Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1467: One for Three [Please subscribe]

Ever since it has had an almost unlimited lifespan.

Zong Shen gradually lost his sense of urgency about lifespan. Whether it was 999 or 9999, it was just a series of numbers to him.

But when it comes to the concept of exchange or transformation, it more or less has the nature of equivalent exchange.

From his point of view, a life span of 999 years cannot be exchanged for anything good.

But hesitation is not his character.

Think about it for a while.

Zong Shen chose to spend 999 years of his life in exchange for rare items.

Anyway, there are three chances, so it doesn’t matter if you use one first to test the water.

After he made his choice, a crack suddenly appeared on the stone in his palm.

The crack spread very cleverly, just enough to crack without causing it to break.

At the same time, a new reminder appeared in front of Zong Shen.

[Lifetime deduction successful]

[Exchange of rare items successful]

[Obtain wonders:

[Inventor's Hat of Enlightenment (Special)]

A blue light flashed in front of Zong Shen, as if a gap in space appeared out of thin air.

A round hat appeared in the gap.

The round hat is made of some kind of blue fabric, with a velvet texture.

Zong Shen raised his hand and held it in his palm. He only squinted his eyes slightly to see the detailed information.

[Inventor's Hat of Enlightenment (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Effect: Enlightenment (after wearing it, there is a certain chance of understanding the relevant technical drawings. The level of the drawings cannot exceed the level of mastering the relevant technology)

Deepen knowledge (improve your own knowledge and increase the level of knowledge-related skills)】

(This is a bit of special equipment that is very helpful to technical talents.

It can increase understanding and help the equipment owner additionally understand relevant technical drawings.

It can also enhance learning and ensure that relevant skill levels are improved)

The summary of the remarks is already in place.

Zong Shen knew it well.

For him, spending 999 years of life in exchange for such a special auxiliary equipment is still a good deal.

After all, this piece of equipment has long-term revenue characteristics and will be of great help to the territory in cultivating relevant technical talents.

Therefore, Zong Shen believes that exchanging lifespan for rare items is not a loss.

After putting away the bachelor's hat, Zong Shen simply gritted his teeth and used the remaining two opportunities to exchange for rare items.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

No matter what choice he makes, he is essentially spending his life in exchange for a certain level of gain.

The prompts appeared one after another, but at this time Zong Shen had no intention of checking the prompts.

His eyes were focused on the two gaps in space that appeared in front of him.

It contains two brand new items.

That was another rare item that he exchanged for 1998 years of life.

When he came into contact with these two strange objects, the stone as a carrier of life span also shattered into slag.

It shattered completely, almost turning into hundreds of fragments.

After landing, the fragments turned into powder.

All the powder fell into the [Run Yue Pond], smearing the pure spring water.

But it quickly disappeared without leaving any trace.

This kind of disappearance is very complete, not just a physical change, it represents the complete disappearance of a certain item.

Therefore, the conversion stone just now is not just a stone, but also some rules and authority involving the exchange of items.

Zong Shen lowered his head and glanced at the powder that disappeared in the spring water, thinking deeply in his heart.

He quickly focused his attention on the two items in front of him.

The first item is a short blade and the second item is a hairpin.

Zong Shen thought about it for a while.

He just used his 2997 lifespan plus a transformation stone to get three additional magical items.

It was already a very good deal for him.

Turning his eyes, Zong Shen looked at the two newly appeared items.

A series of data streams appeared in front of my eyes.

[Dagger of Opening the Sky (Special)]


[Quality: Special]

[Puncture damage: 1~9999]

[Active skill: Air Slash (tear the space, causing space destruction and 9999 points of puncture damage within 300 meters in front, skill cooldown time is 1 hour)]

[Passive skill: Opening the air (the blade can cut through space and open up temporary space gaps for hiding or carrying objects. The sudden appearance of space gaps can also eliminate attacks coming from the front or greatly weaken related damage)

Space Cutoff (can cut off the connection between space, and destroy the key such as space beacons and space channels within a certain period of time)】

(This is a unique weapon. The damage fluctuates greatly. Every attack can split the space.

He can cut off the connection between spaces and can be used to destroy beacons or temporarily interrupt transmission channels.

In addition, this dagger can open up a temporary gap space at any time

This is a very important ability. There are many wonderful benefits when used skillfully.

And its only active skill can also cause significant interference and impact on space.

Use this dagger wisely, whether it is for offense or escape, it can be used in many ways)

The length of this dagger is no more than 40 centimeters.

It should be considered a long dagger.

The daggers on both sides of it are very thin.

It presents an almost transparent texture.

This texture is not transparent in the optical sense, but spatially transparent.

They seem to exist in this space sometimes and disappear without a trace.

This appearance is very distinctive. Zong Shen held it in his hand and observed it for a moment before putting it away.

This [Dagger of Opening the Sky (Special)] is not just a weapon, it also combines the characteristics of a rare object.

Of course, this concept also applies when described in reverse.

There's nothing else about it. The main thing is that it has the special effects of a rare object, but also has a base piercing damage that fluctuates greatly.

In addition, its active skills are also biased towards attack type.

Zong Shen chose to carry it with him because its ability to destroy the connection between space beacons and passages was interesting.

In this magical world, the effect of space is everywhere.

Therefore, if the [Dagger of Opening the Sky (Special)] can be used well, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.

The second item is the hairpin.

This kind of hairpin is a more primitive clamping style. It seems to be carved from bone or jade.

Some are like the antiquities Zong Shen saw in the museum.

The hairpin does not emit any light, but there is a faint breath inside.

There is a hidden rhythm that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Zong Shen casually looked at its appearance and then turned his attention to the relevant information.

【Dressing Card (Special)】

[Quality: Special]

[Effect: Dressing up (after wearing it, you have 50 points of appearance adjustment, and you can have the ability to adjust your own appearance within a range of ±50, and this effect cannot be detected by any detection means or observation means, but after taking it off, the relevant The appearance adjustment effect will disappear)]

(It is a prop that can adjust the appearance within a considerable range, so the adjustment range is very large.

Used correctly, it can transform a person's appearance

It is worth mentioning that the changes it brings are natural enough to evade most detection methods)

Zong Shen pinched the hairpin in his hand, feeling quite satisfied.

Its function is straightforward, that is, it changes the appearance. This change is almost 50% of the original appearance.

In the case of pure face pinching technology, 50% adjustment is enough to change the face.

And these are not the point.

The point is that its level of concealment is extremely high, at least it is difficult to see through it using conventional means.

Zong Shen wore it on his body. As an auxiliary item, this thing couldn't be better.

Since it has an almost unlimited lifespan, the related lifespan consumption can be simply ignored.

For Zong Shen, it is equivalent to exchanging one [Life Conversion Stone] for three special rare items.

Although their role is biased towards the auxiliary system, they still have extremely high value.

This wave is still relatively profitable.

After all, rare items can be used for a long time.

Even as Zong Shen's strength increases, he will not fall behind. Even most special items have an effect on gods. It's just a matter of more or less.

After putting away the three rare items he exchanged, he focused on the two [Unknown] items that were obtained from the [Diamond Treasure Chest].

The first item turned out to be a broom.

The second item was a flame without any heat.

Zong Shen picked up the broom first. Its appearance was ordinary.

Except for the dark color on the surface, it looks almost the same as an ordinary broom.

The broom is about 1.2 meters long, with an uneven broom head at the front, and traces of hemp rope braiding can be seen on it.

Zong Shen held it with one hand and leaned against the spring pool. The broom in his hand kept sweeping the ground.

As he moved his hands, black tracks rippled on the ground.

These tracks are like ink stains or like a puff of dense black smoke that disappears quickly after appearing.

During the sweep, Zong Shen felt an evil aura surging.

But after stopping the sweeping, the breath disappeared again.


"It can sweep away evil breath, so what exactly does it do?"

With doubts in his heart, Zong Shen squinted his eyes to check its properties.

Suddenly, golden subtitles appeared.

[Dark Broom (Unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[This is a broom filled with dark energy. It can produce dark energy just by waving it]

(This broom has no clear function, and the dark energy it produces can only stay for a short time.

Therefore, it cannot have a profound impact on the world of feet.

But this broom itself is also a good dark descendant prop, and the dark energy it produces can be attractive enough to any evil descendant)

Zong Shen shook his head in disappointment.

This broom is of little use.

Although it can create dark energy, this energy can only appear temporarily.

Then it will suddenly disappear.

So it cannot be used at all.

However, Zong Shen was not discouraged. He knew that this [unknown] item was highly random.

That seemingly useless broom may come in handy at some point.

I had known this was very possible.

Zong Shen thought for a moment and put it away.

If it is really useless, it would be a good choice to use it to lure monsters.

I thought so in my heart.

The [Darkborn Broom (Unknown)] in his hand disappeared.

As there are more and more various items, it is normal for there to be some items that cannot be used.

Zong Shen didn't care about this.

He currently has hundreds of various rare items in his hands. In fact, he probably doesn't even have 10 that he uses intensively on a daily basis.

There will always be items that are redundant, and there will always be items that have not yet been put to use.

There are even some items that cannot be used from beginning to end.

Just like life.

There's a lot you can get.

But there are very few things that can actually be used.

Zong Shen thinks this sentence is correct.

After a short silence, he was about to check the last item from the [Platinum Treasure Chest].

Suddenly I remembered something.

It's about my brother Aze's actions in the Rhodok Kingdom.

It is located in the northwest of the mainland, and part of the kingdom's territory is adjacent to the northern border.

If there is a problem in the Kingdom of Vaegia and the White Walkers break through the blockade of the Great Wall,

When the internal problems of the Rhodok Kingdom broke out, the situation in the area near the northern border was definitely more severe than the four areas in the middle, west, east, and south.

According to Aze's description, or by asking the strategy module, Zong Shen knew that what he was involved in was actually a split war within Rodok.

The queen will lead a relatively weak force and survive in the cracks between the royal family and major aristocratic groups.

In fact, the best choice is to join the royal family or the noble group, whichever is more powerful.

Following the queen is not the best way out.

He wondered whether he should talk to his brother again, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up.

Aze's choice will have a certain impact on his arrangements for the next stage.

His ambition is the entire continent, not a region or a kingdom.

Of course, even if he conquered the entire continent in the future, he would still be willing to hand over the territory of the Rhodok Kingdom to Zong Ze for self-governance.

Just incorporate it into a larger governance framework.

This condition is not harsh.

The reason Zong Shen wanted to strive to achieve the great cause of unification was essentially because of the core mission of the lord, which was to strive for hegemony.

Zong Shen analyzed that if the continent could be unified, a new chapter might be opened.

Although Aze is the European Emperor and the Great Adventurer, Zong Shen does not think that his brother can overtake in corners.

To take a step back, even if Aze really overtakes in a corner, it doesn't matter.

If he is stronger than himself, then it would be better to leave some responsibilities to him.

Zong Shen's competitiveness is not entirely for power, but more for wanting to live a better life.

He now has food, drink, extraordinary strength, and a wide range of rights to choose a mate.

You can live comfortably just lying down.

The Endless Continent is big enough.

Just look for any large area and basically all kinds of landforms can be found.

Even if you don't have one, you can still choose to use space means to wander around in other places.

Under this premise, what he is pursuing is no longer enjoyment or power.

But to get through the final difficulty.

Therefore, the competitive relationship between the two brothers is not strong. The main point is that whoever is stronger will win.

What matters is their own strength.

If the strength is not good enough, it will be of no use.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen shook his head with a smile and gave up the idea of ​​interfering with Aze's decision-making.

Only he can walk his own path.

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