[Moon Spring Water: Moon Well can produce 1.2L of moon spring water every day. The spring water has the power of moonlight and can heal injuries and restore energy]

Zong Shen looked at the gurgling moon spring water in the moon well and nodded with satisfaction.

This is a baby bump.

There is absolutely no room for error.

If the Moon Well does not activate the Moon Well Spring skill, it can only produce 50ml of spring water per hour, which is less than 1ml per minute.

After such a short time, the Moon Spring water produced was not enough for Zong Shen to take a sip.

Zong Shen decided to go out to hunt for treasure.

At this time, the Wolf Cavalry had not returned from exploring.

Zong Shen must not wait around.

As for the three silly farmers, when they saw Zong Shen digging, he summoned a night huntress, which scared them into working even harder.

Night elves are one of the ancient and powerful races on this continent.

Belongs to one of the powerful branches of the elves.

In addition, there are light and shadow elves, blood elves, high elves, and half-fish and half-elf Nagas, etc.

However, with the end of the ten-thousand-year epic war, the ancient races have fallen and come to an end. Today, the continent has new masters and different forces.

As aboriginal farmers, Tiezhu and the others were actually unwilling to serve Zong Shen, a half-hearted lord who suddenly appeared.

But now, when they saw that Zong Shen had summoned the Night Huntress, an ancient unit that had disappeared for many years, they couldn't help but look at Zong Shen with admiration.

Respect comes from strength.

But now Zong Shen has the strength to make them completely surrender.

[Because your strength increases rapidly]

[Farmer Tiezhu’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 83]

[Farmer Ergou’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 83]

[Farmer Goudan’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 83]

The loyalty of the three silly farmers has increased again.

In fact, Zong Shen had already noticed that something was wrong with these three silly farmers since he had just chosen his origin and appeared here.

There is a feeling of dealing with oneself.

It's like someone is forcing them to serve themselves.

It seems that we must have a talk with them when we take a break tonight!

It's still early.

The previous excavation and treasure hunt only took about an hour.

Zong Shen decided to keep up his efforts and continue to explore.

Now, there's also the matter of finding a safe water source.

The initial water resource is only one earthen jar.

Now, in addition to the three silly farmers, Zong Shen also has Colby and Luna.

There's also a black panther and giant wolf to feed.

Although Moon Well can produce 1.2 liters of Moon Spring every day, it is still too luxurious for Zong Shen for daily drinking.

As long as this moon spring water is used properly, it can definitely save lives.

Therefore, finding the water source became an urgent task.

As for the territory, Zong Shen is not worried.

The three silly farmers' escape skills were top-notch, and their territory was in the "novice protection period" for three days. As long as they escaped into the small courtyard, they could ward off all threats.

"Luna, let's go for a walk."

"I want to find a safe water source for the territory."

Zong Shen rode the old traveling horse.

With 1 point of [Riding] skill, he is enough to control this somewhat old horse.

When Luna heard this, she didn't say much, she just put one hand on her chest and bowed.

Riding a black panther, he followed Zong Shen and left the courtyard.

This is a vast pasture with flat terrain and clear weather. You can see the situation ten or twenty miles away at a glance.

Except for some lush pastures, the view is almost unobstructed.

The grassland is sparsely dotted with trees.

Right opposite the door.

Looking far away, it seems that one can see a series of continuous mountains, but they are too far apart for Zong Shen to see clearly.

This direction is exactly the direction that the Wolf Cavalry is exploring.

So Zong Shen changed the opposite direction and headed towards the back of the courtyard.

That's deep in the pasture.

In Zong Shen's eyes, there was nothing going on in his field of vision.

But Luna's eyesight is obviously better.

Just when Zong Shen was about to ask the strategy module if there were any treasures nearby.

Luna has discovered something.

"Lord, there is smoke from a bonfire rising about thirty miles ahead..."

"Oh? Bonfire?"

"Is it another lord?"

Zong Shen asked and immediately became energetic.

But Luna shook her head.

"No, those people were setting up simple tents and they looked like they were refugees."

Zong Shen was immediately disappointed when he heard Luna's answer.

But I decided to check it out anyway.

Even refugees are still natives of this world.

Zong Shen pinched the horse's belly, and the traveling horse started running with a bang.

Running at a speed of 4 o'clock is not slow.

Luna, riding a black panther, also trotted behind Zong Shen.

About half an hour later.

Zong Shen finally arrived near this shabby little camp.

The camp was pitifully shabby.

Three or five white canvases formed three or five simple tents.

In the middle of the camp, a bonfire was lit.

A dozen people in ragged clothes were sitting around the campfire, seemingly roasting some meat.

Each of them wears a sword.

These swords were in tatters and on the verge of being scrapped.

Zong Shen even noticed that one of them was carrying a rusty sickle.

It couldn't be more shabby.

Zong Shen originally thought that he was destitute enough, but after seeing the equipment of these people, he realized what real desolation meant.

There are also a large number of bones piled near this simple camp.

Weird, very weird.

Everyone has a numb expression on their face.

Suddenly, the black panther under Luna's crotch began to show its teeth at the camp, seeming a little restless.

"Lord, there is a smell of blood in the camp, a very strong smell of blood..."

Luna frowned slightly and looked at this strange camp with wary eyes.

Hearing Luna say this, Zong Shen's eyes narrowed.

Immediately, golden strategy subtitles appeared.

(This is a group of cruel bandits who have completely fallen inside. It is recommended that they be exterminated or captured. You will receive a sum of supplies and some unexpected gains)

Zong Shen turned his head and asked suddenly.

"Luna, this is a group of bandits. Are you sure you can deal with them?"

Zong Shen turned to Luna and asked.

If Luna can't defeat this group of bandits, then the wind will blow.

But Luna's eyes were sharp, staring at the bandits. This was the way a hunter looked at his prey.

"Not worth mentioning."

Hearing what Luna said, Zong Shen nodded.

"Then let's go there."

Night Huntress Luna held her chest with one hand.

"As you wish, great lord!"

"My power belongs to you!"

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