Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1276: Chaos is brewing, and the future is promising

Archduke Jonathan delivered a message to the front and the rear.

First, the knights on the front line are required to be divided into two parts.

One part continued to hang those gangsters.

The other part built camps outside the giant city of Lentax.

Secondly, let other giant cities in the rear continue to send people to respond to the call of the war order.

For this reason, Archduke Jonathan also offered military exploits as bait.

He wanted to wash away the anger in his heart with the blood of the gangsters who dared to occupy the giant city of Lentax.

Two messages were quickly passed on.

The giant city of Lentax, which is still in a frozen state, is about to trigger a new storm vortex.

After completing the summons, Grand Duke Jonathan murmured to himself with a fierce look.

"For Carter, I can't attack that damn heretic wolf of the Calamity Raven Church."

“But there’s no problem in strangling these vultures that are eating carrion.”

"Even though the great city of Lentax is dead."

"But it's still my place."

"And those damn Lancasters."

"May they all fall into hell forever and be burned by demonic flames for ten thousand years!"

"Despicable traitor!"

The events of this time made Archduke Jonathan sensitive and irritable.

He heard him curse under his breath.

Feier Heiyoulan, who was following behind on horseback, said nothing.

It's just that the eyes hidden by the long hair are shining with an unpredictable look.

At this moment, the battle in the giant city of Lentax is still going on.

The lords were retreating steadily.

Those who evacuated quickly had already left here by their own means to save their lives.

The rest are the guys who didn't have time to escape and the greedy guys.

In fact, in terms of the number of soldiers alone, the lord's side is completely worthy of the more than two million knights.

But in terms of combat literacy and service level, the gap becomes apparent.

Moreover, the high-end combat power is far inferior to that of the aborigines.

Among the more than two million knights, there are not only two demigod-level guards.

There are also more than twenty legendary strong men.

This high-end combat power alone is beyond what the lords can deal with.

Although it has gone through about two months of development.

The lords have generally made significant progress, but this progress lies in the aboriginal forces.

Especially in front of the Grand Duke of the Kingdom, he is not much different from a local chicken or a dog.

This made the situation for the lords even worse.

Originally, they happily came to the giant city of Lentax to pick up the leaks.

Zong Shen ate big meat, and they drank some broth.

But he didn't expect that before he could take a few sips of the broth, the aboriginal boss came and called him "justice from heaven".

This kind of large battlefield with millions of troops on both sides is rare in normal times.

So after the battle started, the situation in the giant city of Lentax went viral on the [World Channel].

The news here quickly attracted the attention of more lords.

Within a thousand kilometers, many lords are interested in this.

There is an endless stream of lords who want to come to fight the autumn wind.

Starve the bold to death and starve the timid to death.

After the hype of [World Channel].

These lords were attracted by the huge resources remaining in the giant city of Lentax.

Thus, the deterrent effect of the Aboriginal bosses was selectively ignored.

A conservative estimate is that at least several thousand lords came with their soldiers non-stop.

The "corpse" of the giant city of Lentax, as Grand Duke Jonathan said, is attracting vultures, and the putrid smell it emits will make the lords take notice.

As things have developed so far, no one knows what the giant city of Lentax will eventually become.

Archduke Jonathan wanted to use an easy crushing war to reestablish his authority.

And the lords who flocked here just wanted to break the bones and suck the marrow.

It remains to be seen what kind of sparks the two sides will create.

Zongshen's territory is four to five thousand kilometers away from Lentax.

Inside the long table in the Lord's Fortress.

Zong Shen recounted what happened during this period.

The sisters Kitten Girl, Tasia and Zerikan were also released from the big pocket.

Now it's all neat and tidy.

After he finished speaking, Zong Shen looked around again.

This time he noticed the absentee.

“Why isn’t Zoe here?”

Before he left, he handed over the task of exploring the ruins around the territory to Zoe Babbitt.

This move can be regarded as fulfilling the original promise.

After all, his excuse for cheating on Zoe at that time was that he wanted to take her on an adventure.

Later, Zoe did become the expedition leader of the territory, and quickly grew into a qualified adventurer under the guidance of the great adventurer Ghost Jacques Picard.

With Colby's assistance, he completed the exploration of the ruins of the Azshara branch of the Shadow Venom Assassin Alliance and found some more important clues to the ruins.

The overall performance did not disappoint Zong Shen.

After hearing his words, Mariel took the initiative to answer.

"After you leave."

"Zoe led the team to use the [Master Key] to open the rune door of the Azshara Mountain Bunker."

"And dozens of magic puppets were found among them, as well as a large number of standard equipment from the resistance forces of the previous era, totaling approximately 70,000 sets."

"This batch of equipment has been confiscated and included in the territory's equipment inventory."

"In addition, she also discovered more in the mountain bunker."

"There are high-end workshops left by the resistance forces there."

“Currently Zoe is personally leading the team to dismantle and relocate those workshop equipment.”

"They can bring the production level of the territory's current forging workshop and machine workshop to a higher level."

Mariel is as capable as ever.

Explained to Zong Shen in a brisk tone.

This actually made him more curious.

"Is there a workshop in the mountain bunker?"

Mariel nodded.

"Yes, based on the clues found in the ruins."

"It used to be a rebel stronghold."

"The workshops inside are of very high standards and can forge relatively high-end standard equipment."

Zong Shen immediately knew what was going on.

It seems that most of the easily discovered ruins in these areas near the territory are related to Azshara.

Obtaining these territories is equivalent to obtaining the resources left over from the previous era.

At the same time, it is equivalent to inheriting Azshara's mantle.

"This is good news."

“Let Zoe concentrate on dealing with the mountain bunker first.”

"In a few days, I have to go to a place more than 900 kilometers north of the giant city of Lentax."

"There are relics left by demon hunters there."

"Then we will return to the territory, and then the problem of the Boneyard will be completely solved."

Zong Shen picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine and casually stated the next exploration plan.

There may be things in the demon hunter's ruins that strengthen his demonic powers.

And the Boneyard involves even more things.

Including [Fragments of the Elf Key], [The Demon King's Secret Order], and the hundreds of thousands or even millions of undead sleeping in them.

These are things that Zong Shen must obtain.

And with the rapid expansion and development of the territory, the Bone Burial Ground lying in the north of the territory has become a stumbling block.

This forced the territory to suspend its expansion to the north.

Construction and development are mainly carried out in three directions: east, west and south.

So no matter what, clearing the Bone Burial Ground, opening up the Demonic Bunker, and mastering the Tower of the Dead inside to harvest a massive army of undead has become a key priority.

Moreover, Zong Shen’s elf keys are almost completely collected.

The missing one is in the burial ground.

As long as he gathers the elven keys, he can control all the power left in the ruins of the great city of Azshara.

You can also use this as a token to open the Azshara Elf Treasure House.

Azshara's fall was sudden.

The elf treasure trove is basically untouched.

Just imagine, that is the strategic reserve possessed by an entire ancient elf city.

As long as it is opened, the materials harvested will at least be enough for Zong Shen to arm hundreds of thousands of troops.

And it is also possible to obtain "special products" such as tree spirit seeds and [ancient guardian] seeds.

For the next development of the territory, opening Azshara's treasure house will definitely benefit a lot.

These were plans that Zong Shen had planned a long time ago.

And after getting the [Elegy Stone (Special)].

The biggest obstacle to excavation of the bone burial ground no longer exists.

Think of this.

He took out a stone from his storage compartment.

The surface of this thing is crystal clear.

It contains a stone core that looks like an egg yolk.

When Zong Shen placed it on the table, the stone began to vibrate spontaneously.

At first the vibrating sound was relatively disorderly.

But it soon became a melodious dirge that was softly sung.

The ups and downs of mournful tones resemble laments and murmurs.

The mood it conveys is full of sadness.

The voice is sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low, very strange.

But when Zong Shen reached out to hold it, the music of the dirge suddenly disappeared.

It seems to only react to dead objects like desktops.

It’s no wonder that this stone has become a collector’s item, as the properties it exhibits are truly bizarre.

The mere fact that it can sing out dirges and sorrows on its own makes it particularly magical.

The point is not its origin, but its potential value.

Due to the influence of various factors, many mysterious items of unknown origin can only be used as gadgets for the aborigines to play with in their spare time.

But in Zong Shen's hands.

This [Elegy Stone (Special)] has far-reaching value.

Zong Shen's eyes turned slightly and looked at this strange stone that could play mournful sounds.

Related lists and golden subtitles appeared in my mind.

[Elegy Stone (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Wail and lament, day and night]

[Passive effect: Play the elegy (place it on any dead object to play the wailing elegy. This elegy has no effect on the living, but it can comfort the undead/undead/ghosts/ within a radius of 100 meters) Resentful souls and other undead, when the elegy is played, the dead whose level is not higher than the legendary mid-level will gain short-term peace and rest, and be in a state of tranquility)

Soothing evil spirits (the Elegy Stone can soothe high-level evil spirits, including evil spirits whose level is higher than the legendary mid-level but not higher than the low-level demigod. It needs to be touched before it can work)]

Yes, it does a pretty monotonous job.

The greatest use is to play an elegy to appease the undead who are full of hatred for living beings.

This feature is enough to carry out excavation work on the bone burial ground.

As long as we can ensure that the undead disturbed during the excavation will not attack, the ruins will be cleared very quickly.

Although with the current strength of the territory, even without the help of [Elegy Stone (Special)].

It is possible to get through it by confronting the enemy head-on.

But it’s always a good thing to save time and effort.

What's more, the undead there are all reserve soldiers of the Tower of the Dead.

If you kill one, you will waste one.

If you can complete the excavation of the Bone Burial Ground without any bloodshed, then it will naturally be the best thing to do.

After solving these two problems, Zong Shen will start the next stage of exploration work.

At the same time, take into account the territory expansion strategy.

First, mark all the giant cities with a radius of 10,000 kilometers.

As the target of annexation and conquest in the next stage of the territory.

At the same time, he will go directly to the North through the remote transmission channel in Jackdaw Valley.

Considering that the Night King may be the biggest challenge that the Lords may face in the next period of time.

Zong Shen is preparing to make arrangements among the three kingdoms of Nord, Swadia and Vigia.

In other words, while securing Avalon’s domestic expansion plans.

He had already set his sights on the other kingdoms.

"By the way, Lord Lord."

"I have some good news for you."

At this time, Howie, who was sitting in the side seat, suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Hearing this, Zong Shen looked at him with interest.

"What good news."

"A female citizen in the territory is pregnant."

"And a new baby is born!"

"Among the refugees we took in before, there were pregnant women who were about to give birth."

"Those pregnant women have given birth one after another in the past few days."

Howie said with a smile.

This made Zong Shen couldn't help but make a choice.

There is a new baby in the territory, which is a great joy.

Even those pregnant women were already pregnant before joining the territory.

But these "second-generation" babies born in the territory have 60 points of loyalty by default at birth.

They were marked as territorial.

At this juncture where the era is about to change.

This is a blessing rather than a curse for these newborns.

The troubled times of the Endless Continent are coming, and it is at least better for them to be tied to Zong Shen's chariot than to be displaced.

By then, indigenous people across the continent will be affected.

And the presence of pregnant citizens is a great thing.

Calculating the time, it is almost the result of the big update after the defensive challenge.

When the people of the territory begin to give birth to life and reproduce offspring, it means that the territory has a future.

This was indeed good news, and Zong Shen couldn't help but feel emotional.

Unknowingly, the territory has truly made progress from nothing to something, from something to something.

Recalling the dilapidated courtyard where he first arrived, Zong Shen felt an infinite sigh brewing in his heart.

But in the end, thousands of words only came together into two words.

"very good!"

After a moment of silence, he continued.

"Our territory is gradually seeing the future!"

"And I have lived up to the promise I made at that time. You will follow me to witness the miracles and glory."

The current development of the territory corresponds to his original words.

This makes everyone feel even more hopeful about the future!

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