Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1386: What can you do to me? Demon Sealed Torture Tool

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Volcanoes are a natural phenomenon.

The reason is that molten material inside the earth's crust erupts under pressure. On the earth, the only way to control volcanic activity is to prevent it in advance.

To put it simply, there is no way to prevent it.

But in the endless continent of swords and magic, if there is a sufficient scale of water or frost natural disaster-level magic, it might be possible to stop the eruption of the volcano.

No matter which world he was in, this was the first time Zong Shen had witnessed such a situation.

When he came back to his senses, he only felt that it was extremely spectacular.

Khamis took him to a height of about 3,000 meters above the ground.

This is close to the height limit of the demiplane.

A few kilometers away is a black volcano that suddenly erupts.

The rising magma and smoke quickly spread to where they were.

On Earth, such volcanic eruptions, which are hundreds of meters high, are enough to throw volcanic ash thousands of meters into the air. They are the whelks of the earth.

It's just that no one wants to taste the taste of it exploding.

Because that's magma.

Even if the armor is stacked thickly, it won't work.

Unless there is strong enough fire resistance.

Just like the black decayed demon body, it can even be used as a plug in the volcano.

Lava surges from the crater below.

A large amount of magma jumped up, stirring up orange sparks and flames.

Then it flows downward along the crater.

Eventually, thick, bubbling rivers of lava formed on the mountainside.

The scalding temperature distorted the air below.

When the magma reached the foot of the mountain, it was diverted away by a large horizontal rift valley.

It did not spread to the red bedrock area where the demon's execution chamber was located.

That rift valley is like a giant diversion channel prepared in advance.

Not a single bit of magma was allowed to escape.

There are traces of careful design everywhere in this demiplane.

It can be seen that the demon hunters who later occupied this place seemed to have put a lot of thought into it.

And from Luanyi Xuying's words, Zong Shen learned that there was also a blood-burning demon who participated in the ban.

This shows that the foreign condemned people do have camps, and they are unpopular existences.

Because many of the damned ones are ambitious guys.

Zong Shen asked himself.

If he were a condemned person, he would definitely not obey the mission requirements honestly.

You must find a way to make enough profits in this world.

Or leave some potential secret door for easy plunder in the future.

So it is normal for the indigenous people to be angry.

This is also consistent with the traces of corpses he found along the way.

Unknown demons, blood-burning demons, and witchers.

The three forces intertwined in love and hate here, and staged a wonderful drama of killing and killing.

In the end, the demon hunter was slightly better, successfully banned it, and turned the place into a demon execution chamber.

According to the introduction of tokens in the previous strategy module.

After successfully banning the Black Decay, the Demon Hunters combined with the forces of other alliance resistance forces to fight against the Blood-burning Demon.

This is how the so-called devil's execution chamber came to be.

In addition, after stretching the time line, we can find that the ban on the Witcher was not successful.

The black and decayed demonic body broke free and ran into the volcano.

Although he could not escape the fate of separation of body and soul, he still managed to escape the ban.

Behind this incident, there is also a series of coincidences.

Zong Shen yawned. He had completely ignored the aftermath of the volcanic eruption under the magic shield.

As for the mirror clone, he stayed in front of him.

At this moment, the chaotic wing shadow appeared again.

It interrupted Zong Shen's thoughts of observing the black corrupted demonic body.

Speaking of which, the shadow of this ghost is really like a plane ghost, and it always feels like it is everywhere.

It seems that something must have happened to the black decayed soul during the process of separation from the demonic body.

This situation is more like the soul being fused and absorbed by the demiplane.

Zong Shen looked at it coldly.

Now the demon body has been taken into the captive space.

No matter how eloquent Luanyi Xuying was, he would never be fooled.

As long as he doesn't release the demon body again, he can still take the initiative.

"Your Excellency took away the demon body."

"Then I am willing to surrender to you."

"Obey your orders and accept the limits of your loyalty."

This time the shadow simply knelt down in mid-air.

He directly stated that he would surrender to him.

The restrictions on loyalty are indeed awesome, and they seem sincere at first glance.

But Zong Shen keenly captured the information hidden in Luanyi Xuying's words.

First, two points can be determined.

The first point is that the situation of black decay, body and soul separation is a fact.

The second point is that its soul is also in a restricted state.

Don't look at the random wing shadows that can appear anywhere here, they seem to be very free.

In fact its freedom is limited to this demiplane.

The most important thing is that this phantom state prevents it from interfering with the material world.

The reason why it came to the door several times was to use Zong Shen's hand to free it.

As for suggestions such as being under his command and expressing surrender, just listen to them.

The black decayed demonic body is a treasure in itself.

Take this demon body out, it doesn't matter whether it has a soul or not.

The best example is Blood Ice.

If you have a good body in hand, you can find a suitable soul later.

Even if the fit is average, a ready-made legendary strongman can be easily created.

And judging from Black Decay's past, he is definitely a ruthless character in the legend.

Not to mention other characteristics, just the fact that it can bathe in an active volcano proves that Black Decay's at least fire element resistance is definitely maxed out.

The value of such a demonic body is inestimable.

By this time, this wave has actually made money.

So much so that Zong Shen was not in a hurry to explore the devil's execution chamber below.

So he appears to be particularly Buddhist.

"No interest, get out."

Waving his hand, he was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

There is volcanic ash everywhere below, which has affected the view.

The volcanic ash continues to rise with the support of magma heat, just like mushrooms spreading spores.

So Zong Shen asked Hamis to lower his height immediately.

There was no point in staying high in the sky.

Hamis obeyed the order and plunged downwards.

Beyond the volcanic ash that obscures the view, the situation below is clear.

The red rift area of ​​the Demon Execution Chamber was not greatly affected.

Sure enough, there was a hidden formation protecting it, and the occasional splash of magma was swept away by a fleeting white arc before it fell.

Zong Shen had no intention of landing.

This time he was ready to give up exploring the devil's execution chamber for the time being.

Avoid falling into disgusting traps.

You should be most careful with this sealed ruin.

Because if you are not careful, you will be in bad luck. What is more terrible than death is being banned.

He now has a nearly infinite lifespan.

If he was really banned, it would be like a real life sentence.

So he would rather take it easy than take risks rashly.

Especially when there is insufficient information.

You can't be too careful.

Just because we’re not sure how to deal with it now doesn’t mean we won’t be sure about it in the future.

Anyway, I have the [Devil's Execution Key (Special)], a token that opens the demiplane.

From now on, Zong Shen can come whenever he wants without worrying about being intercepted by other lords or forces.

But now that they are all above the devil's execution chamber.

Simply take this opportunity to carefully observe the situation there.

Although there is information related to the Scourge, the strategy module cannot give any feedback.

But those things left behind by the indigenous people should be able to receive feedback.

Zong Shen didn't get too close, and just let Hamis drop to a height of about 1,000 meters above the ground and hover.

This height should be relatively safe.

If there is any problem, there is room for maneuver.

After lowering the height, the rock bedrock below becomes even more colorful.

Bright red often means danger in nature.

For example, red mushrooms basically contain toxins.

Because in nature, conspicuousness itself is also a danger signal.

From what we can see in front of us, the red bedrock below looks like it is soaked in blood.

And those rifts are like blood vessels mixed in flesh and blood.

Including the obscure formations observed before, they are also formed by those rift valleys.

In addition, the most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the oversized torture instruments.

There are almost seven or eight kinds.

But many are already in a damaged state.

Zong Shen paid close attention to the demon-sealing torture instrument and soon discovered some clues.

Those torture instruments all have information feedback.

The name is simple.

The uniform [Demon Sealing Torture Tool] begins.

The effect is also relatively simple and simple, mainly punishing and banning demonic targets.

While observing the information about these torture instruments, Zong Shen also discovered a key detail, that is, this area is called the place of execution.

This is a certified place name.

The formation of the place of execution has something to do with the condemned ones.

Its arrangement uses certain materials related to the Scourge.

This will cause the strategy module to be unable to effectively detect relevant information.

In any case, after piecing everything together, Zong Shen finally managed to piece together some clues.

All the clues put together indicate that this place cannot be stayed for long.

"Slip away and come back another day."

Zong Shen ran away immediately.

Let the mirror clone stay where it is.

When he was about to dodge, let the mirror send a wave of kills to test the situation.

He left very simply and happily, without any nostalgia during the whole process.

After returning to the canyon, he took the girls directly and took out the [Devil's Execution Key (Special)].

Opened the portal back to the outside.

At this time, the chaotic wing shadow appeared again.

Zong Shen was a little wary, although it probably wouldn't be able to pass through the passage.

But you still have to be careful.

If it really comes through the passage, it can take the opportunity to run away when everyone comes in.

Now it seems that the black decayed soul should be deeply bound to this demiplane.

Or even be a little bolder and use your imagination.

Taking out the execution formation may be the key to binding the black decayed soul.

When the teleportation channel opened, Zong Shen asked others to go first.

He and Khamis stayed at the end.

When they were about to leave, the master and servant controlled their thoughts and let the mirror clone dive in.

When the mirror was about two hundred meters above the ground, the formation below suddenly started.

Countless invisible chains wrapped around it, as if a person dying of thirst saw pure water.

This crazy energy made Zong Shen shudder.

He took the initiative to dissipate the mirror clone.

The last scene returned from the field of vision was a phantom with chaotic wings roaring helplessly.

It's like losing a scapegoat...

There is no doubt that there must be something wrong with that formation, and it is precisely related to the Black Decay.

Without any hesitation, he walked through the passage decisively.

After returning to the outside world, Zong Shen quickly closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at him having a barbecue party and wandering around again.

In fact, that ghost place still made him feel a little scary.

After coming out, he checked again and again.

And use the strategy module for reverse detection.

What is reverse detection?

Whenever there is something undetectable around you, it means that the black and corrupt soul has followed.

After rigorous inspection, these hidden dangers can basically be eliminated.

Zong Shen felt relieved.

Dealing with the damned ones is really not that easy.

All kinds of fancy traps and conspiracies catch people off guard.

The most critical thing is the lack of information.

After becoming dependent on information, it is indeed difficult to quit.

Fortunately, the experience Zong Shen accumulated during this period was not in vain.

If experience had a level.

Then his experience level is definitely not low.

Slightly relieved.

Zong Shen ordered him to rest where he was and continued to check every few minutes.

And review this experience repeatedly.

This is used to restore the situation of that era.

Now it seems that the situation where the condemned people are divided into two factions must be true.

But the condemned are not popular, no matter which faction.

Neither the natives nor the blood-burning demons have a good impression of the condemned people.

This situation may be related to the need of the damned ones.

Unlike the lords who just need to take root in this world.

Those damned ones are the real foreign invaders, the fourth natural disaster of disorder.

They will certainly not follow the mission requirements step by step.

It is also very possible to take some more aggressive actions as a result.

Of course, there is currently a lack of more case support as to what kind of outrageous thing it is.

More than eighteen thousand years have passed.

Many traces have been annihilated or covered up.

We can only find a way to start from such ruins, look for clues, and piece together the desired clues.

"The damned one..."

"I'm really curious about what kind of careerist caused the accident back then."

Zong Shen thought about it in his heart.

Every time he thinks about related issues, his thoughts can't help but fly back to that exciting era.

This cross-dimensional mission represents what may happen in the subsequent stages of Lordship.

The Scourge is like the mercenary of the lord system.

I am afraid that the lord who only accepts the mission of the Scourge must at least survive the third prologue and enter a new stage.

The reason why we want to explore the secrets of the condemned people is because from those condemned people, we can get a vague glimpse of the possible future of the lords.

No one knows where the future will go.

This is also where Zong Shen occasionally feels confused.

So he craves answers.

The condemned person is a reference answer. (End of chapter)

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