Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1284: Inspection and Luxurious Nurse Group

After listening to Zong Shen's introduction, Tie Shou Barenke looked extremely shocked.

Its eyes were staring at the [Apoptotic Thermonuclear Stone Core (Special)], almost popping its eyeballs out.

If the above abilities are true, then this thing is absolutely subversive.

It can comprehensively solve the shackles of the practical application of magic energy.

In fact, Endless Continent has reached a bottleneck in its exploration of magic technology.

Due to the limitations of the energy itself, many groundbreaking new concepts and technologies cannot be applied to magic energy technology, but with this stone core, the principle of generating magic energy within it has been cracked.

Then many problems will be solved easily.

It’s no wonder that Ironhand Barenque showed such a fanatical expression.

Because this thermonuclear stone core is absolutely subversive.

Looking at Zong Shen eagerly, Tiezi subconsciously wanted to reach out and take it.

But someone from Zong smiled and ignored its movements. Instead, he threw the stone ball in his hand to the ground.

The floors of high-end workshops have been hardened, and their texture is comparable to stone.

But after the thermonuclear stone core fell to the ground, it made a big hole in the hardened ground.

Affected by this, the ground within a few meters of the surrounding area trembled.

A dull sound echoed in the relatively closed workshop.

The goblins who were busy at other workstations raised their heads and peeked here with uncertain expressions.

Iron Hand Barenque, who was standing in front of Zong Shen, couldn't help but look at the stone core that smashed into the ground, his mouth wide open, and his eyes became dull.

After a few seconds, he came to his senses.

"Is this... so heavy?"

A stone core the size of a goose egg can weigh one or two tons.

This is absolutely incredible object quality.

Ironhand Barenc is not a combat unit known for its strength.

So its strength attribute is not enough to pick up the stone ball.

Unless high-level magic mechas are used.

And the goblins in the workshop obviously don't have this strength.

Iron Hand Barenque looked at the stone ball in the ground and pondered for a long time before he raised his head.

"Sir, can I cut it open and study it?"

"If you can crack the secret of its unlimited release of magic energy, this achievement alone will be enough for you to dominate the continent!"

Iron Hand Barenke asked cautiously.

But Zong Shen shook his head seriously.

"Of course not."

"At least not for some time to come."

This thing has the word "thermonuclear" in it. According to the clues provided by the strategy module, Zong Shen guessed that his reason should be related to the thermonuclear reaction on the earth.

It's just that this thermonuclear reaction does not produce heat, but magic energy.

Maybe it’s a change in the Endless Continent that adapts to local conditions.

In any case, it is not the best time to dismantle it and study it. After all, the territory's mechanical alchemical engineering technology still has a lot of room for improvement.

Before the technical level is up to standard, if you dismantle it, you will most likely not be able to come up with anything useful.

On the contrary, you may encounter danger.

So now Zong Shen's requirement for the thermonuclear stone core is to put it into use as soon as possible.

Instead of taking too big a step and thinking about dismantling it.

Let’s not talk about whether it will be blown up in the sky. If it is really dismantled, I am afraid it will be destroyed.

To be on the safe side, it is better to wait until the technical reserves of the territory become stronger in the future before trying to crack the relevant technologies.

And since such a thing exists in the Endless Continent.

Then as the territory develops and Zong Shen's strength increases, more clues will one day be found.

Zong Shen was quite confident about this.

Hearing his words, Ironhand Barenque could only nod in agreement.

But there is still a trace of desire hidden in its eyes.

As a citizen with MAX loyalty, it would not disobey Zong Shen's orders for personal reasons.

"By the way, do you have any ideas on how to transform it into a charging platform with the greatest benefits?"

Zong Shen asked, pointing to the stone core on the ground.

But I saw Ironhand Barenke confidently answering in the affirmative.

"Dear Lord, this is not difficult."

"Its maximum output of mana per second is 3900. If it outputs continuously for one hour, it needs to rest for ten minutes."

"In other words, its maximum magic energy output value every 70 minutes is 14,040,000 points."

"I can divide it into a 6+6 charging format."

"That is, six groups of parallel magic bottles are being charged while six groups of parallel magic bottles are on standby."

"The ten minutes during the cooling time are used to replace the magic bottles in the standby group."

"In this case, it can fill up to 46 groups of parallel magic bottles with an energy storage level of 300,000 points, and one group of parallel magic bottles with an energy storage level of 200,000 points."

"Of course, specific adjustments can be made."

"Because it releases magic energy almost every second except for the cooling period."

"This can effectively avoid the loss of mana energy."

"With direct connection, there will be no loss of energy."

"The only loss still exists in the output link after the magic bottle is charged."

Talking about his old profession, Iron Hand Barenck suddenly talked eloquently.

Zong Shen can generally understand its design concept.

So he nodded.

However, the specific application effects will have to be demonstrated after the results are produced.

"Just do as you say."

"If you can't lift this thing, I'll call in a few high-level lion knights to help you."

"I'm leaving first. I believe you will do all the work well."

Zong Shen patted Iron Hand Barenke on the shoulder.

Under its watch, he flashed away from the place.

We inspected the tailor shop, blacksmith shop and alchemy workshop successively.

Zong Shen's next stop was the agricultural area of ​​the territory.

This place is isolated from the world, with no buildings developed around it. It still maintains the purity of this functional area, and it also represents Zong Shen’s emphasis on agricultural development.

After a few glances in the agricultural area, he quickly found Salome Linyu who was busy in a certain farmland.

He is holding the [vital branch of the descendant world tree (Year Light Level VII)] and spreading the rain and dew full of natural spiritual light.

Those crops thrive under the moisture of rain and dew.

Feeling that there was an extra person behind her, Salome Lin Yu turned around and took a look.

Seeing that the person coming was Zong Shen, he quickly bowed and saluted.

"Lord Lord."

Zong Shen waved his hand and looked at the fields behind him.

These fields are all grown with wheat.

It has grown to the earing stage.

It is worth mentioning that these wheats grow much stronger and taller than ordinary wheat.

The stems are as tall as a person.

But it’s not as good as [Bai Jingmai (gold)].

The air is filled with the smell of green ears.

"What kind of wheat are these?"

he asked, pointing to the tall wheat plants in the field.

Salome Linyu bowed slightly and answered in a calm tone.

"This is the third generation of wheat that I developed based on the characteristics of Baijing wheat."

"I named them Dajingmai III."

"But it's a pity that these large refined wheats are commendable in terms of yield."

"But the taste is hard to swallow, and it has no tonic effect in improving attributes."

As he spoke, Salome lowered her head in shame.

Zong Shen gave him the best land and resources in the territory.

But it failed to make enough progress.

Moreover, with the rapid increase in population in the territory, self-sufficiency through agriculture in a short period of time has become a luxury.

Zong Shen nodded thoughtfully without paying too much attention.

Agriculture is inherently an operation that goes with the flow.

Just to ensure that when the "version" changes in the future, he will not be helpless.

The efficiency of looting is much higher than that of honest farming.

Therefore, he has been mentally prepared that there will be no results in the territorial agricultural area for some time to come.

"High quality wheat?"

"It's quite interesting."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Salome Linyu, who had a guilty face.

"Don't be discouraged, the establishment of agricultural areas will be retained permanently."

"And all the land in that direction is set aside for agricultural areas."

"It's just to adjust the size of the territory."

"The farmland near Lincheng must be moved to the periphery."

"Because the territory is about to build a city tower."

Zong Shen decided to move part of the agricultural area outwards so as not to affect the overall construction of the territory.

After the city tower is built, it is impossible to fence that farmland again.

Even with the [Territory Construction Sand Table (Yaoguang Level Ⅶ)], a privileged item that has the function of rapid relocation, construction, and demolition of territorial buildings, large-scale demolition and adjustment is still a cumbersome matter.

Mariel and Howie will not disturb the agricultural area easily.

Zong Shen is the only person suitable to open this mouth.

Salome Linyu had no objections to this.

He understood the construction needs of the territory, and as long as the agricultural area was not abolished, such an adjustment would be harmless.

Immediately afterwards, Salome Linyu reported to Zong Shen the progress of agricultural crop cultivation.

For example, the current planting scale of sweet potatoes has reached 170 hectares, equivalent to 2,550 acres.

The first batch of sweet potatoes spawned by vital rain and dew and various natural methods have been stored in the cellar of the territory.

Another part is used to make sugar and sweet potato dry powder.

In addition, several fruits with improved taste have been developed.

Currently, Howie has sent a special person to keep an eye on the [Market], specifically to collect crop seeds from all over the Endless Continent for Salome Linyu.

It is used to enrich the territory’s crop species reserves and optimize seed cultivation.

The entire agricultural area is still on the right track.

It is just that it is limited by the scale and model and cannot meet the self-sufficiency of the territory.

All in all, the agricultural area is somewhat useless in the short term.

But it still has value.

After slight adjustments, Zong Shen’s strategy for agricultural areas remains unchanged.

I hope this place can bring him enough surprises one day.

Salome Lin Yu was very touched by Zong Shen's understanding and support.

Naturally, a prostrate thank you is indispensable.

And before leaving, Zong Shen was stunned to find several boxes of fruits and vegetables stuffed inside him.

All are experimental varieties that are not mass-produced.

The taste is excellent.

Due to production constraints, only lords and a few growers could have a taste.

With the "gift" given by Salome Linyu, Zong Shen returned to the lord's fortress.

After a round of inspection, the time came to noon.

The long-distance transmission channel dozens of kilometers away is still undergoing population migration.

Large numbers of people are still being transferred to and settled in the territory from far away.

The entire territory is now extremely prosperous, and everyone can find their own position.

Even Luna sat on the edge of the training field with her belly bulging, watching the Huntress troops conduct cooperative training.

The most idle one turned out to be Zong himself.

Don't get too hung up on such trivial matters.

He started planning the next thing.

Regarding the use of the body of the Ice Moss Giant Chief and his own massive blood to enable the Frost Spirit to resurrect through his body.

He already has the material of the body of the Ice Giant chief.

What was rare was his own blood that was rich in vitality.

It's really not easy to get this thing done.

Zong Shen's response method was simple and crude.

He was going to bring a luxurious team of nannies from his territory.

Take advantage of the semi-digital nature of the lord to bleed and replenish at the same time.

In this case, it shouldn't take too long to fill up to 30 million health points.

Coupled with the self-healing ability given by his own powerful attributes, it can speed up the process.

So Zong Shen not only brought a large number of healing potions, but also gadgets such as [Healing Guard] and [Light Healing Totem].

Then there are the druids with the [Life Restoration] skill, Holy Light Priests, Thorn Ancient Tree Spear Throwers, and other units with healing effects.

Finally, there is the heavyweight Joan of Arc.

Her passive recovery aura also goes a long way.

In addition, Zong Shen also has [Lord Life Privilege].

Enhanced passive health recovery of 15 points per second, which can achieve a synchronous recovery effect of health recovery ratio for most wounds. There will be a longer recovery time when recovering from broken limb injuries, burns, and corrosive injuries. This privilege Passive existence, relying on the lord's own body, will never be restricted or affected by any negative status.

Don't look at the 15 points of health recovery effect per second, as a privilege that can be passively stacked.

It can increase the total amount of life restored per hour by more than 50,000 points.

With such a luxurious lineup, hundreds of nannies plus active/passive props.

There are also equipment on him such as the [Kade Medical Gem], which allows him to restore up to 10,000 to 20,000 health points per second.

In this case, it is considered the time required for the magic power to recover.

It is estimated that the bloodletting amount of 30 million health points can be done in half a day at most.

The assembly took more than an hour.

After getting everything ready, Zong Shen put them all in his pocket.

He walked with only Joan of Arc beside him.

After arriving at the long-distance transmission channel leading to Jackdaw Valley, Zong Shen and Joan of Arc were guided.

Back to the cold valley.

Passing through the crowd waiting for teleportation, Zong Shen quickly found Cardinal Mai Raven.

This guy has recovered a little bit after resting.

At least his face is no longer so pale and ugly.

Seeing Zong Shen appear, he immediately knew what was going on.

He bowed slightly and asked straight to the point.

"It seems you are ready?"

"I will assist you in heading to the ice cave ruins."

Zong Shen needed supplies from him.

And after he reached a consensus with God's will.

As long as the ice cave is not destroyed, it will not be frozen.

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