Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1268: The transfer is completed and the giant city is evacuated

On the land of the Kingdom of Avalon.

The future development strategy of the lord is completely determined by the changes in the situation in the kingdom.

Therefore, Zong Shen often pays attention to the developments of all parties.

With the strategy module, he can see everything in the world without going out.

Unless he was very busy, most mornings during breakfast, he would have the strategy module summarize recent changes in the kingdom's situation like reading a newspaper.

It is worth mentioning that in the changes in the pattern of Avalon.

Zong Shen also played a role in fueling the flames unknowingly.

Including but not limited to taking in the fifth princess Anne, using means to capture the giant city of Lentax and the Calamity Raven Church.

At the same time, it indirectly transferred the conflicts of Archduke Jonathan.

By the way, Princess Anna was tricked.

All these have contributed to the regional situation becoming more volatile.

A large-scale war may break out at any time.

And recently he also heard some information about the old King Guther.

Anne's life experience seems to have a long history.

She is a foreshadowing or a bloodline key left behind by King Arthur before he disappeared.

It touches on the power and legacy of King Arthur.

This made Zong Shen consider whether to take the time to go to Aio Imperial City.

By the way, she went to complete the mission [Return to the Imperial City of Io], so that Anne could gain support from the conservative faction and the King's Knights.

But this will definitely lead to a full-scale war breaking out in the Kingdom of Avalon in advance.

The princes, princesses and the supporting forces behind them have all exposed their ambitions.

It's just a matter of completely tearing the skin.

What if King Cuther mobilized the remaining forces and openly declared Anne to the throne.

Then there will be a war over orthodoxy.

The swaying Neutral Alliance, the old guard, and the Arthurian admirers would support Anne.

The final outcome was a protracted and far-reaching battle to win the title.

But Zong Shen didn't intend to hide Annie in his territory forever.

Given her status, it would be a waste of talent to just be an unknown tailor.

Thinking of this, the ugly face of "Alanna" suddenly appeared in Zong Shen's mind.

There is also a scene of her sitting quietly in the tailor shop and carefully mending leather.

"Maybe I shouldn't be so utilitarian."

"Let Anne make her own decisions about some things."

Not knowing what he thought of, he suddenly changed his mind.

Anne should not be used as a bargaining chip.

Zong Shen decided to respect her wishes and discuss it after returning to the territory.

The mission [Return to the Imperial City of Io] was issued by her.

It proved that she didn't want to stay in the territory as a hermit all the time.

She still misses her father deeply in the imperial city.

So this matter is not urgent and can be discussed later.

Zong Shen thought about it and made a decision quickly.

Withdrawing his thoughts, the crisis of Archduke Jonathan's divine sacrifice was resolved.

But work on the transfer of the giant city of Lentax still needs to continue.

The sooner the transfer is completed, the sooner he can feel at ease.

Moreover, there is an ice cave ruin in Jackdaw Valley waiting for him to explore.

After careful calculation, there are still many things to be done in the schedule.

He also has to continue to follow up on the construction tasks of the territory.

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

The planning of the territory at that time once again underwent great changes due to changes in the situation.

Although there is assistance from Howie and Mariel, as well as many constructive hero-level talents with considerable talents.

But thinking about it, there must still be many resistances and difficulties.

As a lord, he cannot always be the hands-off shopkeeper. He still needs to follow up on the situation in a timely manner.

Time passes, time changes.

More than twenty hours later.

When the last batch of supplies was sent into Jackdaw Valley through the long-distance transmission channel.

Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

The giant city of Lentax was evacuated by him!

Through the strategy module, we can know that the omission rate of the cleared materials this time is only about 11%.

The equivalent of 89% of the transportable materials in the entire giant city was transferred by him.

As for the missing 11%, it is normal loss and can also be understood as a victim of time.

If he is willing to spend another three to five days, it is entirely possible to reduce the omission rate to less than 5%.

But that doesn't make sense.

He had spent a full five days in the giant city of Lentax.

The longer the delay, the more things will go wrong.

A large number of lords have appeared nearby in the past two days.

They were peering at the situation in the giant city of Lentax from the outside.

Zong Shen understood what they wanted to do.

After all, they are all from lord background.

With the Calamity Raven Church taking control, these guys didn't dare to act rashly.

Facing the church's millions of organized legions.

Even if the lords stick together, it will be difficult to defeat them unless they are willing to attack at all costs.

Then it is still possible to win if there are enough lords participating.

But the lords were not stupid. Whether they were robbing or farming, they were all essentially trying to accumulate resources for better development.

No one does the things that make you suffer.

If they take down the Calamity Raven Church, they themselves will suffer heavy losses, so it would be better not to fight at all.

But wait until the church personnel have withdrawn.

These lords will swarm in like vultures smelling the smell of carrion and devour the remaining "remains" of the giant city of Lentax.

It happened that the 11% of transshipable materials that Zong Shen missed were scattered and messy.

Just treat it as scraps left for other lords.

Presumably after everyone shared this delicious meal in the giant city of Lentax, the average strength of the surrounding lords will definitely be greatly improved.

This is the whale fall effect.

Zong Shen ate most of it and left some nutrients for other lords.

This is also the reason why he didn't eat it all.

Everything was ready, and the last batch of people teleported away was the Lentax garrison.

The remaining garrison, about 700,000 strong, headed for Jackdaw Valley through the teleportation channel under the personal leadership of Penny.

The teleportation array is completely closed, and in the next few hours, the destination will be changed from the giant city of Lentax to Zong Shen's territory in the form of a divine sacrifice.

In this case, Jackdaw Valley can have unimpeded communication with the territory.

Besides, there's another benefit.

The energy level of this transmission channel is not low, and the distance it spans is extremely large.

After being deployed in the territory, Zong Shen can freely go to Jackdaw Valley.

You can also use the valley as a transit point.

To the south is the territory of the Kingdom of Swadia, and to the north is the Kingdom of Vigia.

And the area is not too far from the homes of the Three Fort dwarves and the Strong Wall of the Gods.

Of course, this is only relative.

At least it's much closer than going through the territory.

In short, letting the Calamity Raven Church transfer the teleportation channel to the territory will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages.

Although the jade of divine will in his hand can only deter the church for two or three months.

But Zong Shen was confident that he could suppress them.

Just kidding, it only took 51 and a half days for his territory to have a giant city-level foundation.

In another two or three months, at least the Calamity Raven Church will be able to be pinned to the ground and rubbed.

Zong Shen didn't care about this.

Three months to the east of the river, three months to the west of the river, don't bully the lord into poverty!

When the huge transmission channel gradually rippled and collapsed inwards.

The lords who were dormant around observing this scene all swarmed away with their subordinates as if they had been given blood.

The giant city of Lentax in the distance is still frozen.

The power of the Frost Rules has dissipated, but the large-scale freeze cannot be restored so quickly.

The huge ice cover is still like a sea bowl upside down on the earth, glowing with sunlight.

It is riddled with holes and has hundreds of passages.

Some smart lords have guessed the church's intentions and the current situation of the giant city of Lentax.

The other party withdrew so neatly, they must have emptied the giant city.

The transport convoy that stretched from the city to the bottom of the transmission channel was enough to prove everything.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s very difficult to evacuate such a big city in just a few days like locusts passing through.

Inspired by this, thousands of lords gathered around.

And just in the past few days, news of the fall of the giant city of Lentax has already been brewing.

The most discussed news in various [Regional Channels] and [Legion Channels] is about the situation here.

It’s a great meal for everyone involved!

Jackdaw Valley.

This place has never been so lively in thousands of years.

Tens of millions of people from the giant city of Lentax are gathered here.

Housing alone is a big problem.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of supplies.

After several chaotic periods, everyone received the supplies.

In order to accommodate these populations and prevent them from freezing to death.

The Calamity Raven Church activated a large magic circle that could completely cover the valley.

This magic circle is also in a light-shielding state, which not only has good defensive power, but also can isolate it from the effects of cold and climate disasters.

After opening the shield, the temperature in Jackdaw Valley rose rapidly.

This large shield with wide coverage consumes a lot of mana.

This made Mai Raven, who was responsible for contacting Zong Shen, feel extremely distressed.

You must know that the current Calamity Raven Church can be said to be in a very poor state.

First, the two divine sacrifices launched to invade the giant city of Lentax consumed nearly a hundred years of accumulation.

The two divine sacrifices were to attract the divine will of the raven and to open up a long-distance semi-permanent transmission channel. The specifications of each divine sacrifice were not low.

For example, if the Tripole Church prepares to open a transmission channel from the giant city of Persia to the giant city of Lentax for Grand Duke Jonathan, it will require 100,000 lives.

The distance between the two cities is only 50,000 to 60,000 kilometers.

One can imagine how costly the million-level teleportation channel opened by the Disaster Raven Church this time would be.

In addition to the life and blood sacrifice, I am afraid that many precious sacrifices were also consumed.

And that's not all, the Calamity Raven Church was also blackmailed by Zong Shen.

Seventy percent of the remaining supplies must be handed over.

There is divine will to suppress it, and they dare not violate it at will.

This makes the already poor church even worse.

Fortunately, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

Heartache is heartache.

Just tighten your belt.

The remaining 30% of the church's magic crystal reserves, plus sending spellcasters and deacons to lose magic energy and other methods.

It is entirely possible to maintain the large shield until the population is transferred to Zong Shen's territory.

Zong Shen actually knew this matter well.

It is in Zong Shen's interest to reasonably oppress the church and make it weak.

The current church is extremely weak, but its power level has not yet fallen below the level of a giant city. The remaining 30% of volunteers after the squeeze are not enough for the church to expand.

But it is more than enough to maintain the basic survival of believers and believers within the jurisdiction.

Accurate stuck points, very nice.

All in all, after a chaotic settlement.

This group of "immigrants" from the giant city of Lentax finally settled temporarily in this bitter cold place on the edge of the Northland.

Among them, Penny took in about 20 million people and stayed in [Dimensional Seed (Special)].

The remaining parts still need to be further rectified, and the heroic talents among them need to be screened out, and then gradually incorporated into the territory's loyalty system and transformed into a part of the territory's citizens.

This task has to wait until the end of the transmission channel is transferred before it can be implemented.

Zong Shen has clear arrangements for these.

At this time, Zong Shen, who came back to Jackdaw Valley, the first thing he did was to urge Mai Raven to perform a divine sacrifice.

Since the Raven God of Calamity and Frost is related to Alpha.

So through this divine sacrifice, maybe we can get some new clues.

If the Endless Continent is compared to an examination room.

Then Alpha is the senior who was a few years earlier. He is standing outside the window watching the candidates.

And tried to hand out small notes with cheating properties into the examination room.

Zong Shen still has many doubts about his situation.

If you have the chance, it’s not a bad thing to have more contacts.

At the very least, it would allow him to know as much as possible about the situation "outside".

This will be helpful for setting foot outside the Endless Continent in the future.

But Mai Raven shrugged helplessly.

"Lord God Envoy."

"The preparation ceremony for the divine sacrifice is relatively complicated."

"Especially this kind of divine sacrifice with a high level of energy."

"Transferring the end point of the teleportation channel also requires a lot of sacrifices."

"We still have to gather at least 30 elders and 120 deacons."

"But as you can see, the removal of the giant city of Lentax has only just ended."

"Both the apostles and the faithful are involved..."

He said naggingly.

Zong Shen frowned after hearing this.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Just give me an accurate time. How long will it take to prepare?"

He just wanted to know the results and was too lazy to listen to the process.

After hearing his words, Mai Raven stopped talking.

Immediately he looked thoughtful.

After thinking briefly, he answered.

"It will take about a day."

"It takes more than half a day to chant and pray."

Zong Shen knew he was telling the truth.

This kind of long-distance transmission channel is not a small matter within a few kilometers.

Even just changing the destination of a divine sacrifice is quite cumbersome.

At that time, Zong Shen learned the details through the strategy module.

However, efficiency is always in flux.

As long as he pressed, he estimated that the time required for the process could be shortened by a few hours.

So when he thought of this, he immediately frowned and urged impatiently.


"I want to see the transmission channel reopened within 18 hours."

"Now, take the manpower you prepared, I'm going to visit the ice cave ruins."

This was an arrangement Zong Shen had made before.

He was not going to give up on the ice cave that contained a hint of frost and divine will.

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