Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1364: Good news about Lan Xiaodai, the essence of holy power

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Kingdom of Avalon.

It is located in Zongshen territory in the northeastern part of the territory.

There was a faint purple-black shadow speeding across the sky.

When this shadow approached the territory, its speed suddenly slowed down a lot.

At the same time, the body shape gradually transformed from a weak to a solid state.

It was Hamis who carried Zong Shen back to his territory after trekking for several hours.

It landed accurately in the courtyard of the lord's fortress.

Zong Shen stretched out his body, rolled over from Hamis's back and landed on the ground in an awkward manner.

Before he could stand still, his head was covered by a large shadow.

Looking up, you can see the huge body roaring from behind.

The blue scales and ferocious horns prove its identity.

The huge blue shadow also plunged downwards.

As it landed, its body gradually shrank, and finally transformed into a lively girl wearing a blue dress.


It was Lan Xiaodai who came.

It is particularly sensitive to Zong Shen's aura.

Apparently he had been wandering around the area for the past two days.

Before the child in Luna's belly was born, Lan Xiaodai became the "eldest princess" of the territory.

Its status is somewhat higher than that of Xiao Heizi.

Even on par with Zong Shen's direct harem groups.

Regardless of the ancient dragon-level strength it currently possesses, its relationship with Zong Shen alone is enough to keep other territorial citizens in awe.

"Little guy, your reaction is not slow."

Zong Shen looked at Lan Xiaodai with a smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed its head.

The blue hair is quite silky.

"It's annoying, I'm no longer a child dragon."

Lan Xiaodai pouted, seeming a little dissatisfied that Zong Shen always regarded it as a baby dragon.

Someone just laughed and said nothing.

In terms of mind, Lan Xiaodai is indeed still a "child".

In terms of actual age, it is only a baby who has just turned one month old.

The sudden increase in physical strength and a small amount of mental power from treasures such as the dragon god's essence and blood cannot change the fact that it is a "child".

"You will always be a child dragon in my eyes."

Zong Shen always had a smile on his face and pinched Lan Xiaodai's plump face.

The texture rich in collagen is really no different from that of an ordinary girl.

"Hmph, you are the father, you have the final say..."

Lan Xiaodai pouted and replied somewhat dullly.

Zong Shen ignored it and patted Hamis on the neck.

"Thank you for your hard work, Hamis."

"Go and rest."

Shaking his head, Hamis replied angrily.

"It is an honor to serve you."

After saying that, his four hooves lit fire and he flew into the air and left the place.

It is still a little wary of Lan Xiaodai, but not to the extent of being afraid.

Hamis knew what his master meant, and he also knew that the blue dragon named Lan Xiaodai had something to say.

As a dark nightmare of hell, Hamis's IQ is actually not low.

On the contrary, it is smart most of the time.

After hearing what Zong Shen said, it left quickly without any delay.

The space for private interaction is left to the "father and daughter" Zong Shen and Lan Xiaodai.

At this time, Lan Xiaodai, who originally looked a little depressed, returned to a smile.

Children are like this, their emotions come and go quickly.

From this point of view, Lan Xiaodai is indeed different from ordinary blue dragons.

"Father, I have good news for you!"

After Khamis left, it immediately reported happily.

He looks like a little devil who gets high marks and shows off proudly in front of his parents.

"What good news?"

Zong Shen asked with interest.

He took off his armor and helmet.

He changed into a pair of light single clothes. When he was in the territory, he really didn't like wearing armor.

It turns out that there is no other way. In order to prevent danger, he must always be ready to fight.

No need to do that now.

With strong soldiers and horses in the territory, 90% of the problems can be solved by themselves.

Even if there is some strong person who is difficult to deal with.

Relying on the buildings and various facilities in the territory is enough to deal with it temporarily.

At the very least, it would be okay to give him some time to change his clothes.

"Father, I have convinced Lilia to join your command."

"She...is actually a very pitiful person..."

"At times, she showed deep confusion and a hint of innocence."

"Leave aside the influence of the church, Lilia is really like a blank sheet of paper..."

Lan Xiaodai's tone first expressed joy in claiming credit, and then turned into empathic melancholy.

The majestic and bloodthirsty blue dragon actually has such a side.

Zong Shen nodded solemnly, confirming Lan Xiaodai's statement.

"That's really good news."

"I believe what you say."

"Any intelligent creature has two sides."

He answered seriously.

Good and evil are only rough distinctions.

In fact, the good and evil habits of any intelligent creature will be different at different times and on different occasions, and they are constantly changing.

Finally, based on the fact that it is more good than evil, it is classified as good.

If there is more evil than good, then it is classified as evil.

And there are many theories about the distinction between good and evil.

Benefit yourself, others, and everyone.

If we really wanted to discuss it, I'm afraid it would take three days and three nights to finish.

Therefore, there is no such thing as pure good and no evil, and there is no such thing as pure evil and no good.

The same is true for the camp distinctions including Jiugongge.

Real good and evil are constantly changing with the situation and time and space.

Judging from past actions and experiences, False Demon Lilia is definitely evil.

Thousands of lives died directly or indirectly at her hands.

These creatures may simply be contrary to the interests or doctrines of the Three Extremes Church.

But from her own perspective, everything Lilia did was against her original intention.

Zong Shen didn't think about it that much.

He understood early on that no world is black and white.

What is used by oneself is positive, and what is not used by oneself is negative.

By maintaining this concept, many bells and whistles will naturally disappear.

I glanced at the sun that was about to get dark.

Zong Shen still gave up the idea of ​​​​looking for Lilia immediately.

He simply comforted Lan Xiaodai with a few words and then sent him away.

The hidden danger of [light-dark imbalance] is completely eliminated.

Now Zong's heart has become peaceful and leisurely again.

He first went to see Luna and talked with her for more than an hour.

Then he hurried to the nearest [market].

Aze expressed that he wanted to borrow the Wanfa Book.

Zong Shen was not ambiguous, and directly made an agreement with him to trade the two Wan Dharma books into one through an exclusive listing.

He sincerely hoped that this Book of Ten Thousand Dharma could help Zongze.

At the same time, I also believe that my brother must be reliable.

If the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma is put into his hands, it will definitely be returned properly.

After doing this, he immediately went to a back-cover fifth-level training ground.

There were no sergeants in that training ground, but there were many spellcasters.

Because this place is large enough and has the effect of [Territorial Rule System Privileges·Timing Adjustment (Special)].

It has become something like a spiritual time house.

The timing can be adjusted up to 12 times.

By staying here, you can not only read books, but also brush up on the cooldown time of your skills.

Just staying for one hour is worth twelve hours in the outside world.

The only price is the lifespan that passes simultaneously.

However, for Zong, his lifespan is already too long to be used up.

If he could find a way to determine the lifespan of the sacrifice, then he would at least have to sacrifice one million and eight hundred thousand years in one breath.

Shaking his head, Zong Shen randomly found a booth and sat down.

He sat cross-legged and took out nine [Holy Power Essence] wrapped in blood-colored crystals.

These [Holy Power Essences] come from the bloodshed of the Holy Son.

They are all the holy power extracted from the blood of the Holy Son.

It is of great benefit to Holy Light warriors and spellcasters.

Not only suitable for adjusting [Light and Dark Balance].

Zong Shen picked up one of them.

With a little force of the palm, the hard shell was crushed.

Blood-red crystallized powder fell to the ground.

Subject to the influence of the external environment, it soon evaporated into wisps of gas.

It quickly submerged into the surrounding space and then disappeared.

There was only a ball of milky white light the size of a fist left in his palm.

This light ball is only the size of an egg, has a very strange shape, and has a texture like a crystal, but it is not hard.

It is also very elastic when pinched, reminding Zong Shen of the "bouncing ball" he played in elementary school.

"Interesting gadget."

He murmured to himself, with a look of interest in his eyes.

Golden subtitles appeared quickly.

[Essence of Holy Power (Glory Level III)]

[Quality: Shining Level III]

[Effect: Holy power enhancement (can only be used by Holy Light units, all attributes are increased by 55 points, basic Holy Light damage is increased by 25 points, magic value is increased by 150 points, Holy Light spell casting time and magic value consumption are permanently reduced by 1 %, each unit can use up to three copies of the same level of [Holy Power Essence])]

(【Holy Power Essence】precipitated from the blood

The Son of God at that time, Sonder Keating, had hurt his origins.

Therefore, these [Holy Power Essences] can have such a significant effect

Note, Xiao Zongzi, you can only use it in the Holy Spirit state to obtain the corresponding buffs)

Zong Shen quickly scanned the lines of golden reminders.

The expression on his face remains unchanged, all of which are calm and calm.

He wasn't surprised by what this thing did.

That Son of God, Sonder Keating, was no small character.

If you use the magic key to unlock it, you will be a proper demigod level powerhouse.

In the Endless Continent, all the demigod-level powerhouses, without exception, have more or less touched the corresponding rules. Their power has long been extraordinary, and quantitative changes have led to qualitative changes.

Therefore, it is normal for the [Holy Power Essence] in the blood of Saint Son Sonde Keating to have such a significant effect.

Even Zong Shen had reason to suspect that this was not the effect it had in its heyday.

After all, nearly 20,000 years have passed since that battle.

No matter how well the essence of power is preserved in that bloody land, it will definitely be lost.

Under the influence of long years, nothing is eternal.

Zong Shen's [Holy Spirit State] cooldown has not ended yet.

Including the travel time, he still had to stay in this timing training ground for several hours to cool down, but he was not the only one in the territory who could use this thing.

Aysia, who was born as a Holy Light Priest with a good reputation, can also use it.

It just so happened that Zong Shen also got a forehead ornament suitable for Holy Light spellcasters and could give it to her together.

Paired with three pieces of [Holy Power Essence (Luminous Level III)], it is enough for Aysia to receive a wave of good enhancements.

And take this opportunity to call Joan of Arc.

Thinking of this, he took out the [Communication Crystal] and contacted Joan of Arc and Aisia respectively.

After settling this matter, Zong Shen stared thoughtfully at all nine [Holy Power Essence (Luminous Level III)] in front of him.

If the Holy Son Sond Keating were caught.

Wouldn’t it be possible to freely bleed?

No matter how you look at it, his blood is a great tonic.

But Zong Shen thought about it again and couldn't help but laugh.

If they reach the point of capturing a demigod-level expert alive, then it won't matter whether they bleed or not.

But speaking of it, he had somewhat different views on the origins of the Holy Son Sonder Keating.

The first thing that can be determined is that there is a certain correlation between Sonder Keating and the dormant Crusader God of War.

All related to the so-called dark curse.

And Sonder Keating still has some sealed power.

This situation seems to imply something.

When we attack the Holy Light Church in the future, we can dig deeper into this line.

Zong Shen rubbed the short stubble on his chin.

Adult beards grow faster than anything else.

While he was thinking about this matter.

The western part of the Kingdom of Swadia.

Among the vast mountains at the junction of the two kingdoms of Kugit and Rhodok.

The mountainous terrain here is so undulating that there is almost no end in sight.

At this time, there were three serious-looking lords moving forward with stiff steps.

These three lords have become polished commanders.

There were no soldiers following behind.

After trekking continuously for a long time, the three of them stopped.

They did not encounter any attacks along the way, and they seemed to have become the masters of this mountain forest.

Although they stopped, the three of them did not sit down.

Instead, each stood on a corner, forming a rough triangular position.

Then a black light flashed in the eyes of the three people.

"Southeast direction..."

"Where is the Cross Blood Coffin..."

"Must arrive as soon as possible..."

The three of them were muttering to themselves, as if they were talking to themselves, and they seemed to be arguing about something.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the three of them have already lost most of their lordship authority.

In his current state, he can only be regarded as a "half" lord.

They did not die, but there were some impurities in their main consciousness.

This is what caused them to lose most of their lordships.

At this time, the three of them had already become the puppets of the bloody God of War.

The only goal is to find the Cross Blood Coffin.

Every once in a while, they can have a vague induction.

It's just that in the past two days, the induction has been effective only a handful of times.

Most of the time, in isolation.

But at least the general direction has been locked.

It is located in the Kingdom of Avalon!

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