Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 264: Talent among slaves, transaction completed

Among these slaves, Zong Shen discovered a total of three interesting people.

Among them was a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face and a sluggish look on his face. He only smiled stupidly when he saw Zong Shen. He turned out to be a hero-level talent with excellent qualifications.

With the tips from the strategy, Zong Shen saw through his disguise, and also learned about his origins and the beginning and end of becoming a slave.

His name is Howie, who comes from the neighboring Kingdom of Nord and Goti Castle under the jurisdiction of the giant city of Wabel. He was originally a confidant of the owner of the castle, Viscount Ector, and was responsible for managing the seven villages near Goti Castle. He has been serving Viscount Ector for more than ten years without incident in terms of taxation and farming, and has never made any mistakes.

Tax tenants are one of the most important sources of income for Goti Castle besides business. Every year, the miscellaneous taxes and land tenants paid by the seven villages amount to more than 200,000 mainland dinars. The taxes and accounts he is responsible for are always meticulous. Poor, this kind of fat salary will naturally attract the attention of other confidants of the Viscount.

It's just that he has been doing things steadily for so many years and has never made any mistakes, so that others can't find faults.

Viscount Ector has a total of three children, an eldest son, an eldest daughter, and a twelve-year-old daughter. In addition to being responsible for the sharecropping of the villages under the jurisdiction of Goti Castle, Howie is also responsible for teaching Ike. The children of Viscount Thor are equivalent to the role of private teachers.

The three children of the Viscount are basically taught by Professor Howie. When they turn 14, they will be sent to the school in the giant city of Wabell to study.

The eldest son and daughter are all safe and sound, but the problem lies with the younger daughter. People in this world are generally precocious, and many people become parents at the age of 16. The younger daughter has already started to fall in love at the age of 12, and she likes exactly what she wants. Howie, the teacher who often taught her how to read and write by his side.

The viscount's youngest daughter made a private appointment with Howie, and the two agreed to meet in the woods near the castle. As for Howie, naturally he didn't agree to the appointment because he had thoughts about the viscount's youngest daughter. He just wanted to make it clear.

Howie knew that the price for such things was often life. Children of minor nobles would only marry other nobles to expand the family's influence and at the same time increase the nobles' social circle.

This continent is too vast, and there are not many bloody things. The nobles are not as noble as the common people think. They are also stupid and make mistakes, and are even more ridiculous than the common people.

Howie naturally knew this, and he tried his best to avoid it, but unexpectedly he still fell into the trap. This matter reached the ears of Viscount Ector's confidant through the personal maid of the Viscount's youngest daughter.

So while they were meeting, they led the castle's private army to directly capture Howie.

Brought to Viscount Ector, the youngest daughter had a simple mind and was tricked out of her inner thoughts in just a few moments. Now, even if Viscount Ector valued Howie, he would not keep him.

After several twists and turns, under the secret operation of the manager, Howie was sold to a slave merchant.

After suffering a lot in this year, traveling to many giant cities and traveling tens of thousands of miles, he finally came to the Kingdom of Avalon. Howie kept pretending to be stupid and chose a suitable master for himself.

Experienced lords and big landowners who had raised a large number of slaves were not among his choices, because these people had rich experience as slaves, and if they fell into their hands, they would not have a chance to escape until they died.

With his ability to pretend to be stupid, he became a tough guy among slaves.

You can't kill it, you can't sell it, you can't sell it. If you don't kill it and keep it in your hands, there will be an expense. No matter how low the status of the slave is, the basic food needed for survival still needs to be provided. This expense will last for many years. Not small.

Just when the former slave merchant was considering whether to kill Howie directly, a turning point occurred. He met a colleague who was out of stock, so Howie was transferred to this colleague at a low price, and the takeover man was Ba Mogo.

The story has some twists and turns, but it cannot hide the fact that Howie is a smart and excellent hero.

This guy is very smart, very self-disciplined, and extremely indifferent to his own desires.

He was able to manage the tedious sharecropping tax for Viscount Ector for more than ten years. During this period, he was not only meticulous, but also never engaged in corruption. This was enough for his opponents to not find a single flaw in him for more than ten years. .

If it hadn't been for the viscount's youngest daughter who had fallen in love with her, this guy would have continued to serve in Goti Castle.

At this time, Haoyi saw Zong Shen keeping looking at him, and couldn't help but secretly said something bad.

He had observed Zong Shen's territory in the prison car. In his eyes, it was still a very basic armed settlement. It would take a lot of effort to form a village, not to mention becoming a state city or a castle.

The primitive accumulation of population is a process that takes time. Unless a large-scale kingdom war breaks out, it is not easy to accumulate enough population.

The opportunity for real great development is often when war breaks out. Only then can there be an opportunity to acquire a large number of people at once, and the number of refugees migrating in various ways will also increase greatly.

Therefore, this kind of territory is extremely lacking in basic labor force. This is a basic judgment he made.

Unexpectedly, Zong Shen took a liking to him at first sight, which also made Haoyi feel hesitant.

The surrounding arrow towers and the obviously abnormal ancient trees made him somewhat hesitant.

But Zong Shen didn't think so much. He pointed at Haoyi and looked at Bamogo.

"Mr. Bamogo, how do you sell this slave?"

Bamogo looked in the direction of his finger, and when he saw Zong Shenhaoyi, his face lit up with joy.

Good guy! This slave whose father didn't love his mother was finally noticed.

However, the joy on his face dimmed in an instant, for fear of offending Zong Shen.

After much deliberation, in order to further establish a partnership with Zong Shen, Bamogo decided to sell Howie to him at cost price and also told Zong Shen the true situation.

"Sir, this slave's name is Howie. He comes from the Nord Empire. He is 35 years old and in his prime."

"But this guy seems to have been stunned in the hands of Shang, the first slave."

"Now he only smiles and has no ability to work. Are you sure you want him?"

Bamogo is also a smart man. He chose to tell the truth in exchange for Zong Shen's favor with him.

Zong Shen nodded, with a faint smile on his face.

"Make a price, I'm attracted to him."

Although he didn't say much, Bamogo still saw the determination in his words.

"Okay, sir, I will sell him to you at cost price."

"When I received it, it was 350 dinars, which is common in mainland China. Including the food expenses during this period, you can just pay me 370 dinars."

Zong Shen smiled, narrowed his eyes, and nodded happily.

"Deal, let him go, he will be mine from now on."

"I still need to pick a few people and pay the bill together later."

He was in a good mood. 370 dinars was only a little more expensive than a prairie cow. It was a huge profit to get a qualified hero-level talent at such a low price!

Bamogo naturally had no objections. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he waved his hand cheerfully and asked the men behind him to open the prison car and roughly capture Howie.

Haoyi's figure is similar to Zong Shen's, but he is thinner than Zong Shen because of his long-term wandering and lack of food.

Zong Shen didn't mind that he was dirty, so he patted his shoulder and said something meaningful to him.

"Remember, today will be the turning point of your destiny. All the decisions you made in the past thirty-five years are not as good as my fancy for you today."

This Howie will be a new talent in the territory, providing leadership reserves for the population expansion in the near future.

After hearing this, Howie's silly expression on his face stopped slightly.

After Zong Shen finished speaking, he took out a piece of fine wheat bread from the storage compartment and handed it to him.

The third wolf cavalry team, which happened to be in charge of substitute patrol, was patrolling nearby. Zong Shen called them over, took out a set of casual clothes he had obtained from opening the treasure box before, and gave them to the wolf cavalry, and asked the boys to take Howie to take a bath. It's not like that when it's smelly.

The wolf cavalry took Howie away and prepared to take him to take a bath in the creek to the north of the territory.

Zong Shen continued to spin the prison car in circles.

One of the female slaves was a young female slave who turned out to be a mid-level tailor.

Her name is Alanna. She looks to be in her early twenties, but her tailoring skills have reached intermediate level. According to the guide, she will reach advanced tailoring at any time and is a rare talent.

In addition to tailoring skills, the slave girl named Alanna also masters primary magic technology and primary rune technology. In addition, although she is not a heroic talent, her charm attribute is as high as 30 points. These are all relatively abnormal. .

However, this slave named Alanna was extremely ugly, with an upturned nose, thick lips, small eyes, and a face full of freckles and stains. She was huddled in the corner, motionless.

When Zong Shen stood up and stared at her, he found that the guy actually trembled.

"Bamogo, now, I want this slave too."

Zong Shen smiled at the ugly Alanna. Buying slaves is indeed fun, and there is a sense of fun in picking up the missing. With the strategy module, he can fully discover some hidden talents. If there is a chance, Zong Shen is ready to go to Lentatus Try your luck at the slave market in the giant city.

This time, Bamogo had a strange expression on his face, and his eyes towards Zong Shen became a little unnatural. Most people would buy slave girls based on their appearance, but this one did have some skills.


"This slave girl's name is Alanna. She has good tailoring skills."

"Although her appearance is not pleasing, she is indeed a rare talent."

"Her price is more expensive than Howie, costing 1,000 mainland dinars."

Apparently Bamogo had done his homework on his slaves. Knowing that Alanna had a talent for tailoring, he raised a finger and quoted a price that was not cheap.

Zong Shen looked very proud, without even frowning, and nodded readily.

"Bring her down."

Upon hearing this, Bamogo asked his men to take Alana out of the prison car.

When she was led to Zong Shen's side, Alanna not only looked ugly, she also smelled extremely bad.

Zong Shen frowned slightly and called Luna.

"Luna, take this Alanna to take a bath."

"There are large wooden barrels in the empty room in the lord's courtyard, and small wooden barrels are used to hold some hot spring water."

"I'll go find Mariel by the way and lend her a set of clothes."

After Zong Shen finished speaking, he took the key Bamogo gave him and unlocked Alanna's chains.

Several huntresses dismounted the panther and walked over, taking Alanna into the lord's courtyard.

Now among the slaves, there is only one left who is suitable for Zong Shen.

But this one is special. He actually has a mission.

This is a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, with messy hair like a bird's nest, clear and clean eyes, and slightly dark skin on his face. In terms of appearance, among the three people selected by Zong Shen, he is the most normal one. .

His name is Quite, who comes from the east coast of the Kingdom of Avalon, the giant city of The Hague, and the Mona Village under the Glonas City. He is the son of the contemporary Mona village chief. All fishing boats in the village that can go to sea are controlled by his family. .

Mona Village is also a large village with a population of tens of thousands, almost as big as a smaller city. It is also one of the villages closest to the sea on the entire east coast. The sea is full of dangers, not only the extreme climate, but also the With terrifying sea monsters and cruel pirates, not all villages are willing to stand near the sea.

As long as the people of Mona Village have enough secrets to survive on the seaside, and their fishing boats can always avoid danger and bring back rich catches, the seafood they catch will be snapped up by various merchants and the royal family as soon as they land. The sea goods are frozen with frost gems, and then transported to major cities and imperial capitals by griffin beasts on a continuous and expedited journey.

Eventually it became the top delicacy on the tables of nobles and royal families.

The mission for Kuite is also very simple. The prompt just says that if you bring him back to Mona Village, you can gain the friendship of the village and the villagers, which will be of great help for future exploration in the East China Sea.

So Zong Shen also decided to keep him, no matter what, it would be okay to work with San Pang and the others. Now he would only complain that there are few people in his territory, and he would never complain that there are too many people.

As for the others, Zong Shen was not interested. They were either defeated troops of various small forces or some unlucky villagers. They had no added value and were not worth buying.

"I also bought this boy."

"Okay, I'll just stick with these three people."

Bamogo nodded and looked at Quite.

"Young boy Kuite is proficient in water and is in good health."

"It requires 700 continental general dinars."

"A total of 2,070 mainland dinars are needed for three people."

His men pulled Quint out of the prison van.

After Zong Shen heard the quotation, he directly took the money and gave it to Bamogo!

He has already made a lot of money this time!


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