Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 211: Rest and Arrow Tower Placement

After dealing with the [Market] matter, Zong Shen returned to the lord's courtyard.

Start upgrading the territory storage box. As the basic storage space of the territory, the difficulty and consumption threshold of upgrading the territory storage box are not that high.

Zong Shen easily upgraded the storage box to level 5 in one go. With the addition of level 2 [Storage Warehouse Type I] technology, the territory's storage box has a capacity of 220 boxes.

After occupying 5 storage compartments in the storage box, Zong Shen successfully deposited 5764 pieces of iron, and his portable storage compartments and backpack storage compartments were finally rearranged.

Then he went non-stop to the [Tier Territory Science and Technology Research Institute] and upgraded [City Defense Science Type I] to the second level, further increasing the solidity of the territory's buildings.

Technological research takes a certain amount of time. Zong Shen can ignore it after consuming resources to confirm the upgrade.

After all these trivial matters were taken care of, Zong Shen had time to deal with the wounds on his body.

He came to the hot spring hut and took off the thick [Teroka's Bear Armor]. Zong Shen carefully untied the [ordinary hemostatic bandage] wrapped around his waist, and saw that his wound had tightened significantly.

There was a light yellow moist mark left on the bandage, which showed that there were still some signs of infection in his wound, but the infection was not serious.

After observing the condition of the wound, Zong Shen first carefully wiped the body around the wound with hot spring water, and then poured out some Moon God Spring to clean the wounds on the front and back of the body again.

It is not easy to heal from such a penetrating injury, thanks to Zong Shen's strong physical attributes and the healing water of the Moon God Spring.

Otherwise, even in the endless continent where this lord came, under normal circumstances, it would take several days of rest and healing medicine to recover.

After cleaning the body and the wound, Zong Shen took out another [ordinary hemostatic bandage], wrapped it under the ribs, and bandaged the wound tightly. For wounds that initially suffered from excessive bleeding, it would be helpful to bandage them more tightly. Helps heal wounds and prevents further bleeding and tearing.

Zong Shen finished treating the wound, wrapped a bandage around his body, and walked out of the hot spring hut with the armor in his hand.

At this time, the farmers were busy building farmhouses, and the three fat men had already begun to count the food and prepare for food distribution.

Specialized wolf cavalry will also be responsible for transporting food and water on the front line.

Dutra and his tribe were looking around with curious eyes, observing the situation in the territory.

The fourteen first batch of kobolds who joined the territory were introducing their life and experiences in the territory in the past few days in kobold language.

The kobolds who heard this made barking exclamations from time to time.

The sky also started to get dark, and the moon hung high in the sky, scattering silver light.

The crowns of the ancient guardians began to emit a silvery white light, echoing the moonlight in the sky.

The amount of supplies Zong Shen purchased in Xitano Village was enough to feed more than two hundred people for half a month. Now that more than two hundred kobolds have been added, it may only be enough to last for more than a week.

However, there are still many cattle and sheep in the territory, which can be slaughtered if necessary.

In addition, those twenty or thirty cows have begun to produce milk.

The farmer in charge of the pasture carries out special collection. As of yesterday, only two wooden barrels have been collected, a total of about 60 liters.

The fresh milk had a milky smell. Zong Shen tasted it and felt that he didn't like it, so he asked the three fat men to share it.

Yesterday, this group of kobolds hadn't joined the territory yet. A small bowl of 60 liters of milk per person was no problem. The capacity of milk boxes on Earth is only 250 ml.

Zong Shen stood at the door of the small courtyard and shook his head. He took out a piece of [fine wheat bread] and took a bite of it. Then he walked into the lord's small building and went straight to the room on the second floor. He took off all his equipment and lay down on the bed to start. After resting, he planned to take a nap first before talking about it.

It's only around 7 o'clock in the evening, which is enough time to get some sleep.

You must seize the time to recover from your injuries before you can face all explorations and challenges in the most satisfactory state.

Both the territory and the crypt frontline have stable plans, and there will be no problems in a short period of time. The only difference is the level of combat pressure.

Zong Shen yawned and prepared to go to the front line to take a look after waking up. At the same time, he placed all the defensive buildings in appropriate positions, just in time to strengthen the defense strength of the crypt front line.

This was a sure-profit deal. Even if the pressure on the crypt frontline surged and they could no longer hold on, Zong Shen could take Vereesa and Dutra to move those defensive buildings back directly.

After fighting fiercely for a whole day, Zong Shen only felt extremely tired. In addition to his injuries, he had too many things to worry about. He was the main attacker in the battle and the general manager in the territory.

The faster the territory develops and the larger the board, the more complicated things become. This is also the result of Zong Shen having heroic talents to assist him. As the territory develops, it is bound to recruit more heroic figures, otherwise the development will reach a bottleneck.

Of course, this is also the reason why Zong Shen's development progress is too fast. Within nearly a week of landing, the territory has begun to take shape and has a population of hundreds. If it is like other lords' development scale of one acre and three thirds of land, it will naturally be No more worries now.

Fatigue caused Zong Shen to fall asleep quickly, and even the moonlight became softer with the even voice.

More than four hours later, near midnight, Zong Shen woke up leisurely.

After a good sleep, his physical condition recovered a lot, especially the penetrating injuries on the wounds. As the muscles continued to tighten, the skin and muscles were almost completely closed.

After it closes, scabs will begin to form. This kind of healing speed is definitely a medical miracle on the earth, but in the endless continent full of magic and alien races, all this is not so magical.

Zong Shen rubbed his eyes, got out of bed, put on all his equipment, and then walked down to the lord's small building and stood next to the small courtyard. The newly built thatched sheds and houses had been completed.

There are currently 35 grass huts, 2 2-story houses, and 0 3-story stone houses in the territory.

Those kobolds are smaller in size, and have the habit of huddled together to rest. A cottage can only accommodate 6 farmers, but two kobolds huddled in.

No wonder these kobold triangular shacks in the mines are not big but can accommodate many kobolds to rest.

The soldiers in the territory were still patrolling and not resting. Zong Shen summoned them, assigned the patrol team and time period, and let them take turns to rest.

The battle load in the territory is now very high, and the fighting intensity of the soldiers who follow Zong Shen out to explore during the day is also very high. If a reasonable rest period is not arranged, problems will occur sooner or later.

He has no exploration plans for tomorrow yet, but is planning to organize a hunting team to actively hunt crypt monsters around the territory and the front lines of the crypt, to gain points and relieve the pressure on the territory.

With that demonic intimidation, as long as you use it well, you can easily navigate among the crypt monster groups. If you encounter a large monster group, you can directly disperse it, and small monster groups can be eliminated on the spot.

The group of crypt monsters can be artificially controlled, which can be regarded as an additional back-up move.

After dealing with the rotation issue of the soldiers, Zong Shen began to prepare for the placement of the arrow tower.

There are currently a total of [Elemental Arrow Towers] in the territory and frontline, 7 of which are in the territory and one is on the crypt frontline.

The [Level 2 Elemental Arrow Tower] is located in the center of the small courtyard. This is also the earliest elemental arrow tower built in the territory. It can be called the number tower.

In addition, there are 4 ancient guardian tree spirits gathered in the west of the territory, and have not yet adjusted their positions.

Because the Ancient Guardian's maximum range of 500 meters is enough to cover the current territory's building range and provide effective protection for the territory's buildings, there is no need to make special adjustments for the time being.

Now, after Zong Shen redeemed his points, he still had six level arrow towers, three level 2 arrow towers, and one level 3 arrow tower on hand. He thought about it and decided to place four level arrow towers in four directions in the territory. To supplement the defense, the remaining two arrow towers were placed on the front line to increase the strength of the position.

Because the range of the stepped arrow tower is only 500 meters, it needs to be placed evenly in different directions.

Two of the three second-level arrow towers are placed in the territory, built on the left and right sides of the lord's courtyard, corresponding to the east and west directions, taking into account some overlapping areas of the north and south ranges.

As for the third-level arrow tower, Zong Shen placed it directly next to the No. 3 arrow tower in the center of the small courtyard, because Zong Shen also had a construction drawing of the third-level arrow tower in his hand, which was the silver one in the office area. If you get it from the treasure box, you can upgrade the middle tower to a level 3 arrow tower by spending some resources.

[Level 3 Elemental Arrow Tower] has a maximum range of 000 meters. Two Level 3 elemental arrow towers stand in the middle of the courtyard, which is enough to provide strong internal defense for the central courtyard.

After everything is placed properly, the drawings for redeeming points will begin to be constructed automatically, which is also one of the advantages of a complete building.

As for the middle tower, after it is placed and upgraded to a level 3 arrow tower, it will take farmers more than ten hours to build it. Zong Shen also conveniently covered it with the shadow of the building. After the farmers got up at dawn, Construction can begin.

After installing the arrow tower in the territory, Zong Shen went to the stables, woke up Bajie who was sleeping soundly, and rode him to the front line of the crypt.

Along the way, groups of gargoyles flew across the sky from time to time, blocking out the moonlight. Shadows flickered on the ground, adding a bit of eerieness to the nocturnal atmosphere.

There was no organized hunting tonight, and the density of the surrounding cave monsters was obviously much higher. This made Zong Shen a little worried about how to deal with it in the next few days.

With Bajie running wildly, Zong Shen arrived at the front line of the cave in six or seven minutes.

Some soldiers have rested, while others are still fighting.

Especially those long-range soldiers, they are under great combat pressure, and the emergence of gargoyles allows them to shoulder more combat tasks than melee soldiers.

From time to time, Zong Shen could see the dragon ranger shooting sharp arrows into the sky, and he could also see the water mage chanting water arrow magic.

There are also three crypt demons who occasionally spit out powerful nets to pull a gargoyle from the sky to the ground.

The intensity of the battle far exceeded that of the previous night.

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