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Use your own energy as “fuel”.

This [Magic Wave] that had been charged for forty-four seconds was so powerful.

If it were replaced with a more effective lifespan as nourishment, wouldn't it be a shot into the soul?

Zong Shen thought about giving it a try next time he had a chance.

Anyway, the cooldown time of [Magic Wave] is only 1 hour.

It took more than ten minutes to pack up this mess of loot.

The corpse of the Giant Vine King, which had been corrupted into black mud, showed up as [Flower Fertilizer Rich in Bionutrients] upon inspection.

This kind of flower fertilizer can effectively improve fertility when mixed into the soil.

It would be perfect to bring the territory back to Salome Linyu to use natural magic to promote and cultivate the plants.

So Zong Shen later took the black corrupted matter left behind after the death of the Giant Vine King into the small dimensional world.

As part of the trophy, it cannot be easily ignored.

Waste is disgraceful, but thrift is the only way to run a household.

After happily harvesting a wave of loot, Zong Shen chose to move on.

The black wings behind him spread out, and ink-black demonic power swirled around his body. He turned into a black giant and soared into the sky.

There were no more twists and turns on the road ahead, and no danger was encountered.

It seems that the Giant Vine King is the guardian boss Illidan left in the forest.

The combination of seven elements, huge size, and powerful ethnic talent make it quite difficult to deal with.

If you were to deal with an ordinary legend, you would have to risk your life to face its ever-changing attack methods, let alone whether you could win.

Comparatively speaking, Mr. Zong dealt with this guy relatively calmly.

He was originally a monster among the lords and could not be judged by common sense.

The journey was smooth, and it wasn't long before Zong Shen finally arrived in front of the giant tree.

When he looked at it from a distance, he felt that this giant tree looked no different from a thousand-meter mountain peak.

But after getting closer, the giant tree becomes even more shocking.

Moreover, the relevant dimensions of the giant tree also appeared in his mind at this moment.

The first is height.

The height from the surface to the highest point of the canopy is 2793 meters.

The Mount Emei Scenic Area in China is only about 2,000 meters above sea level.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see the majestic and steep mountains.

Now there is a tree that can reach such a height, which is definitely a wonder for Zong.

At least the visual shock it brought to him was great.

The maximum diameter of the tree crown reaches 7321 meters.

A full range of 7.3 kilometers!

This is not inferior to ordinary mountain areas.

Coupled with the three-dimensional spatial distribution, the entire giant tree takes up more space than imagined.

The diameter of the tree body is not that exaggerated.

But the thickest part is more than 700 meters.

The main reason is that there are still many raised roots on the ground.

Just those roots are generally hundreds of meters thick, lying horizontally completely occupying and dividing the ground around the giant tree.

This is only the part on the surface.

To maintain such a huge tree body, the root network rooted in the ground is probably denser than the tree crown.

This is by no means alarmist.

On Earth, there are large trees like the banyan tree that can form a forest alone.

Not only is the canopy dense, but the aerial roots can also occupy a large area underground.

And the huge tree in front of us will only be countless times more outrageous in terms of land area.

There is no guarantee that the entire underground area of ​​​​the inheritance area is actually spread by the aerial roots of the giant tree.

The dense jungle and vine demons are just gadgets growing on the root-covered soil.

Compared to the giant tree itself, both the trees in the forest and the vine demon are insignificant little things.

Like the hairs on your feet.

This metaphor is not appropriate, but it is enough to summarize the shock of this speculation.

On those raised roots, Zong Shen vaguely saw the opened roads and various platforms.

Roots with a thickness of more than 100 meters can be used to build bridges and pave roads.

It seems that special means were used when constructing these root roads, making it impossible for the roots to restore them.

It looks a little weird, like traveling into the Lilliputian Kingdom in a fairy tale book.

Zong Shen stood on a root road outside.

Looking up into the distance, I felt even more shocked when I looked at the giant tree several kilometers away.

The top of his head has long been obscured by the tree canopy, and the surrounding light has become less abundant.

Fortunately, it's not dark at all.

Because there are moss that can glow near the roots, as well as glowing mushrooms that can grow to two or three meters high.

It really looks like a street lamp.

This wonder can be used to make a movie.

The only drawback is that there are few little creatures that can move freely.

If elves fly out from both sides at this time, it will be truly amazing.

It's not an elf in the form of a ball of light like the elves, but the kind of elf that's not much bigger than a thumb and has two pairs of dragonfly wings.

It's a pity that the fantasy scene did not appear.

There is still a lack of life here, and it feels terribly lonely from beginning to end.

There were no chirping insects, no chirping of birds, and no small creatures with good intentions and cute appearance.

This is probably the place that gives people the greatest sense of incompleteness in this inheritance field.

He moved forward along the root path and had no plans to fly directly up yet.

In Zong Shen's view, since roads have been built here, it is normal to build several special stairways.

And any road is built to facilitate circulation and movement.

So he was curious about where the end of this root path led to the tree body.

Looking around the giant tree, there are many smaller root paths.

But there are only five or six main whiskers of similar size.

Substitute this into the planning of the road network, and that is the difference between main roads and separate roads.

The destination of any main road is not simple.

It was worth Zong Shen's leisurely walk.

The more this kind of inheritance has no time limit, the less impatient it is to pursue the so-called speed pass.

What's more, less than two hours have passed since he entered [Illidan's place of contemplation].

After advancing for a certain distance at a normal pace, Zong Shen raised his head and concentrated on looking at the increasingly towering giant tree again.

Everything in this world has attributes.

The giant tree in front of him was no exception. After a short observation, Zong Shen had discovered many details, and he could conclude that this giant tree should be some kind of special tree spirit.

The tree spirits among the elves are huge.

Among them is the World Tree, which is regarded as one of the origins.

Together with the Well of Eternity, it constitutes most of the origin legends of the elves.

Zong Shen had actually already made a guess about this, and now he used the strategy module to check it officially and check the reference answers.

As he stared, lines of information quickly appeared in front of him.

[Urban Trees in their Infancy·Wonderful (High Level)]

【Age: 3782】

[An urban tree that is still in its infancy and has stopped growing for many years due to lack of nutrients]

[Its growth requires not only land fertility, but also the ecological scale of the region]

[The current ecological scale in the field cannot satisfy the continued growth and expansion of the urban tree]

(Urban trees, as the name suggests, can serve as giant tree spirits for the city.

It has a three-dimensional space and extremely high overall solidity value.

It also has a built-in defense system and can be quickly constructed through specific tree spirit permissions.

It has additional ethnic benefit effects for most natural ethnic groups and elves.

In addition, it also has strong construction compatibility and can build different buildings in specific construction areas.

When necessary, the city tree can choose to rise up from the ground and migrate at a relatively constant speed. In the state of roots pulling out of the ground, the city tree will have a sluggish attack speed and extremely high bludgeoning damage.

Both uprooting and re-rooting require a long preparation time

Equivalent to the current age/hour of the urban tree, and there are certain requirements for the terrain and regional ecology when re-rooting

As long as urban trees take root successfully, they can directly change the surrounding ecological environment)

After reading the information about giant trees.

Zong Shen's eyelids twitched.

Although this thing is not the World Tree, it should have a certain connection.

Because it also has the effect of survival and population carrying.

However, this urban tree is only a mere three thousand years old and seems to have stopped growing long ago.

Judging from the change time of the last era.

This inheritance field must have existed for more than eighteen thousand years.

Now it seems that it is because the space in the inheritance field is not enough to carry the ecological circle required for the expansion of the urban tree, which is why it has stagnated.

To put it more simply, it's too small.

The growth of urban trees requires sufficient land.

From the outside world, this requirement is still very easy to meet.

But in this field of inheritance, it is really difficult for a clever woman to make a plan without rice.

If Zong Shen planned to collect such a huge urban tree.

Only the small world of dimensions can fit it.

This giant tree spirit is both a building and a living thing.

Therefore it should be self-aware.

In addition, as a building, urban trees should also have an ownership mechanism.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen bent his knees slightly, focused his thoughts on his feet, and planned to see if he could use the storage privileges of the storage compartment to put it away directly.

Doing so indeed triggered a new prompt.

[The current city tree has been assigned]

[Owned by: Illidan Stormrage]

[Please kill Illidan Stormrage completely or try to forcibly collect it when the solid value of the city tree is destroyed to less than 3%]

As expected.

This urban tree that hasn't really grown up yet does indeed have an owner.

And the owner is the famous Illidan Stormrage who left this place of inheritance.

It seems that Illidan should not have fallen, or not completely fallen.

For example, divided souls and residual thoughts can also represent the formal ownership of authority to a certain extent.

So Zong Shen estimated that this city tree should be a subsidiary reward left by Illidan to the inheritors.

With it, you can easily settle down in the wilderness.

It can also be moved relatively easily.

For those who inherit the demon hunter's desire for revenge.

It is definitely a generous gift.

Having said that, if Zong Shen wanted to collect it by force, it wouldn't be impossible.

He still has quite a lot of flower jobs.

It's just not necessary.

Originally, there was no conflict between these two things. As long as one could obtain the inheritance, one could easily obtain this city tree.

It would be perfect to use it to build a branch base when the time comes.

It just so happens that he has a small dimensional world.

It is possible to quickly transport urban trees by relying on the large space of small dimensions.

Of course, judging by the circumstances of this urban tree.

After bringing it back, you have to find a way to use tree spirits to encourage growth and cultivate it for a period of time.

The growth cycle of urban trees takes at least tens of thousands of years.

The urban tree in front of us is only three to four thousand years old, yet it has such a large size and area.

It is conceivable that if the city tree really reaches maturity, then the scope it can cover will definitely be no less than a giant city.

From this, Zong Shen could already imagine how spectacular the mother tree of the elves' origin, known as the World Tree, would be. It contained so much vitality that it could possibly support an independent ecosystem.

It is indeed a shocking urban form.

Zong Shen has known for a long time that there are many flashy cities in the Endless Continent.

Such as floating cities, dungeons, and hidden cities that only appear during designated time periods.

He had already anticipated things like city trees.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, I was still quite shocked.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought and dismissed all the subtitles in front of him.

Then I chose to take a step forward and move forward.

Half an hour later, he reached the end of this main root road.

A few kilometers is not a long journey, and he has made careful observations along the way.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that there are no living creatures around.

Secondly, the natural elemental magic here is at least three times that of the outside world.

However, the concentration of elemental magic fluctuates.

If measured by the level of natural elemental magic power in the outside world, the floating multiple can be nearly doubled.

This floating change is more like...breathing!

The city tree is breathing, and the magic concentration of the surrounding natural elements will also change with its breathing rhythm.

Breathing is just a description.

In practice this means that urban trees maintain some sort of activity on a regular basis.

Again, this thing is a living thing, not a purely dead building.

But now it seems that the subjective initiative of urban trees is insufficient.

Or it is unwilling to interfere in the selection process of the successor.

Otherwise, it stands to reason that it should have noticed Zong Shen when he first appeared.

After coming to this conclusion, Zong withdrew his gaze again.

At the end of the main root road is the entrance to a large tree hole.

Of course, this is also relative.

Compared with the entire tree body, this tree hole is not worth mentioning, just like a slightly larger pore.

But in front of Zong Shen, the tree hole was twenty to thirty meters in diameter, comparable to some large culverts.

There is no light inside the tree hole.

So Zong Shen took out a few white crystal stones and threw them directly in from a distance of more than a hundred meters.

A sudden light illuminated half of the tree hole.

You can see that the ground inside the cave is flat, like the surface of a stripped poplar tree.

Zong Shen felt as if he had arrived somewhere dusty and had been in an air-raid shelter for many years.

According to the guidance of the golden circle mark, the entrance to the tree crown is inside the tree cave.

Obviously, there must be something else in it.

After all, it is a three-dimensional urban tree, so it doesn’t matter if there is more space inside.

And the tree body is originally a hollow fiber network.

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