Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 253: The Secret of the Recruitment Scroll, Seeing the Stitch Monster Again

Doris' subtle reaction was noticed by him.

Zong Shen remained calm, as long as she agreed. If she didn't obey the order then, he would have a reason to train her.

His face was obscured by the [Silver Knight Helmet], but his eyes were still sharp, and he seemed to understand everything.

"Let's go directly to the hall to deal with the suture warlock Gurange!"

Zong Shen decided to deal with the suture warlock Gu Lanqi first.

Complete the task first, and Zong Shen will not be afraid even if something unexpected happens. If the person who comes is a lord, Zong Shen will be even more worthy. It is not that he is arrogant. In terms of his development progress and personal strength, he is really a lord in the area. Who is worthy of it.

Of course, before dealing with Gu Lanqi, he planned to collect all the leftover relics and treasure boxes along the way. It would not be too late to slowly open the boxes after Gu Lanqi was dealt with.

After finalizing the plan, Zong Shen waved his hand and the team moved towards the other end of the corridor. Along the way, Zong Shen harvested a bronze treasure box, a black iron treasure box, a rare trident, a fragment of an elf key, There are also three recruitment scrolls for the Night Huntress.

He has already collected 3 of these elven keys. As long as he collects 9 key fragments, he can form a complete Earth Precision Key, which can open Azshara's treasure house.

Zong Shen also asked about the strategy for these key fragments. The remaining ones are scattered throughout the ruins of Azshara's city. Some are buried deep underground, some are scattered in various ruins, and there is one that was destroyed by Bosbon. Baron Bezos discovered and collected it in his early years.

At present, no other lord has obtained the key fragments. Zong Shen also collects them according to his Buddha nature. Everything goes as it comes without any special effort.

Anyway, there are 3 fragments in hand now, and no one else can collect them all. When the time comes, Zong Shen will only need to ask for targeted guides to find them.

The fragments of this Elf Key are all orange legendary level. If nine are combined into one, the complete Elf Key will be at least golden epic level. Even the level of the key is so high. It is hard to imagine what kind of treasures there are in that treasure house. It must be the most precious treasure in all of Azshara.

Because the key was lost, even the descendants of Azshara's elven nobles could not open it. Now it can only be opened by those who are destined to collect the key fragments.

Putting the key fragment away, Zong Shen flipped his hand and took out three recruitment scrolls. It was better to use something like this that could immediately increase combat effectiveness on the spot.

Night huntresses are almost extinct in the outside world today. Unless you can go to the Silver Moon Forest where the night elves now live, it is only possible to get the night elf recruitment scrolls in such ancient ruins. Of course, there are also There is also a certain possibility of opening treasure chests.

Regarding recruitment rolls, it seems that all ancient aboriginal forces can make them. As long as they sign a mysterious contract, they can be sealed into another dimension and remain dormant in a standard state. The level will be fixed and suppressed at 10 Level this standard level, and after being sealed into a different dimension, it is equivalent to gaining indirect immortality.

Moreover, the ancient aborigines also discovered that sealing a dying warrior could save the warrior's life, but it would take at least a hundred years to activate after sealing.

Almost all races can make recruitment scrolls, and save soldiers who are dying and difficult to revive in this way, waiting to be activated to give them new life.

Of course, there are also some warriors who, under normal circumstances, voluntarily were sealed into another dimension to wait for recruitment. For example, the previous fire magician Doris simply made a rebellious choice to seal herself in because she did something wrong and lost the room for promotion. Different dimensions, at least indirect immortality, are still eternal life.

Maybe it can also start an exciting life.

There are also certain races and forces and even large numbers of sealed warriors, used to preserve their flesh and blood in the face of the catastrophe of dimensional invasion.

That’s why a large number of recruitment scrolls have been circulated to this day. The Endless Continent is very vast, has a large population, and has many ethnic groups. The combination of these many reasons has turned the warriors who were sealed into the different dimensions and turned into recruitment scrolls. Extremely huge numbers.

Since it is a contract, there is a corresponding price. They must follow certain rules and be loyal to the activator. Within the rules, the activator's behavior is used as the measure of loyalty. If the activator's behavior goes too far, loyalty will be lost. will be lower than 50, then the recruited soldiers will have the right to terminate their allegiance.

So there are still many recruitment scrolls left in the ruins. Of course, many recruitment scrolls have been activated or consumed in these ten thousand years, but the number left is still not a small number.

Therefore, behind the recruitment roll, there is essentially the shadow of the participation of the lord system.

Loyalty does not increase simply by giving benefits. The judgment behind it is still made up of the system and the soldiers involved. As long as you are sincerely considerate of the soldiers, your loyalty can increase very quickly if you give appropriate equipment and items. .

Even if no gift is given, as long as the lord has no ill intentions, loyalty will slowly increase over time.

Zong Shen had learned all of this through the strategy module before. The average lord had no idea about the origin of the recruitment roll, and would only mindlessly attribute the recruitment roll to being created out of thin air by the lord system.

Actually not. Each soldier in the recruitment roll has his own past and experience, with different personalities, likes and dislikes. Being able to know the secrets of the recruitment roll is one of Zong Shen's advantages in having the strategy module.

Thinking about it carefully, the arrival of the lords seemed to be a conspiracy that had been planned for ten thousand years. Zong Shen once wanted to ask further questions about the strategy, but every time he came up with key questions, the strategy module refused to answer, still acting as if it was for Zong Shen's benefit. Zong Shen gave him a crazy education and asked him to rely on his own ability to explore the secrets of the world without saying anything. Zong Shen got a headache every time he watched it.

Zong Shen kept the team moving forward, leaving only Luna. Then he activated three [Night Huntress Recruitment Scrolls] at the same time and actively threw them forward.

The three recruitment scrolls turned into three green light balls and fell on the aisle in front. The green light shone with the strong vitality, and countless vines broke through the ground, forming three large green cocoons.

Three large cocoons formed quickly, and finally split from the middle,


Three leopard roars were heard, echoing continuously in the corridor.

Three huntresses with different appearances, wearing light armor and purple hair, with powerful figures, holding moon blades in their hands, slowly walked toward Zong Shen on black panthers.

When they were about to arrive in front of Zong Shen, they turned over and put their hands on their chests and bowed to Zong Shen.

"For the great Mother Moon!"

"Night Huntress Nina/Kesha/Fia, reporting to you!"

"Great Lord, may you bathe in the light of the Moon God!"

The three night huntresses all swore allegiance to Zong Shen according to the etiquette of the night elves. Zong Shen took off his helmet and smiled in order to show respect.

"You are welcome to join us."

"This is Luna, you will be under Luna's command from now on."

Zong Shen introduced everything briefly, because the team in the front row had already entered the hall at the end of this corridor. At this time, the light and darkness in the hall were intertwined, and the light and shadow inside were flickering. The real master should be coming out.

He directly handed over the three newly joined night huntresses to Luna. As a fourth-level huntress, she still had a certain level of majesty in front of these third-level huntresses.

"Without further ado, the battle is about to begin. When we return to the territory, let Luna take you around the territory."

Zong Shen finally said that the three huntresses naturally had no objections. Seeing Luna at this time, they only felt a sense of intimacy, and they all came to Luna's side without any barriers.

He put on his battle helmet, took out the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword], and walked quickly towards the end of the corridor.

Behind him, Luna followed with three huntresses on panthers.

Roaring sounds have begun to be heard in the hall, as well as the chopping sounds of the wolf cavalry. From the corridor, one can only see that the mages have raised their staffs and chanted softly, apparently starting to fight.

Zong Shen ran for a while and soon came to the hall.

This hall is unimaginably large, covering thousands of square meters, and is divided into two areas, one large and one small.

In a smaller area, there was a large metal table with straps used to restrain the limbs and dark brown blood stains on it, just like an operating table.

Beside the wall is a row of specimen racks, on which are placed individual human specimens and standard organ specimens. All of them have been treated with special antiseptics and have not decayed for thousands of years. In addition, there is a stone desk with piles of it. Various leather scrolls, draft papers, rune notebooks, and books one after another.

Apart from this, there is only one statue erected next to the wall. This statue is a demon that looks a bit deformed. It actually has a head, and there is a small head that is half the size on the side of the big head.

Both heads have different expressions, and each has a different size of vision.

The size of the two arms are also different. The right arm is extremely thick and the left arm is as small as an antenna. This is a deformed demon.

In another larger area, where everyone is currently fighting, there are dozens of huge magic-patterned stone coffins, but the quality is one level lower than what was originally decomposed in the temple.

In addition, there is an extension passage in this larger area, but it has almost collapsed and is a dead end.

At this moment, a sarcophagus had been opened from the inside, and a fat and ugly figure was fighting Zong Shen's soldiers.

This figure is exactly the suture monster that was found in the ruins of the building after passing through the temple tunnel!

It's just that this one's shape is even weirder, and its face and weapons are different from Pato the Stitch Monster.

The organs sewn on its body are more complex than Pato's, containing many different organs from different ethnic groups.

For example, there is an extra arm on its left shoulder, which turns out to be a pitch-black claw covered with scales.

A large hole was opened in the chest, and the mouth of the crypt worm was implanted.

One of the muscles on the body is also covered with a piece of armor with half the lion emblem.

The skin color of the limbs and body are different, and part of the body is in a semi-rotted state, with yellow pus constantly flowing, just like a rag doll.

In its hands, it held a sledgehammer and a short stick, and together with the dark claws, it waved wildly, trying to rush into the team.

Zong Shen concentrated and took a look at its attributes.

[Stitch Monster·Experimental Version 2 Generation lv15 (Blue)]

[Blue Captain Level]

[Race: Undead]

[Blunt damage: 65~68]

[Health value: 1000]

[Armor value: 15]

[Magic Resistance: 15]

[Skill: Rotten poison gas lv10 (releases a circular poisonous gas cloud with a diameter of 10 meters, which can cause continuous damage and slow down the enemy's movement speed, slowing down by 20%, poisonous damage 35 points/second, lasting 5 seconds, cooling time 1 Hour)】

(Comed from evil human experiments, the purpose is to create a war tool that can bulldoze everything. Unfortunately, the production technology of this experimental version is not mature)

This monster is much weaker in terms of overall attributes than the Stitch Monster Pato that was sewn onto the head of Demon Hunter Alteran Whisperwind, both in terms of attack and armor value. Only its health value is relatively high, but It's only 200 points higher.

There is only one rotten gas skill, and there is nothing outstanding about it.

Judging from Zong Shen's current strength, he is no longer worthy of his attention.

This suture monster only took half a minute to be torn into pieces by Zong Shen's soldiers.

It turned into a pile of rancid and dirty flesh and blood, without any pressure or challenge at all.

But for everyone, the real challenge has just begun.

The twenty or thirty magic pattern sarcophagi of different sizes placed in this area began to tremble.

Behind them, the deformed demon statue in another area also began to shake.

The sarcophagus and statues rubbed against the ground due to shaking, and there were obscure and unpleasant friction sounds everywhere.

Everyone slowly retreated to the door, and the wolf cavalry formed a cone to guard the front.

Zong Shen, Luna and the three huntresses stood on the second line.

The three fire mages, Tasia and Aysia stood at the end.

Behind them is the aisle. If something goes wrong, they can retreat back to the aisle calmly.

"Bang bang bang!"

The covers of the magic-patterned sarcophagi were roughly opened, flying upside down and landing on the ground.

A total of more than twenty sarcophagi of different sizes were opened at the same time.

A series of terrifying figures stood up from the sarcophagus, holding different weapons in their hands, and looked at Zong Shen and others.

These are all stitch monsters, with different heights and different shapes.

The only thing they have in common is that these suture monsters are all full of abnormality.

Just looking at it is creepy!


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