Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1519 Dark King of Hell [Subscribe please]

The ten-minute countdown passed quickly.

The most fair thing about this dungeon is that it limits the number of players every day.

If you want to participate in the dungeon as soon as possible, you have to rely on your hand speed.

Even Zong Shen is no exception.

His [Wisdom] attribute is very high, so his nerve reaction speed is naturally not too low.

This is also a small advantage.

However, such an advantage is not worth mentioning in the huge base of participating in the competition.

Everyone knows that when everyone has only one chance.

The earlier you participate, the more likely you are to pass the monster room to your satisfaction.

Those more powerful lords are rubbing their hands, waiting for the opportunity.

When the countdown reaches zero one by one.

The refresh speed of the originally noisy and busy [World Channel] also slowed down.

No one is in the mood to continue to water the channel, and everyone focuses on the [Demon Abyss Hell Dungeon].

At the moment when the time reaches zero.

Zong Shen's mind moved, and he opened the [Dungeon] option in an instant.

In the monster room, he found [Dark King·Ming] in seconds, and then chose to enter the dungeon.

This series of operations went smoothly, without any delay.

[Enter successfully]

[House owner: Dark King·Ming]

[Monster room: Dark Hell]

Afterwards, Zong Shen's consciousness fell into nothingness.

When he saw the light again, he was already in a strange gray light world.

The light in this world was all gray, and there was no other color.

The ground was cracked, and there was no sign of life at all.

He understood that he had entered the copy world.

The so-called mirror projection and the world carefully transformed by the lord system.

Before he could make any move, a new line of prompts popped up in front of Zong Shen.

[Please select the soldiers to enter the monster room according to the restriction rules]

After this line of prompts was refreshed, a list with a search function appeared in his mind.

Through the list, he can search all the soldiers under his command.

Freely organize any soldiers under his command and put them into this world in the form of a mirror.

However, the number and level will be strictly restricted.

It must meet the requirements of the rules.

Zong Shen quickly made a match, and teams appeared in the open space behind him.

[Goal of the first stage: defeat 15,000 Hell soldiers with the current configuration]

[Kill more than 10,000 Hell soldiers to enter the next stage]

[If you fail, the score will be determined based on the number of kills]

[Currently in the preparation stage, you have 5 minutes to adjust the queue. After the expiration of the period, 15,000 Hell soldiers will be refreshed 800 meters ahead]

The challenge of the monster room dungeon is divided into stages.

Zong Shen is not unfamiliar with this setting.

The staged dungeon is more challenging.

It is not something that can be solved by fighting to the end.

But in any case, Zong Shen is not under any pressure at the moment.

The task of the first stage is to defeat 15,000 Hell soldiers.

A typical test of charging and killing in the formation.

It mainly depends on the commander's ability to deploy troops.

Of course, one's own strength is also important.

But freaks like Zong Shen are exceptions after all.

If we analyze it with other lords as a more general standard.

The individual combat power of most lords will not stand out in this test.

Zong Shen glanced into the distance.

The cracked earth under his feet extended to who knows where.

The gray sky was filled with gray light.

There was also a striking black line in front.

It stood out in the gray.

That was the dividing line between the two armies.

Later, those Hell soldiers would be refreshed behind the dividing line.

There was no time limit for each stage of this challenge, so all lords could perform freely according to their abilities.

If the loss of one's own side was complete, it meant that the first stage had failed.

On the contrary, if the Hell soldier could be completely wiped out, the test of the first stage would be passed.

Although there was no clear time limit, Zong Shen knew very well that whether he passed or failed.

Time was an important scoring criterion.

The faster you pass, the higher the score will be, and the faster you fail, the lower the score will be.

For Zong, whose ultimate goal is to pass the entire monster room, there is not much difference.

But if conditions permit, he will still choose to pass as quickly as possible.

After all, speedrunning will definitely get a high score, and as long as you have a good score, you can get higher special points.

Points are also a kind of currency.

If you get it, you earn it.

Because the main part of the Demon Abyss Hell dungeon is located in the giant city of Dagalisni, Zong Shen has a point reward.

But it is time to pass the level well and perform well.

Everyone has only one chance to challenge the monster room, and the daily quota must be grabbed.

This means that until the end of the dungeon challenge activity, some lords will still be unable to participate.

As long as the strength meets the standard, being able to successfully participate once is considered a profit.

From this point of view, the monster room challenge of the Demon Abyss Hell dungeon is still very valuable.

It's a pity that in order to grab the daily dungeon quota, he chose to enter as soon as possible and had no time to check the redemption rewards of special points.

Based on his experience, the reward this time is definitely not bad.

Concentrating his mind, Zong Shen ordered the rear to line up.

He didn't make too many fancy reinforcements.

All we need are the Dragon Roar Rangers of the Avalon system and a sufficient number of Bauhinia Knights.

In addition, there are some spellcasters and high-level nurses of the auxiliary system.

The configuration of the lineup is not complicated, and there are not too many fancy and powerful troops.

Because in Zong Shen's opinion, it is completely unnecessary to do so.

When the 5-minute preparation time is over.

Several phalanxes of soldiers began to appear behind the black line 800 meters away.

A Hell Hell soldier wearing gray armor looks strong and muscular.

Their armor is very distinctive, looking both calm and ferocious.

It is hard to imagine that these two incompatible temperaments can be integrated.

The gray armor combined with the gray light around it looks like a black wave in front of it.

Except that it does not move, it is almost the same as the gray tide.

Those Hell Hell soldiers basically do not move at all, just like a bunch of statues that suddenly appear.

[Enter war mode in 5 minutes]

[You can currently move within the framed area, and can use the terrain advantage to complete combat deployment to a limited extent]

[Please pay attention to the passage of time and be prepared to respond]

The brightly colored countdown is like a glass lantern hanging high in the sky.

As long as you look up, you can even see it with your peripheral vision.

Everything seems to imply one situation, that is, when the countdown ends, there will be a great danger.

Zong Shen looked up and quickly understood the specific configuration of the Hell Hell soldiers.

There are many soldiers holding long halberds in the Hell Hell soldiers in front.

There are also soldiers holding swords and shields, double swords or long spears.

These soldiers are all special Hell Hell soldiers.

I don’t know if they already exist, or if they were created by the Lord System for the Monster Room of the Demon Abyss Hell.

Among the 15,000 Hell Hell soldiers, the third-level soldiers start and the sixth-level soldiers are capped.

There is no legendary pressure, but this number is enough to form a challenge.

The few hundred sixth-level Hell Prison soldiers may not seem like many, but they are a considerable deterrent force when they form a command node.

Especially those Hell Prison soldiers holding halberds are unstoppable.

They have a momentum of killing anyone who stands in their way and killing Buddhas.

Those are the sixth-level [Hell Prison Halberd Warriors], which have offensive characteristics such as cutting and sharpness, and are soldiers specifically used for attack.

With forward impact skills, they can break through all enemies blocking the road.

They are responsible for leading the team of the second-level and second-level soldiers to launch a fearless charge.

To be honest, this combination is indeed a huge test for the lord with limited troops.

After all, the lord's side is inferior in terms of the number of soldiers and the level.

To pass the first stage smoothly, the soldiers are not the most important factor.

The means that the lord can use are the most important variables.

Only a strong lord has the ability to lead his teammates to victory.

There is no doubt about this.

Zong Shen remained silent.

He doesn't worry about winning or not.

Because he himself is the biggest chip for victory. (End of this chapter)

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