Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1265: Anne’s mood, giant city inventory

When King Guthera issued a deep call.

Anne, the fifth princess who was far away in the tailor shop in Zong Shen's territory, suddenly felt a sting in her heart.

She put down the Warcraft leather she was cutting, frowned and covered her chest.


He let out a low cry of pain.

Fortunately, the stinging pain in the heart goes away as quickly as it comes.

But this brief abnormality still attracted the attention of the tailor apprentices around her.

"Master Alana, what's wrong with you?"

After this period of time, I worked as a full-time tailor in the territory.

Her professional title was upgraded from Intermediate Tailor to Senior Tailor.

In addition to the tailoring experience accumulated through daily labor, she also takes time to go to the [Special Knowledge School] every day to learn tailoring skills.

Originally, tailoring was just a side project she learned in the palace because she was bored.

Because of his good talent, and the person who teaches related skills is a famous master tailor in the imperial city.

Therefore, even if it was just for fun, Anne Pendragon still reached the level of an intermediate tailor.

It is precisely because of this that she was noticed by Zong Shen when she was reduced to a slave.

She is still very content with her current life in the territory.

At least every day is fulfilling.

It's just that she still has some worries in her heart.

Just like a bird that can't find its destination, it flies, flies, just keeps flying.

When the stinging feeling in her heart disappeared, Anne raised her head and looked at the tailor apprentice beside her who cautiously inquired about her condition.

This is a little girl under 16 years old, with a slight childish look on her face.

The little girl's name is Masai Meyer, and she is a refugee population received by the territory from Seakabang City.

He was quite smart, but both his parents died in the previous famine in Seakabang City.

And during the chaos in the city, Masai was also stimulated, and he had to be relatively taciturn.

Among the dozen or so apprentices Anne now takes care of, Masayi is still relatively close to her.

This is also the reason why Anne treats her well.

The two lonely birds are trying to warm each other in their own way.

"Masai, I'm fine."

"I'm just a little tired."

Anne smiled gently and reached out to touch Masayi's head.

She is actually only a few years older than Masai.

Usually in the territory, Anne's external name is still Alanna.

Because Annie Pendragon was still a taboo name, she was afraid that the mysterious people who were hunting him would be traced back to the territory.

Now her status in the territory is very special.

A territorial unit that is not subject to loyalty constraints.

But in Annie's heart, Zong Shen is still a special person.

The days when she became a slave were also the times when she was most frightened.

The appearance of Zong Shen is more like a redeemer, or someone who changes the trajectory of her destiny.

Her fate since she was exiled from the imperial city has been like a clock that has been set out of order.

And Zong Shen is equivalent to the finger that sets the hour hand straight.

This description may be abstract, but it is the true feeling in her heart.

"Master Alana, please take a few days off to rest."

"We have mastered tanning and cutting."

"The rest of the process can be left to others."

Masai said in a low voice. She was always taciturn when facing outsiders. Only when she was around Anne, she would talk a little more.

The territory’s current workshop system has been updated several times.

Work score evaluation is adopted on a daily basis.

As long as you meet a certain standard of work points, you can have a quota of days of leave.

This changed the forced labor character of the territory in the past.

In fact, after the rules were updated several times, asking for leave to rest has become a very necessary system.

Because after the rules are updated, the citizens will be lazy and passive at work, and may also become sick due to fatigue.

Vacation is essential.

And this can be regarded as part of the various experimental adjustment systems before the comprehensive freedman reform.

But after hearing Masayi's suggestion to take a leave of absence.

Annie's face showed a trace of confusion.

"Ask for leave…"

"But is rest really what I need?"

She insists on working in the tailor shop every day not because she is curly.

But to use work to numb myself and forget those painful memories.

And concern for his father Guther Pendragon.

Thinking of this, Annie couldn't help but ask in her heart.

But soon she suddenly remembered something.

Because Annie's daily life is very monotonous, that is, from her residence to a high-end tailor shop.

As a technical talent, she also has the hidden identity of a princess.

Zong Shen specifically asked Mariel to arrange a good residence for her nearby in the workshop area.

Therefore, her activity trajectory never left the workshop area.

During this time, construction outside was in full swing.

Speaking of which, it seems that she has not taken a good look at this territory that has grown from nothing to strong.

For some reason, this incident suddenly attracted her calm heart.

After a moment of silence, Annie nodded gently.

"Masai, you are right."

"I'm going to take a few days off to rest."

"You can learn these from several other masters."

"I hope that by the time I come back, you will be an excellent apprentice tailor."

Annie said with a smile, and stood up with some relief, planning to go to the tailor shop supervisor to ask for leave.

Even though she has the privilege of being able to directly contact Mariel, Howie, and even Zong Shen himself.

But she didn't want to be special and just regarded herself as an ordinary citizen.

Seeing Master Alana agreeing to rest, Masai was also sincerely happy.

On the other side, in the giant city of Lentax, in the secret room beneath the Marquis Castle.

Standing next to the rune stone door that had been opened, the slightly dim environment made him feel a little depressed.

The Lancastrians were the family in charge of the great city of Lentax.

He is considered to be the noble with the richest assets in the city.

Therefore, Penny Lancaster did not mix her own treasure trove with the treasure troves of other noble and wealthy merchants in the city.

But after opening the Rune Stone Gate, Zong Shen personally collected it.

This move is also to show an attitude.

What's more, this treasure house does contain a huge amount of wealth.

Including some of the giant city's previous financial reserves and supplies were also transferred here before the war broke out.

Therefore, this place is not only the treasure house of the Lancaster family, but also the warehouse of the great city of Lentax.

There are nearly 30 billion dinars alone, which is more than the total dinars of the wealthy businessmen and nobles previously stored in the open space outside the castle.

Moreover, this treasure house occupies a large area and is divided into upper and lower floors.

There are also many tailor-made space storage boxes.

The storage boxes here are purely space storage props, not the kind of storage boxes in the territory, with storage compartments inside.

Each space storage box is about the same size as a common baggage box.

But the space volume inside them starts at thousands of cubic meters.

There are as many as two to three hundred such customized storage boxes.

Massive dinars and supplies stored in various giant cities are stored in storage boxes and treasure houses.

In fact, the total dinar reserves in the entire Lentax city should be more than 100 billion, and this part still needs to wait for the final summary.

And the trophies he was inspecting now were only the assets of the "rich households" in the city.

The real total harvest is definitely much more than Zong Shen expected.

But no matter what, let’s clean up the treasure house in front of us first.

Considering that the total amount of materials and wealth stored here is too large.

Checking them one by one will definitely take a lot of time.

So Mr. Zong decisively chose to be lazy.

With the Strategy Module, a statistics master, it would be a great injustice for him to be foolish enough to summarize such huge wealth and resources by himself.

time is money.

The most important thing is that he has already made money this time.

It's almost like falling into a mountain of money.

Big business and broad mind.

He directly called out the strategy module in his heart.

"Please give me a breakdown of the amount of materials in the treasure house, as well as the total wealth."

"Put it in tabular form."

“In addition, I provide special labels and reminders for items that are particularly precious and worthy of my attention.”

Zong Shen was more serious this time, so he made more specific requests.

The more detailed his request, the more detailed the information provided by the strategy module.

Because the amount of information is greater than ever before.

So this time the golden subtitles were delayed for more than ten seconds before they were refreshed.

(dinar: 27932101392

Avalon third level standard war sword: 97928

Avalon level 4 standard war sword: 47237

Avalon Tier 3 Ranger War Bow: 57721

Winter supplies reserve...

Summer supplies reserve...

Farming material reserves...


This list is extremely lengthy.

Ling Ling Total Total has nearly a hundred sub-projects.

Someone's eyes were dazzled by what he saw.

Because this is not only the treasure house of the Lancaster family, but also the warehouse of the giant city of Lentax.

Aboriginal cities in the Endless Continent will all have special warehouses.

From state cities to giant cities, there are no exceptions.

Before the start of the winter challenge, Zong Shen purchased some winter supplies from Baron Bezos at Bosbon.

That batch of supplies came from Bosbon's preparation warehouse.

Only after seeing a giant city-level warehouse this time did Zong Shen know what material reserves were.

But there is also a problem that cannot be ignored.

The resources reserved by the indigenous people are very different from those of the lords.

Mainly standard equipment and emergency supplies that may be used in various seasons.

There are no basic resources such as wood, stone, hemp, and iron.

If you want wood, you have to go to the forest farms outside the city. There are quarries for stone, rope merchants for hemp, and mineral merchants for iron.

These basic resources are available in the city, but they are not standing resources.

When Penny Lancaster organizes the city's supplies, she should be able to obtain a batch of basic resources.

The harvest here is quite valuable now, but it cannot be directly used in construction.

The batch of standard equipment covers quite a comprehensive range of arms, and the territory happens to have certain needs.

There are two main sources of equipment for these systems.

Those below level five are basically self-sufficient in the giant city's workshops.

The quantity is relatively large, which can even be described as ample.

Those of level five and above reported to the imperial city for application, and the number was small. However, there were not too many level six soldiers in the giant city, so they could meet the requirements.

After all, the actual level of standard equipment is actually half a level lower.

For example, the standard equipment used by sixth-level warriors is generally orange legendary level, but its attributes are close to the golden epic level.

But no matter what, this batch of equipment was added to the territory.

Many problems will be solved easily.

And taking over the giant city of Lentax also means getting the corresponding technical talents.

The workshop system that Lentax can have, the territory can also have.

At the very least, it can be self-sufficient.

Zong Shen put away the space storage boxes according to the material list provided by the strategy module.

These storage boxes can be stored in the portable storage compartment.

However, storage with items inside cannot be stacked.

Each storage box must occupy a separate storage compartment.

Calculating this, hundreds of storage compartments are needed to meet the requirements.

Zong Shen directly used the accumulated free skill points to add 100 points to [Item Management].

The upper limits of these lord skills vary, some have higher limits and some have lower limits.

Currently, Zong Shen's main attack skills such as [Strong Attack] are basically maxed out.

As for auxiliary skills such as [Item Management], he saves skill points and adds them as appropriate.

After adding 100 points of [Item Management], he had 600 more storage slots.

This is enough to store this batch of items.

It took half an hour to clean up everything before Zong Shen left here.

In addition to various inventory materials, the treasure house naturally also contains collections collected by the Lancaster family over the years.

There are several exquisite pieces among them.

However, Zong Shen planned to check again after returning to the territory.

He flashed directly out of the Marquis Castle, and then flashed out of the ice shell again with Hamis, the Dark Nightmare of Hell.

Since dozens of channels were dug out of the ice shell, the isolation effect of the elements has been greatly weakened.

At the very least, it can't stop [Fantasy God Flash].

Little Heizi is standing on the ice shell, as if watching the scenery.

At this time, the sky outside was bright.

Due to the weakening of the Frost Rules, the climate here is no longer as extreme as before.

There was no storm as violent as before.

The bright sunshine shines on the snow-covered land.

The ice on the ground in the distance reflected dazzling light.

When Xiao Heizi saw Zong Shen coming out, he quickly bowed and saluted.

When they put away the white dragon scale armor and the red dragon wand, the relationship between the master and servant was still very harmonious.

"looking at what?"

Zong Shen asked curiously.

It's rare to see Xiao Heizi show his pensive side.

Facing his question, Xiao Heizi frowned and answered.

"Master, I am thinking about the demigod level."

"Look, the environment here has changed because of the demigod-level powerhouse."

"This is the power of rules..."

Xiao Heizi's emotion stems from his desire to become stronger.

After possessing the ancestral bloodline and reaching the old dragon level, it has always been eager to go further.

But it's not easy for a giant dragon with a long growth cycle.

The strength of the dragon is reflected in the fact that its strength increases with age.

But it is extremely difficult to achieve it quickly.

Unless you can get treasures such as Dragon God's essence and blood.

Otherwise it will take a long time to get through.

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