Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1273: Picnic in the snow forest, Ragnar has a headache

Health value, or blood volume.

For Zong Shen, it is a pure renewable resource.

And the regeneration speed is extremely fast.

Among the lord's privileges, which features are the most intuitive?

In addition to buildings, it is probably the digitized health value.

Bloodletting is not a scary thing in Zong Shen's opinion.

If his blood could be sold at a good price, he would even bleed it every day.

But if you want to make it happen every second, you need helpers and arrangements in advance.

This is not possible now. Even if Zong uses healing auxiliary props and treasures, he cannot release a total of more than 30 million health points in a short period of time.

Therefore, this is a big project and one must be fully prepared.

Consider that snowflakes are formed from dust cores here.

That would not only be a waste of breath, but would also lead to criticism.

It was the war faction within the king that quarreled with the old guard and the conservatives.

The figure appeared elusive, wearing white clothes without the eagle head emblem underneath.

The former kings of both parties had concluded an alliance.

Before the water boils, add a little salt and then add the mushrooms.

I made a profit in that wave, waiting for the bloodletting, and using the remains of the ice moss giant chief to give life to the frost divine will.

In this regard, the King of Avalon could only choose heat treatment.

And that transfer was very hasty.

Its consciousness is actually not irritable, but rather rational.

The population obtained that time was too small.

But now that there are 20 million people missing, it looks very chaotic.

It's rare to have such a leisurely time, and you all cherish it.

The nature is not that slight.

There are far fewer types of food there than on Earth.

But even so, Zong, who is not suffering from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, is still a little happy with the messy current situation.

But these power lords and some neutrals who are closely united are not bad to deal with.

The Calamity Raven Church is still making preparations for transferring the long-distance teleportation channel divine sacrifice.

Does anyone dare to jump out and disobey the late king?

Before the complex process of skinning, hair removal, and disembowelment, they were all chopped into pieces and thrown out of the pot.

And those church guys who later froze to death.

Through the treetops, look at the brilliant night sky.

It is roughly divided into two parts.

There are no tasks every day.

In fact, from the time of population transfer to the present, approximately 100,000 people have died from various causes.

[Silver Treasure Chest x31]

The Brock family controls a small part of the commercial and fiscal channels in the Kingdom of Levassin.

Thinking of that, I felt a little more relaxed.

Fresh pine branches are full of oil and crackle when burning.

Frost Divine Intent also changed its name unknowingly.

So even if a thousand people's blood had to be shed, Zong Shen still felt that the transaction was a loss.

Others want to devour it, so it’s normal to want to protect yourself.

In terms of scale, it can be considered a small ruin.

[Diamond Treasure Chest x3]

That was considered to have refreshed the lower limit of Zong Shen's strength level.

Now I can't relax a little anymore.

Life in the Territory is low intensity.

King Bachenlang's partial mobilization of the Nord army alone may not necessarily lead to an advantage.

After stewing for an hour, Zong Shen added enough salt, and the aroma wafted from the pot.

After eating and drinking, I hugged the men and just lay there in the forest.

[Bronze Treasure Chest x63]

That way, the territory can also keep up with the decline of the population.

We also moved out of the late king.

[White Iron Treasure Chest x117]

Relying on only one long-distance transmission channel, while transporting supplies, it also had to ensure the transfer of less than seven million people every day, which seemed quite rushed.

The heat affected my body, and even worse, my bad mood afterwards.

That's a matter of course.

He simply took the men and left Jackdaw Valley temporarily and found a forest more than a hundred kilometers away.

A hanging stove hung under the bonfire.

Even King Bai Chenlang himself felt a headache.

The trouble is that the territory of the Grace Royal Family is close to the North.

In such a situation, there are always some unlucky people who die because of various intentions.

So this guy is not that manic conscious.

After spending seven or seven hours, Zong Shen made a lot of money.

There is no industrial pollution on the mainland, at least there is no pollution outside.

At most, it is difficult to have non-combat attrition.

Waiting for the destination of the long-distance teleportation channel of the Calamity Raven Church to be transferred to Zong Shen's territory, and then retreating seven times.

Then he left the ice cave.

The remains of the ice cave come from the Desolate Era.

The main thing is not a careless one.

In the final analysis, it is just a giant city-level territory.

[Golden Treasure Chest x12]

There are plots and customs of worshiping the ancestors of all the small human kingdoms in the small continent.

Because the unexpected probability is also reduced due to the hasty transfer.

There is also a faint pine scent in the air.

This way I will have one less demi-god-level weakling to serve under my command.

There is no demigod sitting in the territory or following around, which is definitely a weak help.

King Avalon Lodvigia is seated.

I just enjoyed the tranquility and thought about everything.

I'll wait until we're all done arguing before I come out and make the final decision.

The conservatives believe that Nord and Liszt have not been on bad terms for thousands of years.

Just the problem of keeping out the cold is difficult to solve.

Kingdom of Nord.

Sageson Imperial City, small meeting hall.

Before a consensus is reached, the rest will be difficult to handle.

Some followed Penny Lancaster and retreated outside Zong Shen's [Dimension Seed (Normal)].

The small ground became white and dark, except for the cool bonfire in the forest.

There is no process for everything, and it is difficult to achieve it overnight.

That's also true. I am a king, but not a dictator.

One or two million are transferred every day.

Yes, there is nothing we can do about it.

The latter believed that the current offensive against the Tebachenlang family was not yet stable, so it was appropriate to take the risk of targeting Liszt to avoid falling into internal and external conflicts.

Quiet and comfortable.

No matter what time, a balance between work and rest is king.

Moreover, unlike resources like wood, stone, hemp, and iron, it is difficult for the population to obtain them in a short period of time.

And I'm responsible for collecting the treasure chests.

"Your Majesty the King."

It is definitely an exaggeration to say that he is as rich as any country.

Whoever dares to disobey the former king is the orthodox one.

The snowshoe hare and the owl are not yet strong.

Fungi grow under the dark soil covered with snow.

Those who approved of the war were mainly conservatives and old-schoolers.

Just like what it says, it is like ants carrying food on the human table.

Zong Shen understands this truth, so he will naturally be impatient.

The northern border appears as white darkness with light.

As expected, my war resolution was praised by some ministers.

The main militant faction used that as a reason to refute the other two factions.

The Zerikan sisters each asked Zong Shen for a long bow and ran away from the forest.

The specific details are as follows:

"Okay, I believe you."

Even Zong Shen is an example.

The big cat girl and Tasia went to pick mushrooms hand in hand.

He is also quite upright and has not yet learned to lie.

The other part was moved to Jackdaw Valley,

before going back underground.

The ratio of the two sides' spheres of influence is as small as 6 to 1.

However, as the size of the territory expanded, the population increased.

In the previous sequel, I found the treasure chest again.

So Bai Chen chose to pick the ice edge.

When he didn't have it, Zong Shen also wanted to mess it up.

Those large northern animals that grow in the forest have a bit of a smell, but their meat is quite tender.

If we follow the covenant now, it will not be a tribute to the former kings.

It was so noisy at the back and above.

The divine will that dominates the ice cave has become one of its own.

It's hard to be a king, it's even harder to be an abnormal king, and it's even harder to be a bad king.

And there is no need to be impatient now, I am already far behind.

Bai Chen can then use the strategy module to scan and check whether it is not poisonous.

I cleared a clearing in the forest and lit a strong bonfire.

But there is no protection from a small magic shield inside.

At the very least, it can have the strength of a demigod's primary level.

But the army and land under its control are smaller.

Among the men present, do any of the attributes have hundreds of points?

Watching the quarrel above were Xio's subordinates.

The woods covered with snow became shadowy in the firelight.

But it is based on the body of the ice moss giant chief and adds a large amount of Zong Shen's blood.

Of course, the consolidation period of the war on the mainland will take at least eighty-seven years.

Everyone sat by the bonfire and watched the sky gradually become enveloped by night.

There are no fancy trap magics hidden in them, and they were all sorted away by Bai Chen, except for storage.

They were the elite scouts under Bai Chenlang's command.

This is true only for the lords, but also for the subjects.

For example, it is also wrong to be a foodie in a magical world.

Joining a territory is incorporated into the system framework of loyalty.

A figure suddenly appeared next to me.

So Levasin's situation is actually simpler than Nord's.

Just push through the snow and you can pick it.

"It's chaos!"

Here, there are not more than a dozen trap treasure chests.

Not only will there be attrition, but the territory will also be digested.

In Jackdaw Valley, there is no small piece of snowfield land.

With the transfer of tens of millions of people, all kinds of intentions and situations are unlikely to happen.

"The messenger from the Brock family in the north wants to meet you."

I just need a few comments that seem fair.

"Hand-written by Finn Brock."

Those fungi are generally affected by magic and have no weak resistance to heat.

Zong Shen estimated that even the transfer and complete resettlement of those people would take at least a month.

As for killing the Ice Moss Giant Chief, the Frost Ancestral Dragon, and freezing the white dragon, it was all for self-protection.

What's the problem with accommodating 20 to 80 million people?

When the mushrooms came back, you also brought two fluffy grouse.

Today Liszt appears to be on the verge of unity.

Let these main combatants pretend to be white-faced.

Afterwards, the entire Jackdaw Valley was in a mess.

At that name, the King of Avalon sat up slightly.

In comparison, although the Brock family's territory is large, it is close to the south.

Do not have the right to report directly to me.

However, leaving out one hundred thousand people alone would be a huge population loss for any lord.

That situation will gradually resolve as the population increases.

Yes, the Frost Divine Will has been strengthened even after a long period of time.

But no matter what, that picnic in the snow was a rare moment of relaxation.

Bai Chen asked it to open ice paths leading to various ruins.

Otherwise it will be false.

Although very rarely, the two are occasionally equated.

The seven population transfers just need to be done in such a hurry.

Therefore, the conservative ministers believed that consolidating the offensive against the traitors in Tragna should be the first priority.

Finn Brock is the finance minister of the Kingdom of Levassin.

Here, all the people will be transferred to the territory at once.

It is estimated that it will take a few hours before the singing and praying can officially end.

I came to Bai Chenlang's side, leaned over and reported in a loud voice.

The digestion capacity of the territory is not inferior.

And it will continue to go up.

On the contrary, they are very easy to get along with.

You cannot go through the cumbersome interview process, and you are considered a privileged unit in the imperial city.

Just like Liszt, the young princes and the princes and princes fought and made trouble again and again.

No additional seasoning is needed, the umami flavor of these mushrooms is enough to make the soup delicious.

Wait until the long-distance teleportation array is reopened.

That proportion gap far exceeds that of the Lodvigian royal family and the Tragna family of the Nord Kingdom.

Just be messy.

Even Avalon Lodvigia, who has always been weak, dared to directly refute that reason.

Population is a valuable development resource for lords.

Ice cubes picked from under the treetops are being cooked in the stove.

Those days, I was quite nervous because of the matter in the giant city of Lentax.

Definitely counting the legendary Night King's destruction of the world.

The situation in the Kingdom of Livasin is even simpler than that of the Kingdom of Baichenlang!

Because the ancestors of the Kingdom of Nord once had the ambition to "expand the territory and dominate the Eastern Region".

These require long-term planning.

That romantic picnic made me feel very happy.

It will become more difficult to digest the population now.

The two sides have not officially started war yet, but there is no friction at the edges of their respective spheres of influence.

As long as the number of people in a group exceeds that of a huge city, there will be no ability to quickly mobilize tens of millions of soldiers.

During this period, the men also built several snowmen nearby.

The Grace royal family is not as prosperous as Bai Chenlang due to wealth.

The population transferred from the giant city of Lentax was tens of millions.

Yes, now he should be the post-minister of the exchequer.

They come, the security.

Yarogluk Grace, the king of Baichenlang, is a conservative man.

If the prince within the sphere of influence intervenes.

Compared with the total amount of population transfer, that number seems worth mentioning.

Just a few days later, Finn Brock officially broke with the Baichenlang royal family.

I made an agreement with the Frost God that I would be ready to come and bleed out within eight days at the latest.

Zong Shen ate slowly, holding the rabbit's leg and drinking the mushroom soup, which was quite satisfying.

"This messenger brings a letter."

And it’s a real month.

Moving out the former king would become a matter of covenant and morality.

In my memory, not one meeting even lasted for more than ten days before we got here.

The meeting has not been held for eight hours.

The quarrel lasted for seven or eight hours.

Just when the quarrel in the table was about Hugh.

The prayer session will last less than half a day.

[Platinum Treasure Chest x7]

Thick but not thin!

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