All the way towards the mountain path to the north, you can still see cave monsters wandering around from time to time along the way.

However, Zong Shen did not order an attack, but maintained full speed.

Time on the road is precious.

He led his soldiers to quickly pass by the cave monsters with the speed of their mounts.

Leaving those slow-moving cave monsters behind.

There are a thousand crypts in each area, which means that 2 million to 2.4 million crypt monsters can be refreshed every day.

With Zong Shen's current strength, even if he mobilized his entire army and fought day and night every day, he could only wipe out a very small number of them.

There was no way he would give up normal exploration just to kill the crypt monster.

After trekking all the way, taking some detours along the way, and spending more than an hour, Zong Shen once again came to the path into the mountain where he discovered the temple last time.

This time, Zong Shen brought ten times more soldiers than last time!

This path into the mountain is wider and gentler than the one leading to Azshara's mountain bunker.

As long as they don't run into the nearby forest, Ma and Bajie can go up the mountain smoothly.

This is Colby's third visit here.

The first time was the exploration one day after landing, the second time was when he accompanied Zong Shen into the hidden temple on the mountainside, and the third time was this time.

He also went from being the first wolf rider beside Zong Shen to now being the leader of the wolf rider team under Zong Shen.

This made him glad that he had met a good lord.

Colby led the way with the reorganized wolf riding team, while Zong Shen followed behind with his soldiers.

Everyone's journey up the mountain went smoothly, and occasionally they encountered cave monsters who were also trekking up the mountain.

Let ranged units deal with it all, and get through the plague zone before it breaks out.

Although powerful soldiers can basically resist the primary plague, it is better to have as little contact as possible just in case.

Wolf cavalry opened the way, and everyone soon arrived near the mountainside.

Here you can already see a towering sentry tower near the top of the mountain.

The entire tower is in tatters and covered with large deciduous vines, like a green coat.

Below the guard tower is a guard post surrounded by tall walls.

The overall area is not small, and all buildings are in good condition.

"Luna, Colby, Asia, you come up first with me."

"The others are waiting here."

"If you hear a wolf howling, come up and provide support."

Zong Shen stopped here and decided to take only Luna, Colby, and Aysia, who could summon the Holy Spirit, up the mountain to see what those wandering merchants were capable of.

These soldiers stayed on the mountainside to provide support. If necessary, they could quickly provide support without alerting the enemy.

Showing weakness is the best way to test out the opponent's reality. Zong Shen has already thought about it. If the price of those goblin merchants is right, then the transaction will be normal.

If the other party is being cunning, then no wonder someone from his sect resorted to some tricks.

Zong Shen led the three warriors on foot and continued towards the mountain.

He deliberately slowed down and took about ten minutes to reach the door of the outpost. From the treetops nearby, a black myna flew up.

"A distinguished guest is coming! A distinguished guest is coming!"

He fluttered and flew into the small courtyard of the outpost, shouting in an obscure voice as he flew.




A crackling sound came from the small courtyard of the outpost.

"You brat, why are you panicking? This is a precious ice sheet bronze!"

"Why don't you go and see who's coming!"

A burst of loud yelling and cursing came out.

Then, a short green-skinned goblin carrying a basket ran out. When he saw Zong Shen, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh my God! You are so tall!"

"You are a passing traveler and you still want to buy something."

"I think you must be our potential customer!"

"Our Ratchet Trading Company will only stay here for the last three days. In three days, we will set off for the giant city of Lentax!"

This little goblin was jumping around Zong Shen, and every goblin was talkative.

Zong Shen raised his eyes and tapped the outpost courtyard in front of him with his chin.

"Show me your goods."

The little goblin became even more excited when he heard this, and was trembling on the land ahead.

"Time is money, my lord, please follow me!"

"Goblin products are absolutely shocking!"

The little gnome carrying a basket on his back was leading the way flexibly while still bragging. He was indeed a natural talker!

"Uncle Boswell, here's the business!"

He shouted loudly and led Zong Shen into the small courtyard of the outpost.

After entering the small courtyard, Zong Shen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The small courtyard of the outpost was filled with a large number of luggage boxes.

There are also all kinds of weird metal machines.

These things took up almost half of the yard.

A dozen goblins carrying baskets on their backs were busy and sorting things out.

An older goblin followed the call and poked his head out of the pile of items.

When he saw Zong Shen and his party, his eyes lit up.

Then he drove out in a magical mecha with a strange shape and a square body.

The body and shoulders of this magic mecha are very broad. It is over six meters tall and three to four meters wide at its widest point. It is like a large moving box.

There was a pair of unilateral glasses hanging on the long ears of the old goblin, and the huge green nose was particularly eye-catching, but it also looked ugly.

He wears a gold-striped beret on his head. The top of the hat is inlaid with an exaggerated sapphire. He wears a luxurious fur cloak behind him. Compared with his figure, he looks like a quilt. .

"Hello, sir! Welcome to the merchant camp of our Ratchet Trading Company!"

"I'm sure I have something you need here!"

The older goblin said to Zong Shen somewhat proudly.

The mechanical arm that controlled the magic mecha directly opened the chest of the mecha, just like opening a cupboard.

Zong Shen finally understood why the shape of this magic mecha was so strange.

Because this mecha is basically a mobile shelf.

After opening it, the inside was divided into five layers, with different items placed on each layer. However, the cargo hold contained some smaller gadgets, and there were many things that even Zong Shen had never seen before.

Zong Shenshun pointed at one of the things containing pink liquid that looked like pink perfume, and asked curiously.

"What is this?"

The older goblin raised his eyebrows and a smile appeared on his face. He had already seen that the guy in front of him was a novice!

He decided to help Zong Shen lose weight in his wallet!

"Oh my God! You have such a good sense!"

"This is a great treasure!"

"We call it Pink Kiss, and of course it's also nicknamed Grumpy Sweetheart..."

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