Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1449: Resources explode, the essence of one hundred and thirteen silver treasure chests

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Zong Shen conducted a simple test on it.

It was discovered that no matter whether it was the power of demons, the power of undead, or the power of shadows, as long as one came close to it, it would be burned and destroyed by the blazing fire that was born out of thin air.

This blazing fire is particularly domineering, and it actually has some traceable characteristics.

But in essence it is still about exorcising evil spirits.

The main thing is to suppress evil forces.

Zong Shen thought, if these materials were used to forge equipment or build specific buildings, wouldn't they also have the effect of warding off evil spirits?

The most important thing is that although they are relatively special, they are also summarized as basic materials.

It should be easily interchangeable with the basic materials of Endless Continent.

The difference lies in whether they have the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Zong Shen rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

This unexpected failure to open the box allowed him to obtain four special exotic materials.

There are nearly one million copies of each type of exotic material. As long as it is not used for large-scale construction and is properly used, it can indeed come in handy.

In addition, these four exotic materials were included in separate inventory titles after they appeared.

Putting away the slightly worn samples in front of him with his backhand, Zong Shen continued to open the [Four Basic Resource Boxes (Gold)].

The remaining 12 resource boxes were successfully opened.

In total, he successfully opened 199 [Four Basic Resource Boxes (Gold)] in this wave.

Each of the four major resources of wood, stone, and iron has nearly 200 million copies in storage!

This resource is not a small amount.

It is enough to make the territory's resource reserves more sufficient to cope with the construction needs and essential consumption caused by population growth in the future.

What's more, he has continued to expand the resource reserves in his territory recently.

After getting the 200 [Four Basic Resource Boxes (Gold)], there will be 100 [Advanced Resource Boxes (Gold)].

Both are at the golden epic level, but the types of resources they can develop are different.

Zong Shen took a look at its related information and immediately knew what it was.

[Advanced Resource Box (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[After opening, you can obtain advanced resources: 59999~129999 copies of bronze, 30000~69999 copies of mithril, 12000~35000 copies of fine gold, 1300~4000 special magic crystals]

【(Click to open)】

There are also resource boxes with quantity ranges.

It's just that what is given is not basic resources, but higher-level advanced resources.

Covering [Bronze], [Mithril], [Adamantine] and [Super Magic Crystal].

All of them are common resources that are indispensable for territory construction and development. Their value alone is actually much higher than the [Four Basic Resource Boxes (Gold)].

Zong Shen, who has super MAX luck, does not need to consider the lower limit of the quantity range.

Even if he opened it with his eyes closed, he could get the maximum number.

Without any hesitation, he immediately opened the box.

It took less than two minutes to open all 100 [Advanced Resource Boxes (Gold)].

During this period, there were no more opening failures.

It seems that that situation is indeed a small probability event.

These [Advanced Resource Boxes (Gold)] allowed Zong Shen to accumulate more than 10 million copies of [Bronze], nearly 7 million copies of [Mithril], 3.5 million copies of [Fine Gold], and an entire Four hundred thousand [super-grade magic crystals].

Zong Shen immediately felt like he was becoming rich.

Unexpectedly, after the accumulated resource boxes are fully opened, the total amount of resources that can be obtained is so amazing!

These are the wealth he accumulated without knowing it.

Next is 100 [Dinar Wealth Chest (Gold)], which is the one he least expects, because he has no shortage of dinars at all.

Since the destruction of the giant city of Lentax, he has tens of billions of dinars in his hands.

This wealth is enough for him to use normally for a long, long time.

What's more, his recent strategy is still based on militaristic attacks and occupations.

It no longer follows the original big trade route.

Violence is indeed the easiest means to achieve an end.

But even if Zong is not short of dinars, the box still has to be opened.

In fact, he also thought of a plan, which was to sell the [Dinar Wealth Chest (Gold)] to directly exchange for resources.

However, this idea only turned around in his head for a moment and was thrown out of his mind.

Are you kidding me? He has a super-MAX level of luck now. Opening the resource box can directly fill the range.

Each of these [Dinar Wealth Chests (Gold)] can be opened with 3.5 million to 4.99 million dinars.

For ordinary lords, one million dinars is already a huge amount of money.

If used properly, a lot of supplies can be purchased from the indigenous people.

Zong Shen immediately started unpacking the box after making his decision.

100 [Dinar Wealth Chest (Gold)] increased his wealth by 499 million dinars.

It is not too conspicuous for the total amount of dinars he currently owns, but it is still an additional wealth.

"It seems that Mariel needs to step up her efforts and exchange dinars for various resources through the [market]."

"Currently, dinars are also hard currency for the lords."

"Although the purchasing power of dinars among lords has been slowly declining over time..."

Zong Shen squinted his eyes and pondered.

The price system among the lords was not as stable as that among the aborigines.

The size difference between the two is too big.

Moreover, the lord's price is mainly determined by the value of supply and demand.

As time went on, the lords had more and more dinars on hand.

The value of dinar transactions between each other will be slightly reduced.

The reason why it has remained relatively strong is mainly because the prices among the indigenous people have not collapsed.

But Zong Shen estimated that when the time comes for a full-scale war on the mainland, the purchasing power of the dinar will inevitably fluctuate greatly. At that time, its greatest value will probably be its own material properties.

In other words, the final outcome of dinar will probably become an advanced material with good performance.

Just like mithril and fine gold now.

Without thinking about it for too long, he looked at the next resource box.

This is a hard currency that is in large demand in any territory - [Food Gift Package (Gold)].

He has a total of 240 gift packages, which is quite a lot.

It mainly comes from the rewards obtained at the end of the defensive challenge.

Each large gift package can provide 150,000 to 199,999 high-end military food packages, as well as the same amount of meat and dehydrated vegetables.

Not only does these military rations have a shelf life of up to six months, but under normal circumstances, only one serving is enough to fill you up.

If we refer to the standard of hunger and satiety, the recovery value of each military ration is at least 60 points.

After thinking about it, Zong Shen did not open these gift packages immediately.

Because although the shelf life of military rations is long after being issued, it still has an expiration date after all.

If it doesn't open, it means the shelf life is unlimited.

The only advantage of opening on the spot now is that you can use the super MAX luck to open the highest number of shares.

After weighing it in his mind for a while, he decided to open 100 [Grain Gift Packs (Gold)] first.

The obtained grain will be put into storage first, and of the remaining 140 [Grain Gift Packages (Gold)], he plans to take 10 with him, and the rest will be stored in the territory's inventory.

There will still be some resource boxes and material boxes in the future, but the number will be in single digits.

5 [Rare Material Boxes (Gold)], 4 [Advanced Resource Boxes (Gold)], 4 [Advanced Material Boxes (Gold)], and four purple resource boxes and material boxes.

Zong Shen opened them all and quickly put them into storage, and then he was done.

So there's nothing worth checking out specifically.

What interests him more is the last resource box.

There are a total of 24 [Million-Level Basic Resource Boxes (Yaguang)].

This level of basic resource box can produce 9999999 copies of each of the four basic resources.

One box is worth ten golden epic-level basic resource boxes!

Zong Shen did not activate all of them, leaving 14 behind, which he might be able to use in the future when opening a branch base.

At that time, you can use these high-level resource boxes to quickly obtain the resources needed for land reclamation and construction.

Opening 10 [Million-Level Basic Resource Boxes (Yauguang Level)] increased the resource reserves in the territory of Mu, Shi, Ma and Tie by nearly 100 million copies each.

The serious treasure chests haven't been opened yet, but this wave of resource and material boxes alone has made the territory as a whole a lot richer.

The open space in front that was originally filled with various treasure boxes also seemed a little empty.

Now he could finally focus on the treasure chests.

【Good Luck Ticket×15】

[High-end lottery ball (gold body) × 29]

[Ruins Liberation Treasure Box III×1]

[Diamond Treasure Chest×37]

[Dark Gold Treasure Chest×2]

[Platinum Treasure Chest×108]

【Golden Treasure Chest×95】

【Silver Treasure Chest×113】

[Bronze Treasure Chest×184]

[Black Iron Treasure Chest×282]

The old rule is that the bronze and black iron treasure chests will not be opened for the time being, leaving the treasure chests, shield carts and shield walls for the time being.

He is not short of the rewards from low-level treasure chests.

Equipment territories below level 4 can be easily manufactured.

And low-level blueprints are even more worthless. For example, the defensive efficiency of low-level defensive towers in actual combat is far inferior to that of high-level defensive towers.

Since the end of the defensive challenge, the territory has entered the second cycle of defense adjustments.

The vast majority of first- and second-level defense towers have been eliminated.

The defense towers that have been preserved so far start at least level three.

Therefore, [Bronze Treasure Chest] and [Black Iron Treasure Chest] should be saved for later use.

Zong Shen started directly from the [Silver Treasure Chest].

There are a total of 113 [Silver Treasure Chests] accumulated. All the treasure chests that appear here are treasure chests with traps removed and can be opened directly.

Based on his experience in opening boxes, the upper limit of the item level that [Silver Treasure Chest] can produce is the purple rare level. At the same time, treasure chests of this level have a certain chance of producing [Special] and [Unknown] items.

It’s just that the output probability is much lower than that of higher-level treasure chests.

In the past, Zong Shen would often open seven or eight [Silver Treasure Chests] in a row, but he might not be able to get a single [Special] or [Unknown] level item.

There is an upper limit to the probability. Even if Zong Shen's luck can maximize this probability, the probability of producing two types of items, [Special] and [Unknown], will not be much higher.

And recently he discovered a situation.

That is, the total number of [Special] and [Unknown] items that can be found in the treasure chest is limited.

These items are different from items of the same level that are scattered among the indigenous people or scattered in ruins everywhere.

They are all prepared in advance by the lord system.

Therefore, the total amount must be limited.

After all, these items with strange origins all have a corresponding background.

Up to now, many lords have obtained [Special] or [Unknown] level items through unboxing.

Although there are not many treasure chests at silver level and above, they cannot support the large number of lords.

After a period of accumulation, there must be a lot of items of these two levels flowing into the lords.

Then the total amount of related items in the "prize pool" will become smaller.

Correspondingly, the probability of obtaining these two levels of items will become lower the further you go.

Shaking his head, Zong Shen did not continue to think about this issue.

Anyway, since some time ago, his main method of obtaining [Special] and [Unknown] items has shifted from unboxing to exploring aboriginal forces and ruins.

The latter two channels are effective ways to obtain both types of items.

After rubbing his hands, he didn't bother to calculate the approximate gains from unpacking. He just calmed down and let everything take its course.

Lazily leaning his chin next to the [Run Yue Spring] pool, he mobilized his mind to open the box frantically.

When each treasure chest is opened, seven balls of light will pop out.

Normally, the minimum number of items you can get each time you open a box is 5, and the upper limit is 7.

With super MAX luck, Zong Shen can produce seven light balls from each treasure box.

By the time he finished unpacking the boxes, there were 113 empty mithril boxes in front of the spring pool with their lids wide open, as well as a total of 791 light balls.

Among so many light balls, there are also purple light balls.

That is a fourth-level purple rare item.

But the most numerous ones are the third-order blue and second-order green light balls.

The smallest number are the [Special] and [Unknown] level light balls with colorful halos.

Zong Shen reached out and took advantage of the quick storage privilege to collect them all.

Immediately immerse your mind in the storage compartment, and then let the strategy module assist in statistics.

In just a moment, the reward classifications and statistics of these 113 [Silver Treasure Chests] appeared in front of his eyes.

[Total number of green sophisticated items: 241]

[Total blue excellent-level items: 377]

[Total number of purple rare items: 167]

[Total number of unknown and special-level items: 6]

The simplest classification is to divide according to levels.

Because the upper limit of the level of items that can be obtained from a treasure chest depends on the level of the treasure chest itself, for silver treasure chests, this classification is not too complicated.

Each level of items contains blueprints, materials, equipment, potions, etc.

Zong Shen does not plan to handle the specific breakdown himself.

He just put away 6 items of [Unknown] and [Special] levels first.

Then he signaled the logistics heroes on standby to deal with the remaining 785 light balls.

After opening a total of 113 [Silver Treasure Chests], and with top-notch luck blessings, he finally got these 6 treasures from them.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are the essence of these silver treasure chests. (End of chapter)

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