Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1382: Reasoning and the Unknown Demonic Punisher

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It is composed of two triangles overlapping each other.

Perhaps this symbol was not a six-pointed star in the eyes of the mysterious person who left the mural.

But for now, let’s just call it the six-pointed star mark.

Compared to the round and triangular markings, it is larger and more conspicuous.

That seems to be the very center of the demiplane here.

The location of the devil's execution chamber, which was predicted before departure, happened to be in the middle.

There appears to be some overlap between the two elements.

This made Zong Shen couldn't help but have associations.

If it weren't for the fact that the murals couldn't be penetrated by the strategy module, he wouldn't have to use his brain like this.

"What do these points represent?"

"Could it be related to the execution chamber in the demiplane?"

Zong Shen rubbed his chin and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The first thing that can be determined is that the mural should record the map of this demiplane.

It is almost exactly the same as the route guided by the strategy module.

What is questionable are several markings on the mural.

Except for the six-pointed star mark in the center, Zong Shen had no idea what the other three marking points were, and there was no hint in the guide.

It should be a condemned person, or something from an extraterrestrial dimension.

Intuition and experience roared in his mind, constantly emphasizing to him that the information recorded in these murals must not be simple.

Mysterious writings left by unknown ethnic groups and murals similar to exploration records...

These markers may be the key to uncovering the secrets of this demiplane.

He originally came for the devil's execution chamber.

But I found that this demiplane itself was not simple either.

Except for the devil's execution chamber, the other ruins and clues left behind are full of mysteries.

This made Zong Shen feel a little excited.

At the same time, I was also grateful that I had brought enough people.

The only ones with legendary combat power are Jeanne d'Arc, Lilia, Hamis, Lan Xiaodai and Feronas Sinner, plus himself.

Basically enough to deal with most possible crises.

Unless the opponent has demigod level strength, otherwise there is no need to worry too much.

If he really encounters a demigod, Zong Shen has a way to deal with it.

Of course, he hoped it was best not to.

Because meeting a demigod-level opponent means using a certain trump card-level ability.

All trump cards are not free.

Either there is a lengthy cooling-off period, or it is used less and less often.

The last time Zong Shen dealt with the projection of the Raven God of Disaster Frost, he relied on the superposition of the two skills [Gigantic Transformation] and [Thirty-Three Times Ace Slash].

As of now, [Gigantic Transformation] still has more than 20 days to end its cooldown.

And [Thirty-Three Times Ace Slash] will be available for almost a week.

Although Zong Shen has other explosive abilities or items that can instantly increase combat power.

But you still have to keep it to save your life.

This time, in addition to exploring the demiplane where the devil's execution chamber is located,

In the future, we will also explore the ruins left by the demon hunters.

And in a few days he would have to receive the population that Archduke Jonathan would exchange for Prince Carter.

There are many things to do.

Just in case.

It is best to keep various explosive skills with you in the near future.

What if we meet a demigod-level opponent here this time.

So from a stable point of view, he will not dare to be too aggressive in the future.

All skills or items that allow him to directly resist demigods with legendary level basic attributes are all treasures.

It deserves his careful treatment and proper arrangements.

But even if you come, you can't even retreat.

Zong Shen decided to seriously explore here.

If there is a fight, go for it; if there is no fight, go explore.

Opening the [Channel], Zong Shen directly sent pictures of these murals taken from various angles in the [Friends and Relatives Channel].

[Friends and Family Channel] is actually similar to a small group chat.

There are only four members inside.

Apart from his parents, who were still in the gray avatar state, there were only Aze and himself.

Therefore, the two brothers often use this place as a photo storage spot.

You will often find relevant recorded pictures.

Sometimes they are book documents, sometimes they are records of various key scenes.

After all, the picture shooting function is only available in [Channel].

And the pictures in [Channel] can be saved continuously.

In addition, Zong Shen and Zong Ze are located in different kingdoms, so the two brothers do not interfere with each other, and there is no need to worry about leaks.

After saving the pictures, Zong Shen exited the [Channel].

There are many more weird things about this cave.

But there is no maze-like structure inside.

In addition to the altar and murals, there are also some treasure chests scattered around.

They mostly appear in corners along walls.

Zong Shen didn't care about collecting before, but now he can do it.

This kind of work now does not require him to do it himself.

Just leave it to Feronas and Lilia.

Feronas was a little depressed when he came in and found that there were no demons to kill.

Lilia's face was expressionless and she always maintained her composure.

As for Zong Shen himself, he ran to the altars and studied them carefully.

He was interested in altars that emitted pillars of light.

All the light beams shot straight towards the rock wall, and they penetrated the rock wall like phantoms.

It gives people a feeling of being connected to heaven and earth.

But in fact, these light pillars outside did not penetrate the rock formations.

At this time, Zong Shen suddenly thought of the layer of black light outside the cave.

"Does that light curtain protect against the inside but not the outside?"

As soon as the idea came up, he thought it was very possible.

The light curtain outside the cave is more like an invisible force field.

Now it seems that what this force field blocks is the remaining ritual altars in the cave.

Zong Shen looked at these altars again, but the results were a bit disappointing.

All altars display only relatively brief information.

Most even have just one name.

Then he walked towards the passage from which he came.

Thinking back carefully, there is more to this cave than meets the eye.

The floor plan of this cave is like a gourd.

Wide at both ends and narrow in the middle.

When you first entered the cave, it was a spacious and clean hall.

There was no strange smell, and no demonic remains were found.

After walking out of the hall and entering the downward passage, skeletons began to appear.

Until you enter the underground hall where the altar and murals are located.

Previously, Zong Shen was just on his way and didn't have time to look at the skeletons.

Of course, this is just one of the doubts.

The second suspicion comes from the demonic scent that Feronas Sinner had sniffed outside the cave.

It was obvious that he smelled the fresh scent of demons, but he found nothing after entering.

This in itself is a very suspicious thing.

The last doubt is the lack of information on the altars and murals in the cave.

Combined with the instructions on the banning platforms outside that the person banned here is [Great Demon·Black Decay] and the similarly vague information feedback.

Zong Shen came up with a bold guess.

At this point, this guess is only one step away from 95% certainty!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but quicken his pace and returned to the passage where the bones existed.

He randomly picked up some bones and stared at them.

His eyebrows were raised slightly, and the expression on his face was first surprised and then turned into realization.

The origins of the skeletons in the passage are complicated.

So much so that they were divided into several different camps.

There are also obvious differences in the shape and thickness of the bones.

The first thing that can be determined is that there are humans, blood-burning demons, aberrant monsters and unknown demons here.

The first three types of skeletons can be easily discerned.

But the last one, like those altars, can only provide vague feedback.

To sum up, Zong Shen confirmed his bold guess.

That is, including [Great Demon·Black Decay] and those unknown demons, they are all members of the condemned ones.

Even the altars in this cave are related to it.

Thinking back to the mission of the Scourge and the sudden split into two factions.

Zong Shen almost understood the whole story of the disputes after the arrival of the Scourge.

No one stipulates that the race of the damned must be human.

No one said that the only type of demon is the blood-burning demon. It is obvious that the unknown demon who appears as the damned one is a distant relative of the blood-burning demon.

The two are probably in different dimensions and different states.

The nature of the blood-burning demons is similar to the current natives of the Endless Continent.

The identities of those unknown demons are equivalent to today's lords.

That's why he can become a damned one.

In this way, most of the questions can be explained.

A hint of enlightenment also emerged in Zong Shen's heart.

Immediately I became more interested in this place.

His intuition told him that there should be opportunities to discover more secrets here.

Tracing back to that ancient bygone era.

As long as the secrets of the Scourge can be found, the rules of how the lord system operates can be discerned.

Maybe we can even get a glimpse of the true purpose of this absurd game.

He didn't believe that it was all meaningless.

There must be a deeper reason behind all the tossing.

What's more, he has long known that the lord involves far more than one world and more than one dimension.

This is a special game of unimaginable scale.

Even if Zong Shen wants to become the most powerful lord, he also wants to explore the truth of everything.

My mind returns to the scene.

He felt that what deserved his attention at this time were the weird altars that were still functioning.

No one can tell what effect they are having.

It is most likely a summons, but it may also have other effects.

But there is definitely a big threat.

Otherwise, those ancient demon hunters would not have chosen to completely seal this place off.

Why go to such trouble if you can just leave it alone or destroy it.

Looking back at the cave, it was obvious that a fierce battle had broken out here.

The winner should be the witcher.

That's why the cave was eventually isolated by a force field.

There is also a platform left by the forbidden great devil outside.

But then again, judging from the situation of the platform.

The great evil known as Black Decay seems to have escaped and is missing.

There is a high probability that he will still stay in this demiplane, which is something to be wary of.

After roughly figuring out some details, Zong Shen returned to the hall.

He took out the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword] and struck it directly at one of the altars.

I saw the heavy sword passing through the altar, as if it had struck the air.

Slowly retracting the heavy sword, Zong Shen narrowed his eyes.


"Or it can be arbitrarily transformed between projection and solid state."

"Because these projected light beams are all real."

He picked up a stone and threw it.

The stone was obviously illuminated when it crossed the beam.

Zong Shen has never encountered this situation where the light beam exists but the altar is a shadow.

It's okay to say it's weird.

Based on his experience.

This kind of altar that emits light beams is usually related to summons.

For example, a similar situation occurred when Artorius summoned Magtheridon.

Zong Shen is still very clear about how terrifying the devil's summoning ability is.

At that time, the beam of light summoned by Artorius almost penetrated the barrier of the exclusive domain.

As a result, the lord system had to be patched temporarily.

No wonder this is a chimeric demiplane, but in the face of the summoning beams of light from those altars, we still have to choose the method of force field sealing to solve the problem.

After all, the altar itself can turn into a shadow and cannot be directly destroyed.

Then the only way is to block the beam and throw it into the void.

So as not to summon some terrible ghost.

Zong Shen understood the significance of doing so.

But what it is more curious about is how the altar achieves the effect of turning into a shadow.

It's almost like Jacques Picard.

"The unknown Demonic Scourge looks like he plans to establish a stronghold here."

"It's clear that we are ready to take root in the Endless Continent."

"But it ultimately failed."

"It was blocked and attacked by more than one force. "

Zong Shen started to analyze from the perspective of the lord.

The premise is that the condemned one is indeed the lord.

As for how to destroy this altar, he also had some guesses.

Let Jacques Piccard come and take a look at the situation.

As a projection body that is immune to attacks in the main material world, it might have a way to deal with it.

At this time, Feronas and Lilia had also completed collecting the scattered treasure boxes.

The quantity is small, but the quality is good, and there are no useless trap chests among them.

There will be two diamond treasure chests, a platinum treasure chest and two gold treasure chests.

After putting away the treasure box, Zong Shen asked Feronas.

"Is there still demonic aura here now?"

Feronas shook his head in confusion.


"And it disappeared completely."

"This thing is weird..."

Hearing this, Zong Shen's expression changed.

Combining all the above information, something is very wrong.

Everything, including this cave, is suspicious.

He gathered the known clues together in his mind.

His expression suddenly became serious.

He keenly caught a hint of conspiracy.

"Leave here immediately."

Since the information was limited, he came to some conclusions through reasoning.

There are also traces of conspiracy found, so there is no need to stay here anymore.

The three of them immediately returned to the passage they came from.

The unknown demon who is suspected of being the Scourge seems to be deploying a back-up force here.

The ritual altar itself, which has continued to function for thousands of years, also reveals its weirdness.

The isolation inside the cave has another mystery.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to get out of the cave as soon as possible! (End of chapter)

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