Inside the tent are people.

Live people.

There were seven or eight men and women, all of whom had their hands and feet bound with hemp ropes and their mouths gagged with rags.

The eyes of these people were not as numb as those of the bandits, and their fear was revealed in their smart eyes.

Zong Shen concentrated slightly.

The golden strategy tips arrived as expected.

(The poor indigenous people who were plundered by the rogues will be loyal to you if you are willing to save them and provide food. Your territory just lacks manpower)

It turned out that he was an ordinary aborigine with similar origins to the three silly farmers.

Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief and put down his Zheng-shaped shield.

At this time, Luna had also thrown the body into the bonfire.

Let it be reduced to ashes, and never bear blasphemy and pain again.

She also saw the poor robbed people in the tent and said proactively.

"Lord, our territory needs people."

"Rescue them, bring them under your mercy, and build your territory."

Zong Shen nodded in agreement.

He put away his kite-shaped shield and got off his horse.

One by one, they split the hemp ropes binding their hands and feet.

The natives regained their freedom and immediately tore the rags from their mouths.

"I am a lord around here and this one is my soldier."

"I rescued you."

"Now, are you willing to work for me and build a great territory with me?"

Zong Shen held a sword in one hand and said solemnly.

These aborigines looked at each other and looked around, not knowing where they were.

However, those hateful and ferocious bandits were indeed wiped out.

After hesitating for a moment.

They all bowed and saluted Zong Shen.

"Great Lord, it is our honor to serve you."

"Please also be kind to us and provide us with shelter and food."

Zong Shen nodded in agreement.

"Very well, your decision is a wise one!"

There are 8 of these aborigines in total, 5 men and 3 women.

They were all wearing coarse linen clothes.

The skin is dark and rough.

Looks very strong.

Zong Shen took a closer look.

[Farmer: Erhua]

[Qualification: General]

[Level: lv3]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety level: 33]

【Loyalty: 60】

[Farmer: Three Fatty]

[Qualification: Excellent]

[Level: lv5]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety level: 36]

【Loyalty: 60】

[Farmer: Zhuangzhuang]

[Qualification: General]

[Level: lv5]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety level: 31]

【Loyalty: 60】

Zong Shen looked around and was very satisfied with these new farmers.

Among them, there are no dull qualifications, the worst ones are ordinary qualifications, and there is even a farmer named San Pang who has excellent qualifications.

The quality of this batch of farmers is very high!

Far better than the three stupid farmers at the beginning!

Although the loyalty is a little low, as long as you train and train it, it will grow quickly.

With the participation of these 8 farmers, the efficiency of territory development can be greatly increased.

As the saying goes, farmers are productivity.

Productivity is strength.

Strength is justice.

It's such a simple truth.

"Very well, Luna! Take them back to our territory."

Zong Shen turned around and ordered that the journey of more than thirty miles would take at least two and a half to three hours on foot.

If you set off now, you can get back to the territory before sunset.

But I saw these farmers touching their bellies with expressions of embarrassment.

"Lord, we haven't eaten or drank water for several days. Can you provide us with some food first?"

"Otherwise, I think we might not be able to reach your territory."

The farmer named San Pang took the initiative and said,

He is the farmer with excellent qualifications, and now he is also vaguely the leader among these eight farmers.

"What you said makes sense."

Zong Shen nodded, and he happened to be carrying a lot of [Unknown Dried Meat] that he had collected from the bandits' tents, with 23 servings.

So each of them was given a share.

As for water, it’s easy to solve.

These bandits carried leather water bags with them.

Zong Shen thought it was dirty, so he didn't pick it up.

Just enough to quench the thirst of these farmers.

As a result, eight dirty farmers each grabbed a piece of dried meat made of unknown meat, and took turns picking up water bottles to drink water.

I ate my first meal in a hurry.

"Luna, you protect them and go back first, I will be there soon."

After they all finished eating the dried meat, drank some water, and regained some strength.

Zong Shen said seriously to Luna.

"Lord, but your safety...?"

Luna's loyalty is as high as 83, and she is already actively worried about Zong Shen's safety.

But he saw Zong Shen smiling and waving his hand, waving the rusty one-handed sword in his hand.

"It doesn't matter. I can protect myself. You can take them and set off. You must get to the territory before dark."

After hearing what Zong Shen said, Luna stopped insisting and nodded, riding a black panther and leading the eight farmers on the way back.

Zong Shen continued to stay in this camp and explore.

Those bandits also exploded some things.

They are all weapons whose names are displayed in gray font and are of broken quality.

The quality of the items is different, and the colors displayed are also different.

So far, Zong Shen has only discovered five levels.

Broken (grey), common (white), fine (green), rare (purple), legendary (orange).

As for whether there is a higher grade, Zong Shen doesn't know yet.

He put all the junk weapons exploded by the bandits into the [Kodo Skin Backpack], and in line with the principle of returning them to the warehouse, he didn't let any of them go.

No matter how rubbish these weapons are, Zong Shen himself doesn't use them, but they can still be used to arm farmers at critical moments.

At this time, there were two tents left in the rogue camp.

Zong Shen cut the tent directly open.

One tent was still full of supplies.

Mostly wood.





[Hemp rope×5]

【Iron Ax×6】

【Iron Pickaxe×6】

Another wave of supplies was collected by Zong Shen.

Obviously, these bandits are ready to set up camp here.

The income from killing monsters and treasure hunting is much greater than that from collecting them.

With the strategy module, if he collects things like a farmer, that would be an underachievement.

Zong Shen doesn't care about these resources.

What really concerned him was what was in the last tent.

Not far from him.

It was a treasure chest, entirely made of metal, with a dark surface and rough workmanship.

Zong Shen looked intently.

【Black Iron Treasure Chest】

[An unknown black iron treasure chest, no one knows what can be found]

(There is no problem with the treasure chest, you can open it with confidence)

"Did you hit the treasure chest?"

Zong Shen's eyes lit up.

Opening a treasure chest is like opening a blind box.

He spit and applied it into his palm, rubbed it vigorously, and then walked over happily.

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