Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1493 Huge magic circle, layers of traps [Please subscribe]

"How could it be!"

"Wouldn't even a high-level legendary warrior be unable to break free from this move for a while?"

"When he entered the city, the spirit detection array had already detected him implicitly, and it can be confirmed that this guy has no divinity!"

Marquis Ekmeledin asked in a serious tone.

But the mysterious spellcaster who could manipulate both space and water spirits at the same time did not answer.

He seemed to be under great pressure, and the sweat on his side face could be seen sliding to the ground.


"His physique is very strong, and he has complex power blessing."

"Even if he doesn't have divinity, my [Empty Water Abyss] can't effectively restrain him!"

"All power seems to be rejecting me!"

The spellcaster with a neutral voice was almost gritting his teeth.

This made Marquis Ekmeledin look very ugly.

From the moment he started, the two sides tore their faces apart.

He didn't expect Zong Shen to get away with it so easily.

He didn't want to beg for mercy humbly.

After making up his mind, his eyes instantly became firm.

"Activate the giant city protection magic circle!"

"Change the outer defense to the inner defense!"

"I will defend the dignity of the Clift family!"

He said loudly, causing the caster in the patched robe to tremble slightly.

And the figure of Marquis Ekmeledin flashed, and after a brief blur, he disappeared in this temporary space and returned to the castle.

His family had been sent out of the city long ago.

With his return, starting from the castle, the deafening sound of the horn resounded in all directions.

Until the entire Dagalisni giant city was reverberating with the horn representing the state of emergency combat readiness.

All the chief officers received the relevant orders and all changed from outer defense to inner defense.

The castle, as the center of the city, shook violently.

With this place as the center of the circle, a wonderful large-scale magic formation is taking shape.

The ground within a radius of several kilometers lit up at the same time.

Neither the stone slabs nor the rammed earth could block the light of these rune tracks.

It was like the sea surface was shining with spots under the moonlight.

First there was a discontinuous light, and then a complete magic circle loop was gradually formed.

Yes, there is such a huge magic circle hidden in the center of the giant city of Dagalisni.

And the core of the magic circle is the Marquis Castle!

It should have been the last military fortress of the city, and the center of power.

Now it has become the core of the magic circle, the so-called eye of the array.

It seems that this should be the work of the ancestors of the Clift family.

It is a very scheming family.

Others regard the castle as the last harbor.

They regard the castle as the biggest bait.

Because the magic circle is too huge, it takes time to activate. Fortunately, the castle is the core, and its power is always the strongest.

The surging gravity descended, the floor tiles cracked, and various decorations were destroyed.

Before this gravity appeared, Marquis Ekmeledin left first.

He also prepared some means of space movement, and he seemed very calm at this time.

At the same time, in the dungeon space under the castle.

Zong Shen, who had already used up most of the water and space power by brute force, suddenly felt that the pressure on his body suddenly increased by a large amount.

The power of space and water spirit elements was entangled with him in the incarnation of thunder.

Those naturally emitted thunders were difficult to play a role in the quagmire of space.

All he could see were arcs twisting in space, and then interacting and transmitting with water elements.

The area he was in was almost invisible, and all he could see was everything that was twisted.

At this time, the twisting force in the range suddenly increased.

A new force merged in.


Zong Shen had a gravity cabin and had practiced gravity.

Therefore, he was not unfamiliar with the suddenly increased gravity load.

"Okay, this Marquis Ekmeledin is really good."

In fact, before coming here, Zong Shen had already found out about the relevant back-up plan through the strategy module.

There is an ancient magic formation here in the castle.

It was laid out more than two thousand years ago, and it has been continuously strengthened by the Clift family over the years.

This magic array is very peculiar and has many abilities.

Its comprehensive strength is no less than that of a giant city array, but the coverage area is much smaller.

This means that its unit strength is stronger than that of an ordinary giant city array.

It is equivalent to concentrating the giant city-level array in this area of ​​several kilometers.

This giant array has many effects.

It covers trapping, killing, prohibition, etc.

It can even slightly change the rules to a certain extent.

The source of gravity is the modification of the rules.

Sixth-order epic wonders often have certain rule effects.

And it is not difficult for a compound magic array like this, which has been carefully arranged for more than two thousand years, to do this.

Strictly speaking, their modification of the rules is very limited.

Not only is the modification range limited, but the scope is also clearly limited.

It is just because it is a compound magic array, so it can achieve more significant effects through exquisite combination.

The specific design principle is quite exquisite.

Let alone legend, even if a low-level demigod comes for a while, it will be difficult to break free.

It seems that the Clift family still has the habit of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

This is a backup plan that has been carefully prepared for more than two thousand years.

I don’t know how many resources were filled in during this period.

Not even the giant city of Lentax has such means.

In other words, the Lancaster family who once controlled Lentax had no awareness of this at all.

They pinned all their hopes on the strong and towering tower.

But speaking of it, the Clift family's move can be regarded as a deviant approach.

What serious person would place a magic circle of this level beneath the castle?

Zong Shen thought about it in his heart.

As gravity sets in, Colby begins to lose health.

Zong Shen's body also felt a tingling sensation, but he had not suffered any substantial damage.

That 100,000 points of thunder can be worth 200,000 points of health.

In this case, Thunder Incarnation is useless.

Zong Shen still looked calm and calm, his expression did not change much, and he even had the energy to think about the magic circle and the dungeon.

Marquis Ekmeledin is a bit interesting. If he can be taken under his command, he will definitely be able to take charge of his own business.

He had been cautious for so many years, and it was entirely due to the general environment that he was not able to perform on a stage.

After encountering one after another, Zong Shen not only did not bear any grudge against Marquis Ekmeledin, but also developed a love for talents.

Compared with the deposed Henry Marquis of Lancaster.

The Marquis of Ekmeledin is indeed more valuable in terms of talent.

As for the Clift family's "ancestral" stubbornness and forbearance, Zong Shen plans to slowly resolve it.

The only bottom line is that Ekmeledin must swear allegiance to him.

This is the prerequisite for loyalty.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zong Shen continued to start the equipment test calmly.

"Activate [Overlord Panshan LV55]."

This is the skill that comes with his new armor.

After activating this skill, the resistance to knockdown, collision, concussion and other effects can be greatly improved. The duration is 15 minutes and the skill cooldown time is 2 hours.

I saw the surface of the incarnation of Thunder suddenly tremble.

It was as if a mountain rolled down and turned into a solid foundation to stabilize him.

The effect of [Bawang Panshan] is immediate!

Zong Shen, who was originally bound by the mixed power of space, gravity and water elements and suffered distortion damage, no longer had a damage value popping up on his head.

Not only that, the distortion around him became noticeably smoother.

What had been a violent whirlpool was now a relatively steady trickle.

The invisible power of the mountain is fighting against all external interference factors.

This really made Zong Shen feel a lot more comfortable, and also curbed the forceful control effect in the dungeon.

In the light and shadow of the lightning arc, Zong Shen raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Activate [Powerful Counterattack]."

He pursed his lips and activated the new equipment skill in a silent tone.

This is also one of the active skills of the armor.

After activating the skill, you can enter the [Powerful Counter] state.

This state can last for 10 minutes.

During this period, 50% of any physical attack damage will be reflected.

At the same time, it causes a counter-shock effect to the weapons that attack you, and can also cause enemies with lower strength attributes than your own to freeze for a certain period of time. The skill cooldown time is 4 hours.

Note that it reflects any physical attack damage, which naturally includes gravity and space distortion.

When the skill [Powerful Counterattack] was activated, the mysterious caster hiding in the small space could no longer hold on anymore.

The cracked staff in his hand instantly shattered into pieces.


Along with the cry of pain, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The hood slipped down, revealing a pale face.

This is a woman with short hair, and her short stature makes her look like a child.

Without any hesitation, she released her palm and the remaining fragments of the staff fell.

The backlash almost killed half of her life.

If Zong Shen were here, he would see that this guy's health dropped by half.

Not daring to waste time, she raised her hand and forcibly opened a small space passage.

When the entrance to the passage was first formed, I stumbled into it.

Then the passageway mouth closed quickly.

After just two or three breaths, this small space was completely shattered.

At the same time, in the dungeon.

Zong Shen and Colby broke free from their restraints.

The gravity multiplier here is nearly three times, and the overall load is still very large.

However, [Powerful Counter] and [Overlord Stagger] are still in effect.

It can also play a certain role in resisting gravity.

Not far away, Colby also summoned nine totems for protection.

After the gravity multiplier is increased, it will take some time for him to adapt to the load.

"It feels...not bad."

Colby showed his white teeth.

"Destroy this place with all your strength, don't hold back."

After looking around, Zong Shen did not summon Gugat.

He seemed to really regard this place as a testing ground for equipment.

This dungeon is a matryoshka-like space.

Even after the first layer is broken, it cannot return to the outside world immediately.

Outside are more layers of spatial embedding.

It is not easy to create such a complex space trap.

The Clift family is indeed a bit famous, but there are also many suspicious things.

Zong Shen had reason to suspect that the ancestors of the Clift family might have received some prophecy or revelation.

Otherwise, how could there be such a targeted arrangement.

In the Endless Continent, prophets and prophets exist.

Just very rare.

This type of ability involves the fate system.

The fate system is closely related to the luck Zong Shen had previously focused on, but it is even more elusive.

Because what it peeks into is not the destiny of the moment, but the destiny of the future.

There is a price to pay for prophecy. The longer and more accurate the prediction is, the greater the price will be.

This is why there are many prophecies about the Riddler.

It’s not that they don’t want to predict more clearly, but that the prophet simply cannot afford the price of clear prediction.

When Zong Shen inquired about information before, he neglected to investigate the ancestors of the Clift family.

Now it seems that this family is not simple.

There must be a story when it was rising.

Zong Shen thought for a moment, and Colby started chopping.

It is common to use space to trap enemies.

When he was in the giant city of Lentax, he used the small dimensional world to trap the legend there.

Including the fire mage Doris, who was also trapped by Zong Shen at the beginning.

A cleverly designed space trap is indeed not that easy to break through.

Every time Colby swings his scimitar, a wolf howl will appear. After all, he has been blessed by the wolf totem.

His attacks are still very powerful.

Each knife can cause the space to break apart, revealing even weirder colors.

The surrounding space has already been completely messed up.

Chao Zongshen and the others crushed them layer by layer, forming endless spatial barriers.

Colby kept chopping, causing the oncoming space to shatter layer by layer.

He took out a third-level Rubik's Cube with his backhand.

Activate the skill effect [empty cut].

Space mirrors appeared on the six sides of the Rubik's Cube.

Zong Shen immediately turned the Rubik's Cube.

I saw that the space corresponding to the mirror image was reorganized.

This effect can switch or reproduce space within 10,000 kilometers.

With clever activation, it directly disrupted the layout of this space trap.


A crisp sound appeared.

Everything around him shattered like a broken mirror.

The two appeared in a dark basement.

All the sense of spatial oppression no longer exists.

Only the gravity pressure of the large magic circle is left. Although this place is underground, it is also within the coverage of the magic circle.

Zong Shen closed his eyes and noticed that there were still a large number of shielded black box areas in the space flash.

This situation is still a bit tricky.

Now he can either choose to use brute force to break the crust, or he can only flash out of the black box.

But according to Marquis Ekmeledin's urine, the area outside the black box must be another trap.

This is a very scheming opponent who will never leave any loopholes at will.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen put away the Rubik's Cube and took out a pen.

This is the [Red Blood Pen], which can manifest the drawn items.

He pondered for a moment, united his thoughts, picked up a pen and drew a giant beast in front of him.

The beast had threaded horns and a huge body.

This is a burrowing beast.

The kobold tribe once found traces of it deep in the mines and was captured alive by the escort team.

Its sharp corners can drill through rock formations, and Zong Shen is continuing his test.

...(End of chapter)

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