Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1375: Holy water, Jonathan’s dog-eat-dog tactics

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After checking the relevant attributes of the church's building body.

Zong Shen walked into the back garden.

Since only the building has been traced back to its origin, and no flowers have been planted in it, the back garden does not live up to its name and looks a bit desolate.

There is a small pavilion inside that can protect you from wind and rain.

There is a pool set off by stone pillars in the hall.

There was only a little milky white liquid at the bottom of the pool.

If poured out, it would barely fill half a teacup.

That is the amount of twelve drops.

There are two sources of holy water. The first is the gift of the Lord of Holy Light.

This is the most straightforward and can be achieved through sacrifice.

The second type is to rely on the natural condensation of the holy pool painted with ancient divine patterns.

The ancient divine patterns are the real essence of these ancient buildings.

Zong Shen looked at the holy water first, and subtitles were immediately refreshed.

[Bright Holy Water (Glory Level V)]

[Quality: Yaoguang Grade V]

[Effect: After taking it, all attributes can be increased by 50 points. At the same time, the attack will be dealt an additional 50 points of holy light damage and most of the dark curses will be lifted. Holy light units will double the amount after drinking. Evil races will be invalid and will be harmed after drinking.]

[Holy water of the same level and type will only take effect when taking the first drop]

(Liquid filled with the power of holy light, it can bring all attribute gains

You can choose to take it in your regular state, or you can wait until you transform.

The latter can bring doubled gains, but all attribute changes will only be reflected after transformation, while the former can only bring ordinary gains, but can be reflected in the regular state.

How to choose is up to you

But aside from you, the remaining 11 drops of holy water can also strengthen 11 Holy Light-based subjects, giving them a 100-point gain in all attributes after doubling.

This is not a small number, compared to those middle and low-level arms

The enhancement of all attributes by 100 points can be called a earth-shaking change)

Zong Shen tilted his head without hesitation at all.

Take a drop directly and take it.

He thought clearly.

Without transforming, taking it in normal state will increase all attributes by 50 points.

This attribute is always present.

In the future, when he activates other status skills, he can also enjoy the superimposed buffs as usual.

If you choose to take it in the state of holy light, you can certainly increase all attributes by 100 points.

But this can only be manifested when he is in [Holy Light State].

In comprehensive comparison, it is not cost-effective.

After all, [Holy Light State] not only cannot superimpose most secondary transformation skills.

The retention time is relatively short.

So the question is not difficult to choose.

Of course, all attributes are increased by 50 points, which has an immediate effect on one's regular attributes.

This is equivalent to directly raising the foundation.

A mere 50-point difference can easily be equalized or even surpassed.

After taking this drop of [Bright Holy Water (Glory Level V)].

Zong Shen's attributes were immediately improved.

【Power: 6523】

[Agility: 4595]

[Intelligence: 4737]

【Charm: 4575】

[HP: 46367+1500 (Magic Thunder Breast Guard) +5000 (Kade Medical Gem) +2000 (Ace Emblem) +3000 (Whistle of All Souls Bowing) +1500 (The Fool's Black Gloves)]

[Domination value: 5688]

Another small improvement.

It's not a hearty experience, but it still makes Zong Shen feel relaxed.

Moreover, his future basic attacks will carry 50 points of Holy Light damage.

No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat, and after all, they are a wave of strengthening.

Then, Zong Shen extracted another drop and gave it to Ai Xiya.

She took it on the spot without any hesitation.

As a standard Holy Light unit, she enjoys double the benefits.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and checked her information directly.

[Hero: Aysia (gold)]

[Qualification: Epic]

[Race: Human/Holy Light Blessed]

[Level: LV29]

[Experience value: 43728/115560]

[Hunger and satiety: 85/100]

[Health value: 4125]

[Magic value: 6355]

[Number of people under control: 370/637]

【Power: 366】

[Agility: 330]

【Wisdom: 727】

【Charm: 442】

[Remaining assignable attribute points: 0]

[Remaining allocable skill points: 0]

[Remaining assignable weapon proficiency: 0]

[Detailed attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Weapon Proficiency: (Click to expand)]

[Hero skills: (click to expand)]

[Lord level passive skills: (Click to expand)]

[Loyalty: 100]

Enhanced by the holy water, she is one step closer to the level of a legendary primary caster.

Zong Shen collected the remaining ten drops of holy water.

One drop was left for Luna, who was pregnant with the baby and needed to open a small stove for strengthening.

The remaining nine drops are reserved for cultivating other potential talents.

Not limited to the Holy Light system.

But you can leave some quota specifically for the Holy Light system.

After collecting the holy water, the pool became empty. There was really not even a drop left.

But Zong Shen noticed that tiny points of light were slowly condensing around the pool.

Their continuous flow into the pool seems to be playing some role.

With curiosity in his heart, he turned his attention to the holy pool itself, which was considered a building.

There are also ancient divine patterns engraved on it, which must have corresponding religious architectural effects.

Zong Shen guessed that it should include the ability to produce holy water.

After staring for a moment, the relevant subtitles appeared.

[Sacred Pool with Divine Patterns (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[The ancient holy pool contains ancient sacred patterns of faith]

[Affiliated to the Cathedral of the Holy Light in Akalu Region]

[The building is in a complete state of origin, retaining its original style and divine patterns]

[Sturdiness value: 16000]

[Building Armor: 240]

[Building magic resistance: 240)]

[Passive effect: Holy water condensation (spontaneously condenses the power of holy light according to the environment it is in, and can form holy water within a certain period of time. It can reserve up to 500 drops. The quality depends on the environment. In an environment full of evil atmosphere, the quality and output speed will be reduced)

Faith empowerment (use faith in holy power to transform holy water of varying qualities)]

(The holy pool engraved with divine patterns can produce holy water according to the environment.

In an environment with a strong atmosphere of holy light, the faster the holy water is produced, the better; otherwise, the slower the water is produced, the worse it is.

Even in a dark area full of undead energy, zero output is not impossible.

In the current environment, the power of Holy Light is moderately intense.

You can gradually improve the environment through acquired layout. This is actually a changing combination of the compatibility between architecture and environment)

After reading the guide notes, Zong Shen suddenly realized.

But apart from natural cohesion.

[Holy Power Faith] can also be used to transform holy water.

The quality varies from rare level to brilliant level VII.

Each drop of rare holy water requires 150 [Sacred Power Faith] points, each drop of legendary holy water requires 400 [Sacred Power Faith] points, and each drop of epic holy water requires 900 [Holy Power Faith] points.

And to the radiant level.

Levels I to VII cost 1500/1800/2300/2900/3800/5200/7300 [Holy Power Faith] respectively.

You must know that the current [Holy Power Faith] only has 12 points generated by Aisia's candle.

Judging from this progress, even Zong Shen mobilized all Holy Light believers to pray and chant every day.

The [Holy Power Faith] that can be accumulated is limited.

But no matter what, there is finally one more way.

Moreover, this holy water can be effective once at different levels.

This means that if Zong Shen has the conditions, he can use all levels of holy water except the radiant level V quality.

This way you get the full set of buffs.

Stack it down.

All attributes can be increased by at least several hundred points.

It can be considered a considerable addition.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen immediately summoned Mariel.

Let her arrange for the heroes on duty at the construction sand table to build a [100-kilometer teleportation array] between here and the territory to facilitate communication between the two areas.

Then he left with Althea and Penny Lancaster.

He asked Aysia to make arrangements immediately to assemble all the Holy Light units in the territory.

Start the grand worship activities.

Work hard to start accumulating [Holy Power Faith].

As for Penny, Zong Shen handed her over to Mariel.

Let her arrange a position and start from the bottom.

After taking care of this matter, it became dark.

The hidden danger of [Light and Dark Imbalance] has been eliminated, and Zong Shen can explore the devil's ruins with confidence again.

Absorb the power left by the devil.

He planned to rest for one night and it would not be too late to officially set off tomorrow.

at the same time.

The battlefield outside the giant city of Lentax.

The team composed of Archduke Jonathan and the lord are still fighting fiercely.

Both sides fought fiercely.

There are hundreds of thousands of casualties every day.

Ever since Grand Duke Jonathan noticed the role of Ergouzi among the lords.

He was out of control.

Based on this, start to actively contact and win over those lords.

It actually helped him gather a bunch of fans.

There came a wave of dog-eat-dog tactics.

It is worth mentioning that the lord system has really cooperated in updating relevant mechanisms.

There are also points for those who follow Archduke Jonathan.

Just get less base points.

But they can get all kinds of materials and equipment directly rewarded by Archduke Jonathan.

So taken together, both sides are evenly matched.

It's just that as the aboriginal side, Archduke Jonathan has an advantage in combat power.

Therefore, many chicken thieves lords chose to defect to Archduke Jonathan.

This makes the recent battle situation a bit delicate.

The war on the lord's side became increasingly decadent.

Because those Ergouzi lords not only joined Grand Duke Jonathan.

Will also actively provide him with information.

This gave Archduke Jonathan, who already had the upper hand in hard power, an unstoppable fight.

The surprise allowed Jonathan to accumulate a lot of points.

He used these points to first increase his strength and lifespan.

Then carry out more strengthening, including improving the loyalty of his subordinates.

Increase the strength of designated soldiers and more.

As an awakened person among the aborigines, his points are more difficult to obtain, but his redeemable functions are also more comprehensive.

So focus your mind away from the battlefield.

Grand Duke Jonathan did not forget to prepare to exchange the population and materials needed for the prince with Zong Shen.

In the past few days, lords have reported new news to him one after another.

The chosen son who captured the giant city of Lentax was named Zong Shen.

And that Zong Shen was the guy who turned into Rosen and blackmailed him on the condition of Prince Carter.

The most important thing is that someone revealed the approximate location of Zong Shen's territory.

After all, the distance between Zong Shen's territory and the giant city of Lentax is only more than four thousand kilometers.

This distance scale is nothing in Endless Continent.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that his territory is right under the nose of Grand Duke Jonathan.

In addition, those Ergouzi lords also used their subjects who were talented as painters.

The outline of Zong Shen's territory as seen from the outside is drawn.

At least the giant city-level size made Archduke Jonathan temporarily give up the idea of ​​attacking.

Although he is a bit petty, there is no point reward for attacking Zong Shen's territory.

It would be better to concentrate on earning points here.

With the addition of Lord Ergouzi, the losses of the regular army under his command were greatly reduced.

Coupled with the continuous strengthening of military units, the advantage is further locked in.

Under such circumstances, he would not take the initiative to go to other places to start a war.

Only a fool would do such a harmful thing.

Regarding the exposure of one's identity and location.

Zong Shen learned this when he asked about the strategy module as usual before going to sleep at night.

This betrayal was actually something he expected.

No one has ever stipulated that the lord must be monolithic.

Moreover, most lords have no camp tendencies.

In other words, they generally have the characteristics of being a wallflower.

Go wherever there is benefit.

The real camp concept has not yet taken shape so quickly.

Because it has been less than 70 days since it arrived.

Long doesn't mean it's long.

At least it will take a few more stages.

Only the lords can usher in true transformation.

As for now, wherever there is benefit, they will dig in.

Even Zong Shen himself is no exception to this.

It's just that his eating appearance is not that ugly, and he has more choices.

No need to live too humblely.

But the same cannot be said for other lords.

But it's one thing to understand, and another thing to forgive.

He had already recorded the informants in his little notebook.

Wait for him and Grand Duke Jonathan to reach a tacit deal first.

It’s not too late to settle the accounts afterwards.

I didn't take this episode to heart.

Zong Shenyou doesn’t care about Grand Duke Jonathan.

As long as he is not Shabi, he will not attack his territory.

And if he was really Shabi and came to invade, then Zong Shen would have a way to deal with him.

The territory now has strong soldiers and horses.

There are many legendary strong men.

There is also the demigod level Xue Bing sitting there.

And no matter what happens, Zong Shen can also choose to summon King Arthur's will.

Counting seniority.

King Arthur is the ancestor of Lord Jonathan.

Zong Shen didn't mind letting Grand Duke Jonathan feel the oppression brought by his ancestors at all.

Therefore, this situation is just an insignificant episode for him.

He didn't bother to interfere with the situation on the battlefield of the giant city of Lentax.

The lord system has its own arrangements in this regard.

He didn't care if Archduke Jonathan's strength exceeded the standard.

Because this is not something he should worry about in the first place.

There is a hard power finale, and anyone who wants to take a chance must be mentally prepared to pay the price.

This is real.

So after learning about these situations, Zong Shen's sleep quality was not affected at all.

He first had a tryst with Aisia alone.

After giving a wave of satisfaction.

Went to spend time with Luna and the baby again.

Time management is very important, Zong Shen takes it for granted.

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