Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1290: Harvest from the mountain bunker, excavation plan, Bezos’ visit

Latest website: Zong Shen’s words made Zoe Babbitt’s eyes light up.

It's a look that comes from love.

The Bone Burial Ground runs through the northern edge of the territory from west to east, like a gray-white ribbon.

The total length reaches an astonishing more than 100 kilometers.

The widest part of the area is more than ten kilometers, and the narrowest part is about six or seven kilometers.

If viewed from the sky, the Bone Burial Ground is simply like a "correction belt" on the earth.

It's both a bit abrupt and particularly shocking.

You will pass through it when heading from the territory to the Azshara Mountain Bunker in the north.

Zoe Babbitt had long been fascinated by the Boneyard.

Now that she heard Zong Shen mention it, her heart was filled with waves.

The land of the dead created by the great demon of the last era is very exciting to think about.

"That's great, sir!"

"The Territory Expedition Team is always ready."

I saw Zoe immediately express her position.

The great adventurer ghost Jacques Picard stood beside him with a smile.

The look it looked at Zoe was slightly kind, and there was also a hint of looking at the successor.

As a ghost body, it is already a projection of another world.

It cannot interfere with the material operation of this world, but with the help of the immortal ghost body, it can pass on its knowledge and experience.

At the same time, stay with Zoe and continue his adventure.

Isn’t this a new life?

Zong Shen smiled and nodded, but did not comment on this, but waited for her next words.

Zoe Babbitt paused for a moment before continuing.

"We used the [Master Key] given by you to open the rune door of the mountain bunker."

"Behind that rune door, the expedition encountered an attack by a damaged golem."

"But with Lord Colby's protection, everything will be safe."

"Although those puppets are not weak, they are still incomparable with the legendary strong ones."

"After defeating the puppets blocking the road, we went deep into the mountain bunker."

"There are several rune gates in the passage to the back."

"It is generally well preserved, with no traces of battle or corpses found."

"Based on the traces on the scene, it is speculated that the resistance forces at that time should have evacuated the bunker on their own initiative."

"Then we found a large amount of standard equipment in the warehouse."

"Mainly based on the standard equipment of the elves."

"The highest level is level five."

"Currently, all this batch of equipment has been put into storage, and the relevant quantities are summarized here."

With that said, Zoe handed Zong Shen a detailed list.

After taking it, he glanced at it and knew it.

The total number of standard equipment obtained from the mountain bunker exceeded one hundred thousand.

There are mostly weapons and less armor.

In addition, there are many parts of siege equipment in the bunker.

They were all shipped back and sent to the alchemy workshop for assembly and restoration.

In addition to standard weapons and equipment, the biggest gain is a large number of tree spirit seeds, magic crystals and various spell scrolls.

There are thousands of tree spirit seeds alone.

And the most popular one is [Ancient Guardian], with levels ranging from purple rare to orange legendary.

There are also some other types of tree spirit seeds.

It can be seen that the original coalition forces were preparing to build a line of defense opposite the Bone Burial Ground based on the northern mountains and forests.

But for some unknown reason, this plan failed to be implemented smoothly.

A large number of tree spirit seeds were left in the mountain bunker, which finally took advantage of Zong.

However, many of those seeds have lost their vitality due to improper preservation. They are currently handed over to Salome Linyu, who is trying to use the power of the [vital branches of the offspring world tree (Yaguang Level Ⅶ)]. Restore the vitality of the tree spirit seed.

You know, it happens to be quite outstanding in this regard.

Several active and passive skills are related to vitality and activation.

For example, the active skill [Tree Flexibility].

Up to four trees can be selected for activation at the same time, transforming them into tree spirits with active attack capabilities. The corresponding attributes, levels, levels and strengths depend on the growth status of the trees themselves. The transformed tree spirits can continue to Exist until eliminated or undergo normal apoptosis.

[Green Spirit Essence] can absorb green spirit essence from nearby flowers, plants and trees. It can store up to 150,000 points. Every 100 points of essence can be condensed into a drop of green spirit dew. After taking it, it can receive a strong healing effect and restore 100 points of health. , the absorption speed of the relevant green spirit essence depends on the surrounding environment, and a single absorption time can last up to 30 seconds. These green spirit dews not only have a healing effect, but can also help plants regain their vitality.

The third active skill [Attuned Growth] is the leader in this sequence of effects.

As long as you use a living branch to touch a natural plant, it will grow rapidly and obtain a certain degree of benign mutation. The cooling time is 10 minutes. When used on a tree spirit unit in the growth stage, each attunement can shorten its growth time by 600 minutes. .

The fourth active skill is [Spring of Dead Trees], which can give unnaturally dying tree spirits or plants a chance to be reborn. The cooldown time is only 2 hours, which is perfect for activating the seeds of tree spirits.

For the tree spirit seeds that really cannot be restored to life.

You can also choose [Plant Fusion] and [Seed Transformation]

[Plant Fusion] The effect of this effect is very simple. You can choose any two plants of the same level to try to fuse. There is a chance to create a new plant with dual characteristics, including seeds. Depending on the type of fused plant, there is a certain probability of failure.

The tree spirit seeds that have not been upgraded can try to merge with the vitality seeds that are still alive. If you are lucky, they may be reborn and produce new mutations.

The [Seed Transformation] is even more targeted. It can optimize the transformation of seeds. The success rate is determined by the user's agronomy and natural spellcasting skills. The cooling time is only a mere 8 hours.

It is no exaggeration to say that the [Vital Branches of the Descendants of the World Tree (Year Light Level VII)] were created entirely for this aspect.

Therefore, those tree spirit seeds are expected to restore 80% of the tree species' vitality.

This means that the territory will have many more flexible [Ancient Guardians] in the future.

They are both offensive and defensive, and can be used close or far.

It can also be used as a shade tree to enjoy the shade, decorate the greenery of the territory, and purify the air in the territory, which has many benefits.

As for those magic crystals and spell scrolls, they are included in the territory's storage.

Finally, according to the configuration of the legion, some combat materials will be distributed to the backbones of the squad leader or squadron leader level on a selected basis to enhance the combat effectiveness of the junior officer level.

Overall, Zong Shen is very satisfied with this harvest.

He couldn't help but nodded.

Azshara's mountain bunker concentrated the essence of the Alliance's resistance forces back then.

The harvest within it is not small.

Based on this, it greatly supplemented the deficiencies of the territorial ordnance.

The pressure for the next step of military expansion is relieved in advance.

But just when Zong Shen nodded frequently, Zoe suddenly changed the subject.

"But we still found something unusual there."

At this point, she paused for a moment, and waited until Zong Shen became attentive before continuing.

"The retreat of the Alliance rebels was strange and sudden."

"Judging from the reserves in the bunker and those heavy-duty magic combat puppets, they were clearly ready to fight, but they chose to give up at the critical moment."

"And before the evacuation, there was a small-scale internal strife within the resistance."

"That's where the damaged heavy golem came from."

Zoe’s voice stopped abruptly.

Zong Shen's face showed surprise.

He remembered what happened back then.

Speaking of which, his discovery of the Azshara Mountain Bunker was not due to the strategy module.

But that Hideki Mitani who doesn't know whether to live or die.

At that time, Zong Shen discovered that place when he was chasing Hideki Mitani.

And speaking of heavy combat puppets, the puppet that knocked down Hideki Mitani with one punch was in a damaged state, with a large melted hole on its chest.

Now all the details can be matched.

As for the reasons for the coalition's retreat and internal strife, Zong Shen also had some vague guesses.

There is no doubt that it must have been arranged by the Lord System.

The invasion of the blood-burning demons was an accident.

That's why the Scourge came later.

The offensive organized by the rebels only ended hastily.

The changes in the last era were inherently unsuccessful and incomplete.

Therefore, it was silent for nearly ten thousand years, and this was the beginning of the coexistence of human kingdoms.

Then came the present, with the arrival of a new lord.

Therefore, during the invasion of blood-burning demons, there will be more or less bugs left on the continent.

"I see."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zong Shen raised his head and praised Zoe's performance during this period.

The latter quickly stood up and saluted.

"Go gather the expedition, and Colby."

"Mobilize an elite team of 3,000 people and prepare to assemble."

"Mobilize mana drilling rigs and other equipment vehicles."

"At the same time, build a new position around the Bone Burial Ground to prevent the undead from resurrecting on a large scale."

"At noon today, the excavation of the bone burial ground will be officially started!"

"Considering that the Bone Burial Ground is quite large, I plan to dig up from the area adjacent to the territory first."

Zong Shen ordered in a serious tone.

After saying that, he took out the [Elegy Stone (Special)] from the storage compartment.

It always exudes that ghostly atmosphere.

It attracted Zoe's attention instantly.

And its role is also very targeted:

[Elegy Stone (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Wail and lament, day and night]

[Passive effect: Play the elegy (place it on any dead object to play the wailing elegy. This elegy has no effect on the living, but it can comfort the undead/undead/ghosts/ within a radius of 100 meters) Resentful souls and other undead, when the elegy is played, the dead whose level is not higher than the legendary mid-level will gain short-term peace and rest, and be in a state of tranquility)

Soothing evil spirits (the Elegy Stone can soothe high-level evil spirits, including evil spirits whose level is higher than the legendary mid-level but not higher than the low-level demigod. It needs to be touched before it can work)]

Zong Shen briefly introduced its abilities to Zoe.

This stunned her.

It actually strengthened my confidence in digging the burial ground.

Then Zong Shen briefly told her the excavation plan.

First of all, the Bone Burial Ground, as its name suggests, contains a large number of undead souls.

And they are generally high-level undead.

It is composed of Azshara's defenders, city residents, and some coalition soldiers who came to support.

Secondly, this was a deliberate act by the blood-burning demon.

When they created the Boneyard, they also built a Tower of the Dead.

As long as you collect three [Demon King's Secret Orders], you can gain control of the Tower of the Dead.

Currently, there is a [Demon King's Secret Order] in Zong Shen's hands.

There is another one in the hands of Grand Duke Jonathan, and the remaining one is in the Bone Burial Ground.

The [Demon King's Secret Order] in the possession of Grand Duke Jonathan, Zong Shen was prepared to use it as one of the conditions in exchange for Prince Carter.

Therefore, it is not suitable to fully excavate the bone burial ground on a large scale before collecting all the [Demon King's Secret Order].

Because the comfort range of [Elegy Stone (Special)] is limited.

Under such circumstances, Zong Shen planned to dig out the bone bunker first without touching other areas.

It won't be too late to start large-scale excavation after collecting three [Demon King's Secret Orders].

In this case, Zong Shen can obtain an ancient and powerful undead army without any effort.

They don't need to eat or drink, and they never sleep.

After being injured, you can quickly recover through the shadow pool. There is no impact on morale, and you will only follow orders to kill.

Although it lacks the flexibility to adapt to changes, such an undead army is still terrifying.

It will definitely become an invincible sword in Zong Shen's hands.

But even if there is [Elegy Stone (Special)] and partial excavation is carried out.

The whole process is still full of risks.

It's like a minefield, and the consequences of touching it at will are fatal.

[Lion Skeleton Knight Richardson] ran out of the Boneyard.

It's powerful.

And I'm afraid there are many undead with similar levels.

A little carelessness can lead to a war of the undead.

This is what Zong Shen doesn't want to see.

It's not that the territory can't defeat those undead.

But in the game between the two sides, no matter which side loses, Zong Shen will feel distressed.

After hearing his plan, Zoe basically understood it.

She stood up and nodded, her expression became solemn, and she left the office after keeping all the requirements in mind.

Zong Shen looked at Zoe's capable back and felt more and more pleased.

Most of the people in the territory are growing.

This gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Zong Shen stood up and stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking to the east.

In this world, he will eventually stand out.

at the same time.

A group of special guests did come to the east outside the territory.

A mighty team composed of more than a dozen carriages and more than 240 Avalon cavalry.

The team flew the flag representing Bosbon.

After arriving at the outskirts of the territory, light riders immediately led the way to the outskirts of the defense line.

The patrol team and the officers responsible for garrisoning the area arrived quickly.

The officer received the hussar.

"Baron Bezos has come to meet the lord of this place."

"Please go and report it."

The rider was very polite and showed no condescension.

In fact, he was extremely shocked.

When I cruised here last year, this majestic territory didn’t exist at all!

Just one year later, there was such a large city here.

Hearing the name Baron Bezos, the officer nodded and immediately sent someone to report.

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