Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1294: Sneaky Baiyun, caught on the spot

Latest website: The dispute in the clouds did not last long.

Obviously, the female voice was successfully persuaded.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

This burial place is the largest mysterious place for the dead within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

If they gave up here, they would have to risk going further.

Not only will it waste a lot of time, but the risks are also high.

No special area where the dead rest in peace, such as a burial ground, is a good place.

If you are not careful, you will be attacked by undead monsters.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to try your luck at the burial ground.

As a lord, Zong Shen at least still has the possibility of communication.

Moreover, the overall shape of the burial ground is long and narrow.

Looking down from the sky it looks like a ribbon.

Although the scale of Zong Shen's territory is astonishing, only some of the edges of the city are close to the burial ground.

There are also large extensions on the east and west sides.

They planned to attack the edges on both sides.

Hidden in the clouds are two people, a man and a woman. They are both lords and have a close relationship.

The level of development is also relatively good

And this white cloud is a golden epic-level magical object that can effectively block any insight from detection magic of level six or less.

It can also float and fly in the air at a maximum speed of about 200 kilometers per hour.

This speed can be adjusted, so they often keep drifting at a low speed for close reconnaissance.

So far, the two of them have peeked into the territories of many lords, but no one has been able to detect them.

Even if Zong Shen is currently the most powerful lord, it does not mean that he has the ability to see through the white clouds.

Moreover, this white cloud is kept far enough in the air from the ground instead of being observed closely.

It also greatly reduces the possibility of being discovered.

Based on their confidence in the effect of this magical object, the two dared to come here to observe the situation.

When this seemingly harmless white cloud floated into the territory.

The high-level detection tower below noticed it.

In the defense matrices close to Baiyun, the giant crossbow towers with ultra-long ranges raised their shooting angles.

This situation was quickly summarized in [Commander Tower (Orange)].

The heroes remaining in the tower reacted immediately.

The Griffin and Manticore squadrons took off one after another and flew towards the strange white cloud.

Xue Bing, who had been sitting in the courtyard of the lord's fortress, also opened his light blue eyes and looked faintly at the place where the white cloud was.

There was a hint of curiosity hidden in his twinkling eyes.

At the same time, Xiao Heizi, who was waiting in the territory, fluttered his wings and cooperated with the air cavalry team to attack.

In the past few days, it was either inspecting the dragonborn family members it had subdued before, or going for a walk in the Poison Swamp, waiting for Zong Shen's official approval for it to go out and explore.

Now it happens to be the main force to fight against the unknown invasion.

Just when the territory was counterattacking against Bai Yun's peeping behavior.

Zong Shen, who was staying at the burial ground, also felt something.

He turned his head and looked towards the east of the territory. His strong eyesight allowed him to vaguely see the flying little black particles and the slightly abrupt white cloud.

Blinking his eyes, with just a thought, the strategy module let him know the cause and effect.

This made Zong Shen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with a playful look on his face.

"How courageous."

"However, the strategy module mentioned that they seem to have some clues and items left by the Lord of Deathrattles."

He thought about it in his mind.

The Lord of Deathrattles is similar to the Lord of Greed and the Lord of Slaughter. They belong to the same period and reached an almost top level in a certain rebellion.

Each of these overlords has mastered mysterious specifications in different fields.

For example, items related to the Lord of Greed can increase the value of wealth unreasonably, and they also have recycling functions like a cornucopia.

The items related to the Lord of Slaughter can give the holder the ability to become stronger through killing.

Accumulate attributes by killing.

As for the rules and abilities mastered by the Lord of Deathrattles, they are basically related to controlling and controlling the undead.

In addition, the white cloud itself is also a good magical object.

But after all, they still misjudged the gap between themselves and Zong.

A month ago, a person with a mere sixth-level concealment ability might have been able to get by with Zong.

But now it's not worth mentioning.

Even though the development level of those two guys is pretty good among the current lords.

It can almost reach the T2 level of the lord development stage.

The male lord number is [Xiao Kaijie 1997411], and the female lord number is [Wen Qing 1999127].

What makes Zong Shen interesting is that the two are still lovers.

Moreover, they were lovers before their arrival, but after their arrival they were accidentally dropped into the same area.

And finally met on the thirteenth day after advent.

This kind of thing made Zong Shen marvel.

From a probability perspective, this is many times lower than winning the five million grand prize.

But this was the case, and Zong Shen was also surprised.

With the relationship of a couple, the two had a very in-depth and close cooperation in the early stages.

We also support each other when challenges come.

They even convened the people to open a bank party together.

This allowed them to accumulate a good early development advantage.

After the defensive challenge, the advantages accumulated in the early stage allowed their development to take a step ahead.

Since then it has reached the level of development of the T2 sequence.

The total population has both exceeded 8,000, almost catching up with the resurrected Jiang Yi, and only a small level behind Medina.

However, Jiang Yi's development lagged slightly because he did not receive the rewards of defensive challenges.

Before the defensive challenge, her development progress was slightly higher than that of Medina.

No matter what, Zong Shen needed to catch these two sneaky guys.

Not only to teach them a lesson, but also to get the items and clues related to the Lord of Deathrattle from their hands.

The combined strength of Xiao Kaijie and Wen Qing can almost dominate a certain small area.

But compared to someone like Zong, it is not at the same level.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen's lips curled up slightly, and he suddenly disappeared.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since he had communicated with other lords in person.

[Fantasy God Flash] was activated one after another, and soon he appeared on the back of the flying Xiao Heizi.

Xiao Heizi, who was flying at high speed, felt Zong Shen's aura and couldn't help but turn his slender neck.

There was a rather human expression of excitement on the ferocious dragon head.

"Master, you are here!"

It has not seen Zong Shen for several days.

He kept in mind the promise he had received on the ice shell of the giant city of Lentax.

At that time Zong Shen promised to help him become a powerful lord dragon.

There is even a mention of its mother, the Blackwing Tyrant.

This made Xiao Heizi very concerned about this matter.

But it didn't dare to bring it up, so it had to make its presence felt as much as possible.

However, Zong Shen was not in the territory for the past few days.

In order to revive the blood ice, he stayed in the ice cave ruins in Jackdaw Valley for three or four days.

Xiao Heizi seemed so excited to see Zong Shen again after a few days.

Zong Shen glanced at it with a smile, his eyes looking directly into the black dragon's vertical eyes. The latter immediately avoided it, not daring to look at him for too long.

"I know what you're thinking."

"Don't worry, it's not the time yet."

"Okay, let's focus on the business at hand."

"Let's go meet those two audacious peepers."

Xiao Heizi's heart palpitated slightly when he heard this, and then his wings flapped even more vigorously, and his speed suddenly increased.

Except for it and Zong Shen.

A whole team of gryphon knights surrounded them from the west.

The eastern airspace is controlled by the Manticore Knight Team.

No matter which side the speed is, it is much faster than the white cloud drifting over.

When counterattacking in Zong Shen's territory.

The two people hiding in the white clouds also noticed something was wrong.

Because the territory below was originally relatively clear, a layer of clouds and mist instantly rose in the air three to four hundred meters above the ground.

These clouds and mist are very good at blocking the view from the sky.

"Wen Qing, we seem to have been discovered!"

The male lord named Xiao Kaijie shouted in panic.

Sitting opposite him, the female lord named Wen Qing was even more shocked.

"It's all your fault!"

"I told you not to provoke Zong Shen!"

In fact, since the two of them can get along well now, it means that they are not idiots.

However, when they discovered that their whereabouts were exposed, they couldn't help but become panicked.

"There are gryphons and manticores approaching from the front and back!"

"Hurry up and speed up [Hidden Wind Cloud]!"

Wen Qing's expression became more panicked, and even her tone was lengthened by her emotions.

After all, they are just lucky people who got rich because of their early advantages and a little bit of luck. In terms of mentality alone, there is a huge gap between them and T1 level lords.

This is indeed the case. With the abilities of the two of them, it is already good to be able to reach T2.

Different from Wen Qing's gaffe and urgency.

When things came to a head, Xiao Kaijie calmed down.

And his girlfriend's croaking made an unknown fire burst out in his heart.

"Shut up!"

"The speed of [Hidden Sky Cloud] is too slow, there is no way to escape!"

"And look there!"

As he spoke, he pointed in another direction, where a black spot was approaching very quickly.

This magical object called [Cloud of Hidden Sky (Gold)] is essentially a dakini vehicle.

There is also internal observation capability, which allows zoom observation at a certain distance.

At Xiao Kaijie's prompting, Wen Qing changed her observation angle and took a look at the so-called black spot.

When the sight distance was narrowed, the expression on her face suddenly changed.


Xiao Kaijie nodded with a serious face.

"That's Zong Shen's black dragon!"

It's not a secret that someone in Zong has a dragon.

As the first lord to tame the giant dragon, a superior creature, he also received a banner as a reward.

And when he subdued Xiao Heizi, at least a thousand lords nearby witnessed that scene.

"what should we do?"

Wen Qing, who was more emotional, completely lost her sense of proportion at this moment.

Even his shoulders couldn't help but tremble.

Xiao Kaijie frowned and only answered one word.


Then he added.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that cannot be avoided."

"Zong Shen is a lord like us, he is not one of those irrational monsters."

"As long as you explain it well, you might be able to avert the danger."

"So go now and don't do anything drastic, lest you anger him."

"From the moment we arrive, we should understand that this is a world where the strong are respected."

"There is no point in escaping. Only facing can solve the problem."

Xiao Kaijie's words gradually made his girlfriend regain her composure.

In fact, he was also panicking just now.

But as things came to an end, he calmed down.

After discovering the territory, they mobilized the air cavalry and Xiao Heizi to pursue them, which only took two or three minutes.

At the beginning, the white cloud was still floating in disguise.

But later, it suddenly stopped, and the camouflaged clouds were lifted, revealing its sharply contoured body, like a cloud-shaped shuttle.

The Griffin team and the Manticore team surrounded it.

Xiao Heizi carried Zong Shen to the front of it.

The huge black wings flap the airflow, allowing its huge body to float stably in the air.

Baiyun Shuttle opened the front cover like a can.

Xiao Kaijie and Wen Qing walked out with their hands raised.

Looks like a prisoner.

Among them, Xiao Kaijie's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Zong Shen himself.

Because Zong did not use a disguised identity.

The simple [Insight] that comes with the lord can see certain surface information.

Zong Shen stood on Xiao Heizi's head and glanced at the two of them respectively.

Seeing their gestures of surrender, they also suppressed their murderous intent.

In fact, he already understood that the other party was also plotting against the undead in the Boneyard.

There are countless ownerless ruins and resources in the endless continent.

In addition to following the principle of whoever gets it first, there is another premise, that is, whoever has the strongest fist belongs to him. Zong Shen has taken a liking to this burial ground.

Then their motivations and behaviors are no different from trying to seize food from a tiger's mouth.

Of course, they are only in the premeditation stage now and have not caused any substantial danger.

Therefore, Zong Shen would not brutally kill them directly.

There is certainly a potential competitive relationship between the lords and the lords, but now the level gap between Zong Shen and them is too big.

However, you still have to go through the necessary procedures.

He glanced at them silently for more than ten seconds, and he didn't speak until both of their expressions became tense.

"This is my territory. "

"You should have received a prompt when you entered."

"But you still chose to approach sneakily and try to peek."

"Tell me your motives and convince me to let you go."

"By the way, I want to hear the truth."

Zong Shen's words made Xiao and Wen look at each other.

They did get the hint and saw it hundreds of kilometers away.

Because Baron Bezos led the entire Boss State to join, Zong Shen's territory and Boss State's jurisdiction were connected.

Zong Shen has construction and other territorial rights on any land along the more than 800 kilometers from the territory to Bosi State. He is so arrogant!

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