Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1525 Abyss Genealogy [Subscription Request]

Lion Skeleton Knight Richardson comes from the Boneyard.

He was a strong man who sacrificed in the battle to support Azshara when the Burning Blood Demon invaded.

When he joined the territory, his level was as high as LV55.

As the former vice-captain of the Silver Lion Knights, his strength after becoming a dead spirit is still strong.

If it weren't for the coincidence that Zong Shen got the relevant token, when he first ran into Richardson, there would be a fierce battle.

At that time, it was definitely a novice enemy.

Later, it was subdued by Zong Shen and became a strong hero under his command.

Possessing [Qualification: Epic], the strength is close to the low-level legendary.

Zong Shen also gave him a [Dread Knight Armor] of the Radiant Grade II quality, allowing him to officially enter the legendary.

With his own powerful skills, his combat power is not bad.

It's just that it can't compare with those ancient powerful high-level legends.

For example, Beast King Rexxar, Demon Hunter Felonas, etc., but it is also much stronger than the average low-level legend.

This is because it has a high racial talent.

Richardson is not just a simple undead.

In addition to the main reason of the burial ground, there are also various coincidences for its birth.

Among many factors, the most important one is actually its firm will.

Because of this, there are three subcategories in its racial classification.

[Race: Undead/Skeleton/Immortal Knight Will]

Among them, the [Immortal Knight Will] is its own characteristic and the key to its strength.

After briefly reviewing Richardson's relevant talents and abilities in his mind, Zong Shen knew that he was the best candidate to serve as the commander of the undead.

In this regard, even Gu Tian, ​​who was born in a special family, could not compare with him.

If Richardson is strengthened by the [Second Demon Heart], he can go further directly.

This will help the territory's undead army to accelerate its formation.

The reason why Zong Shen did not give up the development of the army of the undead is not only because of the advantages of the undead, but also to prepare for the revival of the undead kingdom.

Since he already knew that there were several large undead kingdoms and forces in the Endless Continent, he must be prepared for this.

Looking back at past events, it is not difficult to see that all kinds of backgrounds in the Endless Continent, whether it is ruins, forbidden powerful existences, or various dormant civilizations, are likely to have a day of revival.

When he broke into the Akaru Holy Light Church and took it away with [Origin of All Things·Remnants], Zong Shen felt the presence of [Demon Bone General].

And through information insight, he discovered some signs of the revival of undead forces.

Since then, the undead army training plan that had been somewhat dormant has been re-emphasized by him.

That's why he ordered the burial ground and all the related transformation buildings left by the undead and the Burning Blood Demon to be isolated after he excavated most of the remains of the burial ground.

That was the first undead base he prepared for the territory.

There is absolutely no problem with this direction, and it is worth his effort and resources.

Therefore, strengthening [Second Demon Heart] on Richardson is also in line with the future interests of this plan.

After all, his ambition was to become the king of all races who are inclusive.

He took all races and forces under his command and jumped out of the human race's constraints.

With this in mind, he called out to the door.

"Ella, Heya."

As his voice fell, the door of the study was gently pushed open.

Two graceful figures stepped in.

It has been a while since they joined the territory. At first, Zong Shen arranged them into the archer unit as middle-level officers.

This move was not only to make them adapt to life, but also to make the best use of their talents.

Both of them are elites of the Eye of the Elf and were born in the Silver Moon Forest.

They are all qualified elf archers and have learned complete elf archery.

In terms of archery, elves are obviously more advantageous than humans.

Zong Shen's arrangement is completely fine, and it can also eliminate the two women's alienation from the territory as much as possible.

However, just before this expedition to the giant city of Dagalisni.

Ella and Hera found Zong Shen at that time and made a request.

That is to follow him and become his personal maid.

Strong men are surrounded by servants.

But Zong Shen is pragmatic and has never considered personal maids or attendants before.

When he goes out, he either goes alone or takes strong men who can support him in battle.

Compared with the high-end combat power in the territory, the strength of the two women who barely reach the sixth level is obviously not enough for them to assist Zong Shen in fighting.

However, considering the promises made when he won over the two women, Zong Shen still agreed to this small request.

Usually, the two women will serve as her messengers and handle some errands.

When going out, they will serve as maids and set up a rest camp.

At this time, Ella and Heya have already changed into a set of clothes. They each wear a space bracelet and no longer wear the heroic ranger hunting clothes.

She is wearing a maid skirt with a very distinctive cut.

The hem of the skirt is very short, located two fists above the knee.

This size can well show the white thighs that are longer than life.

They wore maid headbands on their heads, restraining their long hair of different colors.

"My Lord."

After entering the study, the two girls bowed.

They completely accepted the identity of maids and devoted themselves to the new role.

Perhaps the two women had other demands, so they changed their original intentions and put aside their past prejudices and arrogance.

You should know that when Zong Shen met them in the giant city of Luntax, it was the time when the local Elf Eye and Earl Les were fighting the most fiercely.

The intensified ethnic conflicts made the elves in the city almost regard humans as enemies.

The two women were relatively restrained at the time, but they were suddenly recruited by Zong Shen, and some of their ideas were difficult to change.

Later, Zong Shen showed extraordinary strength, which gradually changed the two women's minds.

Regardless of what they thought, Zong Shen would naturally not refuse such a small request, and it was indeed much more convenient to have two personal maids around.

Anyway, before this expedition, they had already devoted themselves to Zong Shen.

In this way, there would be no more barriers between them.

Since they don't want to stay in the territory, it's better for them to stay with him.

Without lingering on the two girls' graceful figures for too long, Zong Shen gently instructed.

"Contact Richardson and ask him to come immediately."

Ella nodded immediately, her consciousness immersed in the [Spiritual Virtual Network].

There are logistics heroes in the territory who take turns to stay in the virtual network.

As early as yesterday, before the opening of the Demon Abyss Hell dungeon, the sub-tower of the [Thousand-kilometer-level Directional Transmission Tower (Orange)] was built in the Dagalisni Giant City.

The main tower of this thing is located in the territory.

A maximum of 10 directional sub-towers can be built within a range of 9999 kilometers centered on the main tower.

The main tower will open a continuous teleportation portal.

It just so happens that the straight-line distance between the Dagalisni Giant City and the territory does not exceed 10,000 kilometers.

In order to speed up the overall efficiency and promote the integration of the giant city and the territory, the transmission problem is solved first.

In addition to the directional transmission tower, the territory also reserves the [Thousand-kilometer-level Transmission Array Construction Map (Gold)], which can anchor the transmission node within 10,000 kilometers at any time.

The efficiency of the teleportation array is not as high as that of the portal, but its advantage is that it can be repeatedly built.

The premise is that the materials are expensive.

The cost of the teleportation magic array has always been the highest among the magic arrays of the same level.

The same is true for future maintenance.

This expenditure is very necessary, the Endless Continent is really too big.

Relying on flying, even if the speed exceeds Mach 5, it takes a lot of time to fly between cities, unlike the teleportation array, which is gone in a flash.

For Zong Shen, the teleportation array still cannot fully meet his expectations and requirements.

In the future, he has to find a way to get a more convenient way of space movement.

Richardson, who got the news, should be here soon.

Zong Shen simply sat cross-legged and asked Ella and Heya to prepare some snacks for him.

Seeing the two women leave and go to the kitchen of the mansion, he looked at the next item.

It was a black sapling.

It was only half a meter long, with sparse branches and leaves.

The veins on the leaves were clearly visible.

The breath of the abyss is very strong, but the vitality is particularly weak.

It looks a little wilted.

The roots of the tree are wrapped in cloth that looks like flesh and skin.

After Zong Shen took it out, there were still dirt chips falling from the bottom.

Those dirt chips will turn into black smoke and quickly dissipate during the falling process.

After a brief observation, Zong Shen took the sapling back into the storage compartment.

Its state in the main material world is not good, and its vitality dissipates very quickly.

The tree spirits of the abyss are different from traditional tree spirits.

It is not difficult to find this out after a simple observation.

The information related to the sapling is also refreshed in his mind.

[Abyss Demon Sapling]

[Quality: Radiant Grade I]

[Can only be planted in the abyss environment]

[It takes 300 years for the juvenile stage, 1200 years for the growth stage, and 5000 years for the mature stage]

[After reaching maturity, the Abyss Demon Tree will activate its own consciousness and have 1200 tree-climbing vines. Each vine can extend 30 kilometers and has good combat power. The trunk can reach a maximum height of 10,000 meters. After maturity, it can produce 12 high-quality Abyss Demon Fruits every 120 years. For the creatures in the abyss, this fruit has a strong replenishment effect]

[When the Abyss Demon Tree is formed, if it is matched with [Abyss Demon Spring], [Abyss Ground Vein], [Abyss Demon Fire] and other strange objects or corresponding buildings, the Abyss terrain can be initially constructed, which can be used to cultivate Abyss species and make the Abyss creatures within the range gain a buff effect]

[Different effects can be unlocked at different growth stages. Details can be viewed after planting]

Zong Shen has a lot of tree spirit seedlings and seeds.

The higher the level of the tree spirit, the longer the growth cycle.

This is a law.

The saplings and seeds of the spirit tree can greatly shorten the growth period through special vitality cultivation and rare items.

But those methods are obviously not suitable for the saplings of the abyss lineage.

This [Abyss Demon Tree] has the quality of the Radiant Grade I even when it grows to maturity. The state can at least reach the demigod level.

But it takes 300 years to reach the juvenile stage.

Adding the time required for the growth and maturity periods, it takes at least 6,500 years to cultivate a complete abyss demon tree.

This is still a guarantee.

Because high-level tree spirits are similar to dragons, when their lifespan reaches a certain stage, they will enter the "life-raising" stage.

The so-called life-support is to find a way to make them live longer.

The longer they live, the stronger they are.

Normally, the upper limit of the lifespan of tree spirits is much longer than that of dragons.

Dragons that have not yet reverted to their ancestral state usually live for a few thousand years, and this is the result of few fights.

Under this premise, if they are over 800 years old, they are ancient dragons.

In fact, many dragons are unlikely to live over 800 years old.

Although dragons are superior species, they often fight each other.

And they will also be hunted by other species during the long growth period.

Ancient dragons that are over a few thousand years old basically have the adventure of reverting to their ancestral bloodline or prolonging their lifespan.

However, if their strength can continue to break through to the level of demigod, they can break the shackles and have a lifespan comparable to that of the starry sky immortal species.

In comparison, tree spirits are easier to support.

At least the tree spirits in the main material world are like this.

In many wild places in the Endless Continent, as well as in various deep mountains and old forests, there are many super-strong tree spirits who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

The world environment is compatible. As long as they are not disturbed, most places can become fertile soil for the growth of tree spirits.

It's a pity that the [Abyss Demon Tree] is not a local species.

It is naturally repelled by the environment of the Endless Continent, unless it is a place with a strong abyss atmosphere.

For example, some environments are in line with the forbidden land of the abyss, or related demiplanes.

In short, it is not too easy for Zong Shen to cultivate this sapling.

First of all, you have to find a suitable environment.

Then you have to find a way to shorten its growth cycle so that it can quickly have strong combat power and practical value. It just so happens that Zong Shen is also considering cultivating a strong man of the abyss lineage.

Stock it first.

If you store it in the storage grid, you don't have to worry about the sapling withering for the time being.

The state in the storage grid is constant, which is most suitable for storing related items.

In addition, the sapling can be stored in the [Special Treasure Box of Demon Abyss Prison].

The empty box after taking the reward is also a good abyss container.

Shaking his head, he put the matter of [Abyss Demon Sapling] aside.

Immediately, he took out a sharp blade that was curved like a snake.

This sharp blade belongs to the category of short swords.

The edge is a dull purple, and the blade is a solemn black.

It does not feel heavy, but rather light.

Zong Shen waved it casually, and black lines appeared in the space where the blade passed in front of him.

It has a certain space cutting effect.

But it is far less powerful than [Open Space Dagger (Special)].

As a piece of Yaoguang-level equipment, it is very outstanding to have such performance.

No matter what weapon it is, as long as it has a little space cutting effect, the power is not much worse, and it may also have the effect of breaking the ban or breaking the shield.

In addition, when it passed in front of him, Zong Shen could also feel a faint soul fluctuation.

Prove that this thing also has a killing effect on the soul.

Regardless of its attribute values, these two characteristics alone can make it a fine product among Yaoguang-level II weapons! (End of this chapter)

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