Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1378: Misty Canyon, Cursed Monster

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"It's pretty big here."

After Zong Shen entered this demiplane, he first looked up at the sky.

It was foggy everywhere.

But through the fog, you can vaguely see the outline of the mountain.

The location they were in after exiting the portal should be in a canyon.

The brightness here is very strange, and the environment is extremely cold.

Because there is no sun, there is no external light source here.

All the light comes from mid-air.

There is also a barrier to the demiplane.

This is probably the case for this chimeric demiplane.

The boundary barrier is not connected to the void, but is embedded in the main plane like a matryoshka doll.

These lights are also lights from the main plane.

At the same time, there are chimera connections here with the outside world.

All internal and external rules are almost the same, and elemental magic will continue to be added.

Zong Shen looked at the heavy fog in the sky and patted Lan Xiaodai, who was still in human form, on the shoulder.

"Die, transform into the form of a giant dragon and fan this mist away."

"I understand, Father."

Lan Xiaodai, who went out with him for the first time, seemed particularly well-behaved.

She jumped directly into the air, and the surrounding light shone as the blue skirt danced.

And she directly transformed into a giant dragon under the light.

The huge body leaned back, and the blue membrane wings flapped, creating a fierce airflow.

This airflow continues to push the fog forward along the canyon.

The dazzling water mist instantly gave a sense of grandeur like the rolling sea of ​​clouds.

The blowing process lasted half a minute.

The canyon hundreds of meters in front of everyone suddenly became clear.

Of course, there is still dense fog further away.

It was almost impossible to see the distant view clearly through this fog, only a rough outline could be seen.

This hazy feeling hidden in the veil is not pleasing to the eye, and can only bring a faint threat.

However, the vicinity of the teleportation point should be relatively safe.

Because Feronas Criminal had checked it first.

But the veteran demon hunter also issued a warning.

"Be careful, everyone."

"I smell a faint scent of demons."

"There must be monsters ahead."

There is no retreat behind everyone, it is a one-way dead end.

The only thing is to keep moving forward.

This demiplane is not small, as I learned through asking the strategy module.

There is also an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers.

The highest point of the Sky Barrier is 3722 meters.

The deepest point underground is 709 meters.

Basically, it is similar to the 200km x 200km lord area in the early days of advent.

It's really not a small demi-plane.

According to the guidance of the strategy module, the destination is in the middle of this demiplane.

There is also an abandoned station there.

The demon executioners or rebels back then used this place as a secret base.

But as for why this place was suddenly abandoned, the strategy module was very vague.

There is a high probability that such a situation involves the damned ones.

Only when information is missing will the strategy module be vague.

"Xiao Dai, you continue to clear the way."

"Felonas, you are in charge of the front part of the team."

"Lilia, you are in charge of the rest of the team."

Zong Shen did not hesitate and issued the order decisively.

Let Feronas and Lilia guard the two ends of the team.

Zong Shen himself stayed in the middle, so that he could protect the two sisters Aisiya and Madeleine.

Originally, he wanted the three girls to re-enter the [Dimensional Seed (Special)].

But none of them wanted to.

It's a rare opportunity to follow Zong Shen.

No one wants to stay in a small world.

After receiving the order, Lan Xiaodai directly transformed into a dragon hair dryer.

It flapped its huge blue wings vigorously as it moved forward.

I saw bursts of air currents ahead.

The turbulent airflow forced away the dense white mist in front.

Although the dense fog that is blown away will soon heal, it can also open up enough safe vision for the team to move forward.

If you look down from above, you can see that Zong Shen and others are like a heavy piece of black iron stuck in cotton, gradually getting deeper and disappearing into the fog.

After going deep into the misty canyon, you can often see scattered corpses on both sides.

These corpses were left behind by low-level demons.

It looks like the devil has organized an attack here.

All the corpses were basically killed with a crisp and clean sword.

The incision on the cervical spine is very smooth.

Zong Shen would sometimes ride on Hamis and fly into the air to observe the situation.

He didn't know who killed these low-level demons.

This doesn't look like a formal battlefield.

But there is a strong man here alone, one man is in charge of everything, and no one can get through it.

The killing technique was clean and neat, much like those samurai with superb sword skills.

The group continued on without encountering any trouble along the way.

It's just that Feronas can always smell the faint smell of devil lingering in front of him.

They are evenly distributed along the way like bait.

After advancing for about seven or eight minutes, we still couldn't see the end of the canyon.

At this time, scattered monsters will occasionally rush out from nearby.

Their shape is very strange, their bodies are shriveled and dehydrated, a bit like undead.

But the heart is still beating and still retains a weak vitality.

They are almost mummified, but they are still very aggressive.

The monsters that jumped out were all black-striped lemures.

He can be regarded as a low-ranking cannon fodder among demons.

Their shriveled bodies no longer pose any threat.

The attribute information fed back is [Cursed Black-striped Lemur LV11 (White)].

The lemure attributes of these whiteboards are almost as low as those of the first-order militia outside.

Zong Shen can kill a large number of people with just a wave of his hand.

Every time there are black-striped lemures coming from both sides, they can be quickly dealt with.

The only thing that worried Zong Shen was the prefix of the word "curse".

This means that it is not accidental that the evil spirits who have become mummies have not completely died become like this.

He used this as a keyword to ask the strategy module, but failed to get an answer.

The information blind spot appeared again, which further confirmed the fact that this place was related to the condemned people.

Based on the principle of annihilating as many as they come.

These black-striped lemures running inside and outside the canyon simply cannot form a numerical advantage.

In fact, there are not many of them, as many as thousands.

But because it was very weak, it didn't affect everyone's schedule.

Just keep going.

Zong Shen and others finally reached the middle section of the Misty Canyon within half an hour.

Why does he know this is the middle section?

Because the strategy module is doing real-time navigation for him.

Although the information about the Scourge is a blind spot, auxiliary functions such as navigation are still reliable.

This canyon is like a passage in the demiplane.

Zong Shen originally wanted Lan Xiaodai to fly away with everyone.

But his intuition told him that the canyon itself should not be ordinary.

Wherever the Scourge exists, you cannot take it lightly or rely too much on the strategy module.

So Zong Shen would rather spend more time and

Take some walks.

Make sure nothing is missed along the way.

Except for the occasional black-striped lemure corpse that jumped out, the canyon was eerily lonely.

It feels like a "goubuli" zone.

Really, even the dogs won’t come.

It was the first time for two sisters, Aisia and Madeleine, to see such a strange place with their own eyes.

By now, everyone understands that the canyon is located between two mountains.

This is not an ordinary low-lying valley in the mountains.

It was more like a complete mountain was roughly and brutally split open from the middle.

The canyon itself is a sloping gap in the mountain wall.

The large fog that shrouded this area seemed to be emanating from this mountain.

Therefore, the canyon is extremely spacious, with a width of about two to three hundred meters.

The ground on the rock base is also relatively flat, and can even barely allow heavy cavalry to pass.

The rock walls on both sides are smooth, and there are rarely any rock protrusions.

The road ahead was also obscured by dense fog.

It looks particularly deep in the dim light.

Going so far, I really feel like there is no end in sight.

In fact, if it weren't for the guide module to guide the way, anyone walking here would be confused.

Zong Shen suddenly stood still and then waved his arm.

"Everyone stop!"

"Take a break for five minutes, and I'm going to release the wind magic scroll ahead."

His voice echoed in the canyon, with some echoes from the rock walls.

After hearing his order, everyone stopped immediately.

Immediately, someone from Zong took out another fifth-level spell scroll of [Wind Roaring Earth].

After activating it, the invisible elemental magic quickly gathered.

Ahead, visible to the naked eye, gusts of wind carrying wind blades were rapidly taking shape.

This move is an attack magic. While dispersing the fog, it can also open a path forward and kill mummy monsters such as black-striped lemures.

These gusts of wind turned into turbulent wind blade airflow, rushing towards the interior.

The fifth level [Wind Roaring Earth] can be blown forward to a distance of about 700 meters.

Under the sweep of the spell, all the fog within a few hundred meters in front of the canyon was quickly dispersed.

Facts proved that Zong Shen's vigilance was right.

In front of me, in the canyon where the fog was gradually dispersed, there were standing statue-like petrified figures, densely packed and numbered in the thousands.

These figures are tall, with curved legs and long sharp claws.

It looks somewhat similar to a gargoyle, but not quite the same.

Because their appearance is closer to that of miniature half-dragons.

These statues all maintain an upright posture and look like soldiers lined up in order.

Everyone knows in their hearts that these guys can never be kind.

When the fog within the area was blown away, the remaining wind spirit elemental magic swept across the canyon floor.

Countless wind blades slashed at the statue.

More than a hundred points of intensive damage were unleashed. This situation once again proved that they were indeed monsters.

After this wave of wind blades swept away.

These "statues" suddenly began to tremble.

His eyes lit up with blood-red light like light bulbs.

The clods of soil and stone covering the body surface fall off.

Ahead, there were only pairs of red eyes like light bulbs that continued to flash in the canyon.

Zong Shen rode on Hamis's back and took out a dozen small magic bombs with his backhand and threw them into the front.

At the same time, Feronas in the rear immediately prepared for battle.

Aisiya held up several small holy light shields.

"Bang bang bang..."

Accompanied by the explosion of magic bombs.

These "statues" complete the process of recovery.

They have dragon-like heads and reverse-jointed limbs.

There are also sharp bone spurs on the elbows, heels, and shoulders.

The whole body is full of organs that can be used for fighting.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes. Through previous observations, he quickly knew the identities of these monsters.

These monsters are all [cursed petrified dragon beasts].

The number is astonishing, as many as tens of thousands.

They are also called dragon puppet soldiers.

This is a rather special kind of low-to-mid-level demon.

Has some gargoyle characteristics.

But rather than saying they are monsters, they are more like high-level puppets.

It can enter the petrified state on weekdays, and will quickly revive to face the enemy when stimulated.

Creating a petrified dragon beast requires at least a blue captain-level monster body.

Then impose special rituals.

Moreover, these petrified dragon beasts can swallow elemental magic power and generate demonic power, providing additional supplements to the accompanying great demons.

They cannot advance independently and cannot move freely.

Usually they can only stay near the Dragon Transformation Ceremony.

The tens of thousands of petrified dragon beasts in the canyon almost revived together.

They seem to be complete but also have the prefix "curse".

But from the outside, it's impossible to tell where they were cursed!

Because these dragon puppet soldiers are much more difficult to deal with than the previous black-striped lemures.

Their strong legs make them look like flying mantises, and they are extremely agile when running and jumping.

All attributes are similar to those of blue captain-level demons.

More than a dozen magic energy bombs exploded one after another, creating a loose flame burning zone in front of the canyon.

These guys didn't seem to have high IQs. They didn't have any intention of evading during the whole process. They just kept sprinting straight and fast and passed through the isolation zone of the flames.

This caused the surfaces of these petrified dragon beasts that were moving as fast as the wind to be covered with a layer of gray-white hot smoke.

Zong Shen looked calm.

The flames in front are not very effective against these dragon puppet soldiers.

Strictly speaking, dragon puppets are dead objects, similar to the demon puppets developed by blacksmiths and alchemy workshops.

Its power comes from the magic core, which is chaotic magic.

There is also not much chaotic magic power on its body surface, unlike the original species of demons, whose flesh and bones contain rich chaotic magic power.

This means that not even Holy Light can cause additional damage to them.

The distance of three to four hundred meters passed almost instantly.

Zong Shen also saw more details.

At the same time, we understand the effects of the curse on them.

The chests of these dragon puppet soldiers are empty.

The magic core that was the heart disappeared.

This makes them lose the ability to swallow elemental magic.

All the petrified dragon beasts rushed wildly towards the team of Zong Shen and others.

When it was close to about 100 meters, the counterattack began.

Lan Xiaodai directly sprayed out his thunder breath.

Thunder surged across the ground almost like a waterfall of plasma.

A sweeping trend formed.


The clear sound of electrical surges echoed inside and outside the canyon.

In an instant, a large area of ​​dragon puppet soldiers was melted by plasma.

Even though their strength is much higher than that of black-striped lemures.

But he couldn't withstand Lan Xiaodai's breath.

But the dragon puppet soldiers all have the characteristics of being brave and not afraid of death.

They both retain the puppet's rigid and firm execution.

There is also a savagery that belongs to the devil.

The charge continues!

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