Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 267: New defensive building, Tower Defense Little Prince Zongmou

Moreover, [Scorching Burning Staff (Rare)] also has a passive flame affinity skill, which can slightly enhance the fire damage. It can be regarded as a relatively unique staff.

Among the rare-level equipment available for selection, there are many that make Zong Shen very excited. Unfortunately, there are only three rare-level exchange places.

He is going to choose an equipment for himself in the remaining rare equipment slot. Now the leg armor and boots on his body are both of high quality. The [Emerald Green Leg Armor (green)] dug out when the leg armor first landed has attributes. Not bad, it should be the second-level standard equipment of the night elves.

The additional leather boots were obtained from the temple dungeon [Swift Leather Short Boots (Green)]. They accompanied Zong Shen for so many days and experienced various treks and various battles. The durability was almost worn out. Half done.

Zong Shenxian is not short of weapons. As a spell-oriented person, he already has a book of ten thousand methods. As a melee-oriented person, he also has several sets of equipment that can be used in different situations.

When exploring, when facing unknown enemies, he can use a shield-sword combination such as [Silver Shield (Blue)] and [Avalon Guard Sword (Blue)].

When cleaning up those mobs with average strength but a large number, he can use a brutal double-knife combination such as the [Slaying Broad-Blade Sword (Blue)] and the [Cruel Butcher's Knife (Blue)].

If he faces a powerful enemy, he also has powerful weapons such as [Broken Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Orange)] and [Broken Disaster War Spear (Orange)] to choose from. In addition, when facing some special situations He can also use [Aegwin's Book of All Laws (Orange)] to instantly transform into a thunder mage.

So Zong Shen did not lack powerful weapons when he got up. His current weapons were enough to cope with most situations, so he finally decided to choose a new pair of combat boots for himself to replace the pair of [Swift Leather Short Boots (Green) ], if I don’t change it this time, I’m afraid these boots will be scrapped in another seven or eight days.

After some selection, he chose a pair of boots with higher defense this time.

[Cyborg Combat Boots (Rare Level)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Leg protection: 35]

[Durability: 350]

[Passive skill: Cyborg lv5 (fracture probability reduced by 10%, trap damage reduced by 15%)

Toughness strengthening lv5 (toughness increased by 15%)]

(A piece of equipment that can improve your survival rate and allow you to deal with control-type skills more calmly)

After replacing this piece of equipment, Zong Shen's leg armor value is as high as 62 points. Now that limbs are prone to the effects of limb loss, it is necessary to improve the leg armor.

In addition, this piece of equipment also greatly increases many types of resistance, especially the improvement of toughness, which can reduce the effect and duration of enemy control skills.

After the three pieces of purple equipment were exchanged, Zong Shen exchanged 23 more [Sharp Prairie Sabers (Excellent)]. This time, priority was given to the wolf riders for equipment replacement. The 23 pieces plus the one replaced by Colby, There are exactly 24, which is enough to equip the second and third wolf cavalry teams. Currently, the third wolf cavalry team is only one person short of full strength.

The wolf cavalry currently has the largest number in the territory, has the highest fighting frequency, and has the most tasks. In addition, it is a melee type, so the battle consumption is also the largest. They should give priority to changing their equipment.

After redeeming these equipment, Zong Shen spent a total of 6,360 points, and now he has 48,369 points left. This time, his points are much more generous than the first time.

Zong Shen had enough confidence. After closing the [Weapons and Equipment] option, he opened the [Defense Blueprint].

This time, the defensive buildings provided internally are still available from levels 1 to 4, but there are many more types.

These extra items are all limited, and the purchase of the same type of defensive building is limited to 4 copies regardless of the level.

In the classification of defense towers, in addition to the most common [Elemental Arrow Tower] in the human race, there are also [Spell Tower], [Thunder Tower], [Moon Blade Tower], [Giant Crossbow Tower], [Holy Light] Tower], [Dead Soul Tower] and other unique defense towers.

In addition, there are a variety of defense towers with racial characteristics, such as the orcs’ [Armored Arrow Tower] series, the undead’s [Ghost Tower] series, the elves’ [Tree Guardian] series, and the goblin’s [Magic Tower] ] series, the [Rune Tower] series of the dwarf clan, and the [Tower of Chaos] series classified as the demon clan.

Each has its own characteristics and is generally very balanced. For example, the [Tower of Chaos] series rented by Demons all attack with chaos attributes that ignore armor, but the attack speed is very impressive, with one attack every 20 seconds. The frequency makes it not as powerful as imagined.

Another example is the Goblin's [Magic Tower] series. Their attack speed and range are pretty good, but their power is only average compared to other types of defense towers at the same level. In addition, each attack requires additional consumption of magic energy. .

The Orcs’ [Armored Arrow Tower] series has frighteningly high building sturdiness and armor values. The fourth-level [Armored Archer Tower] even comes with a 15% physical spike counter-injury effect, which is of the blood-cow type. Defense tower, but many other attributes are relatively mediocre.

The [Ghost Tower] of the undead has a high attack speed and a very fast attack speed, but the attack requires the consumption of the undead death energy. Only when it is built in a place with strong undead death energy can it be powerful. However, the undead death energy can only be used by living beings occasionally. There is no problem with one contact. If exposed for a long time, the vitality will gradually be lost and transformed into undead. After all, this thing can transform even corpses into undead.

The [Rune Tower] of the dwarf clan requires a dedicated person to operate it, but other than that, its attributes are average in all aspects, neither low nor high.

Among the defense towers of the racial series, the human race’s [Elemental Arrow Tower] series is considered a relatively balanced one. In addition, Zong Shen’s elite race’s [Tree Spirit Guardian] series and the demon race’s [Tower of Chaos] series Are quite interested.

Zong Shen also took a look at the other special defense towers. Needless to say, the [Spell Tower] has random spell attacks. The complete architectural drawings of the [Spell Tower] in the exchange are all filled with three series of runes by default.

[Thunder Tower] is also a full series of defense towers. The attack is a group of chain lightning magic. The chain lightning can bounce around the target, up to five targets, causing 121~124 points of magic damage, and is paralyzed for 0.75 seconds. The effect is that the attack frequency is relatively long, reaching 25 seconds, and the range is not far. Even the range of the [Fourth-level Thunder Tower] is only 500 meters, and the first-level one is only 350 meters.

But even so, the damage efficiency is still considerable, especially when faced with a large group of enemies. One round of chain lightning can cause a total damage of 605~620 points.

[Moon Blade Tower] As the name suggests, the attack method is to launch a huge moon blade that can be ejected. It can eject up to five times. The damage will be reduced by 25% each time. It also has an armor-piercing effect, reducing the enemy's damage by 15%. The armor value lasts for 10 seconds, and the attack frequency is once every 15 seconds. It is much lower than [Thunder Tower], but much higher than the ordinary [Elemental Arrow Tower], and has a longer range. [Level 4 Moon] Blade Tower] has a range of 1250 meters, and the first level is 500 meters.

It is also a group attack tower, suitable for matching with [Thunder Tower], so that physical attacks and magic attacks can complement each other, coordinate with far and near, and kill in steps.

[Giant Crossbow Tower] belongs to the type of huge damage. [Level 4 Giant Crossbow Tower] has a range of up to 4000 meters and can launch a giant crossbow with 188~191 points of piercing damage. The giant crossbow can hit up to three enemy targets. , the damage is reduced by 30% each time. In addition, the damage value of the giant crossbow to siege machinery and buildings can be increased by 30%. The attack frequency is also once every 15 seconds. In addition, the giant crossbow tower can enter [sniper mode] to manually select the target, and the hit rate It gradually decreases from near to far.

This range can basically cover the back row of the enemy's front line and attack the magic mechas and siege machines brought by the enemy. It has super high piercing attack power and additional damage bonus to mechanical units and construction units. It is a highly targeted arrow tower.

As for the [Holy Light Tower], which is a semi-auxiliary defense tower, the [Level 4 Holy Light Tower] will drop a lv20 holy light to heal every 30 seconds, healing 10 allies within a 500-meter range, and the total recovery will be within 10 seconds. With 800 points of health, if there are undead enemies within the range, it will cause a total of 800 points of holy light damage to 10 undead enemies within the range.

This is equivalent to having a fixed high priest. The total amount of healing and recovery per minute can reach 1600 points. It also has an additional killing effect on undead enemies. In fierce battles, it can improve a lot of combat endurance.

As for [Necromancer Tower], it is also quite special. The only special attack effect is to summon skeletons. [Level 4 Necromancer Tower] has a lv20 summoning skeleton skill, which can randomly summon four lv20 skeleton warriors/archers/mages. The frequency of summoning is one minute, and the duration of skeletons is ten minutes, which means that up to 40 skeletons can be stacked.

How should I say this defensive tower? It is also auxiliary. The output power depends entirely on the summons. The damage value is not stable. Moreover, when encountering powerful expulsion magic, it will have a great impact on the summons. But on the other hand, Summoned objects also have their advantages, such as being able to withstand damage, being brave and fearless of death, and being able to share the pressure on the front line.

Zong Shen was overwhelmed with so many new types of defense towers. In addition to defense towers, there were also many other defensive buildings.

For example, [Poison-Quenching Gill Net], [Ice Trap], [Goblin Mine], [Tough Trip Horse Rope], [Iron Caltrops], [Heavy Bear Trap] and other auxiliary defense items.

Now, Zong Shen has to make a good choice. Each special arrow tower has a limited purchase. No matter which level you buy, there are only 4 places in total. There is no purchase limit for racial towers, and you can get them every day. .

For example, there are elemental arrow towers in Zong Shen's territory, and armored arrow towers with orcish characteristics in Aze's territory.

So this time Zong Shen targeted those special arrow towers for redemption.

The redemption price for all Tier 4 Arrow Towers is 3500 points.

After some thought, Zong Shen determined the exchange list this time.

He exchanged two [Thunder Towers], three [Moon Blade Towers], two [Giant Crossbow Towers], three [Holy Light Towers], and one [Dead Soul Tower], a total of eleven special arrow towers. The fourth level can be redeemed in one step. The corresponding upgrade drawings for this special arrow tower are difficult to obtain, unlike racial arrow towers that have obvious regional characteristics.

Upgrading in the future is a troublesome thing, so Zong Shen directly chose to exchange for the fourth level. It will not be outdated in the future, and they are all complete buildings, saving the effort of collecting materials.

He did not redeem other auxiliary defensive building items, which cost a total of 38,500 points.

Now he still has 9869 points. After redeeming eleven fourth-level special arrow towers, Zong is definitely a well-deserved little prince of tower defense. He is constantly moving towards his ideal goal of turning a fortress into a giant city. Forward!

After closing the classification option of [Defense Drawings], Zong Shen opened [Auxiliary Props].

There are a large number of healing items in this category, as well as various props for keeping warm from the cold, cooling down and relieving the heat.

This time Zong Shen had a rich pocket and full confidence. He first bought 100 copies of [Ordinary Hemostatic Bandage] at a cost of 1,500 points. In recent battles, this thing has been a frequently used item.

Then he bought 10 more [Healing Guards] and spent 1,000 points.

In addition, he also spent 300 points to buy 5 [Anti-Poison Pills] and 500 points to buy 5 bottles of [Healing Powder]. Among the auxiliary props, Zong Shen consumed a total of 2,800 points.

Now Zong Shen still has 6569 points left. Zong Shen plans to keep these points to try his luck in the [Points Lottery]. You can draw less in this lottery, but you can't not draw!

After picking and choosing, there are still three minutes left in the stop time, which is enough for Zong Shen to play several times. I don’t know if there are any new changes in this lottery.

Zong Shen turned off the [auxiliary props] and opened the [Points Lottery] option.

【Exciting roulette draw】

[Consume 500/1000 points to rotate the pointer and draw a random item]

[The roulette lottery does not limit the upper and lower limits of rewards, nor does it limit the types of rewards]

[A new lottery with 1000 points level is added, which greatly increases the reward offline and reduces the probability of winning useless items]

[The higher the quality and the rarer the items, the lower the chance of extracting them]

[(Click to select the point level to be consumed and start drawing)]

(Well, it’s time for gamblers’ feast again. This time, a brand new slot has been added. It’s not bad to try your luck. After all, the prize pool of this lottery is almost unlimited. If you are lucky, you can get some things that have long been extinct.)

The points lottery notes are still so tempting. Zong Shen did it several times last time, but he also got one or two interesting things.

Now there are eleven powerful special fourth-level defense towers to protect the territory, which can basically ensure that everything is foolproof.

This time, he was going to spend all the more than 6,000 points left, and it was all about character and heartbeat!


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