Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1260: Platinum Headbutt, White Dragon’s Hatred

[Wanjun Charge Horn (Luminous Level III)] is certainly practical.

But compared to the previous pieces of dazzling equipment, it was still a little thin.

If you want to fully realize its value, you must further improve the quality and scale of the territorial cavalry.

But maybe this is a hint from the strategy module.

And think of the Knights.

Except for the Dragonborn Knights of Lentax Chapter.

Zong Shen can also "borrow troops" from the Calamity Raven Church.

All it takes is 18,000 heretical giant knights to join the territory.

Then the scale of the heavily armored charge cavalry in the territory can be increased immediately.

"This is a good choice."

Zong Shen rubbed his chin and seriously considered the feasibility.

It would be best not to accept all the soldiers and people under the Church's command.

Because fanatical beliefs can easily leave hidden dangers that cannot be eliminated.

But if you accept a small part of it, there is no problem at all.

Get 10,000 to 20,000 church warriors or cavalry to blend into the territory.

Without the brainwashing of those blabbering missionaries, deacons, and elders, there may not be any chaos.

This solution is still very feasible.

After thinking about it, many ideas appeared in his mind.

Putting away the horn, Zong Shen chose to check out the next piece of radiant-level equipment.

This is a knight's convex war helmet.

The position of the mouth and nose looks particularly prominent.

There is a cladding structure that can be flipped up.

The helmet is entirely silver-grey, with V-shaped openings for the eyes.

It looks ordinary, nothing special or weird about it.

Speaking of which, Zong Shen hasn't obtained any battle helmet equipment for a while.

In the final analysis, there have been relatively few treasure chests opened recently.

Another day, after he reaches the full level of luck, he can open all the hundreds of treasure boxes and dozens of lucky bags he has accumulated.

I am afraid that the equipment and items released can fill a warehouse.

He raised his hand and held the knight's helmet in his hands, weighing it from side to side a few times, and also played with it.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at it intently.

[Platinum Knight Battle Helmet (Glory Level III)]

[Quality: Shining Level III]

[Head protection: 240]

[Durability: 6823/7500]

[Strength required: 920]

[Requires agility: 630]

[Skill: Platinum Headbutt LV55 (Use the platinum headbutt skill to crash into the nearest enemy target. It can cause bludgeoning damage of 3.5 times the strength value to the enemy, and it also comes with 500 points of purification damage. Each time this skill is used, it will Reduces the durability of the battle helmet by 10 points. If the target's power value is greater than your own, there is a 50% chance of causing you to fall into a brief stun. The skill cooldown time is 3 seconds, please use it as appropriate)

Glory of the Platinum Knight (Invite Glory and purify yourself from curse effects below level 8, while restoring health equal to 20% of the upper limit, cooling time 12 hours)

Clear (activating this skill can ignore most visual interference effects, lasts for 30 minutes, and has a cooldown of 4 hours)

Platinum Power (After activating this skill, the power increases by 1000 points, the maximum health value increases by 15%, lasts for 15 minutes, and the cooling time is 24 hours)]

[Passive skill: Platinum Protection (double resistance increased by 100 points)

Unyielding Skull (When the head is severely injured, platinum protection will be triggered, and an additional layer of shield with a solid value of 20,000 points and a double resistance of 200 points will be obtained, lasting 20 seconds. This effect can only be triggered once every 72 hours)]

(The platinum knight's war helmet can purify curses and has a variety of blessing effects.

There is also a violent headbutt skill that allows you to grab the enemy's head and bang it wildly.

Worth taking with you)

The strategy module's evaluation of it is simple.

When Zong Shen saw the first active skill, he recalled that he had received a piece of helmet equipment called [Silver Knight Helmet (Purple)].

And its first active skill is called [Glory Headbutt].

Except for the different power, other characteristics and effects are almost identical to [Platinum Headbutt].

Not to mention the naming of silver and platinum as both metals.

Just like the relationship between silver treasure chest and platinum treasure chest.

This led Zong Shen to guess that there must be some deep connection between the two helmets, platinum and silver.

His guess is completely traceable.

[Platinum Knight Battle Helmet (Glory Level III)] is basically an advanced version of [Silver Knight Battle Helmet (Purple)].

So it's not surprising that he has his signature headbutt skill.

"Well, I didn't expect that they would actually meet after such a long time."

Zong Shen sighed softly.

Equipment of the same series.

Suddenly looking back, it is no longer the past.

As for the platinum helmet itself, it seems that the most valuable effect is probably the curse removal ability.

There are not many equipments that can remove curse effects.

And curse is also an extremely tricky control-weakening skill.

The effects of many curses are difficult to remove quickly, like maggots on the tarsal bones.

Conventional purification methods are not very effective.

Therefore, the curse removal ability is still very important.

As for the other skills that come with the war helmet, they are sparse and ordinary.

Especially [Platinum Headbutt], Zong Shen was unwilling to use the weird and shameful headbutt skill to attack the enemy.

Think of him wearing a platinum knight's battle helmet, his head slamming into the enemy uncontrollably.

Zong Shen had a feeling that he couldn't bear to look at it.

Putting away the helmet for later use, he immediately took out the next piece of equipment.

This is a piece of armor whose surface is composed of white scales the size of a palm.

The armor includes shoulder pads, arm guards, waist guards and breastplate.

Strictly speaking, it is a half-body plate armor.

The defense is certainly not weak.

And its name is impressively [Mighty Armor of White Dragon Scales (Glory Level III)].

From this name, it is not difficult to guess that those white scales should be the scales of the white dragon.

However, dragon scales are normally quite large.

Even the young dragon's scales are basically as big as a human head.

But these scales on the armor are only as big as the palm of your hand.

It doesn't look like dragon scales.

It must have been treated and processed by some special process.

The scales are densely stacked and not sparse.

It was as if a piece of skin had been peeled off from the giant dragon's body, all scales and skin, and covered directly on the armor.

The white dragon scales are equally hard and cold to the touch.

A conservative estimate is that there are at least hundreds of dragon scales on the armor.

The cost of making this armor is certainly not small.

If you carefully observe a certain dragon scale, you can still see circles of fine lines.

These are the "annual rings" on the dragon scales.

Judging from these lines, these scales should be taken from an adult white dragon.

I don’t know if they were bred in captivity or hunted.

Dragon scales can be regenerated, but it takes a long time, measured in years.

When Zong Shen tamed Xiao Heizi, he had the idea of ​​peeling off his scales and selling them for money.

After all, dragon scales are valuable high-quality materials.

If you peel it off, you will definitely not worry about sales.

But later he discovered that it was not easy to restore mature dragon scales.

The trauma that Xiao Heizi suffered in the swamp was only able to recover quickly after many bloodline strengthenings.

It will take at least a year or two for dragon scales that have been broken or peeled off normally to grow back.

Under such circumstances, it would be uneconomical to forcefully try to peel off the dragon scales.

And if the scales are peeled off while Xiao Heizi's bloodline is being promoted, the strength of the promotion will be affected to a certain extent.

Therefore, the act of peeling off scales and extracting blood is essentially overdrafting the dragon's vitality and potential.

Based on this inference, this dragon scale armor should have a great origin.

The nature of its craftsmanship is a cruel injury to the white dragon.

It didn't just use one scale, but hundreds of scales.

After the surface of the armor is covered with this layer of white dragon scales, the armor will definitely possess some of the characteristics of the white dragon. .

In a sense, this armor already possesses a touch of dragon power.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen mobilized the strategy module to check the armor.

[Mighty Armor of White Dragon Scales (Glory Level III)]

[Quality: Shining Level III]

[Body protection: 245]

[Magic Resistance: 240]

[Durability: 10737/12000]

[Demand power: 1360]

[Demand Agility: 850]

[Active skill: Frost Armor LV50 (condensing a layer of frost armor with 35,000 solid points and 350 double resistance points, lasting 20 minutes, cooling time 3 hours, frost armor will slightly affect the wearer's mobility and Flexibility, movement speed is reduced by 25%, maneuvering reaction is reduced by 15%)

Frost Nova LV45 (Summons six Frost Novas to guard around you. You can choose active defense or passive attack. Each Frost Nova can resist a cumulative 15,000 points of long-range damage. It can also take the initiative to attack enemies within a range of 100 meters. Causes 3500 points of fixed frost magic damage and causes a freezing effect within 5 meters of the hit target, lasting 10 seconds. The skill cooling time is 2 hours. Frost Nova can last up to 15 minutes)

White Dragon's Asylum (increases 200 points of double resistance, reduces frost damage by 80% to level 7 and below, and releases dragon power, causing a deterrent effect to all targets within a 200-meter radius, lasting 10 minutes, cooling down time 48 hours)

The roar of the white dragon (activating this skill will release the roar of the white dragon, causing a radius of 100 meters to be completely frozen. The duration of the effect depends on the environment, and the skill cooldown time is 24 hours)]

[Passive skill: White Dragon's Hatred (Wearing this armor, you will be hated by the White Dragon, and any White Dragon will attack the wearer)

White Dragon's Wail (after equipping this armor, the White Dragon's Wail effect will be triggered every 30 minutes, causing a natural freezing effect to the surrounding 10 meters)]

[Dragon's Curse: The Skinned One's Repentance (Those who wear armor will be cursed and suffer the pain of skin peeling off)]

(This is a cruel dragon scale armor. In order to ensure the effect of forging the armor, each dragon scale on it is peeled off alive, and then these scales are immersed in a special liquid, and then slowly calcined with a fire source. , making the condensed power of the dragon scales shrink to the size of a palm, and finally supplemented by the dragon blood sacrifice

So this armor is condensed with the blood and tears of the white dragon.

He was also cursed by the dragon

This armor has another function. It can freeze the surrounding area intermittently.

The most important thing is that it can attract the attention of all white dragons

The white dragon is different from the frost bone dragon in that it does not break away from the category of living beings.

But Bailong is still Frost’s favorite

Currently, most of the white dragons in the Endless Continent are concentrated in the Northland and other places with similar cold environments.

If you suddenly wear this armor when participating in the challenge in the north, it may have unexpected effects)

"Unexpected effect?"

"Do you mean attracting monsters?"

Zong Shen thought for a moment and could only think of this possibility.

Because this white dragon scale armor has distinct characteristics.

For Zong Shen, it is completely an equipment item that does more harm than good.

Even though he had no intention of equipping it, the [Limo Armor (Red)] was the most fragrant, safe and reliable, and had no side effects.

Combined with the tips given by the strategy module.

Coupled with Zong Shen's own analysis.

It's not hard to come to a conclusion.

That's why the strategy module recommends carrying it with you because of the [White Dragon's Hatred] effect in the [Passive Skill].

It is assumed that most white dragons live in the colder regions of the North.

Then when Zong Shen intervenes in the challenge in the north, he can take the opportunity to activate this effect.

Let's see if we can lure out ten or eight ancient white dragons that live in seclusion in the North.

This will definitely have the effect of fishing in troubled waters.

But the premise is that Zong Shen can escape smoothly.

After just thinking about it for a moment, he roughly understood the purpose of the strategy module. This [Mighty Armor of White Dragon Scales (Luminous Level III)] is not suitable for daily wear, but is only suitable for doing... Flower work.

Shaking his head, he put the armor into the storage compartment.

This thing is ominous, very ominous.

The forging method and the skills attached to it are full of evil.

Zong Shen planned to never take it out unless necessary.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause trouble.

For example, the one who is regarded as a life-or-death enemy by the White Dragon Clan and will not stop fighting until death.

After putting away the [Mighty Armor of White Dragon Scales (Glory Level III)], Zong Shen looked at the next piece of equipment.

This is a flute.

A piccolo that is all black and gray.

There are seven sound holes on it.

Judging from the material exposed in the cross-section of the flute, it looks like a kind of bone.

On the back of the flute body, lines of ancient text are carved.

【Slavia’s eternal sleep】

These words are carved very elegantly.

It seems to have a light and breezy charm.

If you look carefully, these words seem to come alive before your eyes.

Like a swimming fish full of spirituality.

This shows that the creator of this flute is no ordinary person.

As a rare musical instrument, Zong Shen estimated that it should have some magical function.

Speaking of eternal sleep, he couldn't help but think of the magical [Eternal Sleep Flower (gold)] he found in Azshara's Sewer Fortress.

I wonder if this flute has similar properties.

However, according to the known clues, most of the musical instrument equipment is related to music.

It has the characteristics of wide range of influence.

Thinking of this, he stared slightly and used the strategy module to initiate insight.

Lines of golden subtitles appeared.

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