelerated.

The looting of the giant city of Lentax was a one-shot deal.

After leaving, it would be a luxury to think about coming here to enjoy the autumn breeze.

So at this time, we must take this opportunity to loot this place.

As a huge city covering a huge area.

There are many secret rooms and treasure troves hidden throughout the city.

In addition, there are also many fishy things in the sewers of ancient cities.

The original Elf Eye relied on secret tunnels built underground everywhere.

There are many secret warehouses with extremely hidden entrances, making it difficult to find them all in a hurry.

At this time, someone needs to use the power of the strategy module to draw the information table.

Naturally, he doesn't have time to write out this form recording all the secret treasury in the city.

Therefore, we can only use the characteristics of [Elementary Spiritual Virtual Network] and let Penny connect first.

Then in the space of the spiritual virtual network, the data is quickly transmitted through thoughts.

This is also a usage he has recently explored for spiritual virtual networks.

It is also precisely because of the spiritual virtual network that he can communicate face-to-face and exchange information with Mariel, Howie and others in the virtual world.

Hero-level talents in the territory who have the authority to construct the [Elementary Spiritual Virtual Network] have recently completed the construction of the virtual world.

There is a magnificent city in the virtual world at this time.

There are all kinds of facilities inside, including gardens, horse farms, fishing grounds and other places.

When sleeping every night, heroic talents who are qualified to enter the virtual world and are on rotation at night will always choose to enter the virtual world.

The time spent here does not affect the normal rest of the outside body.

The spirit within it will not become exhausted.

It is no exaggeration to say that the virtual world has become the second world for some people.

All kinds of delicacies and everything they want can be fabricated out of thin air through permissions.

However, the [Elementary Spiritual Virtual Network] can link up to 9999 intelligent creatures.

Therefore, there are actually not many citizens who currently have link quotas.

This thing has become a kind of reward in the territory, and not everyone is qualified to link.

Following Zong Shen's instructions, Penny completed the link.

The two met in the spiritual virtual network, and Zong Shen used his mind to type out a list that was more than ten meters long.

There are actually more than 6,300 relatively secret vaults and warehouses in the entire giant city.

This place is like a granary that has been burrowed by mice, with holes everywhere.

More than two thousand of these secret vaults are even in a forgotten state, some dating back to the early days of the great city of Lentax.

Collecting all the wealth in these secret vaults is a huge sum of money.

The more secretive it is, the more important it is.

The chance of storing good things in it is also greater.

If it's something worthless, I'm afraid you can just find a place to put it.

After getting the list, Penny immediately took action.

The mind is constantly switching between reality and the spiritual virtual world.

He used his strong mental power and memory to recite hundreds of pieces of information at a time, and his subordinate clerks recorded them. After going back and forth dozens of times, the records were all transcribed.

She plans to allocate part of her manpower to divide it according to the area where the hidden vault is located.

Aim to complete this collection of wealth within eight hours.

The transportation of materials within the city requires the assistance of a large population.

So the 20 million people under Penny's control are still here for her use.

It was only the surplus population of several million that had been moved to Jackdaw Valley first.

All preparation work will take at least a full day to complete.

After checking the progress, Zong Shen no longer stayed with Penny.

He chose to go to the Marquis's Castle.

The gardens and lawns outside there are stacked with private treasures from the treasure houses of the city's wealthy merchants and nobles.

Even the treasure trove of the Lancaster family was no exception, all was confiscated by Penny.

Penny, who had just taken over the giant city, had little idea of ​​the Lancaster family wealth.

Now she just wants to fulfill the responsibilities brought by the privilege of [independent rule].

Become a qualified giant city leader under Zong Shen.

Go and see that different future.

At the same time, he came to save the Lancastrian family.

At least following Zong Shen, those family members still have the possibility of survival.

Otherwise, as long as he is caught by Archduke Jonathan, cruel punishment and death will definitely be inevitable.

The great city of Lentax was destroyed.

The foundation on which the family had grown was uprooted.

Continuing to persist is futile.

It's better to accept your fate freely and easily.

I have to say that Penny's ideas are still very pragmatic.

Of course, this is also a cruel reality.

The Lancastrians who lost the great city of Lentax were nothing more than rootless duckweeds.

If the roots are broken, don't expect the branches to flourish. Being able to survive is already a success.

Especially after Henry, Marquess of Lancaster, lost his fighting spirit.

Then Penny believes that it is necessary to keep the family's salary, which is both a responsibility and atonement.

About the sin inherited by Blood Rose.

She knew very well that the destruction of the giant city of Lentax was inseparable from her.

Even though she was completely controlled by Blood Rose at that time and was in a state of involuntary control.

But she is still guilty of this crime.

Zong Shen is very clear about Penny's thoughts, without affecting his own overall strategy.

He didn't mind opening a back door for Penny to give her a chance to save her family.

So both sides had a tacit understanding.

Having tacit understanding and consensus is a good thing.

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