Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1319: The third demon king meets Gu Tian again.

With those sixth-level space mages, Zong Shen and Mai Raven left the camp safely under the angry eyes of Grand Duke Jonathan.

With the contract in place, Grand Duke Jonathan did not dare to make any mistakes.

Zong Shen basically achieved his goal and used Prince Carter to exchange a large number of people and soldiers.

In fact, he originally planned to take advantage of the negotiation opportunity to ask Grand Duke Jonathan to send someone to retrieve the remaining [Demon King's Secret Order] from the Imperial City's treasury.

However, during the inquiry, it was found that the [Devil King's Secret Order] was affected by the fusion of two other secret orders more than ten hours ago, and broke through the restrictions of the treasure house and flew away from the Imperial City of San Sebastian.

It is still flying now, and its direction is north.

Referring to the location of the Imperial City of San Sebastian, you may fly to the Kingdom of Swadia.

Through inquiries through the strategy module, Zong Shen knew the real reason that caused the [Demon King's Secret Order] to move.

When the two [Demon King's Secret Orders] in his hand merged into one.

What is essentially activated is the foundation left by the blood-burning demon in the Bone Burial Bunker.

The Burning Blood Demon prepared a lot of back-ups that year.

When some buildings in the Bone Burial Bunker are activated.

It wasn’t just the third [Demon King’s Secret Order] that was inspired.

There is also the blood-burning demon army responsible for attacking Azshara, one of the three demon kings [Wild Demon King Magathia].

It has the body of a wolf, the wings of a griffon, and the tail of a snake. It can spit out raging sacrificial flames from its mouth, and has strong control over all kinds of violent evil creatures.

When the Scourge came, the blood-burning demon legions everywhere were in chaos.

The three demon kings all left behind their own back-ups.

Among them, the Dread Lord was trapped in the mysterious space deep in the mine when he was wiping out the crusade.

And [Artorius, the Destroyer of Silence] was sealed in [Solomon's Sealing Disk (Legendary)].

Only [Wild Demon King Macathea] is missing.

Now it seems that the backhand it left behind has gone to the Kingdom of Swadia.

Affected by the activation of the Bone Bunker, it also regained some of its power.

More than 10,000 years ago, three [Demon King's Secret Orders] represented three powers, and each of the three demon kings kept one.

And by coincidence, the [Demon King's Secret Order] that was originally stored in Archduke Jonathan's treasury happened to be the one kept by [Wild Demon King Macathea].

So I was summoned by Macassea.

Such changes are unpredictable.

The previous strategy module also hinted that the activation of the Bone Burial Bunker may awaken something.

Regarding this, Zong Shen has nothing to regret.

Activating it will also give you two-thirds of the authority of the Bone Burial Bunker, so you can develop it as soon as possible.

If it is not activated, it will continue to sit there idle.

Because the [Demon King's Secret Order] can be activated exactly when the two pieces come together.

This can, to some extent, prevent the Bone Bunker from being activated by chance.

For example, if someone only gets a secret command, but can activate the Bone Burial Ground, this situation means variables.

Therefore, activating the authority with at least two [Devil King's Secret Orders] becomes an insurance measure.

And Grand Duke Jonathan is no longer the "simple" aborigine he once was.

If Zong Shen openly asked him for the [Demon King's Secret Order], that guy would definitely be suspicious.

After all, it can be collected in the treasure house, which means that Grand Duke Jonathan knows more or less its origin.

When the time comes to reveal the location of Zong Shen's territory, he will definitely find an opportunity to retaliate afterwards.

Although Zong Shen is not afraid of fighting, but in line with the principle of not fighting if he can, it is of course better to keep a low profile.

After leaving the camp, Zong Shen put those space mages into [Pascal Covenant's Big Pocket], and then repeatedly confirmed that Archduke Jonathan did not leave any traces or targets by asking the strategy module. Marks, and other similar things, and then I felt relieved.

He and Mai Raven first flew hundreds of kilometers in a certain direction on Hamis, and then flew towards the territory in the form of a nightmare shuttle.

Zong Shen would confirm every few minutes throughout the process to prevent Grand Duke Jonathan from sending people to follow him.

He maintained this caution and returned to the territory smoothly.

It took almost eight hours to go back and forth, including the negotiations and the time spent in Jackdaw Valley and Snowflake Country.

By the time he came back, it was already late at night.

Without time to rest, Zong Shen first sent Mai Raven to the long-distance teleportation channel.

Let him return to Jackdaw Dale on his own.

Then someone from the Zong flew straight to the swamp where the entrance to the Azshara Sewer Fortress was.

That swamp has become the home of the deformed kobolds.

They are one of the five dependent ethnic groups that Xiao Heizi brought back before.

A large number of buildings were built around the entrance to the sewer fortress.

Prior to this, the swamp was not within the construction scope of the territory, and the authority of the enclosure was used.

The entire entrance is well protected and even reinforced.

The nearby mud was dug up and hardened to ensure stability.

The surrounding area is always guarded by territorial patrols and defense towers.

As a lord, Zong Shen naturally has unimpeded access.

He came here resolutely, opened the portal in the big bag, and took out the space mages.

Grand Duke Jonathan was only willing to give him four space masters, three men and one woman.

Relatively old in age, even based on the lifespan of the caster, he can be considered an "elderly".

Those younger space masters would definitely not give it to Zong Shen.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, these four great mages are all real materials.

They always had a depressed expression on their faces, and they didn't seem to be very interested.

But Zong Shen didn't have time to take them to the territory to get used to it.

Prepare to release Gu Tian first.

After settling this matter, they have a lot of time to adapt to life in the territory.

Zong Shen waved and got into the entrance passage of the sewer fortress.

Although the four space masters looked depressed, they did not dare to neglect and could only follow closely.

After walking along the branch road for three to four hundred meters, Zong Shen saw the exit of the passage not far ahead, and passed through the exit to officially enter the main road.

It took nearly a month of repairs and cleaning.

All the broken masonry and rubble that had been scattered here had been cleared away.

It looks much fresher now.

However, the original task of reconstruction has not yet been completed.

That quest stems from a special item and can also reward a special title.

Quickly walking in the passage, Zong Shen turned over his hand and took out a simple map.

I lowered my head slightly to check, and the familiar golden subtitles refreshed.

[Azshara Sewer Strategic Map on the verge of damage (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[A strategic map depicting the sewers of Azshara]

[This item comes with a hidden mission]

[Hidden Mission: Repair Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress]

[Task requirements: Clear out the monsters in the underground fortress in the Azshara sewer, incinerate the bones of all elven warriors and throw them into the forest, and repair the collapsed passages in the underground fortress]

[Task rewards: (ownership and restoration rights of the underground fortress in the Azshara sewer), (opening some special building construction permissions), (reputation +50000), (special reputation of the elves +10%), (special title: Azshara Pull the Rebuilder)]

[Special title: Azshara Rebuilder]

[Effect: All construction activities within the old site of Azshara will reduce material consumption by 15% and increase the solidity value by 2000 points]

[Your deeds will spread among the elves, and you can gain the reputation and favor of some ethnic groups]

(A hidden mission not to be missed. After completing it, you will become the true master of the Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress. Create a three-dimensional territory circle above and below the ground, so that no enemy can raid your territory from underground.

In addition, after completing the mission, you will also receive the construction permission and special title of some underground fortress-exclusive buildings. Having this title will gain the prestige and favor of the elves)

This task is still in the status of [In Progress].

If we can't solve the problem of Bone Sky, we can't truly repair the Azshara Sewer Fortress.

Because that special area covers part of the fortress area.

Therefore, it is imperative for Zong Shen to release Gu Tian.

After passing through the main passage and multiple branches and compartments.

Ahead was Gu Tian and the hall shrouded by that special barrier.

There is always a faint red light there as before.

Compared with the milky white light emitted by the white crystal stones in the passage outside, it looks quite contrasting.

The Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress has its own lighting. The light in the corridor is either white crystal, and the light released is quite soft.

The red light at the end of the passage ahead is a special light source that is continuously emitted by the burning soul fire.

Soon everyone came to the end of the passage.

Zong Shen waved behind him, asking everyone to continue following.

Ahead is the hall where Gu Tian was trapped.

The passages extending in both directions had previously been severely damaged, and even the hall itself had obvious signs of damage.

The dome, which was several meters thick and reinforced with runes and steel materials, collapsed.

The dark soil formed a slope here.

Due to the filling of soil, the remaining part of the hall was not filled with black mud.

This place is located one to two hundred meters deep underground, and the thickness of the soil layer has reached a very exaggerated level.

But the amount of soil that fell later wasn't even enough to cause the ground to sink.

There is no doubt that this place seems to have suffered a huge external blow.

I don’t know the specific method yet, but it must have something to do with the blood-burning demon.

Today, the hall is relatively empty, and there are no traces of the burial.

The items from the ancient era and the black dirt that had been corrupted by time were completely cleaned away.

The surrounding walls have also been re-reinforced and look quite refreshing.

Zong Shen walked into the hall and naturally saw Gu Tian.

It still looked as calm as before, sitting on a throne made of green vines and thorns.

Gu Tian is not tall and does not have any deformations.

It looks only slightly taller than the average human.

Its head is still burning with red flames, which is why red light is reflected in the passage.

This guy is still wearing the red cloak with a stand-up collar.

The basketball-sized red orb in the abdominal cavity became brighter red, with a blood-colored luster.

In addition, the orb in the middle of the large arc-shaped horn on top of its head that is like a bull's horn is beating with the death energy of the undead.

Just like when we first met.

The hand bones of its arms held the broken magic book with black borders and red letters.

Even though it had no facial flesh, Zong Shen seemed to see its expression.

That is "focus".

It is like a skeletal spellcaster.

When reading with his skull lowered, he looks almost like a statue.

The force field that comes with its body isolates dust and dirt. There are no stains within five or six meters of it. Even the ground is the same as it was thousands of years ago.

It's as if time has never left any trace on that place.

This sudden neatness is in sharp contrast to the simplicity of the hall outside the diaphragm.

The throne made of green vines was emitting a faint green light.

Zong Shen understood that it was full of vitality that was jumping for joy.

A special undead skeleton represents annihilation, decay and death, sitting on a throne that releases life.

Such a weird combination makes people look at it unconsciously.

At this moment, the four space masters behind Zong Shen looked at Gu Tian with curious eyes.

This throne is an item left behind by the elves.

Part of the wealth of the great city of Azshara.

The green leaves, vines, flowers, trees, moon, and sun are all closely related to the elves.

The vitality released is in line with the way of nature.

As if sensing Zong Shen's prying eyes, Gu Tian suddenly closed the magic book and raised his head that was shining with red light.

Red flames jumped out from the eye sockets, making it look like a messenger from the netherworld and purgatory.

The flames in the two eye sockets are like eyes, which can convey emotions.

It and Zong Shen looked at each other in the air and soon sent out a soul wave.

"It seems we haven't seen each other for a while."

"my friend."

Gu Tian stood up, stepped off the green vine throne, came to the diaphragm and looked at Zong Shen with interest.

Zong replied using the same method of soul fluctuation.


"It's been a while since I visited you."

"But I sent many of my men to chat with you."

Gu Tian nodded slightly, and then continued using his soul waves.

"None of them are as interesting as you."

“Time seems to slow down when someone is chatting with you.”

"Seeing you again, I think you must have found a way to break this isolation."

I saw Gu Tian put down the broken magic book and asked with some expectancy.

In this regard, Zong Shen had no intention of being mysterious and nodded directly.


"But I still miss you."

"Will you join my territory after you come out?"

Zong Shen's expression became a little serious.

Gu Tianze hesitated on the spot for a moment before answering.

"Sorry, I don't know."

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