Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 258: Legendary Item Evil Eye, Aegwynn’s Book of All Laws

There is no need to consume energy such as magic energy, and there is no damage or wear. It can be repaired and charged with only the undead death energy. It is indeed a very affordable prop.

And just in the area where Zong Shen is located, there is such a large burial ground filled with the spirit of the undead.

For Nightmare Dolls, this is an inexhaustible treasure.

It also broadened Zong Shen's thinking. The sudden arrival of the lord force, as a neutral force, could theoretically recruit any type of troops. It was the emerging force in the world that was least bound by factions and had the highest degree of freedom.

There are no camp factors, no historical factors, and not too many constraints. In theory, the lord can accept and tolerate any soldiers, develop in any direction, and even become an invincible lord who tolerates good and evil, suppresses everything and unifies the entire continent.

In theory, everything is possible, but if there are too many ethnic groups that are hostile to each other in the territory, it may have a certain impact on loyalty and territory morale.

Especially for ethnic groups with long-standing feuds that have broken out in wars, if they encounter one, it will be like thunder from the sky and fire on the ground. Of course, the lord does not have to train soldiers of other ethnic groups, build his own barracks, and use training books. Raising farmers is also a good option.

You can provide equipment for your trained soldiers according to your own situation. In short, the degree of freedom in territorial development is very high, and there are no obvious limitations.

Even if some lords want to combine hostile ethnic groups, it is not impossible. As long as the lord's control skills are high enough, this problem can still be solved. At most, it will cost more effort.

The greater the difficulty, the higher the benefits. This law always applies to most situations, but does not apply to rare situations and some European dogs, because if many units that are originally hostile to each other can be combined together, they often have a complementary effect. Even become a unique and powerful combination.

Take Zong Shen's territory as an example. Although the Holy Light Priest and the Necromancer are both in the human camp, their various practices and beliefs are different, and they are even hostile to each other.

However, if Holy Light and Necromancer can cooperate, the skills can enter a state of magical entanglement and create an ultra-high range explosion effect. It also has such wonderful effects in other aspects, and some are complementary in attributes.

To sum up, Zong Shen actually has a deeper understanding and plan for the burial ground.

If this bone burial ground cannot be used, then it can only be regarded as a strange relic in the area.

But if the bone burial ground can be excavated and used, then this will be a huge wealth, a treasure land in the region, and a new path for the future development of military force.

There are still a lot of undead souls and the remains of those blood-burning demons in the Bone Burial Ground, which is equivalent to an army of undead buried deep. Of course, the specific development and utilization still need to be considered in the long term.

But if you have no idea about the burial place, it would be a real waste of resources.

After Zong Shen finished processing the rewards from the mission, he began to look at the remains of the forgotten people.

As his gaze swept across the ground, Zong Shen discovered that even the shed eyeballs and fangs of the Forgotten were precious materials.

[Evil Eye (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[The eyeballs dropped by the Forgotten One of the Evil God can emit deadly light with multiple attributes and are legendary precious materials]

[Can be used as raw materials or used directly]

[Input 20 magic values ​​to activate. A single evil eye can randomly emit evil eye rays of one attribute, causing a fixed 20 points of magic damage and corresponding attribute effects. The cooling time is 10 seconds]

(It can be used to make special magic props or magic equipment, and can also be used to build strange magic circles or even defensive buildings. It is an extremely rare and precious material. Most of it exists in legends. Please keep it properly)

This evil eye is a good thing! It can be used alone, it only needs to consume magic points. If there is a master of magic technology, it can be transformed and transformed, and it can be driven by magic energy.

However, the damage of a single evil eye is not high. It only has a fixed 20 points of magic damage, plus a random attribute effect. When the Evil God's Forgotten launched the evil eye ray before, more than a dozen eyeballs in one direction were fired at the same time. The evil eye rays emitted are gathered together.

When he saw that the evil eyes turned out to be orange legendary materials, Zong Shen didn't think they were disgusting. He quickly started to collect the fallen evil eyes. The joy of harvest made him even forget about the pain in his body.

As the Forgotten One of the Evil God completely withered away, the pain caused by the yellow evil eye ray that Zong Shen had hit earlier began to ease. I don’t know what the specific attributes of the yellow light were. The pain was really too much. It was so intense, it was like being stung by a poisonous insect.

Zong Shen opened the corpse of the Forgotten One that had shrunk into a skin bag. There was also a thick book and a small metal box. In addition, there was only a small gray bead. Zong Shen put them all away. Put it at your feet.

Even the purple skin bag left by the Forsaken turned out to be a precious material.

After some collection, a total of thirty-seven intact evil eyes were obtained. These evil eyes surrounded the Forgotten, and the total number was at least sixty. Unfortunately, more than twenty evil eyes were destroyed in the battle. Among them, under the fierce offensive of the Fire Spirit Warriors and Holy Light Warriors, those evil eyes exploded one after another. Looking at it now, this is really a serious waste.

Items of legendary quality are rare. Whether they are sold in the [Market] or traded with aboriginal forces, you can get a lot of good things.

Put away these thirty-seven evil eyes. In addition to the evil eyes, Zong Shen also collected seventy-two forgotten fangs of different sizes. This kind of fangs is also a very precious one. The material can directly grind the suture monster into pieces.

[Fangs of the Forgotten (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[The fangs dropped by the Forgotten One of the Evil God are rare and precious materials that can be used to forge weapons or be used as alchemy raw materials]

(A rare and precious material that can be used for alchemy, medicine, and forging weapons and equipment. It has certain devouring properties. Because the Forgotten rarely appear, the materials on it are often rare.)

This fang is also a precious material, so Zong Shen naturally has no reason to let it go, so he keeps it all for himself or to use it to fool the aborigines.

After putting away his eyeballs and fangs, he picked up the purple skin bag that shrunk after the death of the Forgotten One.

This purple skin bag is elastic and feels like a rubber coat. The originally huge Forgotten One's flesh and blood withered after death, leaving only this purple skin bag of about five or six square meters.

Although the skin bag may not be popular due to its appearance, this thing is on the same level as the Evil Eye and is a legendary and precious item.

[Skin of the Forgotten (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[The skin left behind by the Forgotten after his death has some very peculiar properties]

[It can be made into leather armor and worn, which will have some of the defensive characteristics of the Forsaken]

(Magical materials, after being made into armor, have high magic resistance and can neutralize various conflicting energies and attacks. Among the indigenous people, the skin of the forgotten can also be used to make special containers for preservation. Some lively and dangerous items)

The skin of the Forgotten One is a connected whole, covering five or six square meters. If it is cut and unfolded, it will be more than ten square meters, enough to make many pieces of leather armor or various utensils.

It is also worth collecting. In the future, it can be used for personal use or traded with the aborigines. The harvest from killing the Forgotten this round is pretty good. The materials on these Forgotten are worth a vote. .

After processing the materials on the forgotten people, there are three more items, a small metal box, a small gray bead, and a thick book, which seems to be the Book of Ten Thousand Methods held in Gu Lanqi's hand before. .

Zong Shen first picked up the small gray bead. This bead was only as big as a thumb. Its surface was smooth and transparent, and there was a gray nebula-like substance floating inside.

【Chaos Core (Special)】

【Special items】

[The core of chaos, which can neutralize various conflicting forces, contains the most primitive power of chaos and can accommodate all kinds of energy]

(This Chaos Core will be of great use to you in the future. It can neutralize the demonic power and other mottled forces in your body, sublimating the essence of your power. Please keep it well and do not lose it. )

This core of chaos can neutralize all forces, and can be used to solve the hidden dangers of demonic power. When the power in one's own body is relatively mottled, the core of chaos can be used to neutralize it.

Zong Shen read the system introduction and strategy tips, and instantly understood the role of this Chaos Core. It was indeed a good thing for him, and I'm afraid it wouldn't take long for him to be able to use it!

He put this Chaos Core into the storage compartment and placed it at the forefront of the storage compartment. This thing meant the most to him. The rest, whether it was the evil eyes, fangs or the skin of the Forgotten, were of great significance to the sect. Shendu has no direct effect, but the Chaos Core does!

After putting away the Chaos Core, he took out the small iron box that was only about the size of a palm.

This small iron box is all black and looks very delicate. On the lid is an embossed image of a demon fluttering its wings. It is very beautifully made. You can feel the embossed pattern through the subtle protrusions when you touch it with your fingers.

Zong Shen gently opened the small iron box. The inside was made of brocade and fine velvet cloth. Inside the box lay quietly a round token the size of a palm. This token was made of fine gold and had three figures on the front. The sculpture of the original great devil standing in the void, and on the back are some strange tadpole characters, which are not the same as the magic runes in this continent.

This small token is the secret order of the demon king that the Dread Lord Balnazzar originally gave to Gurrange. It is a symbol of the power of the blood-burning demon army responsible for attacking Azshara, and it can open or close the Bone Burial Ground. There are many mechanisms and magic circles in the Bone Burial Bunker.

It will play a great role in opening up wasteland and burying land in the future, saving a lot of effort and reducing risks.

[Devil King’s Secret Order (Orange)]

[Quality: Orange legendary grade]

[The command token of the Burning Blood Demon Legion has a certain status symbol and can control part of the magic circle in the Blood Burning Demon stronghold]

(One of the three Demon King's Secret Orders in the Azshara area has a part of the authority. If they are all collected, they can open the Tower of the Dead hidden deep in the Boneyard. This is the Burning Blood Legion that invaded Azshara that year. One of the remaining methods is to control the undead in the Boneyard through the Tower of the Dead.

Controlling the Tower of the Dead requires the highest authority of the Burning Blood Demon Legion in this area. Only by collecting three Demon King's Secret Orders can one have the authority to control the Tower of the Dead.

Of the remaining two, one is still in the Burial Ground, and the other has fallen into the hands of Duke Jonathan in the San Sebastian Imperial City, one of the three imperial cities of the Kingdom of Avalon)

As expected, the Bone Burial Ground built by the Burning Blood Demon Legion after massacring so many creatures still has hidden methods. They left a Tower of the Dead in the Bone Burial Ground to specifically control the undead in the Bone Burial Ground. .

The entire Bone Burial Ground is a carefully built nest of the undead, and it is also a powerful formation. All the undead born in it will be shackled by the Tower of the Dead, so this can explain why tens of thousands of years have passed. The undead on earth are rarely born.

Only when someone disturbs the excavation, will the undead be awakened and move out. This is all because the Tower of the Dead is here to suppress it. Otherwise, the undead would have broken out of the ground and wandered around.

"Well, we must collect all the secret orders from the Demon King."

"Whoever can control the Bone Burial Ground will have the absolute power to become a regional hegemon."

Zong Shen murmured to himself, adding collecting the Demon King's secret orders to his future development plan.

Now there is only one last item left, so the item is the Book of Ten Thousand Methods that Gu Lanqi held in his hand before.

It is an equipment type item, similar to a staff.

[Aegwynn’s Book of All Laws (Orange)]


[Quality: Legendary]

[Magic damage: 61~64]

[Singing speed: +18%]

[Equipment effect: Wisdom +8, maximum magic value +200 points, magic value recovery speed +20%]


[Skill: Book of Ten Thousand Magics [Volume 1] (consumes 50 to 120 magic points, selects a magic category for random spell extraction, and can issue a 1 to 3 level spell of this type based on the extraction result, with a cooling time of 5 minutes) 】

(The Book of Ten Thousand Magics created by Aegwin, the second-generation magic guardian, embodies the efforts of guardians of all generations. It is said to have collected tens of thousands of spells. There are three volumes in total, the upper, middle and lower volumes. This one is the first volume, which collects tens of thousands of spells. Thousands of various types of magic from level 1 to level 3. The Book of Ten Thousand Methods has a unique world mark due to its particularity and will never be damaged)


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