Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1361: A rare heartbeat, after the wonderful use of the blue-gold war hammer

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Although the two brothers have different personalities and focuses.

But the way to develop a lord is not a scripted examination.

It doesn't have a standard answer.

Luck, timing and every preparation and deployment are crucial.

So the two brothers' styles seem to be diverging paths.

But maybe in the end, they will reach the same destination through different paths.

I can't make a conclusion now.

Zongze, who left the count's castle, embarked on the road back to his territory without much delay.

This time he came riding a raptor monster.

Before setting off, he also used arcane detection skills to explore the rear.

Only leave with peace of mind after confirming that there are no tails following you.

Shortly after he left.

In the study room of the castle.

Earl Bliss was sitting at his desk, flipping through the book carefully.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Celine Araya changed into a decent lady's dress, came to Earl Bliss and curtsied upright.


Earl Bliss put down the book in his hand and looked up at her.

He said in an indifferent and calm tone.

"It's time to calm down, you know?"

As soon as these words came out, Celine's body trembled slightly, and then she nodded seriously.

At this time, Earl Bliss continued.

"After all, you are a direct female descendant of the Araya family."

"After this matter is over, no matter whether anyone can get information from the queen's mouth."

"The Western Noble Alliance will each establish a principality and form an alliance of principalities."

"You may have to marry into other western principalities as my direct descendant."

"I will find the mage who is best at healing and let her repair it for you."

"All the past will soon fade away."

"By the way, there's also the boy you got along with yesterday."

"Because of your proactive praise, I am going to send him to the Imperial City as well."

"I can see that you are very satisfied with him, but...Celine, just forget about him and prepare to welcome your new life."

Earl Brice stared into Celine's eyes and said.

The latter was silent for a moment, then suddenly showed a smile.

"Father, you are worrying too much."

"I'm an expert in love, how could I fall in love with that boy?"

"Don't worry, I will wholeheartedly follow your and your family's arrangements from now on."

"No matter who the marriage partner is, I will be fascinated by him."

Seeing his daughter's frank look, Earl Bliss curled up his lips.

"That's good."

"Go and rest, or go play or ride horses, whatever you want."

After waving his hand, Earl Bliss signaled to his daughter Celine that she could leave.

Hearing this, Celine Araya bowed again and left.

Walking out the door, a drop of water fell on the carpet.

Celine's expression was a little complicated and a little sad, but she finally returned to the room without saying a word.

In the study, Earl Bliss shook his head.

He knows his "playful" daughter very well.

She also understood that the real reason that caused her to be so empty was nothing more than the shadow of her childhood.

But no matter what, the Western Noble Alliance is now about to change.

Almost unstoppable.

All major nobles who join will form a principality.

Based on the original family territory, they invaded the central and southern parts at the same time.

Therefore, the so-called duchy marriage is actually just a family marriage.

Lord Bliss is a talented fellow.

His ability to take charge of the giant city depends not only on the surname Araya.

In fact, if he does not have enough ability.

There is no care at all within the family.

Ability is the cornerstone that determines everything.

The family will not provide resources and care out of thin air.

Even if it is nepotism, it is impossible to give Jucheng casually.

Because the giant city is also a valuable resource for any noble family.

Earl Bliss picked up the scroll again.

His expression remained unchanged.

But if you listen carefully, there seems to be a fleeting sigh that cannot be detected.

The place where the Son of Saint Keating shed his blood.

Zong Shen and Hamis landed on this dark red land together.

This time the place is different from the Third Holy Legion's station inside [God Shell Rock].

The surrounding environment is relatively open, neither cramped nor closed.

There is no more dangerous [Negative Demonic Liquid (Special)].

So this time we can let Khamis go with him to start the fight.

And there’s something special about this place.

A monster named "Blood Spirit" was born.

This reminded Zong Shen of the blood-crossed coffin in the ruins of the legion's camp.

The blood coffin can transform the power of holy light into powerful blood spirit power.

There may be some connection between the two.

However, the blood coffin is related to the God of War of the ancient Holy Light Church Apostles.

This bloody place evolved after the Holy Son Sonde Keating was injured.

Son of God and the God of War in the Holy Light Apostles were not even from the same period.

The strategy module mentioned this when introducing the background of the two places.

(The blood power of Saint Son Songde is rather strange, and can be freely converted between the power of holy light and blood spirit)

Although this sentence does not point out directly, it indirectly points out the truth.

The blood spirits born here are relatively violent and also possess the characteristics of free transformation.

That is, from the blood spirit to the Holy Spirit.

In fact, in Zong Shen's view, this transformation itself is very weird.

I guess if we trace it back to its origins, we will definitely be able to uncover some past events.

Zong Shen has no idea of ​​tracing this clue for the time being.

His exploration of the Holy Light Ruins this time was just to solve the hidden danger of [Light and Dark Imbalance].

Now as long as we draw on the power of these three holy light relics, this problem can be easily solved.

So there is absolutely no need for him to dig deeper into the Holy Light Church.

In other words, there is no need to do this in the short term.

This kind of ambitious approach will only delay the established plan.

However, Zong Shen can choose to write down the clue about the blood spirit first.

Wait until the time is right or there is an opportunity.

The blood-colored soil is not soft, but rather compacted.

When stepping on it, the hard feeling feels quite solid.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that what makes the soil appear dark red is not liquid discoloration in the traditional sense.

Instead, it was the misty blood seeping out from the cracks in the soil.

These bloody lights are probably the power of blood

Zong Shen and Hamis walked towards the first place where the holy power crystal was condensed.

The scenery here looks a bit samey.

Everywhere he looked was covered in blood.

In addition to the bloody light emitting from the ground, the surrounding air is also filled with erratic blood-colored mist.

The smell of blood here is very strong and pungent.

To be on the safe side, both Zong Shen and Hamis switched to internal breathing.

A place like this, which is located in plain terrain and is surrounded by no obstructions, but still in the middle of nowhere, is likely to have problems.

Otherwise, let alone a place of bloodshed, it would be regarded as an ancient battlefield.

As long as there is no danger, and the terrain is good, traces of aboriginal pioneers will soon appear.

Stepping forward to the first place where the holy power crystallized.

Zong Shen pointed to the ground in front of him.

Hamis, who was sitting at the back, instantly understood what his master meant.

The horns on its forehead flashed with black arc light and activated [Destruction Lightning LV50].

Using the horns on his forehead as a carrier, he summoned and condensed a burst of lightning, striking a circular area with a radius of no more than three meters within 500 meters in front.

Black lightning fell from the sky, carrying the effect of destruction and healing and suppression, and hit the place pointed by Zong Shen. In an instant, a large hole with a diameter of three meters was opened on the ground.

Countless amounts of soil were thrown up.

They lost their blood-stained appearance and turned gray-white.

After [Breaking Lightning], the secrets under the soil were revealed to the tip of the iceberg.

There is a thin layer of blood-colored crystals about two meters deep under the gray-white soil layer.

It was that layer of blood-colored crystals that precipitated the misty blood light.

Zong Shen curiously walked to the big pit created by [Destruction Lightning].

The state of that layer of blood-colored crystals was very strange. It looked like a thin layer of ice on a newly frozen lake in early winter.

But it itself is not transparent, it just always exudes a bloody light.

Looking with the naked eye, one can only vaguely see something foreign that seems to be wrapped under the blood-colored crystal.

Zong Shen made a feint with his right hand, and immediately took out a heavy weapon that he rarely used.

This is a double-headed war hammer.

The size is astonishing, with the hammer head comparable to a human chest.

The length of the hammer handle is also about two meters.

Such a size is obviously not prepared for normal humans.

But as long as you have the strength to keep up, you can still play it.

The equipment in Endless Continent is not that rigid.

There are spikes on the hammer heads on both sides, and flame clouds spread to the hammer handle.

The entire warhammer was icy blue and looked like it was carved out of blue stone.

But in fact this is a relatively rare metal - blue gold.

Blue metal is a special metal that is rare but not commonly used.

There is only one place in the entire Endless Continent that produces this thing.

That is the Blue Flame Valley, which is said to be burning with blue flames all year round.

This fire draws life force.

As a result, the area with a radius of thousands of kilometers around the Blue Flame Valley is a desert.

Blue gold can sometimes be found in the Blue Flame Valley.

This metal is as hard as finely forged alloy, and its magical efficiency is comparable to mithril.

The most important thing is that you can use your own vitality to nourish blue gold. Continuous nourishment can greatly enhance the properties of blue gold.

Correspondingly, equipment forged from blue gold also has similar characteristics, that is, life draining.

Through killing, blue and gold equipment has the potential to gradually grow.

This alone is enough to demonstrate the value of this war hammer.

The end of the hammer handle is a round pointed cone.

There are also two hand guards that curve out in the middle, which can be used to resist oncoming sword strikes.

As for the weight of the war hammer, Zong Shen is not exaggerated.

This warhammer was a trophy from the giant city of Lentax [The Angry Roaring Warhammer (Glory Level II)]. So far, he has not used it seriously.

This warhammer has few skills.

The four active skills are relatively sparse and ordinary.

For example, [Charge] increases hammer damage, and [Crazy] increases group combat effectiveness.

What is really rare is the blue-gold material of this war hammer, and the two [passive skills] that extend from it.

They are:

[Blue Flame Drain (for every 1,000,000 points of cumulative damage caused, the upper limit of the warhammer's durability will be increased by 100 points, and 1,000 points of lost durability will be restored at the same time. The basic bludgeoning damage will be increased by 50 points. Up to 100 layers of buffs can be stacked. The current buff 3rd floor)]

[Life Nourishment (Input your own health value, every 500,000 points will make the warhammer obtain a layer of buffs, restore 300 points of durability, increase the upper limit of durability by 70 points, increase basic bludgeoning damage by 30 points, and can be stacked up to 100 layers. Current level 2)】

The characteristic of this blue-gold growth-type equipment is that it can improve the corresponding equipment attributes by absorbing it.

There is a reason why this war hammer was taken out.

The blood here is soaring into the sky, and there is also blood mist. It is shown in the guide as [infused with blood spirit power], but this so-called blood spirit power, in other words, isn't it another form of life essence?

So, why not try out the draw properties of blue gold.

The effect of [Life Nourishment] is to input the health value of "oneself".

The carrier of this "self" can be changed.

Zong Shen grabbed it in his hand, and this "self" was himself.

If he throws this war hammer away.

Then it belongs to the earth.

It's like having a fall when you were 17 years old, it's as if you've passed the earth.

With his backhand, he threw the [Angry Roaring War Hammer (Glory Level II)] into the pit.

The heavy war hammer directly broke open the thin layer of blood-colored crystals.

The dark red viscous liquid underneath was revealed.

It's like a pool of blood here.

It occupies an area of ​​about six or seven meters in radius.

The crystal of holy power that Zong Shen is looking for is here.

Wrapped in a blood-colored stone cocoon, it was floating in the pool.

[The Angry Roaring Warhammer (Glory Level II)] fell straight into the deep pool of blood after smashing the blood crystal layer.

His expression was very calm, and he just watched the war hammer sink into the pool of blood.

Hamis snorted and stood with his hooves crotched, watching curiously.

The advantages of being tall and strong are highlighted here.

Even if it stands still, it can see everything clearly.

I saw the warhammer sinking into the pool and began to "gudonggudong" with bloody bubbles rising upwards.

Then, a shocking scene appeared.

The blood level in the pool dropped visibly to the naked eye.

The speed of the bubbles coming out became faster and faster.

A few minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire pool of blood was sucked dry.

Even the large area of ​​land beside the pool was dispersed by the bloody halo.

There are several blood pools like this.

There are crystals of holy power in almost every place.

Looking towards the bottom of the pool, the war hammer lay quietly.

To say it was sucked dry would not be too accurate.

There is still some black sticky substance left on the bottom layer, which looks a bit disgusting.

Zong Shen raised his hand and activated [Psychic Power] to take the warhammer back into his hand.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, and a hint of joy appeared after just staring for a moment.

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