Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1271: Collecting the remains of the moss giant chief, out of control and guided by divine wi

Judging from the current situation.

Zong Shen stood in the position of King Ragnar.

I'm afraid they will also choose to attack the Kingdom of Avalon, which is on the verge of splitting.

Kings all have the ambition to expand their territories.

The difference is only in the quantity, not in the presence or absence.

And according to the current state of Avalon's interior.

It is indeed difficult to effectively guarantee the border garrison between the two kingdoms.

With Ragnar concentrating relatively elite superior troops locally, there is a high probability that those battle forts can be penetrated.

As long as a breach is opened, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Nord can thrust their axes into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Avalon.

This sharp ax split in two will carve out the flesh and blood from the frail dragon of Avalon.

Here, the long years from the Desolate Era to the present have consumed its power essence every moment, and now it is quite healthy.

Compared to Mai Raven, Carl is more like a devout believer.

I cannot fly the flag with the token of King Avalon Lodbrok's parting gift.

Therefore, it cannot be quickly withdrawn into Cheng Yiminzhong.

"It's better to pay less attention to it."

But the truth is exactly the opposite.

They are like horizontal lines running smoothly without any ripples.

The originally very soft ice layer suddenly cracked.

The body of the Ice Moss Giant Chief was successfully exhumed.

At the same time, it is included in the information items of daily detection.

As elemental rules that are supposed to be neutral, losing consciousness means losing the absolute neutrality of the rules. Any rule should have no independent consciousness.

The cold air spreading outside the air has not increased, but has shown a tendency to decrease.

It is possible to say that the trace of frost and divine will has not been lost at all.

Just keep monitoring dynamically.

These lifelike ice sculptures will accompany me as I continue to stay outside.

It trembled rapidly, as if imitating and observing.

The combination of the two allows the corpse to naturally activate the magic power of the frost element.

But that doesn't mean I'm being led by God's will.

The decision was made before.

He turned back and led the surviving excavation team out of the ice cave.

Youjin Xiaolu itself does not have a relatively broken set of rules.

"What does it want to do to you?"

(Its loss of control was not due to the birth of autonomous consciousness.

According to the mission, I can't ask for a territory with the help of life-saving help.

With the help of the strategy module, Zong Shen made it possible for her to go out and see everything in the sky.

In [Eye of Magic Sense], the magic lines of the frost element in this ice cave rippled.

Regarding Zong Shen's request, Mai Raven hesitated to speak.

My equal, Red Bishop Carl Moss, was not a man who hated management.

In addition, freezing to death two demigod-level weaklings from the Desolate Era consumed a lot of its strength.

It stands to reason that before the ice is dug up and transported away, the temperature outside will always rise to a certain extent.

As the number of people increases, there will be less risk of alerting the gods out of control.

Before increasing the number of diggers, the mining efficiency has indeed improved a lot.

Zong Shen thought in his heart.

In this way, we got 1 [Platinum], 3 [Gold Treasure Chests], and 9 [Silver Treasure Chests].

Thinking of that, Zong Shen also had no idea.

The implication is self-evident.

In that case, excessive worry is just unfounded worry.

"It seems that Little Bishop Mai's mood is wrong."

Rather, it is not a small turn that is mostly used for deceleration.

The ice cave that suddenly appeared revealed something strange.


Reverse and embed a nail in the Kingdom of Nord.

Rescue King Ragnar Lodbrok counts as one.

Go up if you are worried

That question is the only doubt.

Through this feature, Zong Shen cannot try to use [Eye of Magic Sense] to track the regression of Frost Divine Will at all.

Moreover, Xiaolu’s own frost rules are also trying to assimilate it every moment.

Even though the Calamity Raven Church is far healthier now than it was back then.

Carefully take out elemental materials that are all radiant grade.

And it itself is not a weakling of the frost type.

So that trace of frost and divine will rules got out of control.

For things that haven't happened before your eyes, the strategy module can basically gain insight into them.

"It seems like this out-of-control frost spirit has left that place."

The golden subtitles refreshed quickly, telling the story in fragments.

I got up out of love and willingness.

For example, when the Ice Giant Chieftain was dug out later, the magic power of the frost element was attracted by an obvious pull.

"Could it be that autonomous consciousness was born?"

They all want to conquer that trace of frost and divine will so that they can obtain the qualifications to become gods.

But when a lot of things happen, it can still cause mental fatigue.

No one is fit to run the church, and no one is fit to serve as a model for the collective faith.

Therefore, in that action, the number of people the church lost was much greater than before.

The golden subtitles appeared very slowly.

Rubbing his wrist, Zong Shen wasted no time and once again activated the [Eye of Magic Sense] attached to the white gloves.

When encountering problems, you must ask for strategies.

At the end of the ice path was an empty hall. When I slid out of it, I quickly stabilized my body.

What's more, I don't have a life-saving relationship with the King of Avalon.

Just take all the treasure chests away from Ragna, and they will be automatically sorted and stacked according to their types.


"Every pitfall that needs to be stepped on has been taken care of. Now it's just right to send in more manpower."

But Zong Shen had no other use for collecting it.

Only the powder of fire elemental gems can be poured into it to keep it burning.

They are absolutely neutral and actively respond to the lucky ones who don't understand the rules.

The attack itself will also start slowly, encountering fortresses with slightly weaker resistance.

Rules and rules are followed by a subtle assimilation effect.

A conservative estimate would be that it would be at least a few kilometers above the ice pit.

In other words, the corpse of the Ice Moss Giant Chief itself is not a rare and precious elemental material.

Excavation work resulted in the removal of hundreds of ice sculptures from the site.

As a price, the power level of this frost divine will has also been depleted.

After hearing my words, the leisurely smile on Mai's face suddenly stiffened.

Zong Shen tried to take it all back outside Ragnar, but he actually succeeded.

There's still time to take a closer look.

Withdrawing my thoughts, I put the news in my mind.

The ice path was not vertical or straight and diagonal.

And judging from the kingdom's location map, it is almost an area that will definitely be occupied.

"How about using Zoe Babbitt's hidden tricks to control Earl Mullen in Winterlow City?"

By coincidence, Zong Shen's territory was located in the main direction of King Ragnar's most likely attack.

Without [Quantum Furnace Core], I would not feel physically exhausted.

"You are not the frost god he is looking for."

The current fluctuations have become more severe.

The Frost Bone Dragon and Ice Moss Giant Chief back then were both demigod-level weaklings of the frost system.

Before Little Bishop Byron dedicated himself to you, Mai Raven, who had endured a young life, was finally able to step down.

I think I would run into trouble if I did.

It's also common to delay for several months.

Obviously, Mai Raven is the latter, and Kal Moss is the former.

"He is bad, a weakling from the new era."

Of course, if a consensus can be reached, the harm to him will be even smaller)

"He doesn't have time to laugh outside, so it's better to take advantage of the opportunity and deploy fewer manpower."

Soul fluctuations were sent out, and it was saying hello to Zong Shen.

Of course, Cheng Yi could pin his hopes on that kind of thing.

Even the camps where Zong Shen and Mai Raven were located were affected.

Zong Shen thought in his heart.

But there are no rules under the rules, and that’s not where it was born.

"Whether the out-of-control frost divine will gave birth to autonomous consciousness."

As the crowd left, the noise and heat outside returned again.

And immediately summoned the ministers to take action.

And the meaning of inducement.

But as long as there is power, there will be losses.

Zong Shen raised his eyebrows slightly and urged Mai Yi with reason.

The divine will of frost is colored and tangible, elusive and difficult to discover.

Such an area is simply not worth mentioning on the Kingdom Game map.

Zong Shen is a fool, so I am not very sure about collecting the frost divine will.

The territory currently does not have a certain ability to resist risks.

These lines are like dancing notes that go on and on.

Unless Cheng Yi accidentally separated us and left us alone.

Then he quickly transformed into a human form.

A group of light blue mist floated in front of me.

His interaction with the Nord Kingdom is not too much, but it is definitely not too little.

It will also take time to fully implement it.

I jumped back out of the ice pit.

After all, for the time scale of an infinite continent, a mere few months is nothing.

Therefore, Zong Shen was not too worried.

It took several minutes to reach the end.

The blue-white ice layer is very clear but only to a certain thickness.

Forty-four percent of them are frost element magic.

The size of the ice pit expanded several times.

Eventually it turned into an ice road that led to nowhere.


Before doing that, Zong Shen clapped his hands.

Zong Shen opened his eyes and raised his hand to rub the bridge of his nose.

Before he appears, it will find new hope

He slipped out of the ice hole and slid towards the deep place above.

"It's broken, let them leave first."

But wherever it passes, it will inevitably cause tremors and changes in the magic power of the frost element in the distance.

The uninhabited rotten bone forest in the northern part of the territory is actually only a few thousand kilometers in size.

Even the rules are exceptions.

It was definitely the divine will of frost that opened the ice cave passage.

Now, this out-of-control frost divine will may only have a fraction of its original power.

Eight hours passed.

For example, collect this out-of-control frost divine will.

Mai Raven, who was sitting next to him, was drinking tea with a contented expression.

Unless it finds a compatible creature, it cannot leave that place.

Therefore, Mai still enjoys the wonderful taste of power.

The business has not been finished yet, and I know what that guy is proud of.

Kidnapping Zoe, the earl's son who has a dream of adventure, in the city of Wintrobon, located on the lower reaches of the Nivare River on the border between the two countries, is another matter.

What's more, after all, there is an entire small continent's territory outside.

Even if there are no waves, in the next few thousand years, I am afraid it will completely dissipate and become part of the elemental rules of the infinite continent.

Like the remains of the Frost Ancestor Dragon, it is suitable for attracting the will of the Raven.

It was clear that the church had just been exploited, but I felt very wrong.

After collecting the corpse of the giant chief, Zong Shen stepped into the dangerous zone that these heretics had stepped on with his life, went deep into the bottom of the ice pit himself, and collected these treasure chests.

But looking at the meaning of the strategy module, it is obvious that the harm of that action will outweigh the risk.

When the thickness of the ice layer reaches a certain level, the clear ice still becomes impossible to see through.

It can be said that the relationship between the two parties is life or death.

That also made Zong Shen worried a lot.

It can focus on weakening the performance of the frost system in terms of divine will.

First, let’s talk about Avalon’s ambitions and the path of the Lodbrok royal family’s final retreat.

The body of the moss giant chief who had been frozen on the ice was also completely exposed.

The bonfire on the hanging stove swayed like a candle in the wind.

First of all, what is not clear is that even Cheng Yimin's kingdom has developed ambitions for her.

It seems that there is a very long speed skating track.

However, now that Zong Shen has spoken, Mai Raven still chose to cooperate in order for me to fulfill my contract abnormally.

A long time has passed since the Desolate Era.

From the Desolate Era to now, a long time has passed for her.

At that moment, a sudden change occurred in the deepest part of the ice pit.

In the end, the divine will of Frost was superior, and it took thousands of years to freeze these two weaklings to death.

I don't have anything else to do.

Before activating the [Eye of Magic Sense], dense lines of magic appeared behind Zong Shen's eyes.

But in such a situation, why would this frosty god with no wisdom specifically guide him?

From the hair to every inch of skin and flesh, that corpse was a rare material.

Turning on the [Eye of Magic Sense], Zong Shen could see these blue and white lines representing the magic power of the frost element, most of which were emanating from the body of the ice moss giant chief.

The means he prepared are enough to handle it now

And such a huge corpse, if used to make frost magic items and equipment, would be enough to make a few pieces.

Zong Shen believed that there was no need to attack Winterlow City first as a weak point.

The ice moss giant chief's body had already changed due to the invasion of this trace of frost divine will.

Although a larger number of people died that time, as Zong Shen said, not all the pitfalls had been trampled.

As for the treasure chest above the silver, there is none outside.

If something goes wrong, there must be no monster. Just when Zong Shen was planning to just give it a try and consult the strategy module first.

If the King of Avalon is evil, I will suffer.

Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to see Avalon again.

That thing is both a corpse and a material, possessing the characteristics of light weight.

So be prepared for this.

And there is still the possibility of cooperation between me and the Frost God.

But before seeing my serious expression, I still swallowed everything I wanted to say.

As for Avalon's strategy, it doesn't matter if it affects the territory.

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